National Tide 1980

Chapter 792 Moisturizing things silently

, Guochao 1980

The Temple of Earth finally saw the disparity in strength, and from then on regarded the Temple of Heaven as a ceiling that could only be looked up to.

Although the director himself still clings to the power in his hands and is unwilling to give others the slightest chance to encroach on his territory, he is still very reluctant to contact the Temple of Heaven Garden and is unwilling to explore the possibility of jointly organizing cultural activities.

But he also dreams of developing his park into what the Temple of Heaven looks like today.

So as soon as the temple fair ended, he held a summary meeting and led the Ditan leadership team to seriously reflect and review the gains and losses of the temple fair.

The final results of this meeting were threefold.

First, the Ditan leadership team reached a consensus and decided to position the tone of the Ditan Temple Fair as the "Overpass Entertainment Fair" in the future.

Everyone believes that although Tianqiao Entertainment is a form of entertainment for the lower class people, it has a broad mass base just because it is popular.

Instead of using the weak to win over the strong, compete with the Temple of Heaven in areas where the Temple of Earth is clearly at a disadvantage.

It is better to specialize in one subject from now on and strive to form your own characteristics.

Second, the leadership team also adopted some of the secretary’s suggestions and acknowledged that the Temple of Heaven is indeed a model worth emulating.

From then on, Ditan will also plan carefully, act within its capabilities, and try its best to make corresponding improvements and adjustments in the management of the park.

Moreover, they also define this work as requiring long-term efforts to achieve the goal, and no longer care about short-term gains and losses.

Because the truth is obvious. Through this temple fair, they all realized that the more passengers there are, the more hardware conditions are indispensable.

The Temple of Heaven knows how to limit sales. Advertising alone cannot solve the actual problem. It’s uncomfortable to have big eyes and a small belly.

Reluctantly holding on will only make tourists criticize Ditan, causing its reputation to collapse.

Even if the current economic conditions of the Temple of Earth are limited and it cannot catch up with the footsteps of the Temple of Heaven for a while, it is at least better than doing nothing.

At least try hard to improve it, and maybe increase the ticket price, maybe it can cover other parks.

This is enough for the time being for the Temple of Earth.

The third is to try to find out who is making suggestions for the Temple of Heaven Park. As long as the master behind it can be found and promised generous gifts and favors, it may not be impossible for it to be used by the Temple of Earth.

In short, this meeting in Ditan Park was generally rational and pragmatic.

For the first two things, they no longer blindly compete with the Temple of Heaven Park, but are willing to succumb to it from now on, just to make the lives of their employees easier and to maintain their status as the "second child in the temple fair" to the outside world.

These are entirely achievable goals.

It's just that the last thing is a bit unrealistic and tends to be one-sided idealism.

To be honest, it might be possible for them to find out Ning Weimin's identity.

But asking Ning Weimin to abandon the Temple of Heaven to help their Temple of Earth is tantamount to fantasy.

Because they thought too highly of themselves, they couldn't offer any conditions to attract Ning Weimin.

Even if we don’t talk about the tacit understanding, trust and affection between Ning Weimin and the Temple of Heaven Park, let’s not talk about the degree of their in-depth cooperation, and don’t talk about the fact that Ning Weimin is the de facto director of the Temple of Heaven Park, he is basically the de facto director.

Just talking about the difference in area, history and culture between the Temple of Earth and the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Earth is not enough.

Although the Temple of Earth is not an ordinary park, covering an area of ​​more than 300,000 square meters, it is also a royal garden like the Temple of Heaven. It has been the place where emperors worshiped and prayed for blessings since the Ming Dynasty.

But the Temple of Heaven covers an area of ​​2.73 million square meters. Its architectural regulations and scale, its position in history, and the conditions of the vast forest are all not comparable to the Temple of Earth.

To put it bluntly, in today's capital, apart from the Summer Palace, Old Summer Palace, Beihai, the Forbidden City, and the Badaling Great Wall, there are only a few tourist attractions that Ning Weimin can appreciate.

But Ning Weimin would flatly reject even such an invitation from these places.

Because he really doesn't have the energy and leisure to do it again, and there is no need to find a sales window for his travel products.

If nothing else, it’s just that, it’s no longer the same level or realm.

Ning Weimin's main interests have long since shifted, and he wants to go to Japan to open another battlefield.

How cool it is to ride in the speculative market, make huge sums of foreign exchange, and avenge your country.

What the Earth Temple desires now is no longer so important in his eyes.

In fact, this garden party in Temple of Heaven Park was Ning Weimin's last concern for the Temple of Heaven.

His purpose is to set a tone and form an example and model so that the Temple of Heaven Garden can take over and imitate others.

"The Great Luo of All Worlds"

Otherwise, if his own time and energy are not released, how can he focus on cutting Japanese leeks?

So during this year's Spring Festival, Ning Weimin completely became a hands-off shopkeeper. He gave up as soon as the New Year garden party started.

The Zhai Palace and restaurants were all handled by his subordinates, the snacks and commercial areas were under the control of Qiao Wanlin, and the logistics, reception, and coordination work were all maintained by the Temple of Heaven.

Co-authoring also gave him a separation of powers and collaborative management.

Don't tell me, if everyone performs his own duties, there is really no loophole.

Probably the money is in place, the hardware is in place, and after several years of cooperation, a tacit understanding is also in place.

In addition to the excessive crowds at this garden party, the director of the Temple of Heaven was asked to take a look at the lake on the fifth day of the lunar month.

For the rest, all that's left is word-of-mouth praise and a lot of money.

As for Ning Weimin himself, during the Spring Festival, in addition to representing Pierre Cardin Company, he would like to send New Year greetings to "all kinds of gods".

And if you just socialize with the people who come to visit you to pay New Year's greetings, you'll have nothing to worry about.

In particular, he paid great attention to the confidentiality of his address, so he didn't receive many guests, so he had a good rest for two days in a relaxed manner.

Of course, when dealing with Song Huagui, his immediate boss, he must lower his profile and take the time to flatter him.

No, on the fifth day of the first lunar month, when the Temple of Heaven set a new record for single-day passenger flow, Ning Weimin came to Song Huagui's house to deliver gifts.

The gifts he prepared were comprehensive and thoughtful.

What was given to Song Huaigui's husband Wanman were two bottles of wine produced in Bulgaria.

Although this wine has a mediocre texture, it is also harder to get than French wine.

But because Ning Weimin knew that his foreign brother-in-law was from Bulgaria, even if the two bottles of wine were several times higher than the actual price in the friendship store, he did not hesitate to buy them. It was just nostalgia.

What was given to Song Huagui himself was a pair of jadeite and osmanthus bracelets.

It is green and crimson in color and of high quality. It was purchased directly from the jade factory through Kang Shude's relationship before the holiday.

The foreign exchange coupons that cost Ning Weimin more than 2,000 yuan would have to be sold at least 4,000 yuan in Liulichang.

The key is to answer Song Huagui's name, which is very rare. It doesn't matter that Song Huagui doesn't like it.

In addition, Ning Weimin did not forget Song Huagui's pair of mixed-race children.

Knowing that they are at an age when youth and hormones are overflowing, it is also the time when they need to spend money the most.

So he secretly stuffed each of them with a big red envelope worth two hundred foreign exchange coupons, and even asked Song Huagui not to know about it.

Next, there are two boxes of Tan Palace dumplings, a basket of fresh vegetables and a large piece of roasted venison.

In short, everything is ready, including food, drink, and flowers.

If Song Huagui had a younger brother who came to visit relatives during the Chinese New Year, I'm afraid he wouldn't be as considerate and considerate as him.

So the result is destined, Song Huagui's whole family is smiling.

Although Song Huagui undoubtedly forced the money for the jade bracelet back to Ning Weimin, he only thought that he had entrusted him to buy it for him.

But Ning Weimin was really treated as a family member by them.

In the end, Ning Weimin was not only forced to stay by Song Huagui for dinner, but Song Huagui's family also took him to make dumplings together.

Dumplings are Song Huagui’s husband Wanman’s favorite Chinese pasta.

Therefore, every time the Song family makes dumplings, not only do they make a large number of dumplings, at least three hundred, but Wanman has also perfected his skill in kneading and rolling the noodles.

His proficiency far exceeded Ning Weimin's imagination.

Even when everyone finally opened the dumplings, it was the foreign brother-in-law who made the most stylish dumplings, most like ingots.

This really made Ning Weimin feel ashamed. He had learned what it means to be a "foreign monk who can chant sutras".

This feeling is actually a bit like being from the capital but not being able to drink bean juice.

On the contrary, watching an out-of-town tourist gulping it down without fear of the hotness or sourness is like drinking fine wine.

However, what Ning Weimin didn't expect was that even Wanman might have contracted other diseases after living in the capital for a long time.

This meritorious artist from Bulgaria actually makes dumplings just like the enthusiastic aunts and uncles.

Speaking half-familiar Chinese, he chatted enthusiastically about family matters and became concerned about Ning Weimin's personal problems.

"Ning, you should be in love at your age. Why haven't you found a girlfriend?"

"I... this... career is my priority. I haven't considered personal issues yet."

"Nono, career is not everything in life. If you only care about work and ignore other things, you will waste your prime years and you will definitely regret it. You should stop wasting time, you should fall in love and find a girl to date. I don't I believe that there is not even a girl around you who makes you attracted."

"Well... the national conditions are different. How should I put it, here, love is for the purpose of marriage. It is a very serious issue. I don't want to get married too early. It should be okay to consider personal issues a few years later..."

"Oh, I forgot about this. Girls from the Republic are very conservative in this regard. Girls from our country are not like this. So...are you interested in Bulgarian girls? They are very beautiful. If you are willing, I can help you introduce..."

Ning Weimin felt a chill in his heart, thinking that this brother-in-law really didn't show up, and he would have to pimp him out.

But this is too blatant. Can't we talk about this in private?

In this situation, even if I was interested, how could I have the nerve to agree?

Sure enough, Song Huagui came to intervene.

"How can you call it conservative? It's reserved. And the girls in our republic are also very beautiful. I don't think they can be compared to Bulgarian girls. My dear, I don't think you mean this, right?"

I saw that although my wife was smiling, there was a cold look in her eyes, and the dumplings in her hands were almost broken.

Wanman was immediately frightened and changed his mind wisely.

"Of course, dear, please forgive my gaffe. You are right. Girls in the Republic are reserved, and their beauty is subtle. I will fall in love with you because you have such charm. In fact, I just want to Ask Ning if he would mind dating a Bulgarian girl."

Ning Weimin looked at Wanman's embarrassment and chuckled inwardly, but he couldn't help but admire his ability to speak sweet words in a serious manner.

Because no matter how capable Song Huagui is, she is still a woman, and she still does this.

After hearing this, his demeanor immediately changed into a spring breeze.

"Okay, you're a grown man, so don't do the matchmaking thing. You don't even look at Wei Min. What's his personal condition? He's young, wealthy, and handsome. If he wants to fall in love, how come he lacks partners? ? It’s just that he has high vision and hasn’t met anyone he likes. He was being humble to you just now."

Wan Man nodded in agreement again, looking like he suddenly understood.

"Oh, I understand. It seems that I used the chicken feathers as an arrow. Ning's conditions are so good that he really doesn't need anyone's help. My dear, in your words, he is... a golden turtle son-in-law."


Wan Man and Song Huagui's children both grew up in the capital, and their Chinese proficiency is not much different from that of children in the capital.

So Wanman's words were obviously a compliment, but they sounded a bit like a curse, which caused a burst of laughter on the spot.

Except for Wan Man himself, everyone else was happy, even Ning Weimin.

And not only did he not mind, but he also used it to praise Wan Man and Song Huagui.

"True love is hard to come by, and it is even more difficult to maintain a mutually beneficial marriage. Frankly speaking, I think the most difficult love and marriage are those that are transnational. Because the cultural differences are so great, relationships need to be managed. It’s hard for me to believe that two people from different cultural backgrounds can always maintain harmony in their thoughts and emotions. I don’t have the courage like you, let alone the ability like you. In my heart, your love and marriage are so perfect. It’s like a myth. Although I deeply envy it, I really don’t have the faith to imitate it.”

Sure enough, these words immediately made Wan Man and Song Huagui look at each other and smile, showing a look of affectionate happiness and contentment.

Song Xiaohong and her brother were also winking and making faces, equally happy to have such a perfect family.

What does it mean to be a master of flattery?

You have to scratch the itchy area like this, and the moisturizer will be gentle and silent.

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