National Tide 1980

Chapter 844 Good Fortune

Some people say that northerners are all talk but no practice.

A lot of people said it was extremely vicious and that we rushed up to do something, and it was all over the place, but in their hearts they thought, forget it, I have to be the last one.

Therefore, northerners always talk in vain without taking actual actions.

There was a joke in the 1990s that targeted this characteristic of northerners.

It was said that several northerners and a southerner were dining at the same table.

One of the northerners said that there was a good opportunity to make money recently.

All the northerners sitting here said yes, and their response was, "You just need to take the lead, and we will follow."

Only the southerners just listened silently and smiled without making any comments.

As a result, all the northerners, including the one who mentioned it first, took no real action and just pretended it was nothing.

On the contrary, only the southerners really gave it a try, and then they actually made money.

The funniest thing is when the southerner pays for the treat and thanks the northerner who gave him the idea at the banquet.

Not only was this person unexpectedly surprised, but he also received a lot of complaints because of it.

The other northerners actually blamed him.

"Hey, there is such a good thing, why did you just tell him and not us?"

Look, this obviously exposes the clown image of northerners to the world in a way that exposes scars.

But having said that, although this phenomenon is common, it cannot be simply concluded that southerners are smart and pragmatic, while northerners are stupid and hypocritical.

Because this phenomenon cannot be separated from the specific objective environment, the position of this joke is unfair.

Although it is very likely that this incident is true, it may be another matter to really analyze it from the different perspectives of both parties.

Apart from anything else, I must first reiterate the particularity of the era. This is the 1990s.

What are the characteristics of this era?

The iron rice bowl is still there, and most northerners enjoy this stable lifestyle.

This is not the case for southerners. They were the first to leave their hometowns, and many more people choose to go out to do business than those in the north.

There is also one more detail that needs to be paid attention to. In the joke, most of the people in this group are northerners, and there is only one southerner.

Why is this happening?

Is it most likely that this dinner was hosted by a northern city?

So the southerners are trying to survive in a different place, so they invite guests to curry favor with some people?

Isn't it unfair to compare two people with different living situations, different occupations, and even different values?

For example, it is completely conceivable that a southerner like this, who is capable but cannot speak well, can get along in a state-owned unit?

On the other hand, are the northerners the kind of people who lack economic consciousness at all? Don’t you value people who do business very much in your bones?

Thinking about it this way, it may explain why there were more bureaucrats in the north and more businessmen in the south for a long time after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

So in essence, this is still a problem of "summer bugs cannot talk about ice".

Different living environments and requirements create different people's living standards and living abilities.

To put it bluntly, even though they are both turtles, but the turtle insists on laughing at the tortoise for not being able to swim, it actually makes no sense.

As for Ning Weimin personally, since he is a person who is fortunate to have gained insights beyond his time and can overlook life and time. Then through what happens around us, this issue will become more and more clear.

He found that he was surrounded by real-life examples of this truth.

The most direct thing is that few executives like the Pierre Cardon investment group can remember to exchange Japanese yen for him.

Even when they were drinking, they agreed happily.

But Qi Yanjun was very loyal and sent him 1.2 million yen at the official price out of good looks.

Manager Sha probably gave him a tentative 3.85 million yen at the black market price because he was a philistine who refused to let go of any opportunity.

No one remembers this incident anymore.

As for him, he didn't break his promise and accepted everything except to express his gratitude.

Privately, he did tell Qi Yanjun and Manager Sha that the yen was expected to appreciate significantly.

I advise them to exchange their money for more Japanese yen as much as possible even if they don’t need Japanese yen at home.

But that’s about it.

Whether they are willing to believe it or not, and how much they can follow it after believing it, that is their own problem.

As for other members of the investment group, most of whom are busy spending money to enjoy themselves, there is still a big gap in how they consume and how they handle their personal wealth, which still reflects everyone's different value orientation and intellectual vision. .

Take the matter of buying a car, for example.

Zhao Daqing, who was a worker, peasant, and soldier student, ordered a Santana.

Xiao Gu wants to buy a Japanese Blue Bird. This has something to do with him being young and liking Japanese electrical appliances.

There are also people who are loyal fans of Pierre Cardon and believe in French products, so they will try their best to buy a French car.

Either Horizon or Citroën will do.

This person also likes to save francs. He basically converts the foreign exchange coupons issued by the company into francs.

Unexpectedly, France, an old capitalist country, is not very successful, and the franc is basically falling every year.

It would be better not to make this mess and save foreign exchange certificates from the beginning.

There is another person who doesn’t want to buy a car, but just wants to study abroad and further his education.

If it weren't for the fact that he was refused visa twice due to guarantee issues, he would have left long ago.

This time he made a fortune on his own, so he didn't need a guarantee.

But it is conceivable that this boss despises his golden job and dreams of going abroad to wash dishes for foreigners.

Once you make this crucial step wrong, your luck will be good or bad.

However, vanity is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it can still help Ning Weimin.

Just like a few people who think they are smart, they quietly absorb the zodiac tickets in the market that have not yet reached the lowest price, and are willing to serve as leek seedlings for Ning Weimin to speculate on the zodiac tickets in the future.

Also, the high-end gold lighters co-branded by Ning Weimin and Zeng Xianzi launched in the mainland market are also selling well because of these people's vanity.

At the end of May, at the request of Ning Weimin, Zeng Xianzi sent a total of 42 lighters to the mainland, and several of them were placed in every Pierre Cardin store in Beijing.

Don’t even look at the price tag, which is nearly 20,000 yuan per piece.

However, after being put on the counter for two weeks, only eleven of these "rich gold" items were sold.

It not only promotes the further spread of brand awareness, but also effectively increases the sales volume of clothing.

What’s even more surprising is that of the thirty-one sold, in addition to the executives in the investment group, each of them had one. Even the two company executives who did not participate in the investment group also bought one each.

Co-authored alone, Pierre Cardon has digested eleven of them internally.

And this group of people seemed to have agreed upon it. Whoever bought this gold lighter would like to light up a cigarette in public in the company to show off.

As a result, this display of wealth was quickly punished.

Don’t forget, lighters all come in the same style, so it’s easy to get them confused.

Well, after some misunderstandings that almost resulted in the loss of significant property, no one dared to show off anymore.

Of course, such market reaction naturally made Zeng Xianzi overjoyed, and he no longer had any worries about cooperating with Ning Weimin.

To be honest, even excluding the purchases by these executives, the sales volume of twenty units far exceeded Zeng Xianzi's expectations.

Even if we estimate it on a national scale, in Zeng Xianzi's view, sales of four to five hundred per year are not a problem, which is a free profit of four to five million.

If once this kind of gold lighter really becomes a iconic item for wealthy people in the mainland, as Ning Weimin predicts, then the sales volume will increase several times, which is worth looking forward to.

Therefore, Zeng Xianzi not only decided to formally join the partnership, but also divided the labor and cooperated according to the plan set by Ning Weimin. He made gold lighters a new project of the two companies and vigorously promoted sales in the mainland.

Moreover, in order to reward Ning Weimin for such a good idea, he readily agreed to help Ning Weimin and find a way to exchange a large amount of Japanese yen for him.

Even if this is somewhat inconsistent with mainland policies, it doesn't matter.

Who makes Ning Weimin his most relied upon and most trusted partner in Pierre Cardon Company?

In this way, the currency exchange issue that would have troubled many people was easily solved by Ning Weimin.

It must be said that the blessings and misfortunes of a person's life are actually not affected by his or her individual qualities at all times.

When they finally enter old age, they will have different career achievements and family situations, that is, there are huge differences between people in their knowledge, vision, and how they treat others.

If a person is not good at these two aspects, it can only mean that he has serious misunderstandings about the world.

If you don’t believe it, there is actually another incident that happened to Mr. Picardon, which further illustrates this truth.

In May, before the finals of the model competition, the master was invited by the Fashion Culture Correspondence Center to take time to give lectures to students in Beijing.

These students were all top students from various departments who came from the predecessor of Beijing Fashion Institute, which was also called Chemical Fiber Engineering Institute at this time.

Since Ning Weimin was also curious about what the master would say to these students, he took the initiative to act as a driver and accompanying person and went with them that day.

On that day, after the master gave a brief introduction to everyone, he went directly to the topic and started the lecture.

The content is about the business models of the three pillar industries of Pierre Cardon's business kingdom - fashion industry, real estate industry and fast food industry.

After leaving the lecture, the students were indignant and asked the dean of the Fashion Culture Correspondence Center why such a person was invited to give lectures.

The students generally believed that the master was fooling everyone and failed to solve the technical problems of clothing for them.

Standing where the master was giving lectures, the provost was in a panic and worried. In fact, he did not understand the meaning of this lecture.

Later, I called Pierre Cardon to express some dissatisfaction.

When Ning Weimin knew what happened, he just wanted to laugh.

Because only he truly understood that the master did not do anything careless, it was just that the content of his lectures was too advanced.

These college students in Beijing have limited knowledge and have never heard of words such as fashion, real estate, and fast food.

If one person among the more than a thousand people truly understands and imitates it, he will probably become a billionaire in the future.

Unfortunately there obviously won't be.

Among so many people at the scene, only he, the space-time virus, listened with ecstasy and benefited a lot.

This is probably called "good fortune tricks people".

Of course, when it comes to the word "creation", nothing is absolute.

There is also the result of mutual influence and help between people. Meeting noble people should be a kind of good fortune.

Even most of the so-called "transportation" in life comes from this.

Especially when the noble person is willing to lend a helping hand to you.

The fate of this little girl Zhang Qiang changed drastically because of Ning Weimin's appearance.

From then on, it was like she was cheating. She was far more gorgeous and splendid than when she became famous at a young age.

On May 21, 1985, Zhang Qiang completed the production of the first batch of one million tapes.

According to Ning Weimin's wishes, a total of 600,000 discs were left for sale in major video stores in the capital, and the remaining 400,000 discs were sent to video stores in other provinces and cities.

Originally, Feng Chaonian, the general manager of the Beijing branch of Huaxia Records, even tried to persuade Ning Weimin about this matter.

Because based on his professional experience, he actually felt that an unknown newcomer might not be able to handle a hundred thousand offers even in the capital.

No matter what happens, it is more than enough to keep 300,000 dishes in the capital.

For example, Su Xiaoming, who just went to France to study this year, has sold more than one million copies of his famous work "Night at the Military Port" nationwide, but only sold this amount in the capital.

It's better to roll it out across the board. More people may buy it, and the risk of losing money will be reduced.

But Ning Weimin didn't listen, so Feng Chaonian didn't stop him.

He then thought about it, this guy probably didn't care about spending other people's money, all he wanted was to be generous and have face when he said it.

Anyway, I have already obtained 200,000 yuan on behalf of the company, and I have persuaded him as much as I should, and I will not complain at all.

If people don't want to listen, why should they be evil?

Let him go and love whoever he wants.

Unexpectedly, the tape was reprinted and reprinted due to production and recording, and the tape was marked with a big "STEREO" mark.

The photos of the tapes were also taken in a Western style, and the tapes on the counter really caught people’s attention.

In addition, large posters were printed and posted at audio and video business outlets for auxiliary publicity, and the tapes were relatively cheap, priced at RMB 5.5, the first-rate domestic product, one dollar cheaper than imported tapes.

This makes it cheap and good, and a lot of people bought it.

Nearly 40,000 units were sold in just one week after it was launched, and the response was really good.

For this reason, Feng Chaonian made a special call to Ning Weimin to announce the good news.

Judging from his experience, the worst possibility of blood loss basically does not exist.

His thinking has also changed a lot. He believes that at least this tape can guarantee sales of more than 600,000 copies, so basically he won't lose much.

If Ning Weimin had not set the initial circulation volume at two million, he would still have made a lot of money.

For newcomers, this is already considered a success.

But where did this go? Feng Chaonian not only lacked proper understanding of Ning Weimin's energy, but also underestimated his methods.

He never expected that Ning Weimin would take advantage of his power to make a show of himself and make Zhang Qiang famous.

Let’s get back to it, May 29th is the day of the “Second Splendid Oriental Model Competition Final Award Ceremony and Reporting Performance.

May 30th is the day of Pierre Cardon’s large-scale fashion show of his new work.

For two consecutive days, a grand fashion show was held at the Workers' Stadium.

Ning Weimin took full advantage of this opportunity and not only arranged for Zhang Qiang, Cui Jian and the Seven Plywood Band to perform at halftime.

They also arranged for someone to set up a temporary booth at the Workers' Stadium, selling Zhang Qiang's tapes and giving away posters.

You know, there are 30,000 viewers every day, and more than 20,000 plates were sold on the first day.

Some people may be curious, why are there so many?

It’s impossible for almost all viewers to pay for it, right?

In fact, this is not surprising. Isn’t it because the performance is so exciting?

Both Cui Jian and Zhang Qiang were very involved in the live performance of Dare to Love.

When Cui Jian performed on stage, he would sometimes raise his head and scream, and sometimes he would kneel down exhausted, and the audience was excited.

Because a month ago, on May 19th, something happened at the same venue.

Therefore, the police backstage were at war with each other. As the co-organizer of the awards ceremony, the president of "Fashion" magazine was worried that it would get out of control, and he almost fainted to the ground in anxiety.

Out of desperation, I had to ask the host Kan Lijun to come on stage quickly and ask Cui Jian to leave.

As a result, Kan Lijun just asked Cui Jian to leave with witty lines, and the president breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, it was Zhang Qiang's turn.

This girl jumped up and down without any fear, and her song "Salala" immediately shocked the whole audience.

Immediately afterwards, "Annoying Autumn Wind" brought the whole audience into high spirits.

His natural electric voice instantly attracted countless fans, and he is even more provocative than Cui Jian.

What a twist and turn.

The president's head was so big that he almost broke out on the spot. He finally used his old tricks and got Zhang Qiang off again.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the stage, the master, who was wearing a linen suit with many wrinkles on his back, stopped doing it.

He came over and stopped her, then pushed the girl back to the stage, and tens of thousands of people started to stir again.

As a result, under the pleading of the highly nervous president and the dissuasion of the host Kan Lijun, Zhang Qiang had to give up the songs she wanted to sing most, "Love Me Well" and "Love You Is Hard to Say", and instead chose a relative song. The gentle "Applause".

But even so, Zhang Qiang's singing voice was sung slowly, accompanied by sensational and affectionate lyrics, as the closing song of the show, which also moved the audience.

There were people at the scene who lit lighters without any knowledge, and those who didn't have lighters used matches to make up the numbers. This scene was definitely the first time for a domestic performance.

Just like that, as soon as the show ended, the tapes outside were sold like hotcakes.

Many people bought it for others, and some bought more than one plate.

If nothing else, Zhang Qiang's wonderful singing is completely suitable for young people and resonates too much.

The audience was more excited and excited than those models walking on the stage.

Many people quickly forgot who the champion, runner-up and third runner-up were in this competition, but Zhang Qiang's performance will always be remembered by them.

Even Shi Kaili, who finally got her wish and won the championship and was the deserved protagonist of the night, began to admire Zhang Qiang, a girl who was one year younger than her and came just to support her.

The only regret is that all the organizers have been criticized, and Pierre Cardin's name has also been included in the internal reference.

But the master doesn't care about this, he only cares about the effect of the performance.

Sensational enough and eye-catching enough, he has achieved his goal.

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