National Tide 1980

Chapter 594 Luxury Cars

This news and these few words spread to the ears of stamp dealers outside the Workers' Stadium in a very short period of time.

Therefore, the stamp sellers outside the stadium no longer do business, and their first reaction is to go and see for themselves whether the situation is true.

When they found out that there was indeed someone standing on the roadside holding a sign made of cardboard and accepting a full page of stamps for ten yuan, their hearts beat wildly.

Because just now they were selling it for seven or eight yuan a copy, thinking they were cutting others off.

Unexpectedly, now it seems that I am the one who is the one doing the losing business.

Some people reacted quickly and immediately ran forward to ask for a transaction.

As a result, the dozens of copies he carried were confiscated on the spot.

The owner who received the goods took out a large stack of stamps from his arms, counted dozens of stamps according to the edition, and was very happy to receive the money in good condition.

Now, no one had any doubts in their minds, and no one could beat their chests and taste the bitterness of selling the stamps by mistake.

Everyone rushed forward as if they were drunk.

No one wanted to fall behind and rushed to send their own stamps.

If nothing else, if this master only has such a mess on his body, wouldn’t those who are lagging behind be stupid?

If you have an advantage, don't take advantage of the bastard. If you are quick, you will have it, but if you are slow, you will not.

But no one expected that this owner was really "rich" and the situation was much better than everyone expected.

Thirty-three editions...fifty-six editions...twenty-one editions...forty-eight editions...forty-two editions...fifty editions...the person receiving the goods didn't even blink. Yes, eat them all one by one.

People are taking out piles of money from their arms.

Until I got to seventh place, I met a stamp dealer who wanted to sell sixty editions of stamps.

This "money" finally showed signs of running out of funds.

The master counted clearly and found that there were only twenty-eight bills left in his hand. He sighed and failed to take out a new pile of bills from his body.

This made the stamp seller, who was waiting to count the money, change from joy to sadness.

Such a contrast is not difficult to understand.

Although it is a good thing, half of the fat meat is left in a big bite. What else can you think?

Not to mention that there are still people who are thinking about taking away what little meat he has.

I heard a voice from behind shouting, "Take it from me, brother. I have thirty editions, and I don't want any more. I'll give you the money in your hand."

This is great, one guy lowered his price, and others followed suit.

"No, just accept it from me, I have version thirty-two!"

"Brother, I am version thirty-five!"

In the blink of an eye, the price dropped to seven or eight yuan per edition.

I was so angry with the stamp seller who wanted to sell the sixty-fourth edition that I couldn't help but curse him when I turned around.

"Hey, you guys are in such trouble! You are so sincere in destroying me! What did you do just now? There are no one as ruthless as you!"

The last few think they can't get their turn, and they are annoyed.

What's more, who is good-tempered if he can do this when he walks on the streets every day?

As soon as they heard that it had a dirty word, some people immediately became dissatisfied.

"Grandson! Why are you talking to me? You, your bastard, beat your bastard!"

"It's just that your parents didn't teach you how to speak. I'm going to destroy you today, so I'll just defeat you!"

"Si Qing, I have long disliked you. How many of our brothers can make it impossible for you to sell even a single one of yours, do you believe it?"

Seeing that a good thing is about to turn bad, it's time to start a group fight.

However, at this time, something happened that all stamp dealers did not expect.

The owner who received the goods actually intervened, and his tone was unimaginably arrogant.

"Hey, look at your little potential, it's nothing. Are you going to sell it or not? If you want to sell it, don't make any noise and just wait. I'll take all your goods. It only takes a few minutes. It will take a while." I’ll give you the money.”

After saying that, he walked across the street, and then something even more surprising happened.

The ticket sellers watched as this man walked up to a black car and knocked on the car window.

The dark windows at the back of the car were lowered.

The owner lowered his head and said a few words, then handed in the whole package of stamps he had just collected.

Almost at the same time, a pair of hands stretched out and gave him three more stacks of "Great Unity"!

Okay! Another three stacks!

And the knowledgeable person recognized that the car was actually a brand new Crown!

None of these boys are hostile to each other anymore.

Although they were still glaring at each other on the surface, their eyes looked at each other with profound meaning. In fact, they were both shocked.

Now, every one of them is in a very complicated mood.

One is regretting the internal strife between them just now.

There is absolutely no need to kill each other. Isn't it appropriate for them to cut themselves up like melons?

Secondly, I can’t imagine who this person is, who can actually drive such a nice car to collect stamps!

This is good, it was obviously ten yuan, but it became seven or eight yuan. It was so unfair!

But who dares to go back on his word?

No one is stupid, just rush into this car and you will know that this master is unfathomable.

To be honest, people like them are feeling lost at this time, and it’s collective.

It was like several of them holding hands and jumping down from the top of a high building together with their eyes closed...

However, when things got to this point, there was a twist.

Soon, the few of them discovered that their loss and disappointment were all caused by nothing.

Because after the owner came back with the money, he said a bold statement that would be remembered by them for a lifetime.

"Don't ask for seven or eight yuan. It's hard to calculate. Trouble! If you say ten yuan, it's ten yuan. Let's make a lantern for my nephew."

What a guy! What is a cow? This is a cow!

When these boys heard this sentence, they were so beautiful that their frustrations were swept away. They really wanted to call them uncle on the spot!

So from here on, the real craziness at the Tiangong Ti stamp sales site begins!

This group of stamp sellers outside the Workers' Stadium are still anxious to get up and down once they sell out their goods.

Everyone knew that they should seize the moment and use their talents to convey the news to their colleagues in the workers' body.

"Ten yuan per edition! No haggling at all! If there is something in stock, I'll take it!"

"Damn it, driving a Crown to collect stamps! One for the east gate, one for the north gate, as many as you want!"

"Hey, it doesn't matter which temple this god is from! You'd better give me the goods first, hurry up!"

"That's right, I told you that I won't be able to stay for long. I'll leave when all the money is spent! You're so quick..."

As for the news and the great unity in their hands, the stamp dealers inside were also very excited and excited.

Just like that, the situation at the stamp site took a 180-degree turn.

As long as the stamp dealers know the news, they will be unable to get in from here.

Some stamp dealers even fell into the trap because they got the news too late.

I was unjustly accused of having all the goods taken away by my colleagues at a price of seven to eight yuan.

It was too late to regret it until I suddenly realized it, and I was beating my chest and stamping my feet.

If there are many people, we can go back and talk.

If you are a straggler, you can only consider yourself unlucky and suffer the loss of this backward information.

Of course, all the stamp sellers must have stopped hanging around behind the queue.

They all rushed to the front in a hurry, looking for people with stamp collecting certificates to chat.

what's the topic?

It's very simple. They directly offer to collect stamps from these people, saying that they can pay them seven yuan for bringing out a full-page stamp.

It doesn't matter if you don't bring enough money. The stamp dealer has money and can put it in advance.

If anyone is willing to give up two full pages, the stamp dealer will even give away loose stamps for free.

Needless to say, some people originally planned to buy less, but at this time they are certainly willing to make some extra money.

But this kind of transaction will not go smoothly, because horizontal competition is everywhere, especially in the speculative market where money can be made quickly.

If you give me seven yuan, I will give you seven and a half. If you give me a double coupon, I will give you a four-party coupon.

Don't leave yet, as long as you dare to leave, I can go over.

Then one can imagine what the order at the sales site in this workers' body will be like, right?

It's really a crazy situation, and there will be no peace of mind!

Who makes money move people's hearts, and it is still visible and tangible.

With money within reach, these stamp dealers will naturally try their best to move around.

Even if you lose your head and blood, you must win this war for wealth.

As a result, almost every stamp dealer went crazy. Their combat effectiveness was instantly reported, and almost all of them stimulated their potential.

But at the same time, philatelic companies, as sellers, not only feel the pressure to maintain order, but also feel the pressure on sales to double.

You know, in the past, not everyone with a stamp card bought two editions.

It was with this in mind that the manager of the philatelic company dared to ensure that everyone could buy stamps in public.

But things are different now, because stamp dealers have begun to hire people to carry goods, and more and more stamps are sold in two editions.

Seeing that the full-page tickets for the Year of the Rat are being sold like a flurry, the people in the philatelic company can't be impatient.

But there is no point in rushing, because the current situation is that the people of the stamp company, with four to five hundred people versus twenty thousand, have no spare capacity to do more things.

They are like being in a big wooden boat that is leaking everywhere, just trying to patch up the holes and trying to survive.

And as long as you are not careful, the scene can really become chaotic.

This is a vicious cycle in which lack of organizational experience leads to inability to do what one can.

The only thing they can do is carry it.

You have to resist for at least one and a half hours, until lunch time.

Then there is a legitimate reason to suspend sales and think of countermeasures.

So amid the surging crowds and the gnashed attention of the philatelic company manager, the Year of the Rat zodiac stamps were bought one by one with extremely high efficiency, and were delivered to two cars at the East Gate and North Gate. inside.

Looking back at the scenery in the two Crown cars, it is another picture of comfort and relaxation.

Just like the Crown car in the east gate, Ning Weimin, sitting in the cab, turned on the heater, drank tea, smoked, and chatted with two older company executives, Manager Sha and Qi Yanjun. .

The two men were also holding their own thermos cups and drinking hot coffee that had been filled in advance.

They looked at the noisy scenery outside and felt extremely relaxed and at ease. In fact, it would be most accurate to say that they were gloating about their misfortune.

"Hey, look, they're quarreling again! These people are really a mess! Look at how cold they are, but they still have the energy to do something."

Probably because collecting the stamps went smoothly, Qi Yanjun's face turned red and he was extremely excited.

Seeing the conflict between the two stamp dealers, he even got into gambling.

"Hey, tell me, who can take the stamps and exchange them for money in the end? How about I bet the short guy, ten yuan? Who bets with me?"

Ning Weimin smiled and said nothing, and Manager Sha glanced at him.

"Lao Qi, that's too much. Don't you have any sympathy? They are all pitiful. You know how high we plan to raise the stamps, just this group of people will definitely cry to death."

Qi Yanjun couldn't help laughing. "You old Sha, you still say that you are the worst one. I'm going to tell them what's going on and beat you to death with a single punch."

Then he faced Ning Weimin again, "I didn't expect it would be so easy to collect stamps. Manager Ning, your idea is too clever."

"Sign up with a sign, and those who are willing will take the bait. These stamp dealers came here looking for something interesting, and like ants moving, they brought us the full page of stamps we need."

"I originally thought it would be a lot of trouble. It would be messy to catch everything and just ask. I thought, there is no way you two guys can handle it. I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. "

"But I have a question. Those stamp dealers were willing to lower their prices just now. Why do you insist on charging ten yuan? Can't we lower the cost? You don't need to set a price benchmark so early. Bar?"

This is a standard corporate white-collar conversation pattern: praise first and then question.

Say a few nice words and then make a different sound so as not to offend others.

Ning Weimin patiently explained, "There is no way, we are in a hurry. In pursuit of high efficiency, we must have high rewards. If we bargain with them, then this matter will be slow."

"Stamps are easy to get at the beginning. If they are not motivated enough, we will be able to collect fewer stamps. Wouldn't it be a waste of prime time."

"And they may also think about why we are stocking up in such a big way. Then when they react, will we still receive the goods? In fact, this is a short-term and quick matter."

"According to my estimation, by noon at the latest, someone will understand this matter. By then, no one will be looking at the bait we threw out, and these ticket dealers will be more active if they have money in their hands. Yes. Believe it or not, someone will turn around and grab goods from us in the afternoon."

"Oh!" Lao Qi slapped his thigh, "I understand, so let's just spend these few hours attracting goods. I admire you!"

As soon as he said this, Manager Sha couldn't help but agree.

"That's not the only thing he's smart about. Did you see that, as soon as this Crown car stops here, our money and goods will be safe. No matter what happens inside, it has nothing to do with us. It's just that someone came here, and there are clothes The people in official uniforms want to investigate this matter. When they see this car, they have a sudden shock in their hearts. They don’t dare to ask us. Is that right? Weimin?"

Qi Yanjun suddenly realized at this time, "Let me tell you, Manager Ning has a car of his own and doesn't need it. He has to borrow two such awesome cars. How can he be so kind?"

Ning Weimin quickly agreed, "It's Manager Sha who won the prize. My little trick couldn't be hidden from his eyes. Anyway, the car is under Tan Gong's name. I can borrow it for the weekend without any trouble. The key is still the car." There are not many facilities, and the seats are comfortable. I will work hard for you and help me take care of the money and stamps. Naturally, I cannot wrong you."

There is actually a lot hidden in Ning Weimin's words.

Because in fact, he not only needs to hide in the car to hide his true identity, but also has the intention to use the easy-to-identify characteristics of the two cars to form a visual totem symbol. When the market reaches a climax in the future, reasonable use will have miraculous effects.

But he was unwilling to explain these methods in detail to the two partners.

Unexpectedly, Manager Sha, although he could not see through these, found other loopholes in his words.

Said without complaint.

"Come on, how comfortable are you? You're the only one who can smoke in this car. We both have to hold it in. Is that fair?"

These words made Ning Weimin couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, there's nothing you can do about it. One of you is in charge of the stamp box, and the other is in charge of the money box. It's your duty. If there's a fire, it's not a joke. How about you come to my passenger seat to smoke... …”

Manager Sha and Qi Yanjun couldn't help but be very moved, but at this moment, the window was knocked again.

It's Luo Guangliang.

He lowered his head, sent in another two hundred stamps, and took away three thousand yuan in cash.

This time, God was not in favor, and Manager Sha and Qi Yanjun both had something to do.

In order to keep accounts, I had no choice but to endure my addiction to smoking again.

Seeing their expressions, Ning Weimin was extremely proud.

I laughed to myself, then turned on the tape recorder, put my hands behind my head and enjoyed it.

It just so happened that the songs on the radio seemed to be specially sung for him. It was so appropriate for the occasion.

"Ah - peony, the most colorful among the flowers, ah - peony, the most spectacular in the land of fragrances. Some people say you are charming, but your charming life is not so full. Some people say you are rich, but who knows that you have experienced poverty... "

Yes, he is Peony among people who have experienced poverty.

The Workers' Stadium was the place where he began to blossom, create the myth of the postal market, and start his own legend.

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