National Tide 1980

Chapter 835 Ichinomiya Postal Market

During the stamp bull market in May 1985, the number of people entering the postal markets in first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai reached 10,000 or 20,000 people every day. The crowds were very spectacular.

In small and medium-sized cities in the second and third tiers, the postal market is also booming.

At least hundreds to thousands of people gather every day, shouting and selling, like a huge market.

The Ichinomiya Post Market in Jinmen is one of the best.

There are almost thousands of people gathering here every day, which is already considered top-notch among second-tier cities.

"Yigong" is the abbreviation, referring to the First Workers' Cultural Palace in Tianjin.

Few people know that this is actually the first Workers’ Cultural Palace in the country.

As for the situation in 1985, due to the lack of official recognition, the stamp markets in most cities were either concentrated in parks, attached to the entrances of state-owned stamp companies, or historically formed places where stamp collectors were relatively concentrated, all of which were street markets.

The First Palace Post Market in Jinmen is no exception. The real trading place is not inside the Workers' Cultural Palace, but in the small outdoor garden.

If we say it objectively, the Jinmen Postal Market has two unique features. It is different from the capital city. Perhaps it should be said that it is different from most places.

First, the trading environment here is much better than that of the Heping Arch Philatelic Corporation on the road.

Because it is located in a former concession, it is not only surrounded by Western-style buildings and beautiful scenery, but the garden is not as noisy as the road facing it.

At least you don't have to step off the curb carelessly and cause friction with passing vehicles and pedestrians.

Second, the main force involved in the hype here is also different from that in Beijing.

The postal market in Beijing is basically made up of retired elderly people, housewives, and people who are idle in society.

People who are actually working don't really follow the booing.

However, the composition of the Tianjin Postal Market includes many young and strong working people.

These people have a more urgent desire to make money, a stronger interest in speculation, and a greater courage, so they are more aggressive in speculating on stamps.

Why is this so?

It's because Jinmen's source of wealth since ancient times has been docking.

There are nine big rivers in Jinmen, and people traveling from north to south all stop here. People in Jinmen naturally learn whatever they see.

In addition, there are many people in the small town, and there is no stable resident class in the city.

People in Jinmen who cannot afford a salary have to find their own way to earn a living.

If you want to live well here, diligence, courage and brains are all indispensable.

People in Jinmen living in this kind of living environment are naturally very clever. They don't care for lazy people, and they bully honest people.

So even though the distance between Tianjin and Beijing is only 120 kilometers, the people in the two places are fundamentally different.

As the capital city, people in the capital have lived a relatively stable life for a long time, and people behave as they should and abide by the rules.

When I have nothing to do, I study culture, ponder politics, and worship cultural celebrities and powerful people.

As for the people of Jinmen, they are forced to find ways to get food and drink all day long, and they live a rough life. They can only think about the present and get some benefits.

He also particularly dislikes the powerful and famous, and thinks it is shameful to just sit back and enjoy their success. He is neither willing nor able to stick to the rules.

This legacy from before liberation is the city's deep-rooted personality, which still exists even in the early days of reform and opening up.

So when the country's postal markets disappeared, many people in Jinmen stopped going to work.

They dare to ask for leave, dare to skip work, and are not even afraid to compete with the leaders or make fun of mushrooms. They spend every day here happily.

If you think about it, you will know that due to the difference in levels between cities, wages in Jinmen are lower than those in Beijing. One person only earns dozens of yuan a month.

Those few editions of stamps can be resold several times and you can earn a year's salary. Doing this is not much better than working!

Therefore, the enthusiasm of these people in the Tianjin postal market for speculating on stamps is not inferior to those in the capital.

Even from a local perspective, perhaps the enthusiasm exceeds that of the capital city.

Not to mention other things, like the "Picardon Executive Team" who were appointed by Ning Weimin and drove a bumpy journey from the capital.

I finally found Ichinomiya, and as soon as I got out of the car, I was photographed by the people here.

Because before they entered the real trading area of ​​the garden, they were entangled by the youngest "Mushroom Team" who gathered in the open space at the door.

This group of people are all professional scalpers. They stay at the outermost edge of the postal market all day long, holding cigarettes in their mouths and wandering around looking for prey.

The professional habit is that if there are dates or no dates, let’s hit the pole first and then talk about it.

Whenever I see someone carrying a bag or something, I will throw away my cigarettes, huff and puff around them, and talk about business.

Not to mention the four people from the capital who saw these four people in suits and leather shoes arriving in a car today.

Even a fool knows there is plenty of oil and water, so why not fight for it?

"Brother, do you have tickets? Charge them at a high price!"

"Brother, do you have any goods? Let's have a chat, okay?"

"Monkey ticket, monkey ticket, five hundred and twenty one, five hundred and twenty one! How much do you want as old as you want!"

"People from the capital? Your car brand is from the capital, right? Oh, what an honor. You came all the way to Tianjin to come up with some good stuff? Hey...hey...don't go, Lulubao , let’s have a good chat! There’s such a treasure, you can make whatever price you want, and I’ll cover it for you..."

Good guy, it's like a pack of wild dogs that want to tear off a piece of meat from a person right away.

In the local dialect of Jinmen, it’s “provoking”.

It's similar to booing, but it's not exactly booing. There's a bit of irresponsible purpose in it.

Jinmen people are not only good at getting things done, but they are also shrewd in doing things.

If you succeed, there are benefits; if you fail, there is no loss.

Relatively speaking, such a scene was not seen in the capital postal market at this time.

At the postal market at the Peace Arch, everyone held up signs to solicit business with a tacit understanding.

Yelling comes back to yelling, there is no such thing as pounce directly on someone, ignore them, and stalk them.

When we did talk about business, it was in a low voice, behind other people's backs, in a thoughtful and amiable manner.

Therefore, this model is simply not something that several senior executives at Pierre Cardin can adapt to.

What's worse is that since you haven't seen this formation before, just shut up and leave.

No, someone in this group is talking back.

Xiao Gu is young and has not seen much of the world. When people ask, he actually helps.

When I retorted, I asked them what market the full-page rat ticket was in and how much it cost.

This time, it’s completely wrinkled!

That would be like the Tang Monk and his apprentice in "Journey to the West" meeting the Golden Horn King and the Silver Horn King.

Think about it, can these people let them go if they hear the smell of oil? Not even more like a swarm of flies following the blood.

It's really a deadly stare. I can't blast it away or drive it away.

I want to ignore it, is it possible?

Before I say this, I need to understand something first. Where is Jie Si?

Introducing Sijinmen!

Everyone in the world knows that Jinmen people are famous for being mouthy.

In addition, these few people who work for foreign companies are not "Beijing oilseeds", they are all comprador class who drink coffee.

Being in a foreign place, and using the weak to win over the strong in the market, wouldn't that be very frustrating?

These Zijinmen people have three basic skills.

One is to blow big pear.

What is blowing pear?

Commonly known as bragging and telling lies.

The well-documented allusion is that there was a sugar blower in Jinmen in the past who was not very skilled.

Because he couldn't play complicated things, he went to the street to do business and could only fool his children into blowing a ball.

What is it?

Squeeze it, just say it's a big sugar pear.

Don't be happy, in Jinmen, this is not a fault.

People in Jinmen have always believed that whoever can tell a big story is a hero.

Especially if you do it to earn a living, there is no shame in it.

There is definitely no need for country people to blow big pears, but it is different for the people from Jinmen who hang out on the streets.

You have to suppress others in order to have food to eat. Otherwise, it’s just a bowl of rice, and it’s your turn to eat?

In addition, Jinmen people can also cook swim bladder.

What does this mean?

In fact, the original meaning is to boil the fish bladder into glue.

This is a slow job and cannot be done by the impatient.

Jinmen people often use the process of boiling swim bladder to describe a phenomenon in life that is endless.

If you want to say that a person only wants to do something, just say that this person is "cooking" with something.

So one can imagine how this Mushroom team surrounded four senior executives of foreign companies in the capital, bragging about the guaranteed votes they had vowed to make, and getting tired of them. What was it like for a few people in the capital?

It can really grind them to death and pester them to death, making them so noisy that they can't concentrate at all, and they can't do anything serious.

If you have to endure these two moves, then there is a third move, which is to read the mountain sounds.

People in Jinmen call it "Nian Shanyin" by beating around the bush and saying some irritating words.

Because Jinmen people speak with strong teeth, it sounds like "three tones" when spoken.

This move is so powerful that it can be called the magic sound that penetrates the ears. It is the highest level of martial arts.

Not only can it make people impatient and angry, but it can also ruin things.

Because this technique is not about blatantly saying bad things, but using a friendly mask to say unfriendly things.

For example, when Qi Yanjun and Manager Sha entered the garden, they initially exchanged information and discussed the price with two people who looked decently dressed, elegant, and seemed to have good financial strength.

Some of the people following them began to chant.

"That's great. People in suits only talk business with people in Chinese tunic suits. What do you call this? That's how people flock together. Don't blame me for ignoring you. Why did we wear bad clothes? If I had known I would go out this morning. , I also take good care of myself. As the saying goes, a broomstick can be dressed up like a human being, and a bear can be a human being wearing a robe..."

Listen, does this mouth owe you anything? Does this sound good?

But I can't find fault with him. This guy compliments others on their decent dress, and he wants to learn from it. How can he be wrong?

Someone else said this later.

"Okay, the postal market is booming these days. No one would think that anyone can get rich. Let's talk carefully. I wish you all get rich. You can make a few more with rat stamps during the good times. Maybe you can catch the wave later. , even the capital and profits were lost. What I said was good."

Such good words are even worse. They are obviously recited in three tones. Who can swallow this breath?

Of course, those two respectable people are also from Jinmen, so naturally they are not fuel-efficient.

If you wrap it around your neck, you can still say it.

"Everyone has good intentions, and I know that you hope that our business will do well. But whether we do well or not is our own business. Besides, if we lose all our capital and profits, it's just a carrot and not a worry."

The person who also recited Sanyin came back to his words again, but there was no way to talk about business anymore.

Because no one wants to get into trouble for nothing. Seeing that these pieces of meat are blocking the way, who would want to get involved with a few people from the capital?

So in the end, there was no choice. It can be said that one sentence can cause eternal hatred.

In the end, Qi Yanjun and the others could only endure the pain and sell some goods at low prices to feed the mushroom teams at the door. Only then could they avoid losing money and avoid disaster, and gain the power and opportunity to talk serious business in the garden.

But once things have been done, it still can't be smooth sailing.

Because these mushroom teams are good at spreading news, it won't take long for these people to pass on information and details about people in the capital to their acquaintances in the market.

Coupled with the diverse people in Jinmen, this place is different from anywhere else.

In most places, people look at well-dressed and well-established people, patting and coaxing them, fearing that they will not do business with them, or that they will not be able to cooperate in the long term.

That's not the case for people from Jinmen. People here don't worship nobles, do not pamper celebrities, and don't buy into the rich.

Those who only treat the world with civilian consciousness are the most annoying people who act like "big-tailed eagles".

There is absolutely no wealthy person who can be domineering in Jinmen. Here we only deal with the well-established and the well-dressed.

The more superior you look and the more showy you are, the less likely the Jinmen people will let you go, and they will not spare you even if they can kill both of you.

And they only want to be happy in the moment, not so much in the future! Who knows what the future holds?

So Qi Yanjun and the others were selling their goods here, which was called "prisoner's boredom" in Jinmen dialect.

If there is a comparison, it is probably similar to the experience of Bai Jingqi working as a cotton robe in Jinan in the TV series "Mansion Gate".

When I asked about the price, only one was lower than the other, and no one was higher than the other.

From the perspective of people from the capital, Qi Yanjun and the others couldn't figure out how they could start having such a good conversation sometimes.

Why is it that as soon as we enter a restaurant, have a drink, set up a table, and talk about long-term cooperation, something bad happens and the price goes down again?

It was as if the Jinmen people had all been rehearsed. They always smiled and squinted their eyes, and said uniformly when they regretted it, "Do you still care about this? You are all big bosses in the capital. This is very important to you." It’s nothing to say, can you take this matter seriously? No one will believe you even if you tell me.”

In short, during the few days in Tianjin, the feelings of these four Pierre Cardon executives were really hard to describe.

In the end, they used almost 10,000 rat coupons to get 920,000 in cash, which was much lower than the 20% discount they expected.

So much so that when they returned to Beijing, the pain of gnashing of teeth arose spontaneously, and they vented their anger by swearing in the streets along the way.

It is unimaginably dark to criticize the first house market for high selling prices and low closing prices.

The road to Jinmen is crooked, so the people here have the same evil intentions as the road here.

They even swore together that they would never do business in Tianjin again.

To be honest, it wasn't that they couldn't accept being treated like a loser in Jinmen. The key was that they were unconvinced by the loss.

The four of them combined knew three foreign languages ​​and four dialects, but they still couldn't speak to the Jinmen people.

No one could figure out what the problem was, why they were surrounded by people from Jinmen, and then they surrendered in a daze.

However, the good thing is that even though we lost tactically, we still won strategically.

The Ichinomiya Post Market in May 1985 was like a big pot with steaming dumplings cooking inside.

The fire is raging below, there is no shortage of firewood, the soup is boiling above, and new dumplings are constantly rushing to jump in.

There is no gap and no place to stand, so cashing out is supported by market foundation and sufficient funds.

After all, they still listened to Ning Weimin and brought back a large amount of cash. It's not sure who will be happy and who will cry in the future.

And they also learned through this incident that market making is not easy. Doing it and watching it are two different things.

We also understand Ning Weimin's eagerness to cash out.

I even admire Ning Weimin for his strategizing and firm control of the market, and for being able to snowball everyone's wealth to this extent.

What a talent!

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