National Tide 1980

Chapter 680 Potential

Also, Zhang Guangzhi always loved to stare at Ning Weimin. The information he collected was the most unpleasant.

For example, at 9:30 pm on June 29, 1984, just before closing time, a conversation between Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui took place in the general manager’s office.

"...Summer vacation will be here in two days. The book market will open, and the Beishen Kitchen Banquet Hall will open. These are our biggest events this year. I promised everyone last year that when the Tan Palace Banquet Department opened, I would give it to the old employees. Now, it’s time for me to fulfill my promise. I think, starting from July 1st, I might as well just adjust the level for everyone. We can save it by a few days later. It’s a little money. But it’s great for morale. Also, this summer’s high temperature subsidy, I mean, will be increased for everyone. Each employee will be set at 50 yuan. The foreman is 80 yuan, the supervisor is 100 yuan, and the manager is 100 yuan. One hundred and fifty. By the way, don’t forget Yang Guang, Sun Ran, Zhang Guangzhi, and their new security supervisors. Go back and give the money to them yourself..."

"Ah? I sent it in person? If you ask me, we shouldn't let them collect the money." Zhang Shihui said angrily, "Eat our food and drink our food, but they come here to suspect us and specifically to check our .What’s wrong? We owe them?”

"Okay! You started talking nonsense again!" Ning Weimin interrupted him, "It is absolutely necessary to strictly control foreign-related places. Although it is annoying to put it on our own heads, it makes We are a little in the way, but there is no other way. Which unit in Beijing that is involved in receiving foreign guests is not like this? Since we can't avoid it, we have to face it. "

"To be honest, I'm not afraid of anyone investigating me. I'm just worried that there will be misunderstandings between the two parties, which will affect the operation and development of our restaurant.

I am only worried about our internal discord and causing unnecessary interference and obstacles to the major events at hand. I will have to count on them for security work in the next few days. Aren't you trying to complicate the issue by favoring one over the other? Do you want to destroy the situation of stability and unity? Do you want to tear me down? "

"If you think about it again, even if they want to investigate us, they are acting under orders and have nothing to do with personal grudges. Even if we are angry and want to make suggestions, we should go to their superiors. What is wrong with people working at the grassroots level? There is no need to let these brothers below me suffer. You are my deputy. If you are so emotional, you will not understand. But you are a little petty, which is called losing your status..."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. You are a kind person." Zhang Shihui had no choice but to tease, and then asked, "Hey, by the way, what happened to the reception banquet of Japan-China Joint Development Co., Ltd.? You spend all day long Looking forward to the Japanese group, thinking about the Japanese group, we finally built an amusement park in our district, and finally got Japanese investors. This time, the Garden Bureau came to you and gave you a job for 180 people. Each person has a job. The standard of one hundred and twenty yuan is so good! The number of people is not too large or too small, and the single-person consumption standard is also quite high. It is the first banquet for the opening of the Beishenchu ​​Banquet Hall, which is perfect. But why did you refuse it again? How long have we been preparing for this? I don’t think Du Yang can figure it out, let alone me. Even I can’t figure it out. Why on earth? "

"If there is anything I can't figure out, the answer is simple. The Japanese want to hold a banquet on July 7th, and I feel uncomfortable. Of course I have to let them change the date..."

"What? Just for this?"

"Yes, that's why..."

"It's not...July 7th? What happened on this day? What's wrong?"

"What else happened? The Marco Polo Bridge Incident! Zhang Shihui, how did you graduate from middle school? I think your history was taught by your physical education teacher, right?"

"Oh, my Mr. Ning, you were like this a few decades ago. How can ordinary people turn around like this... Besides, what era is it now? The situation is very different. China-Japan friendship..."

"I'll be frank, you're talking nonsense! You grew up under the red flag, and you're from the capital. How dare you say this on the street? Don't even mention those older people who can be beaten with a walking stick if they hear it. Damn you. As long as your grandfather is alive, he will have to slap you. Sino-Japanese friendship? That is a choice based on the desire for peace and a foreign policy that is conducive to the rejuvenation of our country. Don't be stupid. How many times have you spent? I bought a Japanese appliance and watched a few Japanese movies. You really forgot about the hatred between the country and the family. In my place, only by earning money from the Japanese’s pockets and keeping their foreign exchange in the country can we be friendly with them on the surface. . Do you know? In other words, even if I make money from the Japanese, I still have to scold their ancestors for eight generations behind my back."

"I'll go, you're being so two-faced, and you actually say it so high-sounding. But, it sounds quite annoying. It seems to make sense..."

"What does it mean to be high-sounding? Let me tell you, don't persuade others to be kind without their suffering. In the same way, we live in a peaceful era, so no one has the right to represent those who died in the war years and forgive the little devils for what they did. sin. So, don’t forget the national humiliation! Don’t be generous with other people’s lives. I have decided that from now on, we will not only count July 7th, but also September 18th and December 13th, all Do not accept Japanese..."

"Is this... is this possible? I'm not trying to argue with you, but I don't think it's feasible. For example, if there are really Japanese people in the small building at the north gate who want to eat, you can still push them out. Ah? Are you just telling people that in view of the numerous crimes you have committed in our country and the harm you have done to our compatriots, we will not welcome you and I will give you a hell of a meal today. Aren’t you afraid of causing foreign disputes? Look back. Are you going to take off the signs for our designated tourist destinations?"

"Well, what you say makes sense. Then, if it comes to a day like this, all the restaurants might as well close down. But it's not a holiday. In the morning, I'll find someone to talk about palace food culture and Beijing-style snacks. Then We will hold skills competitions, foreign language competitions, etc. In the afternoon, we will carry out patriotism education to strengthen national self-confidence and national pride."

"Oh my god, is it worth it? You gave up three days of business in vain. Plus a banquet for 180 people, based on the small building, the total is almost 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. You You are so willing to give up! Are you still engaged in patriotic education? Why do I feel that you are more state-owned than state-owned? This is starting to become formalistic..."

"Zhang Shihui, Zhang Shihui, how can I say hello to you? Is patriotic education just formalism? You are almost obsessed with money! Listen carefully to me. I am indeed running this restaurant to make money from foreigners, but if I am just trying to make money If you don't want money, you will turn your employees into foreign slaves who worship foreign things. That is putting the cart before the horse, and I would rather not do it. So in view of your exposed potential as a traitor, I hereby inform you that the first patriotism education class will be conducted by you. Preach. On July 7th, I think you can focus on talking about how the puppet troops and traitors worked for the tiger during the eight years of the War of Resistance..."

"Damn it, you don't want to push people around like this. You, a foreign comprador who defected to the French, are worthy of saying that I..."

To be honest, people's hearts are full of flesh.

Like eating your food, drinking your food, not thanking you in the end, and deliberately targeting you, which is in itself a violation of human nature.

It's hard for a normal person not to feel guilty about this.

Especially in the face of Ning Weimin, a person who is good at understanding, broad-minded, and pragmatic in his work. No one does not say good things about him, and he brings together the happiness and expectations of many people.

Yang Guang, Sun Ran and Zhang Guangzhi naturally had more profound feelings in their hearts.

Even after learning about Ning Weimin's original intention for restaurant management and his views on Japanese people, they all became "fans" without knowing it.

Therefore, the content and tone of the feedback will inevitably have a focus and bias that belongs to self-awareness.

This should have been unexpected by Director Duan who sent them here.

Ning Weimin's move is called "If you don't argue, you should argue; if you argue, you won't argue."

It can be regarded as a high state of overcoming strength with softness and conquering others with virtue.

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