National Tide 1980

Chapter 74 Ideas

There is an old saying that goes, "The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own beauty like jade."

It can be seen that reading can help people gain something and bring value.

Ning Weimin once again confirmed this with his own personal experience.

Don't forget that this newspaper only provided him with an idea to make money, but its value was limitless.

You know, for the first time, since he didn't plan to raise fish anymore, it wasn't that he didn't think about selling the method of hatching angel fish.

But the problem is that the flower, bird, fish and insect market is full of amateur hawkers, and there are really few rich owners.

Like Gu Si'er, he is smart and courageous.

But the strength is completely inferior.

This kid even struggled to buy two of his fish. The price he was able to pay for the fish was simply pitiful, and he was only willing to pay a mere 100 yuan.

Even if this kid is willing to find two more buddies to buy together with him, how much money can he get if each of them pays 100 yuan?

For him, it was just a drop in the bucket and not very interesting.

And what if he goes to find another fishmonger and sells more?

Not that it's impossible.

But first, Gu Si'er and the others must be thinking about doing monopoly business, and they would probably not be happy if they found out about it, fearing that they would come and cause trouble for him.

Second, he can't make others believe in him.

It was only after Gu Si'er saw him making fish with his own eyes that he was convinced of his ability and was willing to pay a lot of money to buy it.

Why should other people?

Everyone knows that the eagle will not let go of the rabbit before it sees it.

Wait until he raises another nest of fish to prove it?

It's so troublesome and unrealistic.

What's more, this fish farming trick is just a layer of paper, and it really doesn't matter if it is pierced.

If Gu Si'er and the others want to reduce costs, then they can work around the recipe so that they can take out food at low prices.

How could he sell prescriptions to fishmongers faster than Gu Si'er and the others?

Therefore, this matter was not suitable no matter how he looked at it. He only thought about it for a moment and never thought about it again.

But things are different now.

He can completely imitate the smart man who sells quail breeding technology and expand the scope of buyers infinitely through media advertisements.

The target is not just a few fishmongers, but fishmongers across the country, and even the majority of fish farming enthusiasts.

By doing this, he is taking advantage of the official media and following the path of information industrialization.

The dead resources that were supposed to be bought and sold in one fell swoop were suddenly revitalized.

You know, these days, the credibility of newspapers and periodicals is super strong.

There is a blind spot in people's thinking. They often think that since publications are run by the state, the advertisements on them are credible.

How much real money can be extracted from this has become limitless.

But having said that, although the method is good, it may not be that easy if you really want to take advantage of it.

Because these days, everyone still has different understandings of advertising.

When advertising in a factory or a company, you have to think twice about it.

An individual posted an advertisement, and it was a young man in his early twenties who wanted to post an advertisement.

It's definitely an eye-catching new thing.

Of course, advertisements cannot be placed casually. The advertising content provided must be approved by the advertising department of the newspaper. This is a prerequisite.

Just because of Ning Weimin's age, he published such offbeat advertising content.

I am afraid that the other party must have many concerns and it will not be easy to pass the review.

Secondly, advertising must be placed in the right place.

National publications would be great, of course.

But major newspapers probably have little interest in publishing such low-grade advertisements.

Tabloids are probably less rigid, and the prices may be much cheaper.

But Ning Weimin can't just get carried away just because of this.

For example, the "Agricultural Economic News" that inspired him would definitely not work.

Because even though farmers are interested in making money, their lack of knowledge and insight determines their level.

They can understand things as affordable as food and clothing, and easily believe and accept them.

But there won’t be the leisure and leisure to raise fish, let alone the wealth value contained therein.

If Ning Weimin really invested money in such a newspaper, it would be difficult to get anything in return.

That’s why it’s important to target your ads to the right customer base.

So what kind of publications to place ads in is something he must carefully consider and choose.

If there is no suitable one, I would rather not vote.

Besides, the cost of advertising should not be a fraction.

If the advertisement is ineffective, the money will be wasted.

Therefore, you must first inquire about the fee standards and control the price within an affordable range.

Sun Tzu's Art of War says, "Consider defeat first and then victory."

Only by preparing for the worst first and then striving for the best results can we act with peace of mind and remain calm in the face of change...

In this way, no matter whether it was good or bad, as long as he could think of it, Ning Weimin basically went through it in his mind.

After the idea gradually took shape, we immediately started to make preparations.

There is no doubt that the first thing that needs to be done immediately is to design your own advertising content and then find a suitable publication for the advertisement.

The first thing was easy to talk about. Ning Weimin did it in no time.

He knows very well that there is no need to be pretentious about sales knowledge. The simpler the advertisement, the better, and the more professional it appears, the better.

It mainly listed some technical items, and regarded the key points of "breeding fish selection", "related equipment", "breeding process", "hatching process", "environmental preparation", "necessary nutrition" and "special preparation" as the focus of publicity .

In addition, it is coupled with the ratings frenzy of the currently popular American TV series "The Man from the Bottom of the Atlantic".

Put a headline like "Fish from the bottom of the Atlantic - Angelfish breeding technology for sale for five yuan."

This is a qualified and eye-catching advertising gimmick.

As for the second thing, it will be more troublesome.

Because it is inconvenient to consult these days.

Even people who work in newspapers and magazines don’t know how many of their peers there are.

The planned economic model is also at work, and not many people in the media industry really care about circulation numbers and related statistics.

Unless you know acquaintances at the post office and have some official position, there is no way to grasp the general situation of the current publications.

The only feasible way for Ning Weimin is to buy or borrow as many publications as possible around him.

Then analyze and select based on the specific conditions of advertising in these publications.

Fortunately, in this regard, he is far luckier than others and has a great innate advantage.

Because at this time, the unit subscribes to a lot of newspapers and periodicals.

Chongwenmen Hotel ordered more than a dozen different newspapers from the post office. Every morning, the postman delivered them to the "distribution hub" at the front desk on time, and then the people at the front desk distributed them to various departments.

Don't forget, as a newcomer at the front desk, when Ning Weimin started the day shift, this was also part of his job.

As long as he leaves a little later and waits for the postman, he can go through the newspapers ordered by his work.

What's more, Kang Shude also works in the mail room.

When the old man was working the day shift, he could also let Ning Weimin go to the communication room and read through it.

Moreover, as a large factory with thousands of employees, the Jade Carving Factory in Beijing subscribes to dozens of newspapers and publications.

In addition to the regular ones, there are also many that are industry-specific, and many employees order for personal interests and hobbies, so the coverage is wider.

Precisely because of this unexpected convenience, Ning Weimin did not put much effort or cost at all.

He quickly set a target that he thought was more suitable and prepared to learn more about the situation.

However, even he himself did not expect that all newspapers would be excluded, and most of the magazines chosen would be literary and artistic magazines.

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