National Tide 1980

Chapter 73 Inspiration

Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui quickly became familiar with each other.

That's how men are.

When there is no conflict of interest, just a cigarette, a cup of tea, and a meal in the cafeteria can make you a good friend.

Of course, the two really hit it off.

Not only are they both good at chatting and joking, but their personal situations are also similar.

First of all, the two are similar in age, Ning Weimin is one year younger than Zhang Shihui.

Secondly, Zhang Shihui’s parents both work in military industrial enterprises in the northwest that require confidentiality.

He grew up with his grandmother, and now he lives alone in a small room in the flower market.

This makes him obviously independent, and his feelings about family are infinitely similar to Ning Weimin's.

As for the obvious differences between the two.

The only reason is that Zhang Shihui, as an only child, did not go to the countryside in the suburbs of Beijing to become an educated youth after graduating from high school.

He came directly to Chongwenmen Hotel to work.

Although it looks young, the store is now three years old.

Another point is that this guy fell in love relatively early.

Taking full advantage of the first-come-first-served advantage of being close to the water and the building, I have determined my companion for the second half of my life.

Judging from the conservative atmosphere and universal moral values ​​of these days.

As long as both parents didn't object, he and the girl named Liu Weijing he hooked up with on the night shift could almost be considered a family.

In short, Ning Weimin has found a more compatible partner.

The night shift was particularly comfortable, and nothing was difficult.

Even at Zhang Shihui's suggestion, the two of them even figured out how to divide the work in shifts.

One person works at the front desk all day, while the other sleeps on the floor.

In this way, it becomes more mutually beneficial, and the comfort level of the night shift workers is directly doubled.

Needless to say, from this working situation, Ning Weimin fully realized the wonderful taste of using an iron rice bowl to cook rice.

At this time, as a member who has caught up with the end of the welfare era, he does not need to challenge any difficult, dangerous, and heavy work, and he can happily pick up his job and eat with flavor.

Even though I know that such good times are unsustainable.

But for the transitional stage when you have to wait for the opportunity and cannot show off your talents at all, this kind of comfort and ease is quite good.

If we compare it to his previous life when he was scolded for posting small advertisements, the life where he was punished for running a small stall, and even his experience of jumping off a building to avoid debts.

It was a hell and a paradise.

For this reason, he couldn't help but feel infinite emotion and sigh.

Where does a happy life come from? It must be created by the public.

I really didn't expect that one day I would fall into Fuwo'er.


A person's business talent may really be innate.

Because if you deny this, you can't explain it.

How did Ning Weimin in his previous life get a "pawn ticket" that he couldn't redeem from a colleague who owed him money?

I saw the business opportunity of purchasing such pawn tickets at low prices and redeeming the collateral.

Then use this to open up a world and earn tens of millions of property with bare hands.

You also can't understand that in this life, Ning Weimin is trapped in a night shift position, in this small space.

How did he get inspired from a scrap of newspaper and figure out such a clever way to make money?

This matter is quite brilliant to say, a little bit like a village has a bright future.

At first, Ning Weimin worked the night shift and felt that it was really comfortable to eat and wait for death. He was quite satisfied and contented.

But when the days really went on like this, and as time passed, he became a little uneasy again.

After all, he was not born and raised in this era, and he clearly knew what the future society would be like.

This is destined to make it impossible for him to be immersed in the illusion of safety like his colleagues around him for a long time, thinking that life will always be so sweet.

Then sit back and wait for everything you are proud of to be crushed into powder by the wheels of historical change.

In particular, he is a person who coexists with ideals and depravity. He wants to be a cultural celebrity in the future, collect everyone's reputation, and live a life of arrogance and luxury like the richest man.

When he found that there were fewer and fewer monkey tickets in post offices everywhere, the prices of paintings and calligraphy by modern famous artists in calligraphy and painting stores began to rise.

He is even more worried that his good opportunity to obtain these cheap chips will be lost soon and will no longer exist.

But what can he do?

Greed alone is useless. If there is no money, there will be no place for money.

There was nothing he could do except watch and worry, unless everything changed.

Ning Weimin first knew that the remaining nine hundred yuan in his hand must not be touched.

That's the tuition fee for a trip to the ghost market, and it must be earmarked for special use.

If he dares to spend more money, Kang Shude will definitely fall out with him.

If he wants to ask the old man to teach him something in the future, there will be no way.

How about... just ask the old man for help to find something valuable to sell?

Ning Weimin thought this was probably even more of a luxury.

Still the same principle.

The old man's dissatisfaction with him buying paintings and hoarding stamps has reached its limit.

I talk about this bet all the time now.

If he dares to raise this issue, he will not be able to do anything good, and he will have to turn his master into the Tang Monk in "Journey to the West".

This is called seeking death.

He didn't want to suffer from Wukong's fault.

How about selling the two gourd bottles in your hand?

After repeated consideration, Ning Weimin finally made up his mind to let go.

But what happened? I originally wanted to look towards the bright moon, but the bright moon shone in the ditch.

When he carefully carried the two bottles to Yun Guzhai.

Just because he looked too young, well, he was completely underestimated.

He didn't even see the manager.

A bald salesman who spoke very rudely stopped him.

He actually wanted to defraud his treasure away for two hundred and fifty yuan.

This master is really worth two hundred and fifty!

It would be strange if he was capable.

There is no need to think about it, just how you got it and how you got it back naturally.

So if you want to raise more funds, while things are still cheap, try to save more cheap chips for the future.

It's really not that easy, I was a little bit blinded for a while.

Originally, Ning Weimin wanted to try his luck in another place another day to see if he could meet a knowledgeable owner.

However, at this time, he accidentally saw a newspaper while working the night shift, which caused his mind to explode instantly and he came up with a wild idea.

What kind of newspaper is that?

It's not a local newspaper, it should be a foreign newspaper brought by an out-of-town traveler.

And it's not a serious newspaper, but a local "Agricultural Science and Technology News".

I have no idea who brought it to the front desk.

Judging from how tattered it was, I don’t know how many people had looked through it.

It was sprinkled with tea stains and melon seed peels were stuck on it, and the date was a week ago.

But it was such a tabloid that Ning Weimin, who originally just flipped through essays for fun, was touched and felt the call of money.

What did he see?

It was a full half-page advertisement for wealth information.

You must know that under the policy of reform and opening up, changes are quietly taking place in my country's social, economic, cultural and other fields.

Especially with the implementation of the household responsibility system in rural areas and the gradual opening of the market, the economies of various regions have begun to recover and prosper.

At the same time, the social supply and demand relationship reveals a structural imbalance.

On the one hand, it is the shortage of commodities under the planned economic system, and on the other hand, it is the social needs of the broad masses of the people.

Under such circumstances, the goods produced and processed can be sold out quickly because the market gap is too big.

Since you can get rich by processing goods.

Then those advertisements that appear in the media that promote breeding knowledge, processing technology, sales channels, as well as the transfer and sale of production equipment, etc., are called "getting rich information."

Since the end of the 1970s, with the emergence of advertising in my country's large government-run media, various types of wealth-making information have begun to be published in less mainstream newspapers and periodicals.

This type of advertising was scattered and intermittent at first, but later became dazzling.

Behind these wealth-making messages, farmers’ awareness of commodity economy was the first to be awakened.

This will lead to the continuous exploration and release of the material wealth creation ability of the whole society.

Like the newspaper in Ning Weimin's hands, it is a tabloid from a third-tier city. It targets farmers and is extremely rich in content.

Which agricultural machinery factory sells agricultural machinery and equipment, and which motor factory sells motors?

There are also advertisements for the transfer of equipment for small hardware factories, mills and oil mills.

There are even equipment for making washing powder and brewing equipment.

What completely attracted Ning Weimin was an advertisement selling quail breeding technology.

The person who published this advertisement was obviously not an organization, but an individual.

Because the address is the residence of an ordinary resident, the contact person only has a name without any title.

The advertisement stated that as long as five yuan was sent to the address stated in the newspaper.

He will send back a brochure with all the techniques and specific instructions.

As the saying goes, one leaf knows the autumn.

The size of this mail-order ad alone is three times the size of other "tofu cubes."

Ning Weimin could easily make a judgment.

This pioneer who was the first to realize that knowledge can be converted into money is not only smart, but also making money.

Otherwise, judging from the general lack of courage of people at that time.

No one would invest such a large cost in something that looks like throwing money away without knowing the outcome.

This means that the path of simply selling technical knowledge is not only feasible, but also profitable.

Then he immediately thought of himself.

Can I follow this approach and what is the selling point?

Just like...

How to hatch angelfish?

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