National Tide 1980

Chapter 668 Attributes conflict with each other

Things in the world are so difficult to grasp.

Ordinarily, this meeting was carried out in accordance with the direction and steps designed by Director Duan, but the whole process and the final result made him feel so uncomfortable.

This does not refer to the passive confrontation adopted by Director Jin of the Service Bureau, nor does it refer to the conflict between him and the director of Tiantan.

Although the reactions of these two people were a bit unpleasant, to Director Duan, they were still under control and had been anticipated.

To put it bluntly, in order to make the final decision, in fact, today, he deliberately exerted pressure.

Although this will inevitably make these units feel resentful or dissatisfied.

But it can save time and gain control of the enterprise in the fastest way.

There is absolutely no need for a department like theirs to have good relations with other units.

As long as it facilitates the execution of tasks and safeguards national interests, Director Duan doesn't mind what others think of him.

What's more, you can take your time to bridge the gap and gain the other party's understanding, but the task certainly cannot wait.

Didn’t the great leader once say, “Revolution is not a dinner party, an essay, or painting and embroidery.”

These words could not be more suitable to describe the professional needs of Director Duan.

For him, only time, efficiency and results matter!

But today, Director Duan met a strange person.

A Ning Weimin who didn't like him at all.

Even though this guy looks as soft as dough, he seems to be easy to talk to and discuss.

But inside he has a strong backbone and incredible courage.

And he is particularly good at talking.

As soon as the two exchanged words, Director Duan felt a high degree of mental tension for the first time.

In the end, everything is said carefully, lest you fall into the other party's language trap if you are not careful.

The entire meeting, despite the fact that the negotiations between them lasted only an hour.

But for Director Duan, it was almost longer than a whole day.

Ordinarily, it should have been a sure-fire result.

But Director Duan, who always kept his word, was forced by the situation for the first time and had to make many promises and concessions to get it with great difficulty.

This unbelievable fact is right in front of us. It is really unexpected.

Even Director Duan's subordinates were stunned by such negotiations and couldn't understand how their leader could be led by others today.

But Director Duan still had nowhere to vent his anger and couldn't find any reason to find fault.

Because Ning Weimin was in front of everyone, he completely occupied the highest point of emotion, reason and law.

And he was trapped by Director Duan's own words.

If you want to blame him, you can only blame Director Duan for underestimating the enemy. He was careless and gave others the opportunity to take advantage of him.

well! I really underestimated him! This bastard really knows how to take advantage of other people's weaknesses! Take advantage of others!

From the bottom of his heart, Director Duan had to look high on Ning Weimin.

Of course, he could not help but feel some regret and self-pity.

Because Director Huo had solemnly reminded him on the phone.

"When you really get in touch with him, you must pay attention to your methods. It is definitely not easy for someone like him to become a leader at a young age. He will not be so easy to manipulate..."

Unexpectedly, these words came true.

Fortunately, he also boasted of being "brave and resourceful", so the first face-to-face contact made him look humiliated without showing any signs of it.

Hey, it’s such a shame to be sent to grandma’s house.

So the meeting ended that day, even though the two sides finally reached a consensus.

Moreover, everyone also drank the cold drinks that District Chief Xu sent people to buy and cooled down a lot.

But there was still no smile on Director Duan's face, and when he left, he still felt angry.

In particular, he felt that Ning Weimin was following him all the way like a pug, which was extremely annoying.

So he left the office building and walked to the alley in the backyard of the district government. He couldn't wait to get in the car, so Director Duan couldn't help but wave him away.

"Okay, just send it here, and don't follow me. Our people will go to Tan Palace to report the day after tomorrow. I just hope you will implement what you promised us today. We will have more dealings with you in the future. , there’s no need to be so polite to me.”

The tone of these words was full of condescension, not like an equal partnership at all, but more like a lesson from a superior to a subordinate.

But something embarrassing happened next.

Although Ning Weimin said, "Okay, Director Duan, I will send it here. You walk slowly."

But the expression on his face did not show embarrassment, but was extremely calm and confident.

Director Duan stepped into his 212 jeep and felt something strange.

Then he looked in the rearview mirror and saw Ning Weimin walking behind his car and getting into a car not far from them.

Only then did he realize that he was being sentimental.

It turned out that Ning Weimin was not here to see him off, but their car happened to be parked in the same place, and they also came here to pick up the car.

This time it was better, the feeling of heart blockage was even heavier.

However, he still couldn't find fault with Ning Weimin.

Asking himself, he should even be grateful to this guy for not breaking through this barrier and saving his own face.

Otherwise, if Ning Weimin said, "Director Duan misunderstood, my car is also parked here," then he would really lose face in front of his subordinates.

But even so, he couldn't miss Ning Weimin's good son.

Because this guy's car is much better than his own.

It was actually an American-made AMC Jeep, tall and wide, with an arrogant silver nobility shining from the front to the rear.

It directly compares all domestic jeeps.

One is proud of itself.

One is unsustainably self-confident and rustic.

One held its head high with disdain.

One barely held its chest out.

An attempt to establish new prestige.

One strives to maintain the authority of the past.

These two cars seem to be just like the two of them, how wonderful.

The confrontation between essence and essence can completely reveal their respective forms through the car.

Especially the subordinate behind him, Yang Guang blurted out, "This Tan Gong Restaurant is too rich. How can he drive such a good imported car? It's almost as good as ministerial-level treatment."

Director Duan's heart couldn't help but be filled with an unspeakable sense of frustration.

He truly believed that Ning Weimin might be incompatible with his attributes.

Even if he doesn't do anything, he will be embarrassed and frustrated in everything.

The car finally drove onto the street. In the rearview mirror, I saw Ning Weimin's car turning onto another road.

Director Duan was still depressed and complained to his subordinates, "Don't be envious, some people will pursue material comfort! They are just waiting to die! Didn't you listen to what they said today, these are all loans. How about you guys later? In addition to the original field work, we should also pay more attention to the operating conditions of the restaurant. I don't believe it. They have made a profit to buy such a good car in such a short period of time. The country's limited funds must not allow them to be so careless. What a waste."

"Duan Chu, but didn't we promise them today...then we still need to investigate?"

Yang Guang asked in embarrassment, "If we interfere in the finances, wouldn't we be going back on our word? I'm afraid that the things we finally agreed upon will change again. If they find out, will they have any objections..."

"No, you are stupid."

Sun Ran, who was also in the back row, immediately objected.

"Obvious inspection doesn't work, we can make secret visits or make false statements. Duan Chu didn't say that we have to get detailed data, but he just wants us to see if there is any abnormality or anything suspicious about the restaurant's income and expenditure. It's easy to judge this person named Ning. Yes, is it a misuse of public funds. Used for personal enjoyment. Besides, even if it is discovered, what will happen? Are we still afraid of fighting in the ring? "

These words are very much in line with Director Duan’s thoughts.

"Yes, Xiao Sun's idea is right. Are you afraid of offending others? Then don't do this job!"

Moreover, Director Duan could not hide his indignation.

"People in the Northeast have a good saying, if we are afraid of the cries of crickets, why don't we farm the land? Check! We must check! Even if we can't find out anything about the person named Ning, we still have to give them some clues! Let them know , if you dare to stretch your claws on the country’s money, you will have to bear the consequences!”

Sun Ran continued to follow Director Duan's wishes and do what he wanted.

"If you ask me, he is really lucky! What we have found out now is that this man surnamed Ning used to resell tropical fish. While working at the Chongwenmen Hotel, he resold tobacco and alcohol, and sold tropical fish breeding methods by mail to make profits. Empirical evidence. That is to say, things are different now from the first few years. Otherwise, the charge of speculation would have been enough for him to drink. How could he still be as majestic as he is today."

Unexpectedly, he was criticized for his words, and even scolded him to the point of shrinking his neck.

"I said Sun Ran, what you said is a bit bastard. I asked you to check him to see if he is actually doing things that endanger the national interests, not to frame him with these trivial things. If that's the case If so, are you still worthy of the uniform you are wearing?"

Director Duan said that he hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

"Everything must be based on evidence and fairness. Don't forget that what we represent is justice and legal principles. What we uphold is the righteousness of the country! Sun Ran, if you act recklessly, think of yourself as a royal guard of the Ming Dynasty and a bloody son of the Qing Dynasty. Don't Blame me for punishing you. The principles of the law are the same for you and me."

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