National Tide 1980

Chapter 801 Unity is strength

In his previous life, Ning Weimin always complained that God was unfair because business was difficult to do.

He didn't understand that they were all selling the same products and services in the same stamp and coin card market.

Why are some people so busy that they need customers to queue up, while others are so empty?

He also didn't understand that even though it was through the same purchase channel, some people could get the goods first and at a favorable price.

And no matter how he tried to smoothen the relationship, there was no way he could treat them to dinner, and he would always be out of tune with them.

There are also long-distance transactions, and many people do it smoothly without any problems.

But why does his cargo always have problems when the volume is large?

He even couldn't figure out why some people could easily manage large-scale enterprises. No matter how complex the industry was, they could still direct them with ease.

But when he started an online store and opened two stores, he felt that there was leakage from all sides and it was extremely difficult to operate.

In this life, he has finally figured out all these problems.

In fact, the reason is very simple, it comes from two words: trust!

Yes, anything that requires cooperation between two or more parties, without trust, is like an island lacking connection.

Even if there are contracts and laws to restrict the obligations of both parties, it will be extremely difficult for everyone to interact with each other.

Time consuming, troublesome and laborious!

But with trust, it means there are direct flights, connecting bridges, and highways between each other.

Everyone’s connection with each other will always remain close and high-speed.

It saves time, trouble and effort!

To use a popular analogy, this is the principle of "if you want to be rich, build roads first."

It’s just that this road is based on credibility and sincerity, and connects people’s emotions and souls.

Therefore, the well-known old saying "Integrity is the foundation of doing business" is really a business secret that cannot be bought with a lot of money.

Not only the relationship between customers and merchants benefits from this.

The internal operation management of the enterprise benefits from this.

Collaboration between enterprises and partners also benefits from this.

In Ning Weimin's previous life, the reason why business was difficult was because he was too calculating.

How could he, who was complacent about never suffering a loss and believed that "justice cannot be done", trust others and win their trust?

But now his situation is different. He has finally begun to understand and fully enjoy the benefits of this kind of trust.

For example, even he himself did not expect that after receiving the order at the critical moment, he took over a mess full of holes from Zou Guodong.

It didn't take much trouble, I just did a simple sorting, and the sales data of these stores exploded so naturally.

After entering the mainland market, Pierre Cardin has continuously launched a series of clothing in recent years, organized large-scale cultural activities and fashion shows, opened clothing factories, and set up fashion stores. At the same time, it also advertises in front of the "Xinwen Lianbo" program on national television every day. .

His fame grew.

For the vast number of domestic customers who are still living in a closed environment, a kind of real gold credibility guarantee has long been formed.

Just like brainwashing, the saying spread among the people: "A successful person is only one who can wear a set of 'Pierre Cardon'!"

In fact, in recent years, "PC" brand clothing has been the first choice for domestic diplomats, celebrities and artists to purchase clothing.

Nowadays in Beijing, as long as you walk into a decent occasion, you can see the shadow of Pierre Cardon clothing.

And nationwide, these four words are mentioned whenever they are mentioned in public places.

The first thing that comes to mind is not a person, but expensive clothing leading a fashion trend.

From this we can see how deeply rooted Pierre Cardin’s brand is in the land of the Republic.

And this is the liquidity and consumption potential!

The key is that the overall socio-economic environment has also undergone significant changes at this time.

Reform and opening up has intensified, and the economic pace has accelerated. Nowadays, Beijing is in the midst of a wave of building buildings and hotels everywhere.

Not only are there more and more self-employed people making big money from the market, but official capital is also fully immersed in the "company craze" of running tertiary industries.

To put it bluntly, the country started printing money, and the central government released water, and more money flowed into society.

In addition, Pierre Cardon's sales system has been rectified by Ning Weimin through hard and soft measures, and everyone is grateful to him and obeys his orders.

Ning Weimin also led nearly half of the company's senior executives to make a fortune in the postal market.

There is no department within Pierre Cardon that can restrain him anymore, only a single response of help.

Therefore, under the combined effect of this comprehensive factor, starting from New Year's Day, various "PC" specialty stores in Beijing have experienced amazing sales performance, leading to a linear increase in profits.

In January, this situation was not taken seriously within Pierre Cardon.

Because although the profits are high on the report, everyone knows that there is also a reason for the discovery of the big eucalyptus.

Those employees who had blackmailed the list were forced by Ning Weimin to spit out most of the stolen money.

At the same time, Ning Weimin forced downsizing of staff and implemented punitive trial work and other measures, which also directly reduced the operating costs of the franchise store.

These are unsustainable factors and are special circumstances.

But it was very noticeable in February.

No one expected that the sales of the specialty stores would continue to rise sharply, and the sales for the entire month were actually twice those of December last year.

The Great Wall Hotel alone sold 650,000 yuan, and even the Zhai Palace hidden in the Temple of Heaven Park sold 200,000 yuan.

Even excluding the counters of Friendship Store, the four direct-operated stores of Capital Airport, Great Wall Hotel, Jianguo Hotel, and Jinglun Hotel add up to more than 2.5 million.

Comparing Zou Guodong's monthly revenue data of around 12 to 300,000 yuan before he left, this is simply a slap in the face.

This makes Zou Guodong's past management look dull and can completely erase his years of credit and hard work.

However, some within the company insist that February's data cannot yet tell the story.

There may be factors that plug loopholes and temporarily boost employees' work enthusiasm.

Moreover, Chinese people have caught up with the Spring Festival, and Chinese people also have the habit of buying new clothes during the Spring Festival.

But these views were crushed by reality in March.

Because it’s only been half a month, the data has grown crazily again.

1.6 million!

The sales champion of the Great Wall Hotel franchise store got two thousand five thousand in half a month's salary.

In the past half month, the sales staff of the company and specialty stores have made more money than they did in the past whole month.

If this continues, Pierre Cardon's domestic sales this year will be unimaginable.

As a result, no one in the company questioned Ning Weimin's management ability.

"We should have promoted Ning Weimin to the top position a long time ago and replaced Zou Guodong" has become the mainstream voice in private discussions.

At this time, it can be said that Ning Weimin was in the limelight of the company and became a marketing genius in everyone's eyes.

However, just when Pierre Cardon and Song Huagui were equally amazed by his abilities, they were considering how to reward him.

Ning Weimin himself acted out of common sense and in consideration of the overall situation at the company meeting.

Not only did he actively refuse the benefits that could easily be obtained, but he also stood up for Zou Guodong's injustice.

He explained the changes in the external environment very objectively, saying that he was purely greedy and had good luck to catch up with the good times.

He also put in good words for Zou Guodong, saying that his work in Shanghai was very effective.

Let me tell you that the franchise store Zou Guodong just established in Shanghai Jinjiang Hotel has a revenue of nearly 600,000 yuan.

This shows that it is a dividend brought by the increasingly improving economic environment.

In the end, Ning Weimin also made a joint suggestion to the company on behalf of himself and Zou Guodong that it was time to increase the price of the company's products! A suit should cost at least about two thousand yuan!

This was an extraordinary moment, and all the colleagues in the company were filled with enthusiasm and excitement.

Because no one has forgotten how much everyone’s income increased during the last price increase.

Yes, this is an issue that really should be discussed!

Ever since, the focus has completely shifted, and no one has the time to discuss and analyze the level of Ning Weimin and Zou Guodong.

The question of whether Zou Guodong was capable or incompetent was immediately dismissed by everyone.

And because he suggested raising product prices, he regained everyone's general favor.

In addition, Ning Weimin brokered the alliance between Pierre Cardin and Goldlion. In the future, the Huacheng franchise store that Goldlion will help to build will most likely be placed under the jurisdiction of Zou Guodong and be the overall coordinator.

Considering that even if Ning Weimin does not leave, Zou Guodong is a frontier official who cannot be ignored.

As a result, colleagues at the head office expressed their understanding of Zou Guodong.

He and Ning Weimin were neck and neck again, and they both became loyal ministers of the company.

And for all this, it was impossible for Zou Guodong, who was far away in Shanghai, not to appreciate Ning Weimin's feelings.

He took the initiative to call to express his gratitude, and took the time to patiently discuss with Ning Weimin the operating strategy of the discount store.

He said that as long as the Beijing side proves that this approach is feasible, he will also take the medicine in Shanghai and follow up quickly.

In this way, the internal network of Pierre Cardon has become more united and stronger, and operates smoothly.

At this time, "PC" clothing captured almost all the high-end markets in Beijing and Shanghai.

Just like a huge money printing machine, it continuously prints out tens of millions of wealth.

At the same time, the cooperation between Pierre Cardin and Goldlion is also advancing at an incredible speed and efficiency.

Because between two companies that are sincere and have good relations, it is almost impossible to act according to the rules and make haphazard decisions.

In the capital, Ning Weimin had already communicated with the advertising department of the national television station.

As soon as Goldlion's advertisement was delivered to the capital, it was reviewed the next day and aired before "Xinwen Lianbo".

As a result, the advertising slogan "Goldlion, a man's world" quickly became familiar across the country.

Goldlion follows Pierre Carton and delivers the same high-end brand positioning to audiences across the country.

At this time, Pierre Cardin had not even received the first month’s advertising payment from Goldlion.

Moreover, it was equivalent to giving Jinlilai an advantage for more than half a month beyond the time limit of the contract.

Zeng Xianzi is a person who knows how to reciprocate favors, and he quickly sent Pierre Cardon advertising money for half a year.

And he also advanced funds to rent a space for Pierre Cardon to open a franchise store in the White Swan Hotel in Huacheng.

And asked Huacheng's subordinates to find design and construction units for it.

They also vacated an office in Goldlion’s Flower City headquarters and lent it to people from Pierre Carton free of charge.

On the other hand, Ning Weimin and Zou Guodong also followed Zeng Xianzi's example, and each took root in the two places for Goldlion.

In this way, both companies have the right time, place and people.

The layout of the three most developed cities in the Republic - Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou - was established almost simultaneously in the shortest time.

And they work well and complement each other.

As if they were creating a miracle, they easily accomplished results that other companies might not be able to achieve even after half a year.

It's really like that well-known song that says, "Unity is strength."

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