National Tide 1980

Chapter 667 What a big appetite

"What do you mean? How should a partnership like this be handled? Do you have any good ideas?"

Director Duan took over Ning Weimin's army, and at the same time glanced at Ning Weimin's face like a torch.

He really wanted to see what kind of medicine this kid, who had become the leader of the restaurant at such a young age, planned to sell in such a long speech.

"Of course it's mutual respect and mutual trust. Our relationship focuses on equality and negotiation. It's not about who supervises whom or who leads who. The essence is mutual cooperation and mutual help..."

It's a pity that Ning Weimin's reply disappointed Director Duan.

Before he could finish speaking, Director Duan frowned impatiently and interrupted abruptly.

"I thought you had some high opinions. Equality? Negotiation? It's all empty talk. It's like not saying anything at all. How can there be so much time for discussion in actual work? There must be priorities, right? How can you be impartial? Do you use a ruler to do it? Quantity? Moreover, the nature of our work is special and matters of great importance. If nothing happens, it will be a big deal. In an emergency, how can we discuss it with you like a breeze? This is too unrealistic..."

Of course, these words were very rude and were blatant criticism.

However, Ning Weimin's expression remained calm, showing no trace of anger or embarrassment.

"Director Duan misunderstood. The equality and consultation I mentioned are just the original intention and principle of our cooperation. This is a basic framework. Of course, specific operations must rely on rules and codes. This is not contradictory."

He still spoke so unhurriedly, but instead smiled, fully demonstrating his confidence and self-cultivation.

"As the saying goes, there is no rule without rules. You have strict disciplines in your work, and there are procedures to follow when performing tasks. Then let's make a three-chapter agreement. I think we can set certain limits on our mutual rights and obligations, and set them in advance. A rough agreement can be made for both parties to abide by. This can avoid many daily frictions and effectively prevent conflicts."

"For example, if we cooperate, the security work of Tan Palace can be completely managed by you. As for other aspects, our restaurant can always guarantee full autonomy, right? In addition to fulfilling your duties for the country, you also We must shoulder the basic security needs of maintaining our enterprise. Is this a legitimate and reasonable request?"

"Your work is special and requires emergency response and changes. This is understandable. We can guarantee that we will do our best to cooperate with you unconditionally when you perform your tasks. But if conditions permit, we can communicate and negotiate. Is that possible? If it's really too late, you can always give a reasonable explanation afterwards, right? Even if it needs to be kept confidential and we can't know about it, you should cooperate with us to remedy the losses and adverse consequences as much as possible. Bar?"

"To put it bluntly, what I mean is that power and responsibility are equal. With power, you must also bear corresponding responsibilities and obligations. Just like those masters who run greenhouses say, do things with conscience. None of us should Who are you losing? I speak from my heart. In fact, your visit to our Tan Palace can greatly improve the quality of our security work, which is also beneficial to our operations and safety. If Director Duan agrees with my point of view, he is willing to cooperate with me Both parties can be mutually beneficial. Then I welcome you from the bottom of my heart, I wish you could have wished for it."

Ning Weimin's words were not only polite and well-founded, but also very sincere. They really impressed Director Duan.

His originally cold and stern attitude could not help but change.

"Okay, in principle, I agree with your point of view. If you have any requirements or conditions, let's mention them now. But I'll say it first. If there are some things that are beyond my scope of authority, I'm afraid I can't reply to you in person. . I also need to ask for instructions from my superiors and even hold meetings to discuss. Even if some issues seem reasonable under normal circumstances, if they have a negative impact on our mission requirements, I may still refuse."

Although Director Duan's words were still tough, they were obviously much softer than Cha Cai's categorical and tough words.

Being able to discuss and being willing to listen to different suggestions and opinions is progress for any negotiation. It is a good sign and shows a healthy direction of development.

So for the first time at the scene, everyone's expressions relaxed together, as if they were being radiated by the sun.

"Thank you, Director Duan, for being candid. Then I will speak frankly."

Ning Weimin was really rude and asked the most important question directly.

"In fact, what I am most concerned about is whether you can fully guarantee the independent management rights, financial rights and personnel rights of our Tan Palace. Are you willing to be responsible for the security needs of our Tan Palace after taking over the security work of the Tan Palace? ?”

"I can only say that it depends on work needs. Under normal circumstances, we will not interfere. Absolutely, completely, that is impossible. If there are abnormalities in your financial and business activities, or you are suspected of being closely monitored by us, There is involvement. We must intervene, and you are obliged to cooperate. In terms of safety work, you can rest assured of our quality and ethics, and we can take into account your safety needs."

Ning Weimin nodded, did not express any objection to this, and then asked again.

"Can the scope of cooperation be limited to the business of Tan Palace Restaurant for now? As for the affairs of Temple of Heaven Garden, let's take a step back and see the effect of our mutual adjustment. After all, there is a long way to go..."

"Okay." Director Duan agreed happily this time.

"So how many people are Director Duan planning to send here? In what capacity will they be stationed in Tan Palace? What do you need Tan Palace to do for you? What conveniences will it provide?"

"The three people who came with me today are our preliminary personnel. Of course, it is not easy for them to disclose their true identities, which is not conducive to our future work. The fewer relevant insiders in the restaurant, the better. Normally, It is to let them serve as security officers of the deployment and control unit, so that they can take advantage of their positions to carry out deployment and control work."

When Director Duan said this, he suddenly looked embarrassed and hesitated a little.

"Of course, our department is a start-up and we have some funds... so the restaurant needs to be able to help bear the expenses incurred by the relevant personnel. After all, they actually have to work for the restaurant and perform the duties of security officers."

That's what wages are for.

Ning Weimin answered without hesitation.

"In fact, our security work has not yet been formally established, and we have been relying on the help of the Temple of Heaven. Well, then, I will give you the salary and quota of three security department directors. I even have the power to build a team of security department personnel. I can also give it to you, but I can’t let you just come here and act as a mere commander. We have initially decided to recruit ten people from outside, and you can choose for me, so that we can better cooperate with your work. I hope that you can be responsible and responsible for our Tan Palace. The security team is set up."

His cheerfulness and forthrightness surprised Director Duan.

Director Duan did not expect that Ning Weimin would be more generous than a state-owned unit.

"Okay, great. Thanks."

However, Director Duan soon discovered that Ning Weimin was not so generous for no reason. He had additional conditions.

"Everyone, don't be happy yet. I also have something ugly to say. In terms of daily work, our Tan Palace's requirements are not low, and it can even be said that we are very strict on employee management. After all, our consumption level is very high, and our wages are also high, all of which come from When it comes to customers, we must care about their feelings. Therefore, when you work in our Tan Palace, you will not be as casual as in a purely state-owned hotel. There will be more restrictions. For example, if you see a customer, all staff must smile and say hello. There must never be any direct disputes or arguments with customers. Of course, your personnel are no exception.”

These words somewhat touched Director Duan's pride and inspired his arrogance.

"Don't worry. The quality of our people is definitely above the standard. They have all been trained in foreign affairs work. Each of them is proficient in at least two foreign languages, and almost all of them have performed tasks in formal diplomatic occasions. Even the people at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and the Great Hall of the People I can cope with the situation. I think I won’t feel uncomfortable with the work requirements of your restaurant."

However, he soon regretted saying such words.

Because he didn't know that Ning Weimin was a person who was very good at taking advantage of the situation.

Especially when it comes to things like taking advantage, this kid is extremely sensitive, and he has an idea in the blink of an eye.

Never let go or miss any opportunity that is beneficial to you.

The key is that he can also set traps so that people can step in unknowingly.

"I believe what Director Duan said, but I'm still a little worried. Because our Tan Palace's employee codes and regulations are very detailed and there are many. Every word and deed of employees has requirements. In addition to participating in our employee training, everyone must participate in our employee training and pass Assessment. After taking up the job, you will not receive any special treatment, and the rewards and punishments will be treated equally. Maybe your salary will be deducted and bonuses will be fined. Can you understand this? "

Ning Weimin's distrust made Director Duan a little impatient.

"That's no problem. It's within normal limits. Of course we understand."

"Then after they join the company, will they obey my orders and instructions? After all, I am the top leader of the restaurant and my nominal leader."

This question was quite sensitive, and Director Duan immediately became vigilant.

"What do you mean? You want to interfere in our work? Didn't you say that the leadership of the security work is entirely left to us."

"No, no, I just thought that when Tan Palace gets busy, there may be some areas where you need your help. Aren't your people proficient in foreign languages? For example, our Tan Palace suddenly welcomed several tour groups, hundreds of them. If two foreign guests come to our door at the same time, they will definitely be overwhelmed and not taken care of well. At this time, I will dispatch your people to help us with the reception and comfort work. Is that always possible? "

Ning Weimin's explanation was reasonable.

Director Duan finally regained his composure and put his heart in his stomach again.

"Don't worry, my people will definitely be at your disposal in this situation. Moreover, we can get close to the foreign guests, and it will be easier to observe the situation. It will be beneficial to both of us. There will be absolutely no problem."

"That's good." Ning Weimin suddenly smiled cheerfully, his teeth looking very white.

"But I still have two questions to ask. First, what foreign languages ​​are your comrades proficient in? Second, will you need walkie-talkies when you take up your posts in the future?"

To be honest, Director Duan's patience at this time was quickly worn away by Ning Weimin's endless questions.

But first, Ning Weimin asked so carefully, which shows his sincerity.

It can be seen that he is indeed serious and responsible in discussing cooperation.

There were also district leaders, the director of the Temple of Heaven, and Director Jin from the service bureau watching, so it was impossible for Director Duan to be in a bad mood.

Second, Ning Weimin was too considerate and wanted to provide equipment support if he wanted to.

This made Director Duan very moved and surprised.

Walkie-talkie? That's a mobile radio station.

Of course it would be great if there was one, it is a good thing that one can only ask for.

Unfortunately, due to limited funds, they only have such advanced equipment when performing particularly important field tasks and cannot afford to use it at ordinary times.

So Director Duan had no choice but to cheer himself up, and first introduced the language expertise of his subordinates to Ning Weimin one by one.

"This one's name is Sun Ran, who is fluent in Russian and English. That one's name is Yang Guang, who can speak German. French and English may not be the same. Zhang Guangzhi is particularly good in French. He can also speak a few sentences in Spanish, but only for daily use."

Then the focus was on important issues.

"Hey, Manager Ning, are you willing to spend money to equip us with walkie-talkies? If so, that would be great, and our work would be much more convenient. But that thing is not cheap? You are really willing to spend this money ?"

Ning Weimin was smiling happily.

His pleasure could no longer be tolerated.

If it falls in the eyes of someone who is familiar with him, such as Kang Shude or Zhang Shihui.

Then they will know immediately that this kid is going to succeed again and get huge benefits.

It's a pity that none of the people present know him well enough, especially Director Duan.

No one knew what he was thinking about, they just felt a little baffled.

"Director Duan, let's discuss one thing. Since you care about walkie-talkies, let's talk about it first. As the saying goes, if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. Walkie-talkies are essential for safe work. Price If it’s more expensive, I think I should buy it. It just so happens that I sincerely want to support your work, so I’ll take this opportunity to express my sincerity first. However, this kind of equipment is controlled, so I can’t help with the procedures. I can only take responsibility. Pay for it.”

Ning Weimin's statement made Director Duan absolutely elated. For him, this was like pie in the sky.

"Oh, you are such a happy person. I can't help but be impressed. Just paying for it is enough. Procedures? Procedures are of course not a problem. Why can't a department like ours still fail to apply? Don't worry, we won't either. It’s a waste of money. It only costs 3,000 yuan to buy six of them. It should be enough.”

However, Ning Weimin shook his head and said, "Hey, six troops are not enough? There are still twenty or thirty troops. You know, not only you security personnel need to use them, but us leaders also need to use them. The front desk, restaurant, logistics, etc. There should be several kitchens in order to facilitate communication. Right? And we will hold a book fair soon, and there will also be sculpture exhibitions and garden parties in winter. Those are large outdoor events with tens of thousands of people. We all need to be in touch with the Temple of Heaven. Security personnel use these devices to communicate. They also have to replace them in case they break down. I think forty units are better."

What does it mean to say something shocking?

Director Duan and his three subordinates were all speechless.

Since he was fooled by Ning Weimin's spending a lot of money.

I was also a little bit annoyed by his sophisticated calculations.

However, this is not the end, Ning Weimin also said later.

"Director Duan, I've thought about it, and I'm afraid you have to give me a few more people. You three comrades are not bad. I want them all. But the problem is that they don't speak Japanese."

"Let me explain, there is a situation that you may not be aware of. The future business direction of our Tan Palace is mainly based on Japanese customers. Therefore, I think you should send me a few more people who can speak Japanese. This It will be conducive to the work of both of us.”

"Of course, it would be better if there is someone who can speak Italian. Then our Tan Palace really has no language shortcomings and can handle most of the guests. How about it? I am actively supporting your work, right? You must not be polite to me, and you must not refuse."

What does Tuqiongdijian mean?

At this time, Director Duan suddenly woke up and finally understood the true intention of Ning Weimin!

Okay, how does this fit in with our work?

They are obviously trying to rob us!

It’s not wealth or sex that’s being robbed!

It’s talent, it’s equipment!

I saw that the other two Tan Palace investors sitting there had expressions of astonishment. Still seems confused.

Director Duan thought bitterly, this kid is really hiding his secrets.

It was an impromptu idea to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, what a huge appetite!

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