National Tide 1980

Chapter 605 Relocation

Ning Weimin always puts reason, profit and emotion into consideration when doing things.

On how to solve the problem of factory vacating housing, because he has both legal and policy support, and he has come up with something exciting.

We reached a consensus on the general direction with Director Wei from the Jingshan Subdistrict Office.

But this is just the beginning.

Next, when discussing the specific issue of how to relocate ordinary residents, Ning Weimin still started from these three aspects, and Director Wei was convinced.

"Director Wei, since the housing management department can provide limited resettlement houses, it is obviously unrealistic to relocate the more than 60 households currently occupying this place at the same time. I think in principle, we can actually relocate them in batches. , a two-pronged approach of providing resettlement housing and monetary compensation.”

"What do I mean? If someone really has no house to move to and has nowhere to go, then of course we have to provide them with housing. I can't make everyone displaced just to get their house back."

"But at the same time, I also think that some people can find a place to live on their own, but the conditions may be poor, or they may find it too troublesome and are not willing to move. So in order to encourage them to move, I am willing to provide corresponding monetary subsidies."

"In addition, regarding the allocation target of resettlement housing, I prefer that the neighborhood committee first talk to the families with the most difficult living space. Because some families have it too difficult. Some have three generations, or four or five people crowded into a small room. , the per capita area is less than one or two square meters. Such families must be the most willing and most urgent to improve their living conditions."

"For the specific relocation method, we can calculate it based on the number of people in the household registration, and each person will be given five square meters. If the area of ​​​​the house is not enough to compensate for the number of people in the household registration, the residents are still willing to move. So the difference in area, per square meter I will compensate the residents one hundred yuan."

"If someone feels that they can find a place to live by themselves, they are willing to choose corresponding monetary compensation. It can be calculated on a per-person basis or on a house area basis. Based on a per-person basis, it is 300 yuan per person. Based on the area, it is 100 yuan per square meter. This is okay. Let residents make their own choices based on their own circumstances, and do whatever they think is suitable."

Although Ning Weimin has never worked in real estate or demolition, he understands human nature.

What's more, he has this experience that spans more than thirty years, and has personally witnessed the incomparable prosperity of my country's real estate boom.

Naturally, we have seen all the conflicts and all kinds of new news about relocation on the Internet.

In particular, he also has a certain understanding of the relocation compensation plan that the government has summarized quite maturely thirty years later.

As the saying goes, if you haven't eaten pork, you haven't seen a pig running.

Learn it in a targeted way, bring it here, and it will work.

Therefore, his words were like an enlightenment to Director Wei, and the director was both surprised and admired.

What surprised me was Ning Weimin's wealth, and what I admired was Ning Weimin's strategizing.

Director Wei immediately discovered that the problem that he felt was a huge headache would not be so embarrassing if he followed Ning Weimin's method.

Moreover, it must be said that households with many people and few rooms are undoubtedly the most potential safety hazards in the entire street, and are also the most prone to family conflicts and disputes.

If these people move out first, the subdistrict office will definitely have less work pressure.

So the more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes became. He felt that Ning Weimin's idea was too beneficial to him and too practical.

And what he couldn't deny was that Ning Weimin was definitely not a "disgusting" creditor like Huang Shiren.

As far as he knew, no one was willing to pay such a benefit in his own name in order to get his house back.

National policy does not stipulate that Ning Weimin "must" pay in this way.

From this point of view, everyone has to say that Ning Weimin is sincere and has done everything he can to be benevolent and righteous.

This made him more and more certain that Ning Weimin was definitely not a child from an ordinary family. He must have come from a famous family to be so grand.

Nothing to say, just hurry up and do things for others.

If you really serve such a master well, your future may become brighter.

It is with this little thought in mind that our Director Wei became as active as if he had eaten bee poop.

He changed his attitude from grumbling and frowning at the beginning to becoming smiling and full of energy.

As soon as Ning Weimin was sent away, he quickly recruited the backbone of the Weijia Hutong Neighborhood Committee, where Ma's Garden is located.

Then he conveyed the spirit to several directors and aunts, and assigned the tasks of doing ideological work for residents and counting the housing area of ​​households with difficulties.

Needless to say, one stone sets off a thousand waves.

The news that the original owner came to ask for the private house with the deed of the house shocked the 62 households who had lived in Majia Garden for nearly 20 years!

Everyone’s most direct and instinctive reaction is panic and resistance.

Some people don't know what to do, are panicked, and are at a loss.

Some people just turned dark, kept silent, and showed an unmoved and indifferent attitude.

Others said they would write a letter to appeal and ask the district whether they wanted to support the resurgence of capitalism and displace working people.

But when everyone heard the conditions offered by Ning Weimin, everything was different.

Because this rich and powerful method exceeded everyone's expectations.

Not only did it make everyone stunned, it also had an amazing effect.

From being blindly resistant, the residents soon began to change and divide.

If nothing else, someone’s house is indeed so crowded that it looks like it was in the TV series “Poor Zhang Damin”.

Because it took more than 20 years to move here, the power of population reproduction is huge.

There are many three generations of old and young, eldest son and eldest daughter, two couples, a daughter-in-law, an uncle and a sister-in-law living in the same room. This is just a matter of reality.

There was a man surnamed Li, and his two daughters even found someone to marry because they had no place to live when they returned to the city.

One daughter even married into Mentougou and became the wife of a miner.

There is also a family named Xiao who is even more difficult because they have too many children.

In the early sixties, before family planning was implemented, their family was already in dire straits.

At that time, their eldest son was on a blind date, and his second to last little sister had just been born.

In order to fear that the woman would mind, when the woman's mother came to visit, she hurriedly hid the child in a bed box on the kang.

I'm afraid that the woman's family will be unhappy if they see such a small number of children at home.

Thanks to the child's good behavior and not crying, the marriage finally took place.

This has become a joke in the courtyard.

Think about it, how much such a family yearns to move to a slightly more spacious place?

Everyone can have five square meters of space.

They couldn't help but feel excited and eager when they heard such a number.

Not to mention the temptation of living in a building with heating and the ability to climb high and see far away.

How can one not long to move away?

If there is really a way to find another owner to live in, of course he would also be interested in monetary compensation.

Who wouldn’t be happy to lose a lot of money?

No matter how small a room is, it can only be more than ten square meters.

That's more than a thousand yuan.

Even if there are many people in the family and few rooms, you won’t suffer the same. You might be able to save more than 2,000 yuan.

This is like buying a big color TV set for free. Who can buy a color TV set without having to rely on the whole family to work together and save for two or three years?

The only ones who are unwilling to move are those who are satisfied with their current housing.

They think it is close to their workplace and convenient for their children to go to kindergarten or school.

But these people were equally enthusiastic about the conditions offered by Ning Weimin.

It is inevitable to worry about the consequences of missing out on housing and cash.

So if I sum it up, the biggest concern of these people is distrust.

No matter whether everyone is tempted or not, the result of their private calculation is that they still don't believe that such a good thing can happen in the world.

Who can make such bold statements? You're not trying to trick us, are you?

What if we move and he can't do it?

For this reason, the residents often asked the neighborhood committee for details. This was really a question for the neighborhood committee.

Several old ladies listened to Director Wei's words. Who knows the specific situation of Ning Weimin.

This is bad news. Residents' distrust has surged, and the good situation has turned negative again.

Because of this matter, Director Wei had to call Ning Weimin to complain, saying that he hoped he would give him a few days of grace.

Ning Weimin also didn't expect that Director Wei was so poor at work that he couldn't solve this problem.

Then I thought about it, it was actually okay, I might as well just come forward myself.

He said, "In this case, I won't make it difficult for you. Why don't you take me there, and I will formally explain the specific situation to everyone in person. Maybe my appearance can resolve everyone's suspicions. I will also take the housing management office with me. Let’s go together. I just hope that you can make the scene more formal and grand, organize the residents more fully, and it is best to help find two policemen to maintain order on the scene..."

"Is this okay? Nothing will happen..." Director Wei asked worriedly.

"With the police here, can we still go out of our way? Don't worry, we are all based on harmony."

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