National Tide 1980

Chapter 834 Cash out in the market

It’s finally the final moment of full harvest!

Because the stock of stamps in his hand was too large, nearly 50,000 full-page rat stamps, Ning Weimin was still racing against time this time to ship out.

Therefore, he used almost all available methods and took multi-faceted measures.

In the first step, through Yin Yue, he handed over loose tickets for monkeys, roosters, dogs, and pigs, as well as a small number of full-page tickets for the Year of the Rat, to Old Man Feng and two neighborhood children, allowing them to follow them in the postal market. of selling.

Based on the principle of those who are willing to take the bait, these stamps will be transferred to retail investors and small households at market prices as quietly as possible.

The second way is that Ning Weimin arranged for Qi Yanjun, Zhao Daqing, Manager Sha, and Xiao Gu to drive to Jinmen to sell some stamps.

The principle is to make a time difference and take advantage of the inconvenience of message transmission. While the price in Beijing does not fall, we can sell as much as we can in Tianjin.

Even if you are unlucky and can't find a big investor, it doesn't matter. There are medium-sized investors, small investors, and even retail investors in the market.

The third way is in the capital city. Ning Weimin and Yin Yue went together to find big players who were willing to take advantage of the cheaper prices and changed hands in batches.

In short, what we want is to cash out in the safest way, and the word "quick" is what we want!

Ning Weimin's shipment at this time was indeed at the right time, taking advantage of the right time, location, and people.

You know, the market has reached its peak, and now is precisely the time when the market has the most abundant funds.

There is a saying that goes, "The people are the ocean."

Precisely because stamps have continued to rise since the issuance of bull stamps at the beginning of the year and they find it profitable, tens of thousands of citizens will continue to participate in it.

Especially recently, the issuance of new postal products has been constant, and each new postal issue has been subject to intense speculation. The feverish temperature in the postal market can almost boil water.

Suddenly, "Let's go to the postal market!" became the loudest voice in the capital.

Therefore, in anticipation of the imminent release of the "Panda" souvenir sheet, a wide range of private funds, like endless streams and rivers, spontaneously and consciously converged into the "vast ocean" of the postal market.

Not to mention the exaggerated stories that come with it, one and a half times about the wealth that stamps bring.

For example, after "Plum Blossom" was released last month, an old man used the money his son paid to marry his wife and bought a hundred copies at a price of two and a half yuan.

It had only been a week since the clinker was released, and "Plum Blossom" was only four yuan. It was resold and made a profit of one hundred and fifty yuan.

But he still regretted it afterwards, because right now, the price of "Plum Blossom" was going to be six yuan a piece!

He actually made two hundred yuan less!

For another example, there was an individual boy who was fined for reselling smuggled cigarettes and owed several thousand yuan in foreign debt.

As a result, the creditor who came to demand the money was fierce and said that he would only give him a month and would take his arms and legs before the money was paid.

In order to save their son, his parents had to borrow money from here and there, begging grandpa and grandma to borrow money.

Unexpectedly, the world was so hot and cold, and everyone was looking down upon them. In the end, both husband and wife went into shock and were taken to the hospital for rescue.

But what I didn’t expect is that there is no perfect path.

The old man of this family also has a stamp album in his hand, which is full of stamps from the 1960s, and even includes a square couplet of "big red".

It was a souvenir given to him by an old classmate who worked in the post office system before he was a student.

I learned that stamps are extremely valuable nowadays, and their prices have almost reached sky-high prices.

After the old man was discharged from the hospital, he took these stamps to the postal market to try his luck.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he showed off his goods in the market, he was surrounded by people clamoring to bid first.

With this move, he completely lost his temper.

Not only were the old debts paid off, but more than 10,000 yuan was also paid off, making it easy to reach the ultimate goal in life.

Think about it, half-true and half-false stories like this, with strong psychological implications, are being produced and fermented almost every day.

As for the common people, they are both willing to listen and spread the word. What kind of stimulating effect will it have on the market?

What's more important is that there are still people who use the evidence of their own profits to continue to lure more people into it with a more powerful model effect.

Yin Yue, she is a living legend in the market, a real person that everyone looks up to.

You know, Ning Weimin is an unprecedented powerful village.

With his layout several years in advance, the zodiac tickets on the market were a hot commodity.

There are always more buys and less sells, especially for monkey tickets, chicken tickets and dog tickets. The dormant chips far exceed the circulating chips.

Think about it, if the monkey ticket is as high as five hundred yuan, not many people will be willing to sell it.

Even if it rises to 6700, these people with monkey tickets will not sell it either.

Under such circumstances, Yin Yue still buys Monkey Tickets as soon as they are available, and keeps raising the price to sweep away the goods. So isn’t Monkey Tickets growing like crazy?

After being speculated to this extent, the monkey ticket is actually equivalent to a vacuum. It is almost just a price but no goods.

As long as you buy it, you will make money, let alone ten yuan a day, twenty or thirty without any effort.

That is to say, the main motive of Ning Weimin and Yin Yue is to catch the rat, and they have no intention of continuing to speculate.

Otherwise, it would not be difficult to get the monkey ticket to exceed 1,000.

In this way, not only those who have been paying attention to Yin Yue, but also those who dare to imitate her operation and follow her to buy zodiac tickets will all make money.

Even after Ning Weimin decided to officially start selling goods, a strange phenomenon occurred that even he had not expected.

That is, after he successively sold dozens of loose monkey tickets at a high position, it further promoted the price of zodiac tickets to continue to rise.

The goods of Daqing Monkey Ticket are so rare that if someone sees it, they will buy it. Once the transaction is completed, it will set a higher price record.

Naturally, it also inspired the entire zodiac ticket section to follow.

Therefore, once this kind of frequent trading increases, it is even more effective than the small amount of transactions that Yin Yue only bought but did not sell in the first few days.

So in this case, how can people's greed be curbed?

In this kind of mentality of getting rich overnight, nature is like a fire being fanned, and the "herding effect" is unprecedentedly powerful.

As a result, more and more people are participating in reselling stamps, and the prices of stamps are becoming more and more abnormal.

To be honest, Ning Weimin's behavior of hoarding zodiac tickets at all costs from the beginning has played a catalyst role in fueling this bull market. Even he himself cannot accurately estimate.

Anyway, with the accumulation of various factors, he definitely rewrote the history of the Beijing postal market and made people in the capital go crazy about stamps.

As for how crazy it is?

In fact, as long as you take a random day and look at the market situation during Ning Weimin's selling period, you will know.

Nowadays, in front of the Heping Arch Philatelic Corporation, it is no longer appropriate to describe it as bustling, crowded, crowded, and busy with transactions.

Because the price of stamps has risen too fast and it is too easy to make money, the road in this area has recently become the most congested road in the capital.

Even if it is not a weekend, from half an hour before the Philatelic Corporation opens in the morning to one and a half hours after the Philatelic Corporation closes in the afternoon.

For fourteen hours every day, at least 20,000 people gathered here.

Compared to the market half a year ago, there were at least ten times more people. It would be correct to say that it was completely crowded.

Nowadays, even the price of pancakes here is one yuan, which is several times more expensive than other places.

And we can sell from morning to night, and there is always a long queue.

Needless to say, business will be easier if there are more people.

For example, Old Man Feng at the entrance of the market and the two Hengha Generals assigned to him by Yin Yue have been going crazy busy shipping goods every day lately.

However, Lao Fengtou has to work hard, and his consciousness is not high.

The calculation of the abacus is no worse than the Qian Guang in "Qingsongling", which says "Whoever gets rich will be honored, and whoever suffers from poverty will be the bearer". The inside and outside can be clearly distinguished.

No, when it came time to distribute the goods to the two "Heng Ha Second Generals", he did not forget to lower his voice and give a few more instructions.

"Yesterday, you didn't ship much of the pig tickets. I said you have to work harder today and spread the word quickly. I know that the pig tickets are not taken up or down, and they are the most popular among the zodiac tickets. It’s not easy to sell. But the silver girl and I are the big ones in these pig tickets. You two can’t kill each other out of righteousness. Then go back and sell the big boss’s monkeys, dogs, chickens, and even rats, but let me and Yin Yatou will suffer a loss. If this is the case, I will go to Yin Yatou to sue you..."

"I know, I know, don't worry, we brothers must pay more attention!"

"That's right, Uncle Feng, we brothers mainly want to get a good price for you, so as to avoid complaints."

Xiaozhuang and Xiaosun agreed in unison that no one in this business would laugh at their selfishness.

If you don’t think about yourself, who would do this?

But the funny thing is that even in the same postal market, with a radius of only a few hundred meters, the prices vary widely.

For example, a full-page rat stamp was sold for 162 yuan at the east end of the postal market, but someone might be offering it for 164 yuan at the west end of the postal market.

If someone knows this situation in time and takes a few more steps, he can earn a difference of two yuan.

Therefore, the person who is responsible for delivering goods in this market not only has to have eyes and ears to listen to all directions, but also has to be quick and quick in mind.

Otherwise, you will always regret the business you make.

It is precisely because of this that it is not easy for the two young men to sell goods for Old Man Feng and Yin Yue.

Selling goods for Ning Weimin, because the relationship is far away, there is no psychological burden.

"You two, your nature is suitable for being a setter, but settling small accounts is not suitable for you at this time. We have enough goods, we are afraid that we can't sell them, and what we want now is to close the deal quickly and get the cash back. Even if it's low The price you ordered is fine. Don’t worry, no one will pick on you.”

Lao Fengtou discovered the crux of the problem in time and immediately started ideological work.

"Okay, as long as you say this..."

Xiaozhuang and Xiaosun received the military order and disappeared in a flash, and they all got into the chaotic crowd of the postal market.

Not to mention, it’s really different now that Lao Fengtou is there to help.

In less than an hour, Xiao Tang returned to the stall with a bag of money.

Some of the stamps he carried were sold for nine thousand two thousand.

Two monkey tickets are worth one thousand and two, and twenty rat tickets are worth three thousand and two.

There were also two full-page pig tickets, which sold for 4,800.

Xiaozhuang spent another half an hour before returning.

He works slowly and is straightforward, but he is more careful in his work, and his selling price is obviously higher than that of Xiao Tang.

For this batch of goods, he only focused on selling pig tickets, and did not sell other tickets.

However, five editions were sold successively, and all of them were sold at a high price of more than 2,500 yuan.

This made Lao Fengtou very happy. When he received the money, he gave him 40 yuan to Xiao Tang and 60 yuan to Xiao Zhuang according to the principle of ten yuan for every two thousand yuan.

This is a common practice in the market, called "wake-up", which is to reward people who do errands for you.

The rules of the postal market are that rewards must be given immediately and cannot be delayed.

When people feel depressed, their hearts become cold, and when people feel cold, their business will suffer.

But conversely, the effect of money's ability to communicate with the gods is immediate.

Take these two boys as an example. After receiving this cash, they can't just take care of it for half a year, but they can even have a month's food expenses.

If they do this again, the family won't be able to say that they are free rice next month.

Naturally, he was overjoyed, and his whole body felt like he had been injected with chicken blood. Who would feel trapped and want to be lazy?

The wind naturally started to rise in the soles of my feet, and I ran very fast.

When the second batch of goods was released, the two of them had significantly shortened the time. This time it was one-third faster than the last time.

Just like that, keep releasing goods.

In the evening, it was time for the philatelic headquarters to close and the street market to be almost gone.

Lao Fengtou, Xiaozhuang and Xiaotang compiled an account and recovered a total of more than 110,000 yuan that day.

"General Hengha" each got more than 200 "Xing'er".

The two of them escorted Old Fengtou home together, and then dispersed happily.

This is the postal market at this time, and the super-fast cash-out speed is simply dreamy.

Who said that most people these days have no other way to earn extra money except putting their money in the bank to earn interest?

To be honest, the reason why our country’s postal market has grown to be the largest in the world is that our country’s stamps are the best in the world.

It's all because our postal market goes crazy as soon as it's speculated, and its speculative properties are unparalleled.

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