National Tide 1980

Chapter 708 Fame

Ever since he discovered the tricks of the big players in the postal market, Yin Yue seemed to have deciphered the code of wealth.

In the second half of October, her stamp speculation went smoothly, as if divine help came to her.

You know, as big stamp dealers, they support so many people and hold so many goods, it is impossible to let the market remain deserted.

Otherwise, if there is no income, how can we have dinner together?

Therefore, they always find ways to artificially create excitement about the types of stamps they hold in their hands, so that they can reduce their burden by selling high and buying low.

In this way, due to different methods and different goods, there is a time difference in the rise and fall of various stamps.

Who is Yin Yue?

She is a moneylender.

What she is best at is calculating time and making the most of the money she has.

So she sold this and bought that, bought this, and sold that again, going in and out every day.

Don't be greedy for more, focus on the goals they are eyeing, and the few categories they hold in their hands.

After half a month, there was no light in the east and light in the west, and I gained something almost every day.

She and Lin Xiaofen actually each earned 10,000 yuan in real cash.

This feels so good!

It is simply the crispy radish with green skin and purple flesh that Beijing people love to eat in winter - "beautiful at heart".

However, the bad side is that most people are being fooled by the big players.

Only they can laugh, and naturally they look particularly eye-catching.

No matter how happy Lin Xiaofen was, all the organs on her face were filled with joy.

Yin Yue was still silent, with the joy of cheering in her stomach.

Compared with most other people, they are frustrated by the ups and downs and unable to grasp the market situation, and look like they are about to cry without tears.

The gap between heaven and hell is the same. It is impossible not to envy and hate them.

As a result, their repeated bets made their two flowers even more famous in the postal market.

Many mid-level and retail investors who frequent the postal market have become their fans.

As a result, there are always some people chasing after them every day, trying to please them in every possible way, trying to get information from them, and want to buy and sell with them.

"Hey, you two, I sincerely ask you to have a hard time. You can choose any place and teach me one and a half moves. Let's make a fortune together. If I make money, I will definitely be grateful. …”

"Sister, this is wrong! It's not fun to keep the news to yourself. I told you last time, have you forgotten?"

"I said, how do you know when to buy and sell these stamps? Do you two know Qigong? Are you clairvoyant? If so, then I am willing to spend fifty just to buy a word from you..."

"Sister Jin, Sister Yin, do you still remember me? Last month, Ma Laosi's business was the one I led for you. Although it didn't work out in the end, that girl was so evil. But now, in this market, our market We all know that you two sisters are having sex... Hey, don't leave, I have no other intentions! Let's talk together! Let's exchange news..."

There are even those who make a miserable image to show off their suffering.

"Sister Jin, Sister Yin, please give me some information. I really can't afford the compensation. I originally wanted to earn some money for milk powder for my children, but who could have imagined that my two months' salary has been wasted..."

But no matter who they were talking to, Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen remained silent and had no comment.

It's not that they are cold-blooded, but because they know that one trick can teach their disciples to starve their masters to death.

If everyone really learned how to do it, they wouldn't be able to make money.

Moreover, for their own safety, they must remain secretive.

Otherwise, with so many people speculating with them, the target would be too big.

If those big business owners find out that they are being watched from behind every day and always taking action against the stamps in their hands, they will definitely be unhappy and trouble will come.

Not to mention that this is a thankless task in the first place.

Once this information is shared with other people, you are assuming some responsibility.

After listening to your words, if you make money, people will think it is natural.

But if you lose, people will definitely not be happy, thinking that you are hiding something or deliberately making mistakes.

So the only exception is Old Boss Feng.

After all, this friendly old man has helped Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen a lot, and he will still be useful to them in the future.

At this time, they don't want to try to help the old man, because it is too unreasonable, and it means they are in trouble with themselves.

But having said that, even if you are so careful, there are still some things you can't avoid.

No one is a fool. Can Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen only rely on their indifferent attitude and keeping others away from others to stop others from wanting to get rich?


If they stare at others and do something to them, others can also look at them and do something to them.

The situation soon evolved into the fact that some people were also keeping an eye on Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen.

They buy and sell, and every time they buy and sell, a lot of people rush to imitate them.

To use an analogy, this would be like "Teacher Ma" becoming famous for doing antique shows in the future, and then going to the flea market.

Not to mention asking a few questions, just "Teacher Ma" taking a second look, or putting it down in his hand,

There will be "fans" who will come over like flies and buy them at a high price with their eyes closed.

To put it bluntly, once "Teacher Ma" has a reputation, it will be difficult for him to pick up the slack. Others are thinking about picking up his slack.

So the more you are afraid of something, the more likely it is.

Once Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen became the targets that post friends followed with practical actions, what they were most worried about happened.

Before the market closed on October 28, Hardman actually sent two people to leave a message for them.

I sincerely invite them to go to the restaurant after the market closes to discuss the rat ticket issue.

Needless to say, the consequences appeared, and the two of them were finally exposed in front of the big players.

Lin Xiaofen originally didn't want to go, so her only solution was to hide.

Because she knew that this "Hardman" had been in prison and came back from the "Grand Slam" in Chadian'er.

There are all the gangsters and street gangsters near Chongwenmen who don't know him.

According to this group of people, "Hardman" is the real "player".

The most "heroic" achievement was when he chased five people away with a shovel and almost killed them.

If a person like this gets angry and gets real angry with them and acts like a hooligan, how will they deal with it?

Scared to death.

However, Yin Yue weighed it carefully and decided that she still had to talk.

Because they can hide from the first grade of junior high school but not the fifteenth grade, unless they stay away from the postal market and stop making money in this treasure land.

If you still want to continue speculating on stamps, not doing so will make you feel guilty.

That's right and wrong, reasonable and unreasonable.

And since the meeting is in a restaurant, it is a public place, and safety is guaranteed.

This year, the efforts to rectify social security have been unprecedented, and the Public Security Bureau is not a vegetarian.

No matter how vicious the "Hardman" gang was, they would never do anything in public.

Otherwise, even if you don't eat "black dates" and put them on the wall, you will have to be sent to the frontier of the motherland to repair the earth, and you may never come back in your lifetime.

Not to mention, I probably benefited from the time when I was lending money, and I had dealt with too many self-employed people who were wandering around.

Yin Yue's vision, courage and judgment are better than Lin Xiaofen's.

They were right to go this time.

Because what was waiting for them in the restaurant was indeed not the tense Hongmen Banquet, but a sumptuous table of wine and food and the warm courtesy and compliments of several wealthy people.

Today's meal is actually not a treat for "Hardman" himself.

In addition to him, there is also "Da Shuai" and another "Sister Wang" who specializes in making small photos. The three of them treat each other together.

And their people all ate at another table.

It was prosperous and lively, and it was exactly the atmosphere of a business negotiation.

"Come on, two sisters, sit here with me..."

As soon as she saw them, Sister Wang stood up first.

Hardmen laughed loudly, "I was worried that you wouldn't come. Just come, it will save you face."


The "marshal" also stood up with a smile and picked up the beer bottle.

He didn't even use a screwdriver, just a pair of two bottle caps, and with a light pry, he opened a bottle.

"I'll tell you a few, let's meet one first!"

Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen immediately relaxed a lot.

It seemed that, at least for now, they were sure that these people wanted to have a good talk.

So the guests followed the hosts as they pleased, and they happily clinked glasses with everyone and drank a glass of beer in one gulp.

They are all people running around in society, so the scene is not a big deal.

"Okay! Have fun!" After a glass of beer, Hardman's charisma became even stronger.

He picked up a cigarette and lit it, then burped, rolled his head and said, "I'm so happy! Let me tell you what you have to say. We met once and we shared a batch of rat tickets. At that time , I felt that you two were a bit unusual. I didn’t expect that you two are indeed brave enough and have poisonous eyes. You are really masters of stamp speculation. We have not hidden this trick from you at all. No matter whether you are buying or not, you will always be ahead of us. step."

It was difficult to judge the context and attitude of these words. Lin Xiaofen's expression changed when Harden looked a little aggressive.

Yin Yue was okay, still calm, and responded with words.

"We just have better luck. The main reason is that we have less capital and can easily turn around, so we can be a little faster. But we don't mean to embarrass you. We don't want to ruin your plans. Yes, there are some people following us. Buy it. But we never took the initiative to tell others, so this shouldn’t be considered a sin, right?”

"Okay, Hardman, let me do the talking. Look how embarrassing you have made the atmosphere."

Sister Wang laughed at the right time and continued, "The reason I bring this up today is not to call for accusations. The main reason is that we admire the pace of your business and hope you will join us. Come on, let me express my gratitude again on behalf of everyone. Sincerity! Come, let’s have another drink!”

Sister Wang moved as she spoke, pouring beers one by one, and raised her own cup in front of Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen.

The two of them had no choice but to be unappreciative, and then they realized that these people had only one real purpose, which was to get them to join their gang.

"You want us to join? But our money and goods can't keep up with yours." Yin Yue smiled bitterly, "I really don't know what you see in us? I don't know what we should do?"

"Haha!" Now the "marshal" was happy. "Don't underestimate yourself. You must have what we need. Money and goods don't matter."

He added after him. "You really don't need to be too nervous. The so-called joining a partnership is actually just a way of saying it. In fact, it is for everyone to ensure our common interests and implement the three chapters of the agreement."

"This is what we think. In the future, we will let you know in advance what products we will speculate on, what products we will produce, when we will buy them, and at what price."

"But I also hope that when you buy it, you don't buy it first, and when you sell it, you don't sell it first. In addition, it's best to reveal the news a little bit, so that more people can cooperate with our plan."

"As for earning more and earning less, it's easy to handle. Business is fair and reasonable. We advance and retreat together. In the end, each of us is responsible for our own income. What is loyalty? This is the greatest loyalty."

"The Marshal" stopped talking. He, "Hardman" and Sister Wang all looked at Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen.

However, the two girls thought there was more to come and looked at them. There was a moment of silence at the round table.

Fortunately, at this time, a three-fresh rice crispy rice dish was served.

As soon as the waiter poured the sauce, the rice cakes on the plate crackled loudly, which was as lively as setting off firecrackers.

Everyone began to taste it individually.

It was the first time for Yin Yue to eat this dish. She thought it was very fresh and delicious, so she used her chopsticks a few more times.

After eating, he remembered the topic just now and asked "The Marshal" again, "What else?"

"The Marshal" was stunned for a moment, wiped his mouth, and blinked.

"No more, that's basically it."

Lin Xiaofen immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "It's so simple to love, how many rules do I have to follow."

Yin Yue also said, "It's okay to cooperate like this. There's a consensus, and no one orders anyone else. If we work together, we'll get together, and if we don't work, we'll divide. Being flexible will prevent us from being suspicious of each other, and it will save us money. Of course, the probability of making money will be higher." It’s high. There’s just one thing. If we really want to buy or sell, we’ll tell you in advance. Just don’t force us..."

"Hardman", "Da Shuai" and Sister Wang didn't expect it to be so simple. They dared to fall in love because they were afraid of being forced by others.

So there was a lot of joy at the table, and there were toasts and cheers.

After a while, Sister Wang actually turned red after drinking, and she didn't know whether it was because of the alcohol or excitement.

"Two sisters, since we are sitting together, it is obvious that we are destined. Now we are also one family, and we don't speak the same language. I have prepared a gift for you. Do you know what the date is, October 30? It's Peony. I have been preparing for this issue in the past few days. People in the postal market are also ready to make a move, so we have to discuss one thing today, how to use this matter to launch another wave of Rise? You two have the greatest influence on those retail investors, and plan for it? "

Neither Yin Yue nor Lin Xiaofen expected that these big business owners would have such high regard for them, which made them feel a little presumptuous.

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