National Tide 1980

Chapter 606 Spending money to buy face

On the morning of Sunday, March 11, 1984, a meeting planned by Ning Weimin and organized by Director Wei was held in the auditorium of No. 165 Middle School.

This middle school is located in the area between Jingshan Subdistrict Office and Weijia Hutong. It was originally a church school founded by the American Presbyterian Church before liberation - Chongci Girls' Middle School.

Therefore, it has an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, a garden-like campus environment, and top-notch school running conditions.

This is where Ning Weimin is best at doing things.

First, he knew that the bigger the scene was and the more troops he mobilized, the more he could make the residents believe in him.

Therefore, in order to win the trust of the people, he intends to use the government's credibility to increase his weight.

Only then did he decide to rent such a formal meeting place to show his solemnity.

This is called spending money to buy face.

It can not only improve one's own reputation among government servants, but also show one's strength to the residents.

Secondly, he also knows the principle of treating others with kindness without being surprised, and using power without bullying others.

Only by knowing how to do it can we win the favor of the residents and eliminate the hatred and hostility caused by them.

No, when the residents of Tianma Garden were invited to the middle school auditorium on time for the meeting.

The first thing I faced was the staff from the subdistrict office who had been waiting at the entrance of the school auditorium.

As well as several male and female waiters transferred from the "Tan Palace" by Ning Weimin.

Street people are responsible for registering residents one by one.

The girls and boys from the "Tan Palace" followed Ning Weimin's wishes and distributed a gift to everyone who came to the meeting.

The gifts have already been divided and packed in exquisite paper bags with the "Altar Palace" logo printed on them.

Apart from anything else, this thick bag alone is very popular among residents.

After all, this was an era before even plastic bags became popular, so it was very respectable to carry a bag with a famous company printed on it.

After entering the auditorium, many people couldn't resist their curiosity and wanted to open it before sitting down.

The content naturally surprised the residents even more, because there was actually everything to eat and wear.

Inside the paper bag was a small gift box of palace pastries that sold for two yuan.

There is also a set of autumn clothes and trousers wrapped in brown paper and tied with red string.

The pastry gift box contains eight kinds of Manchu cakes with winter characteristics.

They are golden cake, pea yellow, kidney bean roll, donkey rolling, aiwowo, branded butterfly, brown sugar oil cake, and Korean cake.

It is worth mentioning that the following three kinds of pastry are almost the first time people see them, and they can’t help but marvel.

This is naturally thanks to the guidance of "Zhang Dashao". These were the unique cakes for worshiping the gods of the Qing Dynasty.

It is indeed impossible to buy it anywhere else in Manjing City except the Tan Palace.

As for the autumn clothes and trousers, the quality is also very good.

They are all one size fits all and made of pure cotton.

Not only are there upper and lower sets, but they are also divided into men and women.

The women’s version is fuchsia and the men’s version is dark blue.

Those are all the overstocked goods of the City's No. 3 Garment Factory, and they are considered brand-name products that have been produced for decades.

Obviously more practical than food.

It's a pity that the style is outdated and not easy to sell.

More than 3,000 sets of autumn clothes and trousers have been stacked in the warehouse for more than a year, and the relevant departments of the business system are unwilling to wholesale them from the factory.

There was no way, the third clothing factory could only give it to Ning Weimin at a low price of one yuan a set.

But even so, the ones sold in state-owned stores are not discounted and not cheap at all. They are only sold with cool items.

Ning Weimin sells takeout for two and a half yuan, which is only one yuan cheaper than the store.

This is enough to induce people to fight for it.

So for this gift, Ning Weimin didn't actually spend much money on it. The cost was only two yuan.

But in the eyes of the residents of Majia Garden, it is different.

That's a grand gift worth five dollars.

That’s 50 cents more than the 5 yuan non-staple food subsidy in the monthly salary.

What's more, some factories still only pay four or five yuan in monthly bonuses in the name of subsidizing wages.

On days like May Day, National Day, and the Spring Festival, the welfare level is only three to five yuan at most.

So how can ordinary people not be overjoyed to receive such a generous gift for nothing?

In fact, there were a total of 227 registered residents in Majia Garden that day.

Excluding children and those who didn't come, there were only 112 people who actually came to sign in.

Many families regretted receiving this gift because they sent one person to attend the meeting.

I feel that I am really losing money because I have less people in my family.

I was very hesitant, whether I should run back and call someone again, and whether I had enough time.

For other families where almost all family members come together, it feels more appropriate.

Their biggest feeling was that their favorable impression of Ning Weimin increased sharply because of their short-handedness.

Although they still haven't met each other yet, their thoughts have begun to change, and they feel that Ning Weimin's promise may be true.

Then the private conversation turned into a discussion about whether to leave, and wondering whether monetary compensation was more cost-effective or waiting to change houses.

As you can imagine, under such circumstances, when the meeting time comes.

Ning Weimin walked into the school auditorium of No. 165 Middle School, accompanied by Meng Yi, the subdistrict director, director of the housing management bureau and "housing settlement officer", and two policemen from the Jingshan Subdistrict Police Station.

Just because he was wearing a fur coat and walking like an SS soldier who didn't recognize his relatives.

There is also the aura of walking in with one's head held high, like a leader inspecting, surrounded by people.

How much visual stimulation it will bring to the residents!

In particular, the two policemen were still following Ning Weimin, like personal bodyguards.

The 83-type police uniform that had just been changed into green was a bit more strange and solemn and majestic like a soldier than the original white and blue.

This further highlights Ning Weimin's noble status and extraordinary origins, giving people a feeling that he cannot be despised or offended.

In short, power, wealth, status, everything that makes people jealous, enviable, and fearful.

All of this was reflected the moment Ning Weimin came in.

So the moment he showed up, the originally chaotic and noisy courtyard instantly became quiet.

No matter men, women, young or old, adults or children, all looked at him wearing a fur coat, and all looked solemn with complicated expressions.

Staring at him curiously and seriously.

Ning Weimin was polite to Director Wei and the director of the housing management office, and finally sat in the middle of the podium.

The microphone was already connected, and he became rude next time.

After saying hello to the residents in the audience, he briefly introduced himself, and then announced two things straight to the point.

The first thing is how he proves his credibility.

"Everyone, it's hard to make it to Sunday. Your time is precious. I won't talk nonsense to you, so I'll get down to business."

"As far as I know, everyone seems to not believe the conditions I promised. I understand this, so not only did I come today, but I also invited the leaders of the housing management department, the leaders of our street, and the comrades from the police station. ”

"The purpose is to answer policy-related questions with everyone in person, and at the same time, we will discuss and coordinate a solution with each other based on the specific situation. In addition, we will ask them to bear witness."

"Okay, then I can tell you now that the housing management department can currently provide ten houses of varying sizes. My opinion and that of our street are that priority should be given to replacing the houses with the most difficult living space. I think this You should understand, right?"

"As for the monetary compensation, I also brought part of it. I think I will give this money to our street for safekeeping. If any of you complete the relocation agreement, the street will distribute it to everyone on your behalf. You should be trustworthy, right?" "

With that said, Ning Weimin took out a small suitcase he had brought from under the table.

After opening it, I turned around to face everyone. Inside was a box full of great unity.

Despite the fact that the total number was only 30,000, but because the largest denomination of currency these days was only ten yuan, thirty stacks of banknotes together were still extremely spectacular, completely refreshing the poor people's understanding and shocking their spirits.

This immediately caused a commotion in the audience. Have people at this time ever seen so much money put together?

Many people couldn't help but stand up from their seats to watch, and they couldn't restrain their exclamations and sighs.

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