National Tide 1980

Chapter 601 Pi Yanli

To sum up, we can definitely see that Ning Weimin is simply the most advantageous person in the world.

In fact, it is not difficult to borrow a chicken to lay eggs. What is difficult is that someone like him is so tight that it lasts forever.

You know, although many people are good at leveraging the strength of others to achieve their own goals, they will never reach the level of Ning Weimin who is so versatile and able to get everything he wants.

The difference is that most people don't talk about it when they see the benefits, they are too eager for quick success.

Perhaps it’s because our people have been poor for too long these days, and perhaps it’s also because the relaunched private economy has no trace of the old businessmen.

Nowadays, people involved in business always find it difficult to coordinate their own interests with those of others.

Instinctively recognize the extremely selfish approach of the West - capital is king and winner takes all.

But they don’t understand that doing business is about being a human being, and they forget that there is plenty of help for those who are in good ways, and little help for those who are unjust.

Ning Weimin was just the opposite. Kang Shude's guidance allowed him to fully understand the importance of the word "harmony".

His business pursuit is to share the benefits for everyone.

He always strives to do things in compliance with the law, reason and emotion, in exchange for the support and trust of most people.

In order to ensure the safety and sound operation of the business.

Even if he is a seemingly insignificant person, as long as it is a useful part of his business, he will try not to make others feel wronged.

This turned his business operations into a complete mess.

Take New Year’s Eve as an example.

Master Zou went to the hospital to check on Master Jiang's illness, and took it upon himself to invite this master craftsman with the best blowing skills in the capital material factory to work at the Donghuashi Street Production Co., Ltd.

Ning Weimin didn't know anything about it from beginning to end.

There is no need for him to make any promises, and there is no need for him to offer any good conditions.

Master Zou took care of it himself without even asking him a word.


Just because Ning Weimin always treats people well and behaves well.

From the first day when Master Zou called the production company to help, he noticed how Ning Weimin valued the materials and craftsmen.

It is becoming increasingly clear that it is willing to develop high-quality materials and utensils at any cost.

He was sincerely glad that he met a noble person.

Such a good place is basically a blessing that God has left for their craftsmen. It would be abnormal for anyone not to want to come.

This is called planting a sycamore tree, and the phoenix will come.

Not to mention, after the Spring Festival, Master Jiang came to the production company in Donghua Market and felt really good.

Although the factory building is a bit crude, everyone in the production company, including Director Niu and Chang Yuling, are very polite to him, and no one treats him as an outsider.

The young people here are also much more studious and diligent than workers in state-owned factories.

The key here is that just as Master Zou promised, you can use the sticks at will, and the product styling is provided by professors from the Academy of Fine Arts for technical guidance and design.

As long as you can get a good job, I will neither rush you nor force you. Everything will depend on the final product.

All in all, Master Jiang was satisfied with everything. After working here for a week, he felt much happier.

Not only are all the illnesses gone, but I also feel much younger. Special thanks to the introducer, Master Zou.

Especially on the day of the Lantern Festival, Ning Weimin also caught up with giving Lantern Festival red envelopes to everyone in the production company.

Although Master Jiang has just arrived, the production company's treatment is on par with Master Zou and Chang Yuling's, and they gave him a hundred yuan no more or no less.

Needless to say, this surprised Master Jiang even more, and he felt like he had entered heaven.

After returning home, Master Jiang proudly showed the money on the table and boasted to his wife about the various benefits of the production cooperative.

He was especially proud to tell his wife that the production company would give him a salary of 300 yuan.

My wife was holding the money in her hand and counting the money awkwardly. She was shocked when she heard it and said, "You really dare to ask for it. Just ask for three hundred. How can I afford it in such a small place?"

But this made Master Jiang deny it.

"Where do I want it? It was given to me on my own initiative. Lao Zou took 300. Since his and me are equally skilled in craftsmanship, it's only 300."

"That's it, Lao Zou said that's not all. In addition to benefits and red envelopes during holidays, if the quality and quantity of products are really improved, there will be additional bonuses. If not for what others said Yes, I really can’t believe it.”

"You said that our factory manager said that these high-end feeders are not profitable, but how can a small collective production company like this make so much profit?"

My wife also found it incredible.

But think about it, it doesn't matter after all.

"You care so much, from now on you just keep your head down and work."

And in contrast, her concept has undergone a fundamental change.

"Hey, his dad, I was originally thinking that you are an official retired employee of the state, and you are doing private work with a public pension, which makes outsiders look bad. It seems that our family will not be able to survive. I am really afraid of others. I thought you got less salary after retirement, so you had to work for others to make up for the shortfall. But I didn’t expect that they would give so much money here and it would be so enjoyable. You have to work for a year, which is equivalent to your I have been working in the factory for two years. We would be stupid not to go. Right? Whoever likes to gossip, let them do it..."

"No, if you say two years, it has to be the best time in the factory. From now on, I won't get a bonus. It will take three or four years."

With that said, Master Jiang picked up the cigarette pot and put a bag of cigarettes in it, and started smoking.

Judging from the expression, there is both the loneliness of old age and the joy of blooming old trees.

Unexpectedly, seeing him smoking the pot, his wife had something to say again.

"You can't smoke less vigorously. Shandong tobacco leaves costing just a few cents a pound are so choking! Hey, I say, you are now earning three hundred a month, so you should buy a good cigarette and smoke it. .My son even beats Hardman, and he is better than you."

The old lady meant well, but she felt sorry for Master Jiang who only knew how to make money and was reluctant to spend it on himself.

But when Master Jiang came to these words, he still refuted them with disdain.

"Good smoke? This is a good smoke. It's strong enough. Don't tell me that my tobacco leaves are choking. In all the years I've been with you, I've never choked you to death once."

"As for that little brat, did he spend his own money to smoke Hardman? With his three melons and two dates, it's not enough to make a living, so he's just asking for money from you, the mother-in-law. That boy will give it to you. Just buy a few snacks and it will make you dizzy."

My wife was a little unhappy after hearing this.

"It is only natural for a son to be filial to me, and it is only natural for a son to eat me. Why is this wrong? Not to mention that he has a family of three, including your own grandson. You can watch them suffer in agony?"

Unexpectedly, Master Jiang became even more dissatisfied after hearing this, and complained one after another.

"Tch, here's our son, his ears are flapping, and his ancestor is a prodigal. Didn't he lead his own life like this?"

"Besides, if I want to do this with him, our family has a lot of money and a lot of money, but it's not enough to spend. I'll just smoke this one, it's cheap and powerful."

"And you, I'm not saying, don't give all the money to your son, why don't you save some for your grandson? Your son has no future, and now it seems that the eldest grandson may still inherit the craftsmanship of my Jiang family... "

In this way, the old lady was speechless.

In fact, I really don’t blame Master Jiang for being prejudiced against his son.

Jiang Guoqiang is indeed a bit disappointing.

For so many years in the factory, apart from talking nonsense every day, I just followed fashion, looked for trends, played cards, and ate and drank with my friends.

He spends money as he pleases and doesn't know how to save money.

At work, he likes to cheat the most, and he has never really given his father any face.

If his biological father hadn't kept him under his watchful eye, this kid might have gotten into gambling a long time ago, let alone marrying a wife.

No, once the old man retires, this kid will really become a sheep that is free to graze, and no one will care about it.

Playing cards in the workshop all day long, even if it was only eight cents, when his luck was bad, Jiang Guoqiang also lost a lot of money.

So in order to pay off the debt, he got creative and planned to give some gifts to the head of the labor department.

In order to transfer myself to the truck delivery room as soon as possible and earn more bonuses in the future.

But where does the money for gifts come from? It's not okay to ask for money from my mother.

Jiang Guoqiang thought about it for a while, and then he realized that maybe the stamps in the half-stamp album he had thrown away long ago after playing with it on a whim for more than half a year were still worth something.

In the end, he took the stamp album to the Peace Arch and scanned it. It was not in vain.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that the zodiac tickets had really increased a lot, and there happened to be a double sheet for the Year of the Rooster in his stamp album.

It was his junior high school classmate who worked at the post office who knew that he collected stamps and gave it to him specially.

Nowadays, someone is willing to pay thirty yuan for it. If he sells it, won’t the money for gifts come out?

But fate loves to joke so much.

Jiang Guoqiang, who sent two strips of Shilin cigarettes and two bottles of Zuiliuxia bought at a high price to the home of the business section chief, did not know that the factory had actually successfully developed artificial amber products.

These people who have been occupied in traditional workshops will soon become workers in new product manufacturing workshops.

The prospect of this product is better than any plastic hairpin.

On the contrary, it was the labor section chief. As someone who had already known the news, he was planning to transfer his relatives from the truck shipping workshop to the new workshop.

Needless to say, when Jiang Guoqiang made such a silly request, the labor and management section chief almost laughed out loud.

The cigarettes and alcohol were collected without ceremony. I agreed to this.

Look, this kid Jiang Guoqiang is completely clever but his cleverness makes him misunderstood.

But what's even more amazing is that it is true that the person who suffered the big loss in this matter was Jiang Guoqiang, but the person who reaped the big benefits was really not the labor section chief.

Because we have to explain this matter clearly.

First, at the Peace Arch, Luo Guangliang's brother Xiao Tao paid for the double chicken tickets at the price of a single coin.

The actual price that day should be thirty-two or thirty-three.

And the next day, the market for this pair went straight to thirty-five.

Secondly, because the labor section chief controls the positions and allowances of employees in the factory, it is perfectly normal for him to accept gifts.

So what to do with the collected tobacco and alcohol gave him a headache.

Until he discovered that the Huimin Cigarette Hotel on Huanghuamen Street had advertised high-priced recycling of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages in the Beijing Daily's advertisement, his worries suddenly disappeared.

Because since then, he has established a long-term cooperative relationship with Huiminyan Hotel.

Every month, he would call people from the tobacco shop to pick up the goods and sell them.

For example, after the Lantern Festival, isn't it a good time for him to cash in?

Therefore, the gift that Jiang Guoqiang had just given him had shrunk by one-third, turned back into cash, and went into the pocket of the labor section chief.

As for the person who answered the call from the labor and management section chief, came as requested, and was treated warmly by the labor and management section chief as if he were his own mother.

It's not like anyone else is talking about it.

In fact, it reminds me of the shrinking-necked Sister Tan that Ning Weimin found in the stamp market.

She is no longer what she used to be. She no longer does daily chores in the cigarette shop.

Specializing in external relations, he can be said to be the actual operator of the tobacco hotel today.

He also manages two or three young men and women who come to work as part-time workers in the cigarette shop.

So the answer is obvious, even if the Jiang family's father and son's philosophy of life is completely contrary to each other.

But in fact, everyone, including the father and son, as well as the head of the labor and management department who received the gift, could not escape a big net, and everyone was in Ning Weimin's mouth.

It can be said that Ning Weimin is quite similar to the old Godfather Corleone in the novel "The Godfather" to a certain extent.

The old Corleone in the novel is a man who relies on crime and wealth to create disasters in the world with one hand and save those around him from disasters with the other.

By bestowing favors on others, he deposits his own interests for later use.

Where is Ning Weimin?

He is also in quite a few fields, creating demand with one hand and solving the demand with the other.

Also through the exchange of favors, business interests are maximized.

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