National Tide 1980

Chapter 718 People have three urgent needs

If we talk about the troubles in the Donghuamen and Xiushui Street markets, it is because Ningwei people are unable to change the plans of ordinary people in the market.

I want to take possession of everything, I want to hold on to everything, and that’s why I feel bad for myself, if it’s not too unfair.

Then there are some things where it is because he thinks too much about others and does great things that he needs to take on more responsibilities.

I'm afraid this is purely self-inflicted.

The first thing is that he donated toilets to Meishi Street, Donghua Market and Jingshan Street.

These days, it’s not really a big deal for ordinary people to have opinions on something and make suggestions.

After all, information is limited and people speak lightly, so it is difficult to spread it widely and expand its influence.

But I am afraid of alarming the media, especially foreign media.

Not to mention TV or radio, it’s different when it’s published in newspapers.

A very accidental incident made Ning Weimin's toilet appear in foreign newspapers.

Now the Republic and the United Kingdom are entering the final stage of negotiations on the Hong Kong City issue.

The Times has also deployed additional manpower to China to report relevant news in a timely manner.

There is a female reporter named Elena who was recently deployed with three colleagues.

Don't think that foreigners are just the same, they also have the problem of pretending to be public for personal gain.

This Elena is a young and fun-loving girl. It is her first time in China and the capital.

Her work schedule came and went, so she specially arranged a weekend for herself.

I plan to fully appreciate this ancient oriental capital that is still very mysterious to most Westerners.

This foreign girl is actually stupid and bold.

That is to say, in a strange country and a strange city, she took an English map and a travel bag, and she dared to walk around the streets.

This may not be new today, but it seemed very unusual in 1984.

But overall, Elena's tour went smoothly.

She followed the map and started from the Beijing Hotel, then went to Tiananmen Square and entered the Forbidden City through the Meridian Gate.

Then we visited the three main palaces, the Qianqing Palace and the Kunning Palace, and then came out of the Shenwu Gate and went to Jingshan Park.

It all goes smoothly, all the way to the north, and the direction is particularly easy to find.

All on foot, she walked around for a long time and took a lot of photos.

She was tired from walking and thought she had gained enough. After leaving the house, she thought about going back to the hotel, but she was suddenly attracted by the ancient alley.

She stumbled through several alleys along the way, and she was fascinated by the scenes of ordinary people's lives in the alleys.

As a result, she walked deeper and deeper, until it was almost dark, and she didn't want to return the same way.

He actually took out his foreign exchange coupons and bought a bottle of yogurt from a small shop at the entrance of the alley. He drank it happily and his stomach was full.

After's a bad dish!

Elena suddenly found that she had a more urgent need.

Of course, this is normal, there are goings in and outs.

Since people have to eat and drink, they also need convenience.

But the problem is that in the Jingcheng Hotel, in the two parks, this is not a problem, but in the small alleys of the Jingcheng...

If anyone said that Elena was unprepared for this issue, she would definitely be wronging her.

People are actually very well prepared before going out.

Not only did he carry an English map of the capital, but he also had restaurants, parking lots and other signs marked with eye-catching red pens around the major attractions.

Just for emergencies.

In particular, foreigners who have been in China for a long time are very talkative about Chinese toilets. When treating friends and colleagues who come to China, they will solemnly tell each other where to use the toilet.

So after being warned by her colleagues, Elena solemnly marked the toilet, and she had already been mentally prepared for this.

But unfortunately, she just had fun and forgot about it.

And he also overestimated his sense of direction.

She thought she could go back the way she came, but she couldn't. Instead, she became more and more dizzy as she walked.

Just like following the Bagua array, I got stuck in an alley and lost my way.

It's useless to ask for directions, as few people can speak English these days.

This is fine in normal times. People have three urgent needs. How can we delay it like this at a time like this?

What does it mean that people’s calculations are not as good as God’s calculations?

She can't even get out of the alley and still has to find the toilet. Where can she, MotherFxxx, go to reason with her?

As we walked, the stars and the moon came out. This foreign girl really couldn't wait any longer.

My stomach hurt so much that I couldn't walk, so I squatted on the ground in the street.

Think about it, this blond foreign girl is holding her stomach and grinning in a Beijing alley, and within a few minutes, many people have gathered around her.

People in the capital these days not only love to watch the excitement, but are also very enthusiastic.

But everyone was talking about it, and after struggling for a long time, they still couldn't figure out what was going on.

If it weren't for the inconvenience of telephone calls these days, someone might have called the police and called an ambulance.

Fortunately, English interest classes have recently been opened in primary schools. A few naughty children in the alley who disliked cats and dogs actually understood the word "Toilet".

I yelled to the adults and said, "It's okay for foreigners, but I have a stomachache and I need to go to the toilet urgently."

The people in the alley suddenly realized.

So several aunts and sisters-in-law, not only to bring paper but also to lead the way, guided Elena to the toilet in a nearby alley.

Although there was a language barrier, the toilet paper helped Elena understand that these kind people understood her difficulties and followed her.

At this time, the foreign girl is quite happy.

It should feel almost like the American pilots who bombed Tokyo and made an emergency landing on the Chinese mainland. They are not relatives more than relatives.

Unexpectedly, I was dumbfounded when I trotted all the way to the place.

She never expected that what she was shown was two small houses half surrounded by broken brick walls, and bursts of surprising and suffocating smells hit her nostrils.

Only then did she suddenly realize - wow, she had been to this place just now!

It turns out that this is not a place where livestock are raised and fertilizers are stored, but a public toilet in the capital!

Smelling this smell, Elena's mind went blank and she resolutely refused to go in for convenience.

The women who came with her were confused. Why didn't this foreign girl go in? Is this urgent or not?

There was an elder sister-in-law who had watched many episodes of "Follow Me" and still remembered some simple English vocabulary, so she imitated Hua Kelin on TV and said to her.

"Hurry, Hurry..."

Several children who followed behind started making fun of and showing off what they knew.

"Quickly, Quickly..."

After all, physiological needs are something no one can refuse.

Amidst this chaotic urging, Elena was also afraid of attracting more people, so she really couldn't be reserved anymore.

Taking a deep breath, I finally felt like going to the execution ground step by step, determined to try the public toilets in the alleys of Beijing.

But after finally getting in, unexpectedly, Elena ran out like a gust of wind, her face was pale and she almost vomited.

Then when I got anxious, I hugged a tree and cried.

what happened?

It turned out that Elena looked into the dark toilet and found that the toilet pit in the capital's public toilet was actually open.

Not to mention the flushing equipment, there was no cover, and there was no way to move away from the filth all over the floor.

The stimulation of this scene is too strong.

Finally... the last savior actually came from the toilet.

As luck would have it, there was a woman who was using the toilet. She was an English teacher in a middle school.

When she was squatting and chatting with someone, she didn't notice that a blond head showed up and ran away, still crying outside. She was also very curious.

Of course, this English teacher can speak English that Elena can understand, so communication is no problem now.

What's even better is that it's not far from the Jingshan Street Office, where there is a toilet donated by Ning Weimin.

Not only does this English teacher know it, but he also acts decisively.

From the alley, I stopped a neighbor who had just returned home from get off work, temporarily borrowed his bicycle, and sent the foreign girl who could no longer move over.

It is conceivable that Elena, who was in this situation, was so moved when she saw that the conditions were comparable to the toilets of the Capital Hotel.

When she came out feeling relaxed, she was not only grateful to everyone who had helped her today, but also felt a deep love for the toilet that saved her.

Nothing else, I just have a camera at hand, so I can take pictures.

I took a photo with the English teacher and took many photos of the toilet.

After returning, she cried and laughed, obviously greatly stimulated.

Colleagues at the newspaper office thought something had happened to her!

The person in charge slapped his forehead, "Oh, Elinna! I'd never seen you so bad! What happens..."

As a result, she told everyone the story of using a public toilet in the capital.

Later, the person in charge thought it was interesting and gave her a chance.

It was suggested that she write an article about this matter in the form of a travel note and publish it in a newspaper from the perspective of observing people's livelihood.

Even though Elena had never published an article signed by herself, she was not afraid of being suddenly given this important task.

The reason is simple. You have even gone to the toilet in the Beijing alley, so what could be more difficult?

Just write!

It should be admitted that even the mainstream Western media these days are not as morally bankrupt and malicious as they were a few decades ago.

Elena's articles are still very objective and practical.

It not only writes about the hutong scenery and daily life in the ancient capital of the East, but also writes about the warm heart of the ancient roads that the people in the capital love to help others.

Regarding the toilet, he has a very regretful tone, thinking that such a toilet is not commensurate with the status of the capital of a big country.

The people of the Republic deserve to enjoy sanitary and cleaner toilet conditions.

Finally, I write about the toilet donated by Ning Weimin as a highlight.

I think it is not only clean, bright, well-equipped and very convenient, but also considers a lot of the elderly and disabled people, reflecting its humane characteristics.

Municipal departments should vigorously promote the progress of renovation so that the more toilets that meet sanitary standards, the better.

Needless to say, our country must have specialized departments and personnel who keep an eye on foreign media reports every day.

The translated manuscript of this article was quickly distributed from top to bottom and delivered to the city government.

The people in charge of the municipal government took a look and said, hey, in the past, we only considered housing issues, and not much attention was paid to toilet conditions.

Since foreigners have noticed this matter, considering that the capital took over the 1990 Asian Games and needs to improve its international image, it needs to be discussed carefully.

And you have to ask the sanitation department. This is the toilet that foreigners praise so much. It needs to be praised.

Unexpectedly, the people in the sanitation department didn't know anything about it.

I started to think about it, it seems like we didn’t do this?

No, go down and ask what's going on.

Well, just like that, this matter became a big deal.

Starting from the toilets in Jingshan Street, a line leads to Meishi Street and Donghua Market.

There is always one among the three street directors who cannot bear it, and Ning Weimin's behind-the-scenes donation behavior was exposed.

Not to mention, the toilets in Temple of Heaven Park and the toilets in Tan Palace were also reported by Director Duan’s people as models for the park.

Ning Weimin now registered with the authorities, and leaders from the city and district came to inspect the place respectively, and took people from the Environmental Sanitation Bureau and the Tourism Bureau to have a good tour.

As for the consequences, they far exceeded original expectations.

Although the attitude of each government office was to praise, and the three street directors also received awards for their meritorious service, they were also given a heavy burden.

For example, the city has decided to invest in the construction of a number of fully equipped first- and second-class public toilets in main streets and key areas for the Asian Games.

But the three streets donated by Ning Weimin were not included in it.

Moreover, these three streets, as pilot streets, must continue their efforts and find ways to complete the renovation of all public toilets in the area before 1990.

In addition, in view of the opinions of all parties, they all believe that public toilets are public welfare undertakings and cannot be allowed to continue charging.

Therefore, the three streets can only find ways to raise these funds on their own.

What can you think of?

We can only rely on street factories.

But the problem is that there is no problem with the strength of Meishi Street and Donghua Market, but there is only one carton factory in Jingshan Street, and Director Wei is extremely anxious.

A while ago, they had just helped Ning Weimin solve the stall problem at the Dong'anmen Night Market. How could Ning Weimin like Director Wei sitting on the wax?

So I had to rack my brains and think about the future of the carton factory for Director Wei.

Don't tell me, there is something that suits them very well.

That is the manufacturing of fast food tableware and disposable tableware.

Ning Weimin quickly thought that there was no manufacturer of these products in the capital so far, so to meet the demand for Yili fast food restaurants, they would have to purchase them from Shenzhen.

He thought again and realized that his Altar Palace actually needed something like this, at least to ensure a certain consumption capacity.

Of course, what he wants is a high-end product, not the kind of foam lunch box that is not environmentally friendly and harmful to health.

Therefore, the most practical thing at present, which can be launched quickly, is the production of tin foil lunch boxes.

In this way, Director Wei accepted Ning Weimin's suggestion and a loan of 50,000 yuan, and asked the carton factory to purchase some machinery and raw materials.

Start trying semi-manual and semi-motorized lunch box manufacturing.

But the troubles caused by this have not yet been completely resolved.

Various upcoming new plans for the Temple of Heaven Park were also noticed by the Garden Bureau and the Tourism Bureau during the inspection, and were subsequently blocked.

The cooperation between the Temple of Heaven Park and the zoo was directly blocked and had to be temporarily shelved, which led to a significant increase in the number of animal illnesses.

Re-opening the relationships in all aspects is a problem that Ning Weimin and the principal need to work together to overcome.

And whether it was jealousy or jealousy, many competitors began to emerge behind them who were staring at them.

For example, Ditan Park is gearing up for the Spring Festival Temple Fair this time, and Longtan Lake Park is also planning to hold a temple fair this time to join in the fun.

So this has caused the price of hiring performers to skyrocket.

For example, the Xuanwu District Lions Association and several crosstalk and storytelling actors have been hired by Ditan Park in advance this time with huge sums of money.

It is conceivable that other folk performances are not cheap.

If we don't act in a hurry, I'm afraid it will be too late.

Beihai Fangshan and Tingli Restaurant in the Summer Palace are also recalling the chefs they sent to "pass on and teach".

Although none of these chefs want to leave, they already have feelings for Tan Gong.

But how many chefs are willing to stay and give up their iron rice bowl for Tan Palace is also a question.

There is also the greenhouse in the Temple of Heaven, which is currently the only place in Beijing that can provide flowers all year round.

Ning Weimin's original plan was that after the altar palace could be used for his own use, he could also meet Maxim and Menimus' flower needs.

If there are any extra ones, take care of those foreign-related hotels that have cooperation with Pierre Cardon.

However, they soon received a call from the city’s Communications Office, requesting that priority be given to meeting the needs of major city events.

The Jingcheng Hotel and the Sichuan Hotel also sent people to inquire, which one could not afford the crime.

In order not to turn the good thing of generating income into a bad thing that offends others, Ning Weimin began to calculate how to reduce his demand before increasing production.

The only good thing recently seemed to be that Gu Si'er, who had gone to Huacheng, called back and said that someone indeed knew the kind of fish Ning Weimin wanted, but it took a lot of trouble to get it.

Not only does it take time, but it also requires special maintenance equipment to smuggle, and it is also expensive.

I'm afraid the silver ones cost 10,000 yuan a piece, and the red and gold ones cost 20,000 yuan a piece. This doesn't include the money to get back to the capital.

In short, Ning Weimin felt that he was screwed, and he had to bear all the consequences for taking too big a step.

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