National Tide 1980

Chapter 681 Why not?

On July 14, 1984, the summer vacation that teachers and students all over the capital had been looking forward to finally arrived!

This day is also the day when the book market carefully planned by Ning Weimin opens its doors to welcome guests.

Because we know very well that being gentle can only maintain stability for a while.

If you want to truly and effectively protect yourself, you still need to expand your business territory and make your business bigger and stronger.

Therefore, Ning Weimin did not slack off at all when it came to doing practical things.

Take this book fair as an example. He tried almost every means and mobilized all the resources he could to make this event a lively and eye-catching event.

We strive to create a sustainable brand activity so as to obtain maximum and multi-faceted benefits.

In fact, despite the tight time and heavy tasks, the means available are relatively limited.

But because the time traveler's knowledge is indeed unmatched, and now Ning Weimin's identity and power are no longer what they used to be.

Various personal connections in society have already been accumulated quite well.

In addition, the small book market he holds every weekend at the entrance of Zhai Palace has become quite famous and is favored by some publishing houses and merchants.

With such a solid foundation, as long as he uses his talents a little bit and makes more scientific use of the human and financial resources at his disposal, as well as his rich social connections, he can achieve results that far exceed those of others.

For example, Ning Weimin cleverly presented this first Tiantan Summer Book Fair to the people of Beijing under the name of "Summer Reading Festival", with discounted books and used books as selling points.

As a result, he not only attracted a large number of merchants to participate in the event, but also ensured that the book fair was held smoothly as scheduled.

He also used overlapping advertising methods on radio and newspapers, which effectively attracted many primary, secondary, and university students from the capital.

It can be said to be a blockbuster and an instant hit.

Not only did it fully achieve the results that all participants had expected, but it even achieved new breakthroughs and surpasses in terms of passenger flow.

This undoubtedly proves once again that both the Temple of Heaven Garden and the Service Bureau have chosen the right commercial agent.

Ning Weimin is an indispensable and irreplaceable talent in their minds.

Some people may think that this is a bit exaggerated, but I am afraid of comparison in everything.

In fact, as long as you compare what Ning Weimin has done with what others have done, you will know which one is better.

For example, first of all, judging from the scale of this book fair and the richness of its content, it is not something that ordinary people can do.

As many as 125 publishing houses, magazines, bookstores, and stationery stores came to participate in this event.

Among them are quite well-known bookstores and large publishing units.

Such as Xinhua Bookstore, Foreign Languages ​​Bookstore, Sanwei Bookstore, Children's Publishing House, People's Literature Publishing House, People's Education Publishing House, People's Fine Arts Publishing House, etc.

In addition, there are more than two dozen calligraphy and painting shops, seal stone shops, Nanzhi shops, and copybook bureaus from Liulichang.

As well as 45 food stalls dispatched by the District Service Bureau.

Even private vendors are fully involved.

There are more than eighty self-employed people engaged in flowers, birds, fish, insects, potted flowers and potted plants, used books and second-hand goods, and cultural and entertainment ornaments. They also come here to join in the fun and set up stalls to do business.

If we add in the second-hand books and second-hand goods stall set up by Ning Weimin by Sun Wufu, the tobacco and alcohol stall set up by Zhang Shihui for Huimin Cigarette Hotel, the palace snack gift box stall set up by Tan Gong, and the stall in the Temple of Heaven Garden. Tea stalls and cold drink stalls.

In fact, there are more than 300 commercial stalls of various types in total.

They were laid out under the shade of trees for more than 600 meters along the corridor of the west gate of the Temple of Heaven.

To be honest, if we only use the simple word "book market" to describe this event, it is obviously a bit too one-sided.

In fact, it should be appropriately called a comprehensive cultural collection.

And you must know that so far, no place in the capital has held so many cultural-themed open-air markets with so many stalls gathered together.

Even when Liulichang was in its heyday, when it was particularly popular to hold garden parties in the park in the 1950s, it would not have been possible to see so many merchants gathered in one city.

Even the New Year garden party prepared by Ning Weimin himself. Compared with the previous holiday book fairs he held on May Day and National Day, they were far behind.

You know, those activities did not have so many state-owned units participating, nor did they have such a rich variety of products.

The New Year garden party is just a snack street selling clothes and toys.

In the past few book fairs, there were only over a hundred stalls in Bao Duo Er.

Simply looking at the scale, it can be reduced by more than half compared with this book market.

So no matter how you look at it, it is an unprecedented feat to be able to hold an event on such a large scale.

As for why Ning Weimin was able to summon so many businesses to actively participate in such a short period of time.

To put it bluntly, there are actually no more than two reasons.

One is that this guy has a great network of connections.

You know, in terms of publishing houses, there are about 40 publishing units under the Artists Association.

There are also twenty-sixty-seven subordinate units of the newspaper that have advertising and business dealings with Pierre-Carton.

There are more than 30 publishing houses, bookstores, and stationery stores. They are already regular visitors to the Zhai Palace Weekend Book Market. They spend 200 yuan each time in rent and are clamoring to come.

It means that more than half of all publishing units are related households, and the rest are units contacted through normal investment promotion methods.

Moreover, Ning Weimin is particularly good at leveraging his partners’ personal connections.

Shops like those from Liulichang all responded to the call from their superiors and rushed to repay their debts.

Don’t forget, Tiantan Garden has used its own house to house four shops in Liulichang for several years.

If the Director of the Temple of Heaven personally makes the call, if the Cultural Heritage Bureau refuses to help, our country will not be considered a humane society.

Secondly, it relies on completely free treatment and unimaginable high-quality services.

To put it bluntly, in order to create a brand and gain fame this time, Ning Weimin wanted to make money even if he lost money.

He knows very well that the types of books and the discounts on books are the theme of the book market and the basis for attracting people.

The brand effect of well-known units also has a crucial impact on passenger flow.

Therefore, for all publishing houses and bookstores that participate for the first time, as long as they are willing to provide a considerable number of discounted books, he will rent them free of charge.

Not only did he not charge a penny, he also took care of tea, food, and provided ready-made stall equipment.

For this book fair, the Temple of Heaven Garden specially set up homemade long wooden tables with iron frames on both sides of the Ximen Corridor.

The long table is about one meter wide and three meters long.

An iron frame was set up on the corner of the table to lay a pergola, and banners were hung on the pergola. The names of each unit were pasted on the banners.

As long as a tablecloth is laid on the table, things can be stored underneath and books can be placed on top.

In addition, each long table is equipped with two stools and two large raincloths.

Both of these are also of great use.

Every day when the market closes, or when it rains.

Just put the raincloth on the table, turn the stool upside down and press it down, and it will be done, and the entire stall can be completely covered.

The free lunch is not bad either, just eat in the staff canteen in the Temple of Heaven.

The standard of one yuan per person can at least guarantee one meat and two vegetables.

In addition, in the morning and afternoon, special personnel will deliver a hot pot of hot tea to all publishing houses and bookstore stalls.

To put it bluntly, it is almost similar to the concept of "check-in with your bags" in the future.

For example, the unit that sets up a stall actually only needs to deliver the books and products, and send two people to sell the books every day, and there is nothing else to worry about.

The goods on the stalls do not need to be transported to and from the store.

Even when the market is closed, there will be dedicated personnel watching over the Temple of Heaven Garden, which is trouble-free and safe.

It is conceivable that in today's era.

Such conditions would be very attractive to those units.

It was simply too convenient for them and too sincere.

Since no matter how you look at it, it is a cheap thing with only advantages and no disadvantages, then why not do it?

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