National Tide 1980

Chapter 800 A bright moment

After personally facilitating the cooperation between Pierre Cardin and Goldlion, Ning Weimin immediately discovered another benefit.

That's because Pierre Cardin settled in Tianqiao Mall, and there are no more hidden dangers.

You know, in this difficult matter, although he wanted to be considerate of Qiao Wanlin, he could not harm the company's interests too much.

So he adopted a compromise approach of settling for the next best thing.

Song Huagui was only persuaded to open a discount store for discounted goods in the Tianqiao Department Store in the name of Pierre Cardon Company, instead of a directly operated genuine store.

Although this solution can be regarded as meeting the needs of the Chongwen District Government, it seems a bit lacking in gold content.

If you report it, Deputy District Chief Xu, who is in charge of commercial affairs, will have a bad opinion of Pierre Cardon Company.

Maybe they think that Pierre Cardon Company is just perfunctory and dealing with it. Then there will be a gap between Pierre Cardon and the district, which will undoubtedly be detrimental to the development of the company.

But the situation is different now, because the quality is not enough, you can make up the quantity.

If we add the two brands of Goldlion and Yi La De as partners, and let three high-end clothing brands settle in together, then there will be nothing wrong.

District Chief Xu will only be surprised and will never have any objections.

To put it bluntly, what the district really wants is just a reason to build publicity for Tianqiao Department Store.

Even if the level of the store and the quality of the goods have declined, what's the problem?

Anyway, when the time comes, it will only be published in the newspapers, broadcast on the radio, and then on TV news.

It is said that the Tianqiao Department Store will have three foreign brands, namely Pierre Cardin, Goldlion and Yi La De.

At least within two or three months, Tianqiao Shopping Mall will definitely become extremely popular and well-known.

This kind of gimmick is enough to surpass other large shopping malls in the capital, making Tianqiao Mall proud and attracting fashion-conscious men and women from all over the city.

Of course, if Pierre Cardin's discounted products and easy-to-tie ties can successfully capture the hearts of the people with its low-price strategy, it will really make the business of Tianqiao Shopping Center completely prosperous with its strength.

There is nothing to say in that area.

So Ning Weimin is really not polite to the district.

He met with Qiao Wanlin and entrusted Qiao Wanlin to report the solution to the matter.

By the way, the lion opened his mouth.

"I said, brother, you can do your job, but I'm stuck. When did our Pierre Cardin company open a counter in an ordinary department store? I made a guarantee in front of two big bosses. What if? Because the consumption level of ordinary people cannot keep up, business has been bleak, and my reputation in the company has been completely ruined. Look, I also helped you bring in two more big-name tie makers. I really regret it now. …”

Across the street, Qiao Wanlin was completely frightened by the pretentiousness of Ning Weimin, who was pretending to be a big-tailed wolf.

"Thank you so much, brother. Thanks to your efforts in making this happen, I didn't expect it to be done, and it was done so beautifully. Deputy District Chief Xu must be satisfied. You have fulfilled me. Don't worry, as long as you are willing Come on, the district will definitely do its best to support you. How can it really be difficult for you? If you have any requirements or conditions, just mention them and I will definitely help you fight for them. Even if you and Mr. Song want to share some Tianqiao Department Store It is not impossible to obtain the original shares..."

The last words were a bit out of line. It was probably because Qiao Wanlin was happy that he couldn't hold back and blurted out.

Ning Weimin absolutely believed that Qiao Wanlin could do it, but he knew that such illegal operations would have endless consequences.

So he quickly shook his head and thanked Bu Min.

"Don't say goodbye, I don't have such a big appetite, let alone owe such a big favor. In fact, as long as our company can be given a good location and the rent can be cheaper, I just want a decent business and a store like this As long as we can explain it to the French headquarters."

Qiao Wanlin also showed a relaxed and relieved smile.

"That's no problem. To tell you the truth, the leader has already said it. Let's go to the site at a time. Point out the location you like. I'll write it all down so I can mention it to the leader. Let the mall cooperate with you and make room for you as soon as possible."

"There's no need to go to such trouble. Just tell the boss that we must be operating as an independent store, so we need all the street-facing locations on the first floor. And in order for customers to easily enter our store from outside the mall or inside the mall, We still need to send our own people to do special decoration for the store, and I'm afraid we will have to demolish some of the shopping mall's windows and periphery. I hope the shopping mall will understand."

"Okay, I remember. I will make it clear to Deputy District Chief Xu in person. In fact, your worries about the shopping mall are completely unnecessary. How dare they have any objections? They have to listen to the district."

Qiao Vanlin paused, probably impatient, so he simply made his words clear.

"I said, you acted so embarrassed just now, weren't you just asking for these things that should be taken for granted? These are all reasonable requests. Are there any other conditions? If you have anything to say, let's talk directly. Can you spend less time spitting?"

Talking to people on the road is easy and pleasant.

Ning Weimin finally laughed and began to hunt rabbits for his own benefit.

"It's true that I have to leave it to you. I live in Shan'er Hutong, which belongs to Meishi Street. The factories in this street also have their own clothing brands. In fact, they have long wanted to imitate our company and open a specialty store, but I haven’t found a suitable place. It’s either too small or the location is not good. I want to give them a ride this time and ask the district to approve them to settle in Tianqiao Department Store and open a brand store.”

But Qiao Wanlin didn't dare to agree to this matter.

Not knowing what was going on, he was very worried that the quality of clothing in the street factory would lower the reputation of the mall.

Originally, the district vigorously promoted Pierre Cardon to improve the quality of Tianqiao Department Store.

He can't finish this matter and then send someone in the opposite direction, right?

"Street factory? Brother, you're not kidding me, are you? You... why are you causing such trouble? How about... you change the conditions?"

This was a situation that Ning Weimin could predict, and of course he had something to explain.

"Oh, don't worry. This street factory I'm talking about is not a wild road, it is quite formal. Although it only has a hundred people now, it has already achieved assembly line production. And it is doing scattered business for our Pierre Cardon company. The cooperative manufacturers. The quality and style of their clothes are very good, and they are absolutely hot-selling products. Hey, they are the clothes sold in the courtyard of the Echo Wall during this year’s New Year’s Garden Party.”

Not to mention, when it comes to the garden party, Qiao Wanlin has lost a lot of worries and feels more confident.

This year, Ning Weimin's three clothing brands were arranged in the courtyard of the Echo Wall.

With excellent quality, popular styles and affordable prices, they are selling like crazy.

The three greenhouses in the street factory are not only the best-selling stalls in the courtyard of Echo Wall, but also the only ones selling clothing in the entire Temple of Heaven.

So when Qiao Wanlin saw it when he visited the garden, he was also attracted.

He also bought two pairs of pants himself, and one of them is now on him.

"I think about it, those clothes are really good. And there are several brands. There are men's, women's and sportswear. They are produced by a street factory? I thought they were produced by some joint venture manufacturer."

"That's right, Playboy is men's clothing, Champs Elysees is women's clothing, and sportswear is called national style. Do you finally have an impression?"

"If you say so, then there is a way to do this. Just wait for my news, don't be anxious..."

However, Ning Weimin was still not satisfied with Qiao Wanlin's change of tone.

"Okay, that's it. What do you mean there is no way? Don't hold back. You can't give me a guarantee on this matter."

For this reason, Qiao Wanlin shook his head unconsciously and smiled bitterly.

"Oh, Weimin, you think too highly of me. I can't win this guarantee. It's not my fault. I can only try it for you and report the specific situation truthfully. Because this street factory is a street factory after all, and it is not the same as the district factory. It is inconsistent with the positioning of trying to make Tianqiao Department Store bigger and stronger. I was shocked when I heard it, let alone the district leaders. Think about it, so many famous brand clothes from big manufacturers can’t be placed on the first floor of the mall. You asked me to agree It will definitely be done. Isn’t it difficult for me? I am just a section chief, far away from the district leaders. If it weren’t for the glory of your company, Deputy District Chief Xu would not care about me. Of course I know that the quality of these clothes is good. I believe you too, but what’s the use? Can other leaders trust you?”

This is true, Ning Weimin can no longer force him.

In order to facilitate this matter, he could only actively raise his conditions.

"Then you just tell the boss. If the district can help me with this, I will ensure that the store layout of Pierre Cardin will not be less than 400 square meters. It will definitely become the largest store of our 'PC' in the capital. And I I can also assure the district that the street factory’s three brands of clothing will invest no less than 200,000 yuan in store space. I will personally help supervise the design of the exclusive store. The construction and decoration will definitely be of high quality and will not be any different from foreign brands. Yes. Is this okay?"

Qiao Wanlin thought for a while and finally nodded.

"Okay, it's best if you come up with the design drawings and ask the factory to send some clothes. I have something intuitive to show the leader, and this matter will be easier to handle."

However, doubts are inevitable after all, so I asked again.

"I'm starting to get curious, what does this factory have to do with you? You're so willing to help, yet you're so willing to help!"

"Don't worry about it." Ning Weimin said without saying a word, "Anyway, it's done, and I'm equally grateful to you, so we can settle the matter."

Qiao Wanlin couldn't continue to inquire, so he could only smile knowingly.


Many major events in this world are often achieved through the private connection of thoughtful people.

Just like Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu in the Three Kingdoms, just like Su Qin and Zhang Yi in the Warring States Period.

Ning Weimin and Qiao Wanlin were like the ancients. They also relied on their tacit understanding to lobby both sides separately.

In the end, the two of them worked together to not only resolve the matter satisfactorily, but also achieved great personal benefits for them.

First let’s talk about Ning Weimin.

Not to mention the district’s disdain for Playboy, Champs Elysées, and the “low-born” Chinese style.

But the condition offered by Ning Weimin, the largest pilcardon store in the country, deeply attracted them!

In addition, Qiao Wanlin praised Ning Weimin's contribution to this matter to the sky, and often spoke favorably for him in front of Deputy District Chief Xu.

He also showed the district leaders a few pieces of clothing from the street factory and the design sketches of the three brand franchise stores that were driven out.

As a result, the idea that "Ning Weimin can take the overall situation into consideration and is really sensible" gradually took shape in Deputy District Chief Xu's mind.

The view that "Tianqiao Shopping Mall is likely to have six fashionable clothing brands at the same time" is like the temptation of honey to bears, which makes the district government leaders who value social effects more than economics Xiao Xiuying unable to help but be tempted!

So in the end, the leadership team of the district government unified their opinions and gave Ning Weimin the green light as a reward and a venture capital worth trying.

In this way, Ning Weimin got his wish.

His own clothing brand took advantage of this, and he could finally withdraw from the sales channel of street stalls.

It then transformed into a high-end clothing exclusively sold in the largest department store in Chongwen District.

In this era of limited information, as long as he decorates the store and trains personnel, he can copy it according to the Pierre Cardon model.

It is easy for ordinary people to think from their senses and intuition that his clothing is also an international brand.

To put it bluntly, this guy's several specialty stores are just fishing in troubled waters.

In the future, Tianqiao Department Store will always use Pierre Cardon as a comparison and take advantage of the company.

His position allowed him to enjoy the nourishment and shade of Picardon without anyone noticing, like a vine climbing a big tree, and thus live a very nourishing life.

In addition, the underlying merchants of Tiantan Department Store have become completely in Ning Weimin's pocket, allowing him to plan and split them at will.

The rent was extremely low. The government gave me a two-year preferential period and a three-year fixed lease period.

The price per square meter is only 10 yuan a month for the first two years, and the next three years will cost 15 yuan per square meter. The price will not increase.

This made Ning Weimin even more beautiful.

He roughly calculated the size. The first floor of Tianqiao Department Store is about 2,000 square meters.

The floor area of ​​a circle should be about 1,200 square meters, which is only 12,000 yuan a month.

If the six clothing brands were to share the space equally, each store would cost only 2,000 yuan for an area of ​​200 square meters.

Even in 1990, it was only 18,000 yuan.

This is so appropriate.

If he hadn't been afraid of looking too ugly, he would have made a fortune by subcontracting it to self-employed people to set up stalls.

So this is sweet at both ends.

After officially signing the contract, he took the time to finalize the decoration plan and break ground, which became something that Ning Weimin was willing to work hard for.

To put it bluntly, any further delay would be delaying his own harvest.

Therefore, instead of contacting Hong Kong City, this kid sends faxes to Jinlilai every day.

I just drove to the design institute to discuss the construction drawings, which was very busy.

Or they would invite the leaders of Tianqiao Department Store to dinner, communicate many issues regarding the brand's entry, and accumulate favors at the same time.

He couldn't even take care of the specialty stores under Pierre Cardon, and simply handed them over to his confidant Yan Li to help manage them.

Fortunately, Yin Yue is now under his command.

How to build a store, how to recruit, how to train, how to distribute goods, how to display, this girl is very good at it, she knows it all.

Over at the street factory, Ning Weimin can make a big splash.

Otherwise, he would really be too busy

Next, let’s talk about Qiao Wanlin.

Thanks to Ning Weimin, Qiao Wanlin not only made a mark in Deputy District Chief Xu's heart because of his contribution to this matter.

As a result, his position was promoted one level, from section chief to deputy division chief.

You know, he has only been in the District Service Bureau for two or three years, and he has already climbed up two levels.

This is absolutely rocket speed, completely breaking the record of promotion and appointment of young cadres in the bureau.

What's more, as we all know, people who pursue an official career have a quick step, a quick step, a slow step, and a slow step.

Age is a very important factor in whether cadres can be reused.

The ceiling for a person who became a director before the age of thirty is absolutely different from that of a person who climbed to this position at the age of forty.

This also means that as long as he doesn't make big mistakes in the future, Qiao Wanlin will be able to survive through his qualifications, and he won't be able to get away with it in this life.

Needless to say, a man with such a promising future is naturally a popular figure in the bureau.

In addition, Qiao Wanlin also has a cousin who is also the director of the service bureau.

So at this time, not only did he see smiling faces when he looked down, but none of the "butts" above him would make fun of him.

That's really the kind of food that everyone loves.

However, Qiao Wanlin was prompted by his cousin and knew that he should not raise his tail.

Going to work every day feels a bit like stepping on cotton, and I can't resist the urge to laugh.

Not to mention that Ning Weimin is very good at being a person and is very good at making fun of people.

After receiving his call and learning about his promotion, Ning Weimin really didn't have time to keep the appointment and went to his house for a drink, even though he was busy with everything.

But that night someone came to his door and gave him ten pounds of roasted venison and two bottles of velvet antler wine as a gift.

After Qiao Wanlin woke up, he realized that deer and "Lu" were homophonic, and deer antler actually meant "Lu Rong".

He couldn't help but laugh out loud, his heart was full of joy, and he couldn't help but feel deeply grateful for Ning Weimin's ingenuity.

But conversely, when some people are proud, others will be disappointed.

Ning Weimin would never have imagined that he and Qiao Wanlin's happy marriage would actually trick Lan Zheng again.

Originally, the first floor of Tianqiao Department Store was filled with time-honored brands specializing in silk and satin in Beijing, as well as self-operated counters by fabric manufacturers.

This was all done by Lan Zheng in response to the instructions from the bureau. In order to help Tianqiao Department Store form its own characteristics, he went to the manufacturers himself and worked hard to organize it.

But this time, because of Ning Weimin's horse racing and enclosure, the dove occupied the magpie's nest.

More than half of the manufacturers and merchants want to change their positions. Will they be willing to do so?

In fact, it doesn't matter if the first floor becomes the second floor. The key is that many conspicuous places have become inconspicuous, and the locations with high traffic flow have been moved to remote corners.

This naturally makes these manufacturers deeply dissatisfied.

But how can these people stand up to the district?

The shopping mall also said that it was following the instructions from its superiors and there was nothing they could do about it.

Then who else can they look for? The anger naturally went towards Lan Zheng.

So just when Ning Weimin and Qiao Wanlin were enjoying themselves, it was also the unlucky time when Lan Zheng felt most anxious.

Every day he had to deal with criticism from fabric manufacturers, smile, and even treat guests to apologize.

Can he be happy about this?

For this reason, this kid has developed a habit.

He secretly took out the painting that Ning Weimin gave to Lan Lan and hung it in his room. He had to point at the painting and scold it every day.

From the bottom of his heart, he felt regretful.

Why did I listen to my sister and help such a disaster?

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