National Tide 1980

Chapter 598: There is a way to admit defeat

This impromptu "battle of tricks" between Ning Weimin and "Zhang Dashao" once again explained a truth.

Industry specializing in surgery!

In life, you can never challenge other people's majors with your own amateurism.

A hobby is a hobby. Using your hobby to challenge others' eating skills will basically lead to no return.

Needless to say, the result of Ning Weimin's dare to offend "Zhang Dashao" this time was not surprising at all.

Once again, he himself became a joke.

Even Zhang Shihui, who had been advocating for him just now, was a little disappointed and couldn't raise his head.

Who told this kid to talk too much and jump up and down?

All of a sudden, he became the unlucky guy who said, "When others steal the donkey, he comes to pull out the prongs."

On the other hand, Luo Guangliang, who was taciturn, did not appear embarrassed because he said very little and did not make extremely exaggerated lies.

This is also a strong proof that "those who are impatient will have poor fortunes, while those who are calm will have good fortunes".

Fortunately, the taste of delicious food was enough to offset the embarrassing depression of Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui.

The meat skewers grilled by the famous chef "Zhang Dashao" himself are no ordinary meat skewers.

The old man's technique is so professional. Not only does it smell delicious, but it also looks prettier.

There is no darkness at all.

The color and the heat look like it was taken thirty years later with a beauty-enabled mobile phone.

Once you take a bite, you will be able to appreciate its extraordinary beauty.

Because the texture is just right and tender, with a firmness and toughness after grilling.

It's neither dry nor greasy, and has a meaty flavor.

Especially the seasoning, I don’t know it at all, but I was shocked when I compared it.

The seasoning of "Zhang Dashao" is not like Ning Weimin's. It only flaunts the special taste of chili powder and cumin. What it wants is a kick.

His is a combination of spicy, numbing, fresh, fragrant, salty, and sweet, and it's neither strong nor salty, so I can't tell you exactly what it tastes like.

But if you taste it carefully, it seems that everything you want to love is contained in this ingredient.

The "five-flavor blend" he often talks about is still fully reflected in this seasoning.

Don't look at Ning Weimin's boast just now that no matter what he bakes it with his seasonings, it will be delicious.

But to be honest, the "Zhang Da Shao" condiment is so delicious that you don't need to bake anything at all, you can just eat it for free.

As soon as people touch it, their mouths will secrete saliva.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if gods also eat meat.

Then such grilled mutton skewers are definitely qualified to be placed in front of the Queen Mother of the "Peach Club".

Ning Weimin had eaten so much barbecue in his previous life, but he had never eaten such a perfect barbecue.

This even made him realize a truth - only ignorant people are happy in this world.

If this person's horizons were broadened and the more he knew, the easier it would be to feel the pain of asking for something but not getting it!

For this reason, he couldn't help but lament in his heart.

It’s over! It’s over!

The only barbecue skill that can entertain oneself has been abolished!

I’m afraid I’ll have to think of this meal every time I eat skewers from now on!

"How's it going? Boy? Don't just eat it, give it a review. Is this seasoning better mine or yours?"

At this time, "Zhang Dashao" came to ask with a smile.

Everyone knows that this old man obviously did it deliberately just to see Ning Weimin embarrassed.

But who is Ning Weimin?

He naturally knew that the more embarrassing the situation was, the less he should be embarrassed.

Instead, you should be more free and easy, which will show your magnanimity.

So he is quite a bachelor. Since he lost, he simply accepted it completely.

Seeing that Kang Shude was about to open his mouth to smooth things over for him, he shook his head to stop him.

He just picked up the meat on the iron stick in his hand and swallowed it all.

While eating, he lowered his head and cupped his fists.

"Master Zhang, of course your seasonings are the best. You are really a food god. I even suspect that you are the reincarnation of the Kitchen God."

"I won't hide it from you. I was really thinking about your Zhizi Barbecue recipe just now. After you saw it, I was embarrassed to admit it. I just wanted to take advantage of it and make a sneak attack. I thought, using my little knowledge Take a chance, take a chance, maybe you are willing to exchange it with me?"

"I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it. The gap between us is so big that it's completely impossible to bridge it. If you beat me, it's pure strength. The barbecue ingredients you brought out after that not only convinced me Taking it orally, I feel that losing is not unfair. And I have to admit, I yearn for it even more."

His words really paid off, and "Zhang Dashao" showed obvious satisfaction in his expression.

"Hey, are you comparing me to a god? I can't bear your words. In fact, you are a kid who always surprises people. Very few people in the capital know about cumin. What's strange is that you are a chef from far away. Master, how did you know?"

Ning Weimin just laughed and refused to answer this question.

When "Zhang Dashao" saw him, he curled his lips and seemed to be slightly dissatisfied with him.

"Hey, let me tell you, you kid is too deep in the city. You are still pretending to be mysterious. Huh, are you afraid that I will trick you?"

"Hey, by the way, you are praising me so much now, are you not just giving me rice soup and thinking about how to get the prescription out of my mouth?"

"It's just a little seasoning. Do you really want to be so convinced? Isn't this a shame?"

This question was related to one's character, so Ning Weimin quickly responded in a serious manner.

"Master Zhang, I can't deny that I'm a bit scheming. But I know better who is behind this scheming. You are a person who doesn't rub dirt in your eyes. Your things can only be given to me if you are willing to give them to me. I don't This will make you unhappy."

"Besides, our relationship is different. Even with all the help you have given and your friendship with my master, I can't do this. No matter how good things are, they can't compare to love, right?"

"To be honest, I really don't pretend to be a big guy. I actually tasted the kebabs from the Turpan restaurant and couldn't forget them, so I asked a friend from the service bureau to help me find them. If you need them, I'll give them all to you. No?"

"As for being convinced by you, that is absolutely true. To be honest, it is not difficult to admit that others are better than myself. Because the more I know about the world, the more I respect the rules of this world. In the past, I used to believe that there is no one in a million It was by chance. It wasn’t until I experienced several setbacks that I realized that those seemingly simple things were actually not simple.”

"Yes, I am absolutely sure that the success of anything is not accidental. What happened to the seasoning? It is not simple. The reason why people despise something is just because they don't understand it. As the saying goes, Taiwan Ten minutes on stage and ten years of hard work, taking your seasoning as an example, it is the sum of the experience of many people and generations."

After finishing these words, "Zhang Dashao" was even happier.

And it was obvious that Ning Weimin had struck a chord in the old man's heart, and he actually agreed with him by slapping his thigh.

"Hey, you're right. To tell you the truth, the recipe for Zhizi Barbeque is not something I cherish so much that I can't bear to tell you. It's because the different parts of beef and mutton, as well as the specific conditions of the meat, have different ingredients. It’s different. Originally, there was no set rule. You might not be able to tell the difference in taste, but it’s actually different. If it weren’t for the fact that I used seasonings to balance out the smell of the meat, the meat quality of our barbecue would be the same today. It won’t be as fragrant and tender.”

Following him, he even praised Ning Weimin to Kang Shude.

Although the tone was joking, the kindness and appreciation were also palpable.

"Brother, your apprentice has taught you well. He is so young, but he actually understands this truth. It seems that it is just greed, but it is not necessarily a bad thing."

"Especially this mouth, it's so easy to use. You are a businessman, so you have to be considered a professional!"

"How about, for your sake, I'll give him the dry dipping sauce for barbecue? Don't let him waste his time and blame me for being stingy."

Kang Shude smiled and joked with "Zhang Dashao", "You are serious, he doesn't dare. You can't share his common sense. In fact, whether you give it or not, he should thank you for your advice, otherwise, how can he understand How about the principle that there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world?”

Then he glared at Ning Weimin, "Am I right?"

The master spoke, and Ning Weimin nodded sincerely.

"That's right. In other words, if a person always feels that he is all-round and excellent. Maybe that's just because there are no real 'masters' around him. This means that his own interpersonal circle is too fragile and the people he knows are not of a high level. It’s not worth being happy about. On the other hand, I’m different. I can know people like Master Zhang, and it’s a good thing to be taught a lesson all my life. Not to mention having a master like you..."

Okay, this is flattery.

It made the two old people laugh immediately.

Although Kang Shude helplessly shook his head at Zhang Dashao.

"How does he look like my apprentice? It's more like he was taught by Hou Baolin..."

But the two old people still looked at each other and smiled happily.

Luo Guangliang, Zhang Shihui, and Sun Wufu were even more impressed.

No one expected Ning Weimin to admit his mistake with such grace.

He even used the debating method, just like a college student who graduated from the philosophy department.

Needless to say, the final result was that Ning Weimin's "specialized skills" satisfied "Zhang Dashao".

"Zhang Dashao" also gave Ning Weimin a "knowledge of the truth".

The recipe for barbecue ingredients came into the hands of Ning Weimin again.

What surprised Ning Weimin was that not only did the actual recipe of this barbecue ingredient include more than thirty different seasonings, but the processing method was also extremely complicated.

Many condiments such as peanuts, sesame seeds, dried fruits, pepper, and pepper need to be fried and then crushed.

What's particularly special is that "Zhang Dashao" also adds a peach cake to the original recipe.

Although this thing doesn't look ordinary, it can be ground into powder with a rolling pin, mixed with seasonings and roasted over fire.

Not only can the mutton kebabs be more fragrant, but it can also have a sweet taste and a crispy texture like granulated sugar.

It undoubtedly enriches the taste and makes the tongue enjoy it more. It is the finishing touch.

This is precisely what attracts Ning Weimin the most. No wonder he is addicted to eating it.

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