National Tide 1980

Chapter 833 Two-faced

Finally, I have to praise Yin Yue. This assistant Ning Weimin really made the right choice.

It is said that among the four "Mei Chun Yang Mei Zi", actually Yin Yue is the only one who lacks practical experience as a store manager.

But despite this, it has been less than half a month since this girl took over the three specialty stores of Tianqiao Department Store, and she is still running them in an orderly manner.

In terms of management effectiveness, it is not inferior at all to being a representative of Pierre Cardon Company, responsible for managing discount stores, Goldlion and Easy Lad.

The key is that Yin Yue also has a very high talent for stamp speculation, and is particularly able to endure hardships, which is beyond the comparison of Manna.

Not to mention that the three franchised stores are already busy and tiring, but this girl Yin Yue actually didn't miss going to school to learn accounting, sorting out the finances of the Meishi Street Clothing Factory, and at the same time, she also took care of the postal market.

To be honest, Ning Weimin only left 30,000 yuan for Yin Yue when he left. He originally hoped that she could find time to go to the postal market to buy monkey stamps and help with price calculations to prevent the rat stamps from plummeting out of control in the past few days. That's it.

There weren’t many high expectations at all.

But on the other hand, Yin Yue was already familiar with the basic methods of speculating on stamps. Moreover, she was somewhat famous in the postal market and had trained her own helpers.

So during the five days when Ning Weimin was on a business trip, Yin Yue used Lao Fengtou to help him keep an eye on the monkey tickets in the market, and often appeared in public on purpose during transactions.

She also used two neighborhood children to spread news for herself in the market, attracting many retail investors who paid attention to her movements to follow suit.

Inadvertently, there was a small climax of the monkey ticket, and the price of the monkey ticket was successfully raised from 500 yuan to 580 yuan.

They even took chickens and dogs to heaven, and raised the tails of fat pigs, rats, and bulls.

Although the money was almost gone, if Ning Weimin had to come back two days late, she would have to find a way to raise money to maintain the market.

But this also created an excellent opportunity for Ning Weimin, who returned as scheduled, to sell goods.

Then can Ning Weimin still be beautiful?

Seeing such a good situation in the market, I think that Yin Yue has lived up to his trust and is indeed worth cultivating.

He would be a fool not to seize the opportunity and take advantage of it.

So he immediately met with all his partners and announced that he was ready to open positions and release goods to make final profits.

But it's a bit funny to say that when the overall market is particularly crazy, it is not easy for even the banker who is planning everything behind the scenes to stay awake all the time.

Ning Weimin did not expect that the partners who had followed him all the way would be dazzled by the false prosperity and excessive profits of the market, and turned into fools who believed that stamps could only rise but not fall.

Almost everyone is greedy and believes that it is too early to withdraw now, and there will be better "money prospects" waiting for everyone in the future.

Therefore, most people did not support Ning Weimin's decision, showing collective hesitation and hesitation.

For example, Manager Sha from the logistics department actually took the lead in questioning publicly.

"I'm talking about Weimin, today's zodiac tickets are hard currency, which is more valuable than gold. Don't you see that the market is rising? I think there is actually a lot of profit potential. Why don't you wait a little longer? Wait? Take rat tickets as an example. The higher the price, the faster it will rise. It is almost to 160 now, and maybe it will be 180 in two days. This is higher than when we first started. It’s so much faster, it’s like a day and a day. In the past, if you wanted to increase your income by five yuan, it would take at least a month, but now maybe one day is enough. If you don’t make money when it’s time to make money, are you afraid that money will bite you?”

Qi Yanjun from the product department also said, "Yes, Weimin, you told everyone when you came back that the postal market will be short of funds, and you are afraid of delays and difficulty in shipping. But there is no such sign in the market. To be honest. , I also went to the postal market for a few days when you went abroad. Why did I feel that it was completely contrary to what you said. The situation in the market today is not a small good, but a big one. According to my observation, the market I don’t know how many people are paying attention to the zodiac tickets online. It is common for dozens of editions to change hands, and there are also large transactions of hundreds of editions. Unfortunately, there is not enough in the market. We are shipping now, and I am afraid that people will grab it. Damn it. Isn’t this just a piece of gossip that someone passed on to you to make you worry so much?”

Zhao Daqing from the design department was even more open-minded in his speech and directly targeted the word "money".

"That's right. How crazy is the new postal market now? You guys can't help but remember the plum blossoms that were just released last month, right? It doubled on the day it was launched. So far, the price has not dropped too far. It’s almost six yuan. The Panda, which will be released this month, has attracted much attention in the market. Many people are gearing up and have already announced that they will raise the price of the Panda to at least five times. Is this a sign of tight market funds? "

"Besides, I'm not telling you that Wei Min sells goods too casually. The two thousand editions he took away could have been sold for 151 editions in the capital, but they ended up selling them for 100 yuan each. . Good guy, shipping like this is fast, but we are at a huge loss in terms of price. Especially in such a good market right now, he still plans to sell goods at such a discount. Then I can't understand it. This Aren’t we letting others take advantage of us in vain? Why should we be taken advantage of like this?”

When he said this in public, other people followed suit.

At most, some people speak more politely and express themselves more tactfully.

Some people say that the number of two thousand editions is not much, so it doesn’t matter. There is no need to care too much.

Some people also say that Ning Weimin is in a hurry to go abroad because he is short of money, which is understandable.

But after all, most people stood against Ning Weimin and almost unanimously wanted to overturn his decision.

And there is no doubt that he blocks everyone's financial path out of selfish motives.

However, Ning Weimin's reaction was very indifferent, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

He was not embarrassed, uneasy, or ashamed. At most, he looked a little surprised.

Then he nodded, smiled, and spoke without any hesitation.

"In this case, we can't reach an agreement. Let's just take stock of the property we all share, and then divide it up and break up."



Break up!

At this moment, everyone was stupid, no one would have thought that Ning Weimin would actually use the table to retaliate to everyone.

This is too crude and too childish!

In accordance with past practice, shouldn't he provide everyone with the basis for his judgment and then analyze the situation clearly for everyone?

"I said Weimin, are you kidding me?"

Manager Sha was the first to ask questions while everyone was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Ning Weimin immediately attacked him.

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious."

"Hey, we agreed to advance together and retreat together. don't have anything else to say?"

When Manager Sha asked again, he was already a little angry.

Qi Yanjun also muttered, "Yes, Wei Min, none of us said anything. We just want to find a reasonable explanation from you. How can you be so impulsive and lose your temper? You don't want to follow us either." Speak clearly..."

"Oh, if you say that, you are sincerely wronging me."

Ning Weimin spread his hands and immediately called out Qu Lai plausibly.

"That's right, we agreed to advance and retreat together at the beginning. But what's the purpose? Isn't it just to unite everyone and prevent us from fighting with ourselves in the market. This will be more conducive to the market going to the end and accumulating more profits. It’s rich.”

"As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever. I think now is the tail end of the market. Huge profits are right in front of us. It's time to eat while it's hot. So besides working together to deliver goods, what other practical aspects of cooperation do we have? Need it?"

"And don't forget, we said at the beginning that a bird cannot fly without its head. Everyone promised me that I would make the final decision on when to eat in and when to throw out. I just thought this was the last time. Stand up, this time I didn’t force everyone to listen to me.”

"As the saying goes, people with different opinions should not conspire against each other. Since we have different opinions, let's just do our own thing, so as not to delay each other. In fact, disbanding at this time not only does not violate our original intention. It also has no impact on anyone. No matter the business, we are currently You can choose based on your own preferences, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation. Isn't this a fact?"

Manager Sha lost his temper.

Indeed, Ning Weimin was right, he couldn't find fault with others.

At this time, Ning Weimin met Qi Yanjun's gaze again.

"Lao Qi, you still blame me for not explaining what I said clearly? The truth is obvious. I won't reiterate it no matter when we have a meeting. The best will inevitably decline, and the best will inevitably reverse. I broke these two sentences apart and crushed them. I said, long ago I'm tired of saying it. What else can I say? I don't believe it. Are you still tired of hearing it? "

"So if you want to say that I'm angry, you're really not. There are very few people in this world who can really share the joys and sorrows. It's not easy for us to work together to achieve half of it. I don't force everyone to accompany me through the entire journey, but we can go together for this journey. I will always remember our fate. I’m not afraid that you won’t like to hear it. If we all separate, I will only feel relieved. Because for me personally, stamps are easy to sell.”

He then clasped his fists, faced all the partners, and continued to defend himself.

"Everyone, everyone, it's not that I, Ning Weimin, am unrighteous and don't want to start and finish with you. The key is that I am suffering from the cold at a high place, for fear that these stamps will fall into my hands. But you have infinite scenery on the dangerous peak, and the higher you get, the better. Excited, the higher you go, the less afraid of heights. I originally expected the rat ticket to increase more than ten times, but now it has increased to twenty-five times. You are not satisfied yet, and you still dream of thirty times or forty times. Then there is nothing I can do ah."

"Actually, each of you knows in your heart that the rise of this stamp is all due to our continuous use of funds, and it cannot continue to rise forever. Once the money cannot keep up, it will be an avalanche-like disaster. But you just can't bear to leave, You have to eat all the meat in your mouth before you are willing to do it. You are even more reluctant to sell it at a price lower than the market price. If you make a few dollars less, you will feel that you have suffered a huge loss."

"I'm different from you. I'm really scared. I know it's a common mistake for people to chase the rise and kill the fall. I'm afraid that when most people in the market see that the market is about to turn around, they won't be able to sell if they want to. So the only way to be safe is to rush to take action. I also know that even if I am willing to cash out now, I still have to consider the market's endurance. With the current scale of funds in the Beijing market, I think that if you want to escape unscathed, you can It takes a lot of effort and is not very optimistic.”

"You can think about it carefully. If all the goods in our hands are sold at the original price, how much will it cost? In addition, if the market drops, others will follow us and sell, how much will it cost? You are delusional and don't discount at all. Is it possible to not suffer a loss and only run away when the market goes bad? Since everyone wants to wait a little longer and eat a fat man in one bite, they have to make way for me. For this, I sincerely thank you all. Absolutely sincerely. "

As he spoke, Ning Weimin actually clasped his fists and raised his hands to everyone, with a look of relief on his face.

But such politeness made the people present even more awkward.

Almost everyone looked at each other, far less confident than before.

If nothing else, Ning Weimin's words hit the key points. Although they were not listened to, they were absolutely reasonable.

How many people are really stupid enough to work at Pierre Cardon?

At least he won't lack logical analysis skills.

Xiao Gu was the first to mutter, "Brother Ning is right, otherwise, we can just sell it. The night is long and the dreams are many, and the gold overnight is not as good as the silver you get. Anyway, it is a profit, and the money you get is the real thing... …”

This remark quickly aroused favorable opinions.

"Listen to people's advice and eat enough. If it continues to rise, even if it rises to the sky, it will only make a few less profits. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst. If it really falls, Manager Ning said, so many stamps If it's all in our hands, then it's called regretting it in a hurry. I think it's better to sell it. It also saves me thinking about it all day long."

Others said, "The key is that this business has always been run by Wei Min, and that's why it's so smooth. Anyway, we wouldn't have been able to do this on our own. If Wei Min quits, who can continue to take care of this matter?" Huh? Lao Sha or Lao Qi? Don’t look at me, I definitely can’t do it. So, I won’t worry about things that are out of reach..."

"No, Weimin. Is this really the case? Is the situation so urgent? Do you have to sell it now? You can sell it, but even if you sell it at a higher price, do you really have to give it a 20% discount? Even a 10% discount? OK……"

Even Zhao Daqing didn't dare to be stubborn anymore.

His tone and tone unconsciously became humble, even a little bit pleading.

But even so, he still cares about money and never forgets to bargain.

So Ning Weimin had no intention of coaxing him anymore and sneered.

"Daqing, what you said just now is really right. I'm just anxious to cash out because I'm going abroad. You think it's a loss at the 20% off price, but I don't feel it's a loss at all. It's just like the two-thousand-dollar rat ticket. I can't say anything. I want to sell it, even if I know you will be unhappy."

"Why? Just because we can get back 200,000 yuan in cash, plus the more than 90,000 yuan in the safe. It is already equal to the initial investment of everyone. With this money, it is guaranteed that everyone will make a profit without losing money. Everyone will get a point , as long as we no longer invest, no matter how big the market fluctuations are, we will not lose money. The remaining stamps will always be pure profits."

"So I have no reason to complain when we break up under the current circumstances. I withdrew at this time. None of you can say that I led everyone to the underworld. If you really can't accept it, you can continue to wait. Ah. It’s just that you have to be responsible for yourself in terms of how much you can earn in the end.”

Zhao Daqing was immediately choked and speechless, but he couldn't get angry yet.

First, Ning Weimin is really thinking about everyone when he talks about everyone's public interests.

And he himself is also one of the beneficiaries.

Second, his brain is no longer big enough.

Whether or not to follow the sale, this question is tugging at his heart more and more, and it has occupied all the operating resources of his mind.

"Sell, of course. Wei Min has already said this. If we don't understand his painstaking efforts, we would be too ungrateful."

Before Zhao Daqing could think about it, Qi Yanjun's attitude changed. He was also afraid of capsizing in the ditch, so he sided with Ning Weimin.

It's just that Manager Sha and Zhao Daqing's philistines are also on par.

Even at this time, this money-hungry fat man has not given up thinking about the possibility of making more money.

"Lao Qi also said to sell it, so let's sell it. I have no objection. But the question is, how much should it be sold for? Is it...I mean...this...we can sell part of it first, half of it, Isn’t it safer to not take one-third…?”

Naturally, Ning Weimin looked at him with pity, feeling in his heart that this guy was basically as hopeless as Zhao Daqing.

But from the perspective of personal relationship, Manager Sha is still different from Zhao Daqing after all.

Although sometimes this fat man is very philistine and hateful, at other times he is very efficient and very likable.

He is not just greedy, he is also good at understanding people's hearts and observing their emotions.

Because of this, he was able to get along well in the Pierre Cardon Company.

He is a very charismatic and popular person in the company, and he is not entirely without merit.

Therefore, Ning Weimin's impression of this guy is not all hatred, but he is much more tolerant than Zhao Daqing.

Although logically speaking, if we are not traveling together, why should we go together?

But after thinking about it, I still couldn't bear to see him fall into the pit because of his obsession, so I tried my best to pull him out.

"Lao Sha, greed is actually the most disgusting thing. But you are different. Greed together can be quite interesting sometimes."

There was something in Ning Weimin's words, which made Manager Sha wander around with his eyes wide open, very much like Eric Tsang's joy.

"Ah? Are you talking about me? Where do you start talking about this?"

Ning Weimin sighed as if he was remembering.

"Do you still remember what you were like when we first started speculating on stamps? At that time, we just bought 30,000 sets of rats from the market at an average price of ten yuan. When we put the rat stamps into the warehouse, you still pointed out I'm talking to everyone about those stamps. This crap is just a scam. It's obviously worthless paper, printed with eight cents and then openly exchanged for money, and there are so many people snatching it. Think about these things, it's actually You can exchange for three hundred Pierre Cardon suits. You just want to give a thumbs up to the post office, and at the same time, you feel inexplicably sad for the people who buy these goods, including ourselves. Don't you?"

Manager Sha couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and then nodded under everyone's interested eyes.

"That seems to be the case? What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? And this doesn't mean I'm greedy?"

Ning Weimin couldn't help but laugh.

"What else happened? Look at you now, how come you have completely forgotten this truth? Yesterday at the company, you were chatting with Lao Qi. Did you point to the new coat that just came out this year and said that our company's price increase was too high? Black. To say that such a piece of cashmere would have to be exchanged for ten editions of rat tickets, the price is too high. Tell me, just two years later, how come your standards have changed so much? Are you being two-faced? Are you not greedy? If you are not greedy, no one will be. Let me ask you one last question, do you have to wait until one edition of Rat Ticket can be exchanged for a set of Picardons before selling it?"

"Okay, wait for me here."

If Manager Sha was really not stupid, he understood everything amidst the roar of laughter from everyone.

"But yes, how come my feelings have completely changed in such a short period of time! Come on, you're right, I'm just greedy. Then don't say it's useless, I'll listen to you! Let's stick to our pace Let’s be consistent.”

Zhao Daqing also shouted at this time, "Sell! Sell! I'll sell them all too!" for fear of pulling him down.

At this point, these deluded fools finally regained their consciousness.

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