National Tide 1980

Chapter 869 Cheap good guys

The Taniguchi family's big treat this time should be said to be a great success.

Mrs. Taniguchi is very diligent in preparing meals. These Japanese home-cooked dishes not only taste great, but also look better.

Although the amount of preparation is a bit less due to the Japanese habit of budgeting carefully.

But the dumplings sent by Ning Weimin made up for this shortcoming, making this dinner a perfect state of exquisite deliciousness and large portions.

Everyone who was lucky enough to participate, including Mrs. Taniguchi herself, was left mouth watering and satisfied.

By the time the meal was over, only the cups and plates were in a mess on the table, and not much of any food was left.

Needless to say, the host was very happy.

The more the guests enjoy their meal, the better, and they will feel honored even if it is hard work.

If you have been busy for a long time and still have a lot of food left, it would be a disgraceful failure.

And using real actions to express the delicious food like this can prove that the unanimous praise is sincere and not a polite courtesy.

This is also a realization of self-worth.

So Mrs. Taniguchi, who had been praised by everyone, felt extremely happy. Even though the work of washing dishes was several times more than usual, she still enjoyed it.

Besides, the Kagawa sisters are very sensible girls. After the meal, they took the initiative to run to the kitchen to help Mrs. Taniguchi.

These women were chatting in the kitchen while cleaning up. They were chatting affectionately. They had already known each other for a long time and were as close as a family.

To be honest, neither Mrs. Taniguchi nor the Kagawa sisters lack this kind of communication opportunity.

For Mrs. Taniguchi, the older her children grow up, the greater the ideological differences and distance between them and her.

In addition, she looks down on her husband and doesn't want to talk to him anymore, and she feels a little inferior and self-pitying in front of other wives.

Where does she have the opportunity to talk to others about herself and exchange trivial matters of life?

To have two young girls chat with her so patiently today was a much-requested opportunity to open up the conversation.

Sister Xiangchuan, on the other hand, has left her hometown and is busy with work, and has accumulated a lot of troubles and troubles and doesn't know who to talk to.

Even if they are biological sisters, they cannot say certain things directly because they are afraid that the other person will worry.

On the contrary, meeting Mrs. Taniguchi, an amiable aunt, gave them the feeling of confiding in their mother.

So they took this opportunity today to really have a good chat.

I have to say that this is also a kind of fate.

Similarly, the men were chatting lively after the meal, and Director Taniguchi was as happy as Mrs. Taniguchi.

This is not only because his wife's craftsmanship has made him proud and flattering, but also allowed him to repay Ning Weimin's favor with dignity.

It is also because I can take this opportunity to entertain guests with a grand and high-sounding Suntory aged whiskey and have a good drink.

This is actually what he wanted to give to Ning Weimin, but was rejected. Mr. Taniguchi has been coveting it for a long time.

As expected, it tastes great, much better than the cheap ones like Suntory Red Label.

As the saying goes, the more wine you drink, the thicker it gets. This is also true. The three men are also shortening the distance between each other.

But the beautiful scene was not over yet. Just when they were about to say goodbye, a happy scene appeared in the living room of the Taniguchi family, making this dinner come to a perfect end.

Because the Kagawa sisters and Sakai Yujiro really didn't dare to have too many expectations, the business promotion they carried out would be so smooth.

When they were leaving, they made a tentative request, and Ning Weimin easily agreed without even thinking about it.

Although Ning Weimin had not seen the house yet, he still made it clear that he was willing to take the time to go to Miyoko Kagawa's company to get a better understanding of the properties she recommended.

And he happily told Sister Xiangchuan that as long as the location of the house was indeed in the core area and the price was not outrageous, he would be willing to buy it.

Even if the surrounding environment of the property is noisy and not in a bustling commercial area, it can still be negotiated.

As for Miyoko's lack of experience and the fact that the real estate agency is smaller, it actually doesn't matter.

Because they can take the initiative to raise these issues, they deserve your trust.

What's more, the legal supervision of real estate ownership and transactions in Japan is very strict.

Whether the property being traded is an accident house, whether there are tenants, and whether there is a loan mortgage or not, the real estate agent needs to announce it in advance.

There will also be a dedicated legal director to track the relevant situation throughout the process and be responsible for reviewing the contract.

It is impossible to make any mistakes or omissions on these key issues.

Even for disaster insurance services, he was willing to leave it to Yujiro Sakai.

Anyway, according to the law, you must buy these insurances after purchasing a property.

Rather than leaving the business to a complete stranger, it would be more trustworthy to leave it to Yujiro.

When these words were said at that time, both the Kagawa sisters and Sakai Yujiro were extremely happy.

While thanking each other, the Xiangchuan sisters almost unanimously said solemnly, "Thank you very much for your trust. We will definitely not let down your love."

And Zuo Hai Yujiro murmured in disbelief, "Agreed so easily? Chinese people are so kind..."

Ning Weimin couldn't help but laugh, shook his head and said, "I believe in contracts and feelings. Since we are all friends, it is natural to help each other. I also hope that Yujiro and Miyoko can get married as soon as possible and start a family of their own. From my little family.”

This sentence really touched people's hearts. On the spot, Yujiro Sakai's eyes became moist.

He knelt down to express his gratitude in a very rude manner, and even hugged Ning Weimin passionately.

Ning Weimin was frightened, thinking that Zuo Haiyouerlang had drunk too much and was going crazy.

Naturally, the Kagawa sisters stepped forward to stop them and apologized embarrassedly.

Mr. and Mrs. Taniguchi were watching the fun with smiles.

The way these young people were laughing and joking and excited actually reminded them of their own youth.

But no matter what, in the end, the one who gained the most today must belong to Ning Weimin.

This kid never does business at a loss, and his meal today was definitely not in vain.

First of all, you must know that the food culture of each place is different. Only when various cultures collide with each other can more wonderful things be combined.

For example, these Japanese people like the three fresh dumplings brought by Ning Weimin so much.

In fact, it’s just like Ning Weimin fully recognized the beauty of Japanese food and Mrs. Taniguchi’s ingenuity.

It was through this meal that he was able to more intuitively grasp the Japanese food preferences.

And I clearly realized how much the Japanese care about the form of their dishes.

Whether it’s because the island country has few natural resources and mostly relies on seafood.

Anyway, according to what he learned, the traditional Japanese diet is more about the original taste of food, which is light and natural, lacking in oil and salt, and tastes sweet.

It is because of the eclectic way of cooking Western food that we have deep-fried and pan-fried food, dairy products and curry, and a rich taste.

But compared to Chinese food, in terms of taste, there are still not many types of Japanese food, and the ingredients and combination methods are also limited.

It’s nothing more than sashimi, sushi, tempura, ramen, fried dumplings, hot pot, roasted bird, beef rice, curry rice, miso soup...

It seems like it’s nothing.

There seems to be a wide variety, but in fact there is not much choice.

The cooking techniques of Japanese food are also very basic, and the seasoning is also not good. The only advantage is that the ingredients are fresh, green and healthy.

However, we have to admit that the appearance of Japanese cuisine is really a strong point.

Even for the simplest meal, the Japanese use the best utensils and exquisite presentation to reflect the delicious food.

Even the home-cooked meals cooked by housewives are no exception to this point, and are full of meticulous details.

It is completely different from most domestic catering companies, which always put the food on a white plate, a white bowl, and a white plate and serve it on top.

Therefore, Ning Weimin realized and concluded two points that were crucial for him to open a restaurant in Tokyo.

One is to open a Chinese restaurant in Tokyo. The cooking methods and rich taste of traditional Chinese food are absolute advantages and do not need to be changed.

In particular, palace cuisine is based on Shandong cuisine, with many cooking techniques and does not need to be spicy to tempt. Japanese people should not have much difficulty in accepting it.

If you don’t believe it, just take a look at the Japanese-Chinese cuisine that people like in Tokyo.

In addition to mapo tofu, what other options are dry-roasted shrimps, sauce-roasted eggplant, shredded pork with green pepper, stir-fried pork liver with leeks, stir-fried vegetables...

Did you find it? Most of them are inherited from Shandong cuisine, which is the recognition.

However, it should be noted that among the dishes already available at Dangu, we should still prefer sweet and sour dishes, lighter dishes and fried foods. I think it will be easier to win the favor of Japanese people.

At the same time, given that Japan is close to the sea, the fishing industry is developed, and the quality of local beef and milk is good.

You can give up the spiny river fish as raw materials and instead focus on dishes based on seafood, beef and dairy products.

If you use these local high-quality raw materials and use Chinese cooking methods, it is easy to make delicious dishes that can sell for astronomical prices.

Secondly, in order to cater to Japanese aesthetics, further improvements must be made in the appearance of the dishes.

Although Ning Weimin had already had this intention and moved closer to Western food in the presentation of Tan Palace, it was not enough for the Japanese.

Not only do you need beautiful utensils, but you also need to pay attention to the shape, and you also need to reduce the amount of dishes accordingly.

Only in this way can we really do a good job in appearance and achieve the "high-end" reputation of palace cuisine in Tokyo.

Who let the little devils just do this?

Otherwise, they would not be willing to take out the money in their pockets.

In addition, since today is also a rare day to relax, chatting like friends has promoted everyone's deepening of mutual understanding. Ning Weimin also unexpectedly learned a situation that surprised him.

That is, Kagawa Rinko, who had a talent for art since she was a child and has wanted to be a fashion designer since middle school, is actually a top student who graduated from the Design Department of Tokyo University of the Arts.

Although her education is only a junior college degree, and Tokyo University of the Arts only has a very general design department for people who want to become fashion designers.

The study content covers fashion design, arts and crafts, decorative arts and industrial design. In terms of fashion design, it is far inferior to Bunka Fashion College and Musashino Art University. Private schools like this have clear majors and are well-known in the industry.

But after all, Tokyo University of the Arts is the only national university among the top art schools in Japan, and it is recognized by the Japanese public as the TOP1 Japanese art school!

The difficulty of applying for the exam is very high, and the quality of teaching can be said to be unparalleled and impeccable.

In addition, the tuition fee is much cheaper than that of private universities, only one-third.

From an economic point of view, this is already the best choice for children from poor families, and it is the highest starting point that children from poor families can obtain in related fields.

Therefore, even though Kagawa Rinko was limited by the social class ceiling and gender discrimination after graduation, she still failed to apply what she had learned and truly engage in fashion design work.

But with this academic qualification, there is no doubt about her design ability and art skills, otherwise she would not be hired by Pierre Cardin Company.

And precisely because her original study was not limited to fashion design, it could provide very effective help to Ning Weimin, who was about to embark on a major project.

That is the application for patents related to trolley suitcases.

After spending most of the month in Japan, Ning Weimin has gradually figured out a very realistic situation.

In this era, whether it is Europe, America, Southeast Asia, or Japan, there is indeed no trolley suitcase.

In order to reduce the inconvenience of carrying bulky suitcases, the most advanced product available to travelers around the world is a suitcase called Rolling Luggage, which is pulled by soft ropes and belts.

If translated into Chinese, it means rolling luggage.

But to be honest, not only is this thing expensive, but the experience is unsatisfactory.

Ning Weimin can clearly feel that it is not as easy to use as the trolley box.

Because this kind of suitcase has poor stability when being towed, it can easily tip over when turning or going faster.

And he also found that this kind of suitcase is generally used by professional women.

Although it is much easier to use than traditional suitcases that are dragged solely by strength, in many cases, because the functionality is not perfect, situations that are difficult to handle still occur.

As a man, I probably feel that it is a bit embarrassing to use, it seems a bit effeminate, and I feel repelled from the bottom of my heart.

To put it bluntly, it can really only be regarded as a half-successful product.

So his brain and soul made of abacus beads were immediately ready to move.

He found that this thing was so good, it was a business that could make huge profits and collect patent fees.

Whether it is a large or small suitcase for future travel, there will be two indispensable components - trolleys and wheels.

The combination of these two things is labor-saving and convenient. Who can avoid it?

And unlike easy-to-pull ties that are rare only among Chinese people, the practicality of this trolley suitcase can cover the whole world.

Speaking of which, it looks a bit like the overbearing Tetra Pak packaging.

Just relying on patent authorization, you can collect money to the point where your hands will cramp!

The most important thing is that the invention of this thing is not high-tech, it is just a simple good idea.

Then why didn't he perfect the function and keep the patent of the trolley suitcase in his own hands?

Wouldn't it be foolish to wait until someone else invented this thing?

And don’t forget that when he asked Zeng Xianzi to help him buy a suitcase, he had already inadvertently revealed the concept of the trolley.

God knows if that shrewd port city businessman will be inspired to develop this thing himself?

If that was the case, it would be hard for him to care about it due to human feelings.

Then your personal interests will be greatly damaged.

But the opposite is different, as long as he registers this thing in Japan first.

Whether it is Zeng Xianzi, Song Huagui, or Master Pierre Cardin, they will respect his intellectual property rights and will never come up with any inappropriate ideas.

It will even give him considerable assistance in cross-border registration and production, and provide him with fair and reasonable cooperation conditions.

At that time, his situation will be huge, equivalent to holding the throat of the world's suitcase manufacturing industry with one hand, and his right to speak will be huge!

So what are you waiting for? It’s better to take action first, so as not to have long nights and dreams, register now!

From a comprehensive perspective, the matter of registering the patent for the trolley suitcase even takes precedence over his purchase of property in Japan.

But then again, if you want to apply for a patent, you have to prepare materials and go through the patent application procedures.

He doesn't have to worry about legal support. He already has a lawyer, not to mention Taniguchi who can help with errands.

He had no problem with text materials in Chinese and English, but he struggled with Japanese text and graphic materials.

Isn't Kagawa Rinko an excellent assistant beside him?

Both character and ability are reliable.

As long as you pay a labor fee of 100,000 or 200,000 yen through private employment and sign a legal document with him in advance, you will be safe.

So when it comes to the fundamentals, Ning Weimin is not pretending to be a good person for no reason. To make things convenient for others is to make things convenient for himself.

What he said to Yujiro Sakai, that to be a friend is to help each other, he really meant it.

That was because he calculated that Kagawa Rinko would be useful to him, so he deliberately chose it to sound nice.

In this way, the little girl couldn't refuse her request even if she was targeting Miyoko Kagawa and Yujiro Sakai.

Sure enough, when Ning Weimin brought up the matter, Kagawa Rinko agreed without much thought, and was even embarrassed to accept his reward.

And if you need printing, copying, faxing, etc., you don’t have to think of anything else.

Because there is a house purchase transaction, Miyoko Kagawa's company can handle it. Only by resolving customers' worries can the spirit of the service industry be reflected.

I have to say that Ning Weimin, a thief, was really looking for an advantage when he took this good man for granted.

Someone has taken care of his own affairs, and the people who have taken care of these things for him have to thank him in turn.

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