National Tide 1980

Chapter 843 Big Three Elements

June 2, 1985, is a Sunday.

It was also the day when all the members of the Pierre Cardon investment group came together to “share the spoils” together.

To be honest, if someone from the underworld in the capital could get the news in advance today.

Whoever went to the Xuanwumen Hotel and grabbed room 606 was considered appropriate.

Because if you pull this off, it will be much easier and more cost-effective than robbing a bank vault.

The harvest was 5.33 million!

What is the concept of money in this era?

In terms of specific senses, it is 5,330 stacks of "great unity"!

So many banknotes were stacked together that they were fifty meters long.

The weight is almost 1,772 kilograms.

Think about it, it’s a ton smaller!

I really need to find a Jiefang to take me away.

What if Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao had used four large suitcases with wheels to get Ning Weimin back 1.6 million from Huacheng? Do we need to save part of the remaining 600,000 yuan locally?

This is because the maximum ticket price these days is ten yuan, and most people can only move hundreds of thousands.

From this point of view, if there were really robbers, Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao would have to be dealt with.

The size of so much money is probably the most difficult problem for them to solve.

Several members of the investment group had received the news in advance, and everyone came with large suitcases.

A simple calculation shows that each person has to carry around 170 kilograms of banknotes based on weight. Just kidding.

So you can completely imagine what the scene will be like?

The big piles were divided into ten piles in advance.

On the floor, bed, and sofa, there were piles of needles and needles everywhere, and it seemed like there was nothing else in the room except money.

Absolutely breathtaking sight! Shocking!

Thanks to Ning Weimin's reservation, it was a suite. If it were to be replaced by an ordinary double room, it would probably not be able to fit in.

Even the executives of Pierre Cardon who came to share the money, even if they were mentally prepared, could not hide their shock.

No matter who enters this room and sees so much real money at once, they will be shocked and stunned like Alibaba discovering the treasure cave of the Forty Thieves.

There is no way, there is too much money! How scary!

Most people may never have the opportunity to see so many banknotes in one room in their lifetime.

So after regaining consciousness, everyone's eyes will become burning, and their hearts will be burning like hot coals.

I didn't even bother to say hello anymore, so I couldn't wait to find him.

Look for the red paper with your name on it and which pile of money it is on.

Once you find it, you can't wait to count it and sign it.

As if on stimulants, I put the money in the suitcase I brought.

Even if I'm sweating like rain, my mouth is dry, I'm out of breath, I still enjoy it.

Throughout the whole process, absolutely no one found it too hard, too tiring, or too troublesome. Everyone was more of a model worker than a model worker and loved this kind of physical labor.

The most amazing thing is that these people kept the room quiet by relying on tacit understanding and consciousness.

No one was talking in the whole room, and the only sounds that could be heard were the gasps of excitement or exertion, and the movement of counting and moving banknotes.

This ensures the safety of the "Spoils Sharing Conference" to a large extent and successfully avoids the possibility of attracting the attention of others due to noise.

Is this strange?

not at all.

It can only be said that each of them is completely immersed in their own pile of wealth and has no time to care about anything else.

Outsiders will never understand the feeling of counting money and the love for money.

I am afraid that apart from each other, only Balzac's Grandet can feel the same way.

Don’t forget, if their generous salaries and benefits can be said to have solved their food and clothing problems, allowed them to live a decent life in the country, and become the first class to have a better life in the country.

Then this money will undoubtedly make each of them a well-deserved rich man in the country.

At least in this era, they stand at the top of society.

Each of them knows that with this wealth, their quality of life will be greatly improved.

For example, they can all afford a Crown car and can own an imported luxury car of their own.

Even real ministers and senior officials don’t have this financial ability.

This strong temptation cannot help but make their mouths dry and their minds impetuous.

If possible, they really want to tell the world how rich they are and impress everyone.

In short, it was not until they had finished counting and loading their own banknotes with great joy that they walked over to Ning Weimin, shook hands vigorously, and thanked him excitedly.

Then they would quietly exit the room with their suitcases and leave with their wealth.

Before leaving, I will carefully check if there is anyone in the corridor.

It sounds like agents from the past met here to distribute revolutionary funds.

In this way, 5.33 million yuan was divided up in this tacit and cautious busyness.

However, the money has been distributed, but the matter does not end there. A celebration banquet is also essential.

That night, this group of executives gathered together to treat themselves to "Big Sanyuan" on Jingshan West Street.

Not only was Ning Weimin bound to be present, but Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao were also called.

The reason why I chose this place is not at Tan Gong Restaurant or Maxim Restaurant.

The first is because "Da Sanyuan" is currently the only authentic high-end Cantonese restaurant in Beijing.

The signature dishes here are quite famous, and basically all the high-end banquet dishes from Guangdong are available here.

For example, there are braised chicken wings, roasted suckling pig in the open oven, Taiye chicken, snake soup, dragon, tiger and phoenix stew, stewed civet with chicken feet, Dongjiang salt-baked chicken, Kirin Haihuang abalone slices, etc.

Since this restaurant was founded by Mr. Rong, the famous chefs were recruited from major state-owned restaurants in Guangdong.

Even in Guangdong, it's hard to find places where the craftsmanship is comparable to here.

Second, it is precisely because this is not a company owned by Pierre Cardon and the price is expensive that it can show its sincerity.

Otherwise, if we go to a place managed by Guining Weimin to eat, who will invite whom?

What's more, the waiters are all from the company, so it's not convenient to talk.

As for how expensive the big three yuan is?

That can definitely be called a bloody blow.

You know, Mr. Rong founded this restaurant just to entertain Hong Kong businessmen.

When Hong Kong businessmen came to the capital to do business, they mostly hired officials.

Therefore, from the perspective of the customer base served, this is not a place for ordinary people. The consumer groups are people who don't care about money.

There is no need to even advertise, the place is packed every day, and the conditions are better than those of Tan Gong Restaurant.

Here, eating level, eating circle, eating atmosphere, and eating connections are even more important than eating taste.

The dishes may not be gorgeous enough, the decoration may not be high-end enough, and the service level is far superior to other state-owned restaurants.

As a result, it became a famous place for killing people in the catering industry in Beijing, and it was later classified as one of the "three swords and one axe".

The twelve of them at the table today basically ordered all the signature dishes here, except for the snake soup, which is only available in winter.

Although I didn’t order any XO or Champagne King, the price of the dishes alone was several times that of the meal Ning Weimin had served Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao at Maxim Restaurant in the first few days.

Three thousand yuan is the minimum, which is enough to show the kindness.

Especially as a well-deserved hero, Ning Weimin was supported by everyone and sat in the first seat.

Manager Sha also gave Ning Weimin a very expensive gift on behalf of everyone - a box of imported Cohiba cigars and a gold cigar tongs.

This makes it even more clear that these people repay their kindness and are full of sincerity.

Of course, there is no need to worry too much when speaking at this time.

Manager Sha took the lead in pouring a full glass of Maotai, stood up and raised his glass, calling on everyone to drink to Ning Weimin.

So everyone stood up and responded with a toast.

Originally, the master who looked at no one and was arrogant now became grateful and did everything he could.

Ning Weimin was surrounded by people who praised him like a flower.

What kind of wise and powerful people, great talents and strategies, are compared and said in flattering words.

Even when Gao Lishi and Wei Zhongxian were alive, their ability to flatter people would have to be compared to theirs.

Those who listened were more embarrassed than those who spoke. Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao were stunned and their faces were hot.

With Ning Weimin's psychological quality, he is a little uncomfortable with this kind of highlight moment in life and the feeling of being a "money daddy".

He quickly stood up and raised his glass, responded politely one by one, thanked everyone for their kindness, and ended this round of compliments.

However, this was not over yet. After Qi Yanjun finished his glass of wine, he placed a deposit receipt in front of Ning Weimin and said boldly.

"This is something we all put together. We all know in our hearts that without you, we wouldn't be able to make this money at all. So, three hundred thousand, it's just a small thing."

This kindness surprised Ning Weimin and was quite unexpected.

Because he knew very well the nature of this group of people, and they were completely different from Yin Yue, Xiao Tao, and Luo Guangliang.

The friendship between them is entirely based on interests.

Therefore, when it comes to money, these people will not be modest, and no one will think they earn too much.

Just thank him again, those gifts and this meal are enough, there is no need to come here.

Therefore, this is a good thing without any reason. Of course, it is not easy for him to extend his hand.

Sure enough, he shook his head and refused, but these people still refused to give up.

Seeing that he really refused, he could only express his true intention.

"Haha, Weimin, we don't have any other intentions. If you don't accept it, everyone can't bear it. You obviously contributed the most, but you still got the same amount as everyone. How can you make us feel embarrassed? And what should we do next? Come on, everyone has to rely on you to take the lead, you can't just walk away and ignore everyone..." As soon as Qi Yanjun said this, Manager Sha immediately followed.

"That's right, Weimin, are you really willing to leave like this? We have so much money now, what can't we do? Why are you going to Japan? If you ask me, you might as well stay. Let Lao Zou Continue to stay in Shanghai, and you and the big guys will continue to make money..."

Zhao Daqing also said, "Weimin, I, Old Zhao, didn't completely trust you before, and it was my fault. From now on, you can rest assured that everyone will listen to you, whether in official or private matters. I promise that you, the third in command, will be worthy of your name, Shu Comfortable..."

Xiao Gu couldn't wait for him to finish what he said and quickly said, "Mr. Ning, are you so eager to go abroad? Will there be better opportunities if you stay? I wonder if this stamp can still be used Pull it up again. We used to be able to push it down and pull it up again, why can’t we do it now? This has to be a vote. Then don’t everyone become millionaires directly..."

It turns out that Ganqing is "greedy", which is in line with their temperament.

It is said that when a businessman eats, his mind is never on the meal. This is true.

Ning Weimin didn't want to listen anymore and waved his hand. "Everyone, listen to me. We are all businessmen. It is instinct to want to make money and make big money. How can we make all the money? There is nothing wrong with wanting to continue making money. But the problem is, I think, any speculation Businesses are short-term and have a life cycle. If we have to go against the grain, we will find ourselves at odds with ourselves."

"It's not impossible to make stamps, but it will take a long time. Whoever enters now will have to pay. We have cooperated for so long, and I know that none of you want to regret or lose money. I just want to advise you. Maybe you It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree with my views. Facts will prove what I say.”

"What's more, this matter has attracted so much attention. Those in power are not fools. Who wants to disturb the market at this time and go against the general trend is undoubtedly risking their lives. Although making money is important, but safety is Making money is our goal, otherwise how can we enjoy wealth with peace of mind?"

Ning Weimin finished expressing his opinions in one breath, and he put out his opinions in a relatively straightforward manner, with a patient and reasonable tone.

Since it is indeed reasonable, everyone here basically accepted and agreed with what he said, but whether they can truly accept it is still a question.

I'm afraid it will take some time for many people to adjust their mentality.

For example, Zhao Daqing was particularly reluctant to say, "Wei Min, is there really no chance at all? We can also do something small. Isn't it okay if we don't attract the attention of the higher-ups?"

Manager Sha also agreed, and even bothered to stalk and lick his face to ask for advice.

"Yes, yes, if you don't want to protect the people, you can point out a way out. Everyone has to do some business of their own. Why don't you just put your money in the bank and watch others make a fortune..."

Of course Ning Weimin looked down upon them.

Now that he had expressed his thoughts frankly and clearly, he no longer wanted to talk about this issue.

However, it's not easy to be forceful at the wine table, as you can't offend someone's face.

After thinking about it, he said, "I definitely don't want everyone's money. I really don't have any good ideas for you. But there is a way to increase the value that may be higher than bank interest. Otherwise, I I need to exchange foreign currency when I go abroad, and if any of you can do this for me, exchange some Japanese yen for me. I’ll tell him this little trick, okay?”

This statement made all the executives present laugh, and everyone agreed.

Of course Ning Weimin also laughed.

Because he knew that although these people promised happily, no one would take it seriously.

And even though he had actually disclosed the method of making money to them in public.

No one will notice them, let alone catch them.

This is also a kind of entertainment, his private bad taste.

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