National Tide 1980

Chapter 707 Whose script?

In 1984, although the capital postal market, as a speculative market in this country, was still in a particularly immature stage.

But almost everyone involved in stamp buying and selling is crazy.


Just because the stamp market has brought about the illusion of "making a lot of money just lying down" and getting whatever you want without any effort.

At this time, the Republic really did not have many channels for ordinary people to invest.

As a result, the postal market has become one of the few options for many people with spare money to effectively expand their personal wealth.

While people are accustomed to crowding in and out, the postal market lacks supervision and is weak in standardization.

So even if it rises to the sky, no one will care.

With prices soaring, people naturally ignore all risks.

So when the plunge really came, those involved discovered a tragic fact.

If one is not careful, this small stamp, which seems to require very little capital to participate, can also cause people to lose money and vomit blood.

At this time, they are also accustomed to breaking up in a hurry, cutting off their flesh and running away more decisively than anyone else.

After all, there is no upper limit or lower limit in this market. If you think about it, you will know how scary this "craziness" is.

This kind of madness actually reflects people's desire for wealth and their attitude towards money.

This kind of madness will inevitably spawn many monsters and countless conspiracies in the market.

For example, today's big stamp dealers no longer work alone as they did in the past.

They no longer take loose tickets like they used to, just to make a sweet deal, relying on their singing and key points to fool the big fish they are targeting.

Nowadays, they all want full-page tickets, and what they need is to cast a wide net, no matter how big or small the fish is, they want it all.

Even in adversity, we have learned to join forces with each other, know how to build momentum with a tacit understanding, and rely on bluffing to catch retail investors to save ourselves.

Some of them actually know how to make a big deal out of the east and west, and know how to use stamps on their heads to trigger the nepotism effect.

At noon on October 17, Ning Weimin, who had been paying close attention to the postal market recently, after receiving the first-hand detailed reports from Luo Guangliang and Xiaotao from the market, he couldn't help but admire these stamp dealers for adapting to the market. What a powerful ability!

It seems that economic interests are the biggest motivation for anything. It is money that forces people to make progress and move forward.

Not to mention, the method adopted by the stamp dealers is simple and simple, but it does work.

Similar methods have been widely used in the next thirty years, but the degree is slightly different and the process is slightly more complicated.

You know, the blind obedience and gambling genes of our people are too strong.

Most people's subjective emotions determine everything, and they are really confused when they are confused.

The evidence is that you have to go to three places to buy a cucumber.

He took money to invest in the stock market, but he dared to place an order just by listening to a stranger's words.

It is conceivable that in a speculative market built on such retail investors, how powerful is fake news?

If you can really incite public sentiment and gather a small amount of money to make a large amount, the effect will be very terrible.

Otherwise, in the future stock market, there will not be so many bankers who make a fortune quickly and become famous by eating the flesh and blood of retail investors.

But then again, as far as Ning Weimin's zodiac tickets are concerned, these small fish and shrimps can't make any waves.

He is not worried at all that someone will buck the trend, pick up the varieties he knocked down, and destroy the fruits of his labor.

Because he is an unprecedented powerful banker.

Not only do they have ample funds and rich experience in speculation, but they have also been preparing for today and laying ambush for many years in advance.

Which head species is not under his control?

You must ask for his opinion on the rise and fall, and there is no chance for anyone who wants to get involved.

In other words, if he hasn't had enough at the low price, he won't be able to go up.

Others deadlifting only creates opportunities for him to make money by relying on this kind of fluctuation.

Especially these so-called big players have just suffered a hidden loss.

According to objective conditions, it does not have the ability to counterattack and calculate.

So he asked Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao.

But when I heard about the "Hardman", the mouse and the monkey didn't want to touch each other.

It's like "the devil enters the village". If he only dares to catch a chicken and chase a dog, he will be happy first.

"Hey, you don't even dare to touch monkey tickets and mice. What kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be? You obviously don't have enough funds, and you want to find the softest persimmon. Don't talk to him. I don't think he can buy these chickens and chickens. Dog, he and his acquaintances teamed up to act."

Then, when he learned from Luo Guangliang that since the price of rat-catching stocks fell, he had only covered up his position at a low position and got back 3,000 yuan.

At that time, he set a circle for Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao, and asked them to sell high and buy low.

"There is no need to doubt that these people are not willing to lie down and wait for death. Their purpose must be to increase sales. Or they want to sell high and buy low to reduce losses. That's fine. Let's just let them go and define a range for them. Let them toss around in this circle. If you are selling for forty-eight, you can buy if it is forty or less. Don’t forget to look at the monkey ticket, and keep it around two hundred. As long as we keep this price range until October 30, we will Then do a trick at the end, and let’s live together completely!”

Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao responded at the same time.


"Brother Ning, please lift it up!"

At the same time, Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen, who had no idea that the script had been written, continued to argue over how to respond to the market.

"I'm not trying to beat you around, Xiaofen. I actually understand you very well. The feeling of making money is light and happy, and the feeling of losing money is depressing and unwilling. In just a few days, you have experienced it all. And you are under so much pressure because of the use of public funds. . People's emotions inevitably become impatient, anxious, and their judgment deteriorates. They want to throw it all back and make a big profit. But not everyone in this stamp market makes money. Facts have proved that there are also losses. .”

Yin Yue continued sincerely, "The more you are in this situation, the more you should think more about your safety. You can't afford to lose. We should just let it go. Didn't you say it yourself yesterday? Be more steady this time. , stop being greedy. Recover the losses bit by bit."

But Lin Xiaofen was stubborn.

"Don't tell me these big principles, I don't understand. I know that stamps are going up today, and it's very sharp. There's no way it's going to fall suddenly. I said, Yin Yue, yesterday was yesterday, today is today, speculation How can stamps be so stubborn? Do we have to push out the money even though we have enough money? You heard me right. Wait for two more days, otherwise we will lose a lot of money..."

Yin Yue frowned. "You can't change your mind every day. You are too easily influenced by others. Do you believe that you can become fat with just one bite? Don't forget that the current price of stamps was only a dime a piece. It took a long time to rise. But it fell suddenly, plummeting thousands of miles..."

"Of course I know. So, this is a rare opportunity! It has increased by several yuan a day. How long has it been since we have seen something like this? Only a fool would miss it!"

"Why can't you understand what I say? When it rose so much, it was because all the stamps in the postal market were rising. Everyone was optimistic about the future market and was very optimistic. Where can there be such an atmosphere now? Such an environment? Such Many people, not to mention being frightened to the core by this plunge, are at least doubting the future market. Can it still rise like this? Don't you think it's abnormal?"

"Oh, it's abnormal? Isn't it abnormal that the National Day stamps plummeted? In the postal market, no matter how new things are, they are not new. Let me tell you, the truth couldn't be simpler. Some people rush to buy it, and it goes up. Some people want it. If you sell, it will fall. It’s just buying and selling, why are you making it so complicated..."

In this way, neither Yin Yue nor Lin Xiaofen could convince the other, and they fought with personal emotions.

By the end, both of them felt a little speechless.

But suddenly, this awkward silence was suddenly broken by a bald man.

Although neither Yin Yue nor Lin Xiaofen remember this person's last name, they have indeed seen him many times in the postal market.

We also chatted and made several quite large transactions.

Due to emotions and reasons, we cannot deal with it rudely.

Lin Xiaofen was the first to respond, "Hey, I have no money. All the money has been spent long ago. I bought everything yesterday."

The bald man immediately expressed his admiration.

"Oh, experts are experts. You two are still one step ahead of the rest of us. You see, I want to buy some now, but I can't squeeze in. Aren't you in a hurry? Hey... otherwise, for the sake of our friendship, Let me divide the goods you two have in hand. Anyway, you have a lot of money, so you are not short of this."

This is probably the original intention of this master, to say that he can really climb the pole.

But Lin Xiaofen was not a good person, so she refused half-jokingly.

"Haha, you are just thinking about good things, you are a big eater. Don't worry, if you can't buy it today, you can come back tomorrow. Look at this market, it must be busy for a few days."

The problem is that the master still refuses to give up and continues to pester me.

"Hey, I'm in a special situation. I'm not satisfied with you saying that I'm going on a business trip soon. It would be nice to be back before the end of the year. I'm really afraid that if I leave, I won't be able to keep up with this low price. You have to be willing What about the payment? We can easily discuss the price. The worst case scenario is that I will buy the goods for five thousand yuan at the highest market price and give you another two hundred to wake you up. It will be considered a treat as a thank you. How about it? Please help me..."

Lin Xiaofen finally drooped her face.

"Forget it, I think it's not time to sell yet, so I will sell when it's time to sell. I said, it's not that I don't help. But with you like this, no matter how much goods we have, it's not even enough. Right? You , it’s better to ask someone else..."

However, just when the bald man was about to leave, full of regrets and disappointment, Yin Yue, who looked a little cold, stopped him.

"Hey, don't go, I want to take action. But, I only have a full page of rat tickets. Do you want it?"

The bald man was instantly overjoyed, "Yes, yes! Oh, you are really a rescuer, you have helped me a lot!"

In this way, with one hand of money and one hand of goods, the 108th version of the rat ticket was quickly sold.

However, that also took seven or eight minutes.

After all, there was no money counting machine these days, so most of the time was spent on both parties counting banknotes and counting the number of stamps.

It was a coincidence that as soon as the bald man left, the price of rat tickets in the market increased a little, and someone asked for the 46-yuan-51 version.

Okay, now Lin Xiaofen got the idea, and immediately started to scold her impatiently.

"Look, this owner is really a loser! Let you sell! It has gone up now! It's true!"

She then expressed sincere regret, "Oh, it's all up to me. I wish I had held you back just now. Forget it, I'll treat you to a nice meal tonight. Who made me earn more than you? .”

As a result, Yin Yue couldn't help but be a little touched when she blamed herself so much.

At the same time, she was inspired because she took the initiative to treat guests again.

As a result, I suddenly figured out the problem that I always felt like something was wrong.

"Xiao Fen, don't feel bad for me. In fact, I didn't lose. Five thousand plus the extra two hundred he gave me, I actually sold it for forty-eight. And to tell you the truth, I want to continue to sell more points. .And I hope you’ll sell it with me too.”

"What? Are you crazy? You have a grudge against Qian!" Lin Xiaofen looked in disbelief.

"I'm not crazy. I really feel that something is wrong with the current postal market."

Sighing softly and ruminating on her thoughts, Yin Yue simply revealed all her thoughts.

"To be honest, I have felt that there is something wrong with the market in the past two days. It is weird. What is strange? I thought about it and finally discovered it. The postal market is actually more harmonious and united than ever before. There are no more fights, and they like to pick fights. Those who caused trouble and bullied the market have also stopped, and there are far fewer dirty words. It is simply more effective than a sweep by the police."

"Especially for these big families, usually you would find it distasteful to me, and I would find you unconvinced. But now? Each and every one of them has become a model young man who is civilized and polite."

"Everyone is very kind-hearted and enthusiastic, rushing to teach others how to make back the money they lost. And they are also rushing to show off how smart they are to avoid the National Day plunge. It seems like they every Everyone is very smart and we all make money, but we are just stupid enough to lose money."

"Think about it again, how difficult it was for us to get some useful information in the market in the past. We had to slowly gather information and make insinuations to make it possible. But now, it is easier. We just sit still, and there are people every day I take the initiative to tell you this news and deliver it to your door..."

Having said this, Lin Xiaofen seemed a little touched, but still didn't think too deeply about it.

"If you put it that way, it seems a bit strange. But then again, isn't this bad?"

"Yes, those people are face-saving and love to brag. When they make money, they brag to their family and friends. When they lose money, they stay silent until the end. But this is human nature. It doesn't bother us either. What's going on?"

"As for the news they sent me, I'm not stupid, and of course I won't listen to it. We just listen to what is useful to us and think it's right. Of course I know that they want to persuade everyone to buy stamps. But we are If you don't see the rabbit, don't let the eagle fly. If the stamps don't go up, who would be stupid enough to throw money into it?"

"You have to think about it this way. After all, the big investors are big people. Their funds are much stronger than ours. If they really gather together and want to stir up the stamps again, this is actually a good thing. If so many people follow, is this good for us? Isn’t it good? Let’s all hug together to keep warm, and we can make a fortune together.”

Yin Yue couldn't help but shake her head.

"Xiao Fen. Why haven't you understood it after this stamp plunge? Those who make money in the postal market all get their money from those who lose money. The essence of stamp speculation is actually to use this seemingly Make deals to steal money from others.”

"So how is it possible for everyone to make a fortune together? Don't you think about it, when the market was so good for the first time, didn't Hardman still hide the extra money he got? Could it be that now that he has lost money, he has changed his mind? Are you generous? Do you know how to consider others? Do you act as a guiding light for others?"

Lin Xiaofen was speechless and was speechless after being asked.

Yin Yue did not give her time to think carefully and continued to tell her more sensational judgments.

"You want to say that the big investors have strong funds. If you put it in the past, it might be right. But it may not be true now. Just now you said you would treat me to dinner tonight. I suddenly remembered the restaurant we ate at yesterday."

"You should remember, right? Those big merchants used to close their stalls every day, and didn't they almost go out to drink and brag? But what about recently? They would either buy pancakes and fruit, or make sesame pancakes with meat and take a bite. Logically speaking, It’s not like we’ve lost money and everything is clean, but why doesn’t anyone spend money to go out to restaurants?”

"Of course, you might say that having peace of mind is the key to daring to spend money. Although wealth in the postal market is frankly a numbers game, making money is the real reassurance. The recent market is not good, so they are naturally not in the mood. I admit that this is indeed possible. But the doubt is precisely reflected here."

"Look, how's the market these days? We all had a great meal happily. But why is the restaurant still deserted and deserted, with no sign of those lavish stamp dealers in the past? I'm afraid this is unreasonable, right?"

"Recall again how we shipped the goods during the National Day plunge. In the first few days, the price suddenly dropped, and many people rushed to sell goods. But there were buyers and sellers in the market. Our 50th Edition I offered rat tickets for 60 yuan, and there were still people who accepted them. But later I could only sell them, not buy them. As soon as the market price fell over 50 yuan, everyone who connected wanted to sell it. Otherwise, on October 5th, the price would drop to 5 yuan. piece?"

"If you ask me, these big companies must have paid much more than us! They may have lost even the original goods and the goods they wanted to take advantage of, and they won't be able to get out at all! Think about it again , after all, we both still have jobs, so we don’t have to worry about eating. But what about them? They hang out here every day, making money by flipping stamps, and they also have to feed several of their brothers. This is probably the real reason why they disappeared from the restaurant .”

"Can they have money now? I don't believe it. I think all their money is in the goods now, and they are all goods received by high-level people. Are they the only ones who want to scan the goods? They are not afraid of breaking their belly. They are definitely shouting to others Listen. My grandma often said that if a biting dog doesn't bark, the more it barks, the more it shows how weak it is! It's obvious that there is no silver in this place."

"If you don't believe it, let's make a bet. You go over now and see what the 'big man' who always claims to 'smoking nothing except Marlboro' smokes today. I think he is of a certain level. It’s dropped significantly! I’m going to win, and you’ll lose me a dinner. If I’m wrong, I’ll lose you a golden monkey ticket. How about it?”

It was said to be a bet, but the stakes were very different.

This made Lin Xiaofen very obedient. Yin Yue asked her to go and see it, and she actually went.

But after a full twenty minutes, which was probably enough time to follow the "handsome man" around the postal market twice, she came back.

Then she told Yin Yue everything she observed with a pale face.

"The 'Commander' didn't bring any cigarettes with him. He smoked those from his subordinates. People from Jinmen gave him a box of 'Hengda' just now."

After a pause, he added an additional piece of relevant information.

"I also looked at the 'Hardman'. This guy usually smokes the Hilton, but now he smokes the 'White Sand'. I heard that the first few days he smoked the 'Big Qianmen'."

In this way, it is basically clear what the situation is.

Not only did Yin Yue guess, the actual situation might even be more severe.

So because of this, Lin Xiaofen panicked again.

"What should I do? What should I do? Sisters! I really let you talk. Then this is a trap!"

"Then we really can't keep the goods in our hands. We have to sell them quickly! Otherwise, the price will plummet again."

"Yes! Yes! We can't keep any of them! Let's sell them quickly before anything happens!"

Seeing Lin Xiaofen grabbing her hand eagerly, her body was trembling, not knowing whether it was fear or anxiety.

Yin Yue was quite speechless and could only offer some words of comfort.

"Xiao Fen, why are you like this! Aren't you jumping from one extreme to another all at once! Don't panic, don't be impatient, calm down, it's not the end of the world yet."

"I think even we now know how to buy high and sell low, and these big investors should know this better. From their point of view, it is unrealistic to use this incitement to completely sell off all the goods in their hands. It’s not appropriate either.”

"If my guess is correct. They probably want to take advantage of now to get some cash, and then wait for the stamps to fall, then replenish the stock. After struggling like this, they can slowly recover the losses. At least, I think the rat stamps are definitely That's right, because this kind of stamp has fallen too much, no matter how you think about it, you can't just rush back."

"So obviously the best way for us at the moment is to act one step ahead of those big investors. That is to sell some of the stamps in our hands according to the original plan. This way we have both cash and stamps. If it goes up, we will continue to sell. If it goes down, we will continue to sell. Let’s buy it back.”

Lin Xiaofang was finally reassured by Yin Yue's comfort, but she was still confused.

"Yin Yue, I'm all confused now. I don't have any idea what to do. But I think what you said makes sense, so it's up to you to take the idea. You tell me what I should do, and I'll do it!"

"Well, since I am also speculating, it may not be accurate. To be cautious, why don't you sell all the goods that you have received at low prices recently. As for me, I want to sell more. I want to issue the rat ticket. Half. Sell another five hundred copies."

"Okay, just sell it!"

In this way, Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen finally reached a consensus of advancing together and retreating together.

The gold and silver flowers in the postal market threw away the stamps they brought in the market.

Because Yin Yue didn't bring enough, she went home to pick up the goods.

But no matter what, the two completed the deal on this day.

Before the postal market closed that day, the rat ticket price rose to 48 yuan.

The next day, October 18, Lin Xiaofen did not come because she had important matters at the factory.

Probably the factory needs inventory.

But fortunately, because of the chicken tickets and dog tickets on this day, as well as the pictures of ladies, the 23rd Olympic Games once again went hand in hand, ensuring that the market will continue to have a certain degree of rush to buy.

Rat votes and pig votes have also increased a lot, and rat votes even jumped to 51 yuan at one time.

If Lin Xiaofen were here and she had the cash she got from throwing away the stamps yesterday, she didn't know if she would change her original plan.

The result was hellish, and the glory lasted only a few hours.

Before Rong Yin Yue could decide whether to take the opportunity to issue more, the rat tickets suddenly slipped out as if they had taken laxatives.

I turned around and started going down, and actually fell to forty-eight, and then I never went up again that day.

When the market closed, all other stamps ended up at a more or less high price, but the rat stamp ended up at a low price of 45 yuan that day.

Then, this anomaly began to lead to someone noticing that there were more rat tickets on the market, and there seemed to be as many as they wanted.

Just like that, there was no improvement in the price of the rat stamp. Three days later, the price of the rat stamp returned to 38 yuan while watching other stamps rise.

Yin Yue took action decisively and took Lin Xiaofen to buy back the rat tickets sold according to the amount sold.

This time each of them got thousands of dollars in cash.

Then three days later, Lin Xiaofen was overjoyed and took the initiative to announce the good news.

"Yin Yue, you did the right thing. You're so good that I kept you guessing! Let me tell you, the rat tickets are showing signs of turning upward again. It's forty yuan. And Hardman started to show up in the market again. Go up and instigate.”

"I realize that you are a genius! You are so accurate in seeing the problem! Sooner or later your brain will become a big deal! I will listen to you on how to speculate on stamps in the future!"

"We didn't even have a meal after selling stamps last time! It's a must today, and I have to thank you very much! Let's eat Western food, and go to your company's newly opened... What's so beautiful about that one, ah yes... Menimus! "

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