National Tide 1980

Chapter 719 Unprepared

Things were not going well at work, and things went wrong in my own affairs.

There were many problems with the progress of the renovation project of Ma's Garden that Ning Weimin brought back.

The main reason is that building materials and construction techniques are not available.

Ma's Garden is one of the best private gardens in the capital. It embodies the wisdom and technology of two masters of construction in the capital, the Ma's and the Lei's. It can be said that the houses are simple and the mountains and ponds are cleverly constructed.

Many things may seem ordinary, but the ancient construction team also calculated them according to the conventional system when estimating them.

As a result, they officially took over and it was time to get to work, taking a closer look.

Well, what people are playing with is that the buns have meat but not in the pleats.

In many places, this is not the case at all. There are other mysteries and extremely high requirements for technology and craftsmanship.

Moreover, many raw materials have been discontinued today, or their output is very small.

For example, this lake stone and bluestone are severely lacking.

And this brick.

Some of the main buildings in the Majia Garden are actually made of gold bricks that Linzhou offered to the Forbidden City.

The soil in Linzhou is the best for making bricks, because the soil there is the sediment of the Yellow River bottom. It is fine and contains glue, has strong plasticity and is easy to make mud.

Only this kind of fine-material pure mud brick is the most effective for brick carving, but now no one even burns it in Linzhou, where can you get it?

Ning Weimin didn't want to make do with it. The so-called restoration should be as old as before. From the craftsmanship to the materials, there should be no distortion at all. This is called high-level restoration.

Then to find a suitable solution and a suitable substitute, you have to spend time looking for it.

Someone in the ancient construction team came up with an idea, saying that they could look for it in the wild fields at the Old Summer Palace, and they might be able to dig up a lot of useful things.

I don’t know how many people did this back then.

There are a lot of things from the Old Summer Palace on the Peking University campus. Isn’t it the first to get the moon closest to the water?

But in Ning Weimin's opinion, this idea was just a bad idea.

It is true that no one cares about it now, but there is no airtight wall in the world.

Ga Zi in the movie "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" said a wise saying - "Don't watch you having fun today, but be careful about the list I will give you tomorrow."

He is not stupid enough to put a rope around his own neck. He must not forget about settling accounts after the fall for the sake of temporary convenience.

He didn't even dare to keep the bronze, so how could he take advantage of it? cant.

Of course, just spending time waiting is not enough, the fees will definitely have to be increased.

Especially this year, it’s a bit of a bad time to rush.

Because the capital's urban construction plan and the prospect of the Asian Games are in sight, the capital has turned into a big construction site. Construction projects have begun everywhere, and banks have released money.

It can be seen that in the next five or six years, the speed of construction will only accelerate rather than slow down, and all of this will cause the price of building materials to skyrocket.

Therefore, Ning Weimin's repair of the emperor's uncle's small courtyard basically met the budget, but Ma's garden became a bottomless pit.

I don’t know how long it will take to complete the project, or how much money will be spent on it.

We can only fix what can be repaired first, build what can be covered, and stock up on whatever materials we can at the moment.

But even so, it's not the biggest headache.

The most troublesome thing is the last theater building in Ma's Garden and the courtyard where the Jiang family lived. It may not be easy to take it back, and there is actually a hard fight.

Not for anything else, but actually to protect the people themselves.

While spending huge sums of money to relocate residents and factories from the streets, he also bought a yard belonging to his uncle.

Then they immediately embarked on a massive renovation project, which was a huge undertaking.

The Ancient and Modern Cultural Association is not a fool. As early as when Ning Weimin did all this, he expected that sooner or later he would have to deal with him over the issue of vacating.

So I also inquired about his whereabouts from all aspects.

After asking around, I don't know how, but in the end I came to this somewhat presumptuous conclusion.

Ning Weimin is indeed an executive of Pierre Cardon, but his position is deputy and he is not responsible for the company's main business.

The personal connections are mainly concentrated in Nancheng, and the energy is mainly in organizing public events and catering business.

It seems that he is not well-received by the head office and is a marginalized figure who is excluded from outside.

So, they regarded him as a fat, strong, stupid and rich sheep.

When Ning Weimin came to visit, a person in charge of the association wearing glasses came to receive him.

They were very welcoming, and they had tea, cigarettes, and fruits, but the price they offered was a bone-cutting knife.

Not only did they want Ning Weimin's uncle's courtyard as a new office location, but they also wanted 150,000 yuan in compensation.

It means that for this theater and the courtyard where the Jiang family lived, Ning Weimin had to give them a house with almost double the area for free. How is that possible?

One hundred and fifty thousand?

With this cash alone, I can buy four medium-sized courtyard houses these days!

However, the association was sure that Ning Weimin would be unwilling to let the original address of the house deed lack this crucial piece, and refused to let go.

Instead, he took him to see the house in person.

I praised the three-story theater building to my face for how well it was built. The flower cave at the back was very convenient for growing flowers and storing things. The scenery in the courtyard and the quality of the houses were not comparable to ordinary courtyards.

He also said that their association stores a large number of precious cultural documents.

A move and a lot of trouble will consume a lot of manpower to do the reset and sorting work, and the gain outweighs the loss.

That means that you have caused us so much trouble and have gone through so much trouble, but you actually refuse to give in even one step.

This money-hungry face, like Scrooge in Dickens's "A Christmas Carol," actually made Ning Weimin feel like a dog biting a hedgehog.

So with the sky-high asking price and the fact that we are not allowed to pay back the money, we can't continue to talk about it.

After encountering the wall thickness several times, Ning Weimin had no choice but to think of another way, trying to find the higher-level unit of the association just like solving the problem in the emperor's uncle's courtyard.

Let’s see if we can resort to the bottom-up approach and solve the problem from top to bottom.

But when I found out, I was shocked again, because it was from the civilian...

Well, it is a group where celebrities and high-level intellectuals gather together.

Not only is there a big boss behind him, but he is also a completely different person.

For a person like him, just think about taking care of his superiors.

The so-called "drawing money from the bottom of the cauldron" is completely fanciful.

In fact, this result made all his acquaintances and friends in the housing management department cautiously advise him.

"Just retreat when you face difficulties. Don't be rash. It's better to do less than to do more. You already have so many houses. Why are you causing this trouble, right?"

No way, Ning Weimin himself was confused.

After much deliberation, if I had to handle this matter for my master, I would probably have no other choice but to stick out my neck and get stabbed.

Money, actually, is not a big problem.

When the leeks in the postal market are cut next year, he can get even 1.5 million, not to mention 150,000.

The key is that he is unwilling to do this and is very angry.

And he couldn't bear to part with the emperor's uncle's small courtyard.

It was his own private property, and he wanted to pass it on to future generations.

It needs history, it needs location, it needs quality, it needs environment, it needs level.

In the future, it will also have the concepts of cultural preservation, school district, subway, and central district.

Maybe I won’t be able to find such a nice courtyard if I want to buy one in the future.

For the sake of the master, putting such a good thing like yourself in it, this filial piety should be done, but it can't help but make people feel a little distressed.

Hey, let's see if we can buy another yard to replace it.

Otherwise, the educated masters are full of enthusiasm but full of evil!

These guys who killed a thousand people actually came to me like a wolf to eat wolf, so unexpected!

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