National Tide 1980

Chapter 595 A great harvest

On February 12, 1984, the Philatelic Corporation held a sales event for Year of the Rat zodiac tickets at the Workers' Stadium, which finally came to an end in a suspenseful manner.

Because the order continued to deteriorate that day, the person in charge of the Philatelic Corporation had to ask the public security department for help in the afternoon and dispatched hundreds of police officers to help maintain law and order.

But even so, sales were much faster than expected.

The 46,000 stamps originally planned to be sold over two or three Sundays were exhausted by 5 p.m. that day.

Even the remaining number is not enough to satisfy the needs of the remaining hundreds of customers who did not buy stamps.

Therefore, for these customers, the general manager of the philatelic company can only give orders and let them go away disappointed.

He asked his subordinates to tell customers that if they still wanted to buy, they could only make a reservation on the same day and wait for notification from the philatelic company's sales department to pick up the stamps.

In this way, the big manager barely kept the promise he made.

But in fact, it is self-awareness of suffering.

Who allowed him to exceed his plan and sell hundreds more editions.

To do this, he had to specifically ask his superiors for instructions, and he needed to transfer some from the sales departments in local cities.

Needless to say, the local newspapers in the capital and the professional "Philately" magazine on that day all reported on this majestic and crowded scene.

Fortunately, this time, in addition to once again calling on the postal department to carry out more scientific management and guidance, to solve the problem of difficulty in purchasing zodiac stamps.

These print media finally gave the postal department some face, and their reports contained more positive affirmation and understanding.

For example, the Beijing Evening News claimed, "People who come to the Workers' Stadium to buy stamps for the Year of the Rat include not only intellectuals, but also workers, the People's Liberation Army, young pioneers wearing red scarves, young middle school students, college students wearing school badges, and some with gray hair. Old people. The number of philatelic enthusiasts in Beijing is really unexpected."

The "Philately" magazine paid more attention to the epoch-making significance of this event, saying, "The truly popular era in the history of our country's philately has arrived! The stamp sales site in Workers' Stadium on February 12, 1984 can be regarded as a sign of the arrival of a new era!" "

The article also lists and compares the changes in relevant data in recent years.

According to published data, there were only more than 100,000 registered members of philatelic associations across the country in 1980.

Today, this number has grown to more than four million people.

The number of unregistered stamp collectors nationwide has increased from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions.

After this day, even a certain senior official was alarmed by the sales data of Gongti.

There are rumors that the tickets for the Year of the Rat were sold out in one day, with nearly 300,000 yuan sold. Together with other unsalable stamps, the single-day turnover of the Workers' Stadium has exceeded 330,000 yuan.

The adult couldn't help but exclaimed on the spot, "Has the sale of stamps become wholesale? In the past, stamp collectors were fine just buying a double sheet and a four-part sheet. Why do people now buy the whole page?"

A few days later, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications made a decision on this matter.

It was announced that in order to alleviate the problem of queues for new stamps purchased by people in the capital, the Philatelic Corporation will open a new stamp booking business in Beijing.

Stamp exhibitions are held regularly, and a stamp exchange market is held every Sunday at the entrance of the People's Cultural Palace.

This is enough to prove that this so-called "grapevine" is not groundless.

What's more, there is no doubt that Ning Weimin and his speculator partners must have gained a lot since this matter caused so much noise.

Nowadays, who can use cars to trade stamps like these evil-minded bastards?

Of the 100,000 yuan they brought, they spent more than 80,000 yuan in one day, absorbing more than 8,000 editions.

This means that so far, the public chips belonging to their group have reached 24,000.

They still have 60,000 yuan in available funds.

If you count the fifteen thousand copies that Ning Weimin secretly sent Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao to "fight" from Shanghai and Huacheng.

The chips they actually control already account for nearly 15% of the total issuance of Year of the Rat zodiac tickets.

In this case, if we exclude the 50% that has settled in the hands of real collectors, the stamp dealers' subsequent chips to follow suit, and the part that was accidentally consumed.

This means that they already own more than 30% of the actual circulation.

This ratio of chips is enough to shake things up even in the stock market, let alone disturb the regional stamp market in Beijing.

There is no doubt that they have achieved absolute control.

In particular, Ning Weimin knew very clearly that compared with stocks, stamp speculation had an obvious advantage.

That is, stamp speculation is more subjective and less normative.

It is easy to incite people's emotions to follow the trend, and it can rise more than ten times or dozens of times, and no one will care if the price rises to the sky.

Moreover, there is no transaction fee at all when doing reverse transactions.

Therefore, it can be said that at this point, most of the paving has been done.

All that's left is to seize the opportunity and build momentum to increase the price.

And for such a good opportunity, Ning Weimin and the others did not have to wait any longer.

Three days after the end of the Worker's Day, before the Lantern Festival, the Year of the Rat zodiac tickets started to increase rapidly due to the shortage of supplies.

In just a week or so, the price of a single "rat" soared from 10 cents to 12 cents.

Compared with the national issue price, this has a profit margin of nearly 50%.

The four-party couplet of "Rat" has become 50 cents, and the price of a full-page ticket is as high as 12 yuan.

This means that Ning Weimin and others have a collective surplus of 48,000.

Besides, it was impossible for Ning Weimin not to do something, so Luo Guangliang gave Luo Guangliang a few thousand dollars to test the waters.

Scattered in the small market in front of the Hepingmen business department, it was easy to get the full page price of the mouse to 13 yuan.

With ten of them working together, each of them earned 7,200 yuan a week.

Although Ning Weimin thought it was nothing, Manager Sha and the others were crazy about it.

To them, all of this seemed like a dream.

It’s so easy to get money!

This is better than the double salary at the end of the year. It is equivalent to two years of double salary. How can that not be beautiful?

But this is actually nothing.

Don’t forget, the zodiac tickets are a series of themes and are interconnected.

The rat votes are at the bottom.

As soon as the mouse moves, the pigs will follow suit, and then the cocks will crow, the dogs will bark, and the monkeys will jump to the sky!

Just this little increase of the Rat is not impressive enough when compared with other zodiac signs.

Because any other zodiac ticket will rise higher than it!

The price of a pig increased from 1.5 yuan to 1.8 yuan, the price of a dog went from just over 6 yuan to 7 yuan, the price of a chicken flew up to 15.5 yuan, and the monkey passed the 70 mark with a single somersault.

Zodiac stamps are all full of momentum!

This is called true fantasy.

It is true that a mouse attains enlightenment, and a chicken or a dog ascends to heaven!

Therefore, Ning Weimin, unlike Mr. Sha and others, just watched the Year of Rat stamps go up and had fun.

At most, I can take care of the pigs and dogs at the same time.

Ning Weimin is so otherworldly, he is not on the same level as them at all.

At this time, his favorite immoral thing is to "monkey steal peaches" - taking his loose monkey stamps and going to the market to exchange them for other people's rare stamps.

So, if compared with Ning Weimin, who has an abacus in his heart, what are the people who are dumping treasury bills these days?

Yang Wanwan?

That's just a miserable person who earns a small amount of money by running errands.

It's a petty profit, nothing worth mentioning.

But conversely, it must be said that as Ning Weimin's speculation business became more and more lively, the misunderstanding for Zhang Shihui gradually worsened and became more and more troublesome.

It wasn't for the money, the key was the feeling of becoming more and more alienated from Ning Weimin, which made Zhang Shihui uncomfortable.

Think about it, the Spring Festival has passed, and the excitement of the tobacco and alcohol business has begun to cool down. Zhang Shihui now basically guards the "Tan Palace" and comes to work at a fixed time every day.

But he couldn't see Ning Weimin all day long, and the person who mainly managed the restaurant for Ning Weimin was Du Yang, so he would inevitably have self-doubt about being left out.

So after the Spring Festival, this guy has a tendency to change his gender.

Every day, he becomes a gossip like a resentful woman, even more nagging than his pregnant wife.

No matter what you do at home, you have to say Ning Weimin.

"Hey, wife, you said this kid brought me over to help him. But if someone else is in charge of the restaurant, what will happen to me? I am just a decoration. Hmm, tell me, should I quit this job? Are you going to continue running my business?"

Or, "Humph, you won't be involved in stamp speculation this time. That's okay. Then I won't be involved in making money."

"Daughter-in-law, do you know? My customers in Mianyang have actually made TVs. They will come to Beijing for business recently, and they can't do without my help. They said they can sell me ten sets for one thousand yuan at an internal discount. .Is it a good thing?"

"But do you think we should split the money with Ning Weimin? Shouldn't we tell him? Anyway, I feel that I am being unjust if he is unkind..."

Liu Weijing was so afraid of him that he begged him.

"Oh, thank you, Manager Zhang. Can you just not mention Ning Weimin for one day? My brain hurts when I hear you talk about him. Can you think of it for the sake of our children? What do you want to do to him? Opinion, you should talk to him directly. You are torturing my spirit behind my back, what the hell are you doing..."

To put it bluntly, Liu Weijing's anger is a bit similar to the feeling of Guanyin wanting to kill Tang Monk in "Journey to the West".

But it's interesting to say that, despite Zhang Shihui's nagging, it seems that he is already rushing to cut ties with Ning Weimin.

However, it is easy to appease this kid.

Just one meal can make the two of them reconcile as before.

Even Ning Weimin didn't know that Zhang Shihui was so upset and had so much resentment against him during this period.

Being completely kept in the dark, I smoothed out this kid's hair.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, it was about a little after 11 noon.

Zhang Shihui is at work, inspecting the food preparation work and preparing to open the business to welcome customers.

Unexpectedly, the next call came from Ning Weimin, asking him to come to Beishen Kitchen as soon as possible.

On the phone, he was also asked to bring two fire extinguishers, a pot, two bags of charcoal, some pickles and seasonings from the restaurant's storehouse, and said he would be there in ten minutes.

Zhang Shihui thought it was just an errand.

In fact, I felt quite unhappy, and I wanted to ask a waiter to deliver it to me.

Then I thought about it, there were too many things and it was too complicated. If Ning Weimin wanted to accompany some important person, it would not be appropriate if it would delay the matter.

In this way, I still made a trip by myself and drove the pickup truck in directly from the north gate of the Temple of Heaven.

Unexpectedly, when I went to the place, I discovered that there were actually tables set up in the courtyard of Beishen Chef.

The people sitting under the sun, besides Ning Weimin, were Kang Shude, Zhang Dashao, Luo Guangliang, and Sun Wufu.

They are all people who are very familiar with each other.

On the contrary, there is no one in a high position, not even the leader of the Temple of Heaven Park.

Zhang Shihui was curious, "Hey, why are everyone here gathering together? What kind of food is this?"

Ning Weimin was happy at that time, "What are we going to eat? Of course it's the Lantern Festival. Look, there are no outsiders, just waiting for you..."

As a result, just this sentence made Zhang Shihui's heart feel warm.

"But I...I'm still working? Isn't it appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate? There's Du Yang in the restaurant. Can't you just let him keep an eye on you? You have a day off today, I said. After this meal, you go home and go to bed early."

Well, after hearing these words, Zhang Shihui is simply beautiful.

Only then did he realize that his status was truly transcendent.

Yes, he is different from Du Yang.

No matter how powerful and powerful the master is, he is just a simple subordinate of Ning Weimin.

So there was no need to say anything else. The boy happily moved the things he brought in and got busy.

And he was very proactive, leaving everything about the TV to Ning Weimin.

Look, is it easy?

People live with one intention, this is absolutely true.

As for why this meal had to be eaten at Beishen Kitchen, there is a special reason, and it can also be applied to this sentence.

This is a meal that Kang Shude and Zhang Dashao came up with during a casual chat a few days ago.

Because of the cold weather, the two of them talked about pastimes in the capital during the winter, and their conversation turned to the barbecue in the capital.

The more we talked, the more interested and wild he became, which almost made Ning Weimin stupid.

He took the initiative and said, just bring the barbecue utensils you two mentioned, and we can have a meal at the Temple of Heaven Beishen Kitchen.

The house happened to have just been repaired there, and the yard was tidy. The most important thing was the forest of the Temple of Heaven, which was full of pine branches and pine towers.

I'll say hello to the park and let's just take fire prevention measures, okay?

Could it be bad? Just like that, the two old men thought that it was almost the Lantern Festival anyway, so they might as well have a meal like this to celebrate the festival.

So Ning Weimin invested money, and "Zhang Dashao" bought meat and cooked it, and prepared household items.

The pots and charcoal that Zhang Shihui brought that day were temporarily in short supply after Ningwei civilians used jeeps to transport everyone's supplies.

What Zhang Shihui saw when he arrived was a big table in the courtyard.

There is a square iron stove on the table, which is heated with pine twig charcoal and a pure iron "Tu Zhi Zi" is placed on top of the stove.

There is a small table next to it, which is full of various meats, so that when he comes, they can be grilled and eaten together.

The most amazing thing is that the chopsticks used by everyone are not ordinary things.

He actually took apart a pot pat made of "arrow bamboo" and used the disassembled river reed pole as chopsticks.

Not to mention Zhang Shihui was dumbfounded by this scene.

In fact, for someone like Ning Weimin who has cooked skewers, eaten Japanese barbecue, Korean barbecue, and BBQ, and thinks he is well-informed, this is also his first experience.

Sun Wufu didn't even know how to eat it or how to eat it.

As a result, they looked like they had never seen the world, which immediately amused the two old men.

Fortunately, "Zhang Dashao" greeted him, "Brother, you should come and tell them. Otherwise, these little ones won't even be able to use chopsticks."

Kang Shude temporarily taught everyone a lesson, which really made all the juniors present gain insights.

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