National Tide 1980

Chapter 75 Advertisement

The reason for this is of course the result of comprehensive comparison and full consideration of cost performance.

It is indisputable that national newspapers are authoritative newspapers.

Newspapers like Guangming Daily and People's Daily have the widest coverage and the widest audience.

It is even mandatory for each unit to subscribe.

But authority also means strict censorship, which means the newspaper’s style is relatively high-end and serious.

In practice, these broadsheet newspapers rarely carry advertisements.

Even if there are, the products and businesses advertised in these newspapers are of a higher level, such as Sony, Peony, and Radar.

This directly dispelled Ning Weimin's hope.

What about regional newspapers?

In newspapers like Beijing Daily, Youth Daily, and Beijing Evening News, the content of advertisements is quite casual.

However, the audience coverage is obviously limited and is limited to local areas.

In addition, because these newspapers are close to life and report on current events around them, they are an indispensable source of information for the people in the capital every day.

However, the circulation is not low, so it has become a hot target for advertisers.

Then the advertising fee will never be too cheap.

The most critical issue is that although the number of readers of regional newspapers is not small, this number is composed of men, women, children and people from all walks of life in the capital.

How many of these people are interested in angelfish?

In comparison, books such as "Song", "Poetry", "Prose", "Art", "Stamp Collection", "October", "Flower City", "Harvest", "Contemporary", "Woodpecker", "Popular" Movie", "Weekend Pictorial", "Modern Youth"...

These literary and artistic magazines are actually the most cost-effective.

First of all, the distribution of these publications is also nationwide, covering a wide range of areas.

Although most of them are monthly or semi-monthly magazines, they are not as published as daily newspapers, and the sales volume is much lower than that of national newspapers.

Don’t forget, this is because magazines sell for more money than newspapers.

In fact, such magazines will not be thrown away easily, but will be read repeatedly and passed from hand to hand.

There are many real readers.

Secondly, because music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and wine are originally the same family.

The readerships of these publications also tend to be uniform.

Almost all of them are young people with a wide range of interests and hobbies who love literature and art.

Those who like reading novels and poetry are naturally likely to also like fish farming.

Therefore, the audience base of these publications is very valuable.

On the contrary, it is also because of the characteristics of such publications that it limits the types of advertisements.

Something that is too commercial goes against the style of these publications.

At least, in "Poetry Magazine", your whole refrigerator and TV look tacky.

In "Art", you can't put an advertisement for a tape recorder or a watch.

The breeding technology of angelfish is completely different.

The advertisement that Ning Weimin thought up has fashion and entertainment attributes, and it seems to be suitable to be placed anywhere.

Therefore, this means that perhaps his advertisement may be approved more smoothly, and the advertising fee may be lower than that of placing it in a newspaper.


Ning Weimin thought more comprehensively in advance and was prepared for what kind of difficulties he would encounter.

Fortunately, after the editorial departments of several magazines with strong professionalism and established earlier, they all rejected him.

He did not lose confidence because of several encounters with the wall and maintained the courage to continue trying.

Only then did he finally find the magazine he needed and signed his first advertising agreement in his life.

To be honest, when Ning Weimin came to the editorial department of "Modern Youth" for the first time.

Before he even opened his mouth, his heart was half cold.

Because the publication's office is so outdated.

From the light to the smell, from the atmosphere to the furnishings, it feels like a museum that has been in disrepair.

And not only is it old, it's also very small.

There are only two rooms inside and outside the entire editorial department, with only seven or eight desks and no separate office for the editor-in-chief.

At first glance, there were not many people in the room, only two or three old men and ladies wearing glasses working at work.

Even when Ning Weimin proposed advertising.

An old editor who received him mistakenly thought that he was waiting for a missing person's statement or a missing person notice.

In short, it gives the impression that such an office location is not in line with the normal positioning of a publication that reflects the work, life, and emotions of young people, and it is quite misleading.

But hope often arises from not reporting hope.

Just as Ning Weimin took out the contents of his advertisement, he was explaining it to the old editor in a polite manner.

The other side secretly sighed that he probably came to the wrong place today and was afraid that he would return without success again.

A real twist in life appears.

Two men and one woman, three young people in their twenties, opened the door and walked into the office laughing and joking.

The old editor was relieved on the spot.

He quickly introduced Ning Weimin to one of the young men named Wei Guangming, and escaped by himself.

As a result, it was precisely because of this episode that Ning Weimin was able to truly understand the true situation in the editorial department of this magazine.

The magazine "Modern Youth" was just launched at the beginning of this year and has only been officially published for four issues.

The entire editorial department has relatively few manpower, and several elderly editors are auxiliary forces waiting to retire.

The few young people, good or bad, all have to serve as the main force, and all of them have to run away.

And this 24- or 5-year-old Wei Guangming is the real person in charge of the magazine's advertising business.

At the same time, he also serves as the logistics director and field reporter of the newspaper. He has just returned from a field mission.

There is no way, there is no way to divide the body, so one person has to serve three purposes.

However, to Ning Weimin's great relief, things began to go smoothly after Wei Guangming took over.

Wei Guangming behaved very well and was very happy to hear that Ning Weimin was going to advertise. He poured water and offered cigarettes, which was quite polite.

After sitting down and chatting, I couldn't wait to get straight to the topic.

He took out the advertising price list and began to enthusiastically introduce the layout and unit price to Ning Weimin.

It can be seen that Wei Guangming seems to have little business experience.

Because he acted very recklessly.

Without even asking Ning Weimin's background, he began to recommend the most expensive color pages in the middle and full color pages on the back cover.

The unit price of a half-page advertisement is 360 yuan, and a full-page advertisement is 600 yuan.

On the contrary, it seems that they don’t care too much about the advertising content.

He only took a brief look at Ning Weimin's note, asked a few casual questions, and then began to pay attention to the layout and design issues.

Obviously he didn't look carefully.

Otherwise, if he knew that this was an advertisement posted by an individual, he would definitely not make this suggestion.

However, precisely because of this situation, it can be seen that this "nascent" magazine is obviously in urgent need of accumulating advertising business customers, which is quite beneficial to Ning Weimin.

As expected, Wei Guangming was indeed surprised after truly understanding Ning Weimin's intentions, but it did not affect the conclusion of the advertising agreement.

Perhaps because they are all young people, it is easy to develop a sense of trust after chatting.

Moreover, Wei Guangming has many complicated things and his temper is a bit carefree.

While he was so busy, he didn't pay too much attention to those rigid rules.

He only needed Ning Weimin to promise face to face that the breeding technology was completely true and indeed effective, and then he wrote a very informal letter of guarantee before agreeing to advertise for it.

In this way, they finally agreed that starting from the fifth issue on September 8, they would make black and white graphic advertisements at the bottom of two issues to see the effect.

The price is one hundred and twenty yuan per issue.

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