National Tide 1980

Chapter 870 The deal is concluded

September 1985 came so quickly.

There are still many important changes taking place in the capital this month.

For example, my country has restored Teachers' Day, and Beijing has become a sister city with Madrid, the capital of Spain.

For example, twenty-two elk deer from Ubon Temple Park in the UK were flown to the capital.

This rare animal, originally from my country and known as the "Four Unlikely", but now extinct in the wild, finally returned to its hometown from overseas and was able to thrive in Nanhaizi, a suburb of the southern suburbs of Beijing.

Also, in an old factory area in Dabeiyao, Beijing, a high-rise building is breaking ground.

Three years later, the Beijing International Trade Center built here has become a new landmark in Beijing and will become the center of life and nightlife in the east district of Beijing in the future.

The Great Bell Temple in the capital has a collection of more than 130 ancient bells from various periods, and the Ancient Bell Museum was also built this month.

So starting from this month of the year, the evening drums and morning bells, which the people of the capital had not seen for a long time, rang unhurriedly along with the annual rings.

The bells are still melodious and steady, but as time goes by, people inadvertently realize that the pace of Beijing's progress is still accelerating.

As for the changes that are closely related to Ning Weimin's interests, there are more.

Xiushui Street and Dong'anmen Night Market have become the most popular individual markets in Beijing.

In the summer, the single-day turnover of these two newly established markets exceeded 200,000 yuan.

It ranks firmly among the top two in all markets in Beijing that are dominated by self-employed individuals.

The turnover of Tianqiao Department Store also continues to rise. Not only has its reputation for fabrics and textiles as its main business spread throughout the city, but it is also known as the "No. 1 fabric store in Beijing" among ordinary people.

The Pierre Cardin tail goods store opened on the first floor of Tianqiao Department Store has more appeal in terms of consumption.

Sales in August were close to one million, making it the retail store with the highest sales in Beijing and even the country.

To this end, Xidan Department Store, which was deeply touched, has taken the lead in deciding to imitate the business model of Tianqiao Department Store.

It has been announced that it will introduce French Montagut and will cooperate with several domestic clothing brands such as Plum Blossom Sportswear, Great Wall Raincoat and Yililan Down Jacket to open specialty stores and counters on the first floor of Xidan Shopping Mall.

In addition, Zhang Qiang's first music tape swept across the country and became popular all over the country.

Even the additional one million tapes that Huaxia Audio and Video Company later issued at its own expense were out of stock.

The Summer Book Market and Journey to the West themed exhibition in Temple of Heaven Park also continue to be popular.

In order to watch Zhang Qiang's performance, to see the Journey to the West exhibition, and to buy books, the Temple of Heaven Park has firmly attracted young people in the capital throughout the summer, making it a must-visit place for ordinary people to spend time in the summer.

Benefiting from this, not only the Journey to the West crew announced the news, saying that the production funds that troubled the crew have been basically resolved and the filming process will proceed as scheduled.

The unique cultural and creative product of the Temple of Heaven - the Qi Niandian ice cream is selling like crazy.

During the entire summer, sales actually exceeded 700,000, with profits exceeding 300,000, far exceeding the original expectations of the park and the manufacturer by several times.

If the stock had not been sold out and the manufacturer had not been able to rush to produce it, it would have been possible to sell millions of ice creams.

To this end, the "Polar Bear" in Beijing has decided to set up an ice cream making workshop specifically for the Temple of Heaven Park to maintain supply all year round.

Many royal gardens in the capital, such as the Forbidden City, Beihai, Summer Palace, and Ditan Park, are following suit and launching their own cultural and creative ice cream.

Similarly, Ning Weimin, who was in Tokyo, Japan this month, did not waste time.

Although the weather can change at any time, within two days since he visited Taniguchi's house, Tokyo was hit by a super typhoon, with violent storms almost every day.

But as of September 6, which was only ten days, Ning Weimin still successfully completed several major events one after another.

First of all, he got his wish and finally owned his first real estate in Ginza, Tokyo.

However, it should be noted that the house that was the first to reach a transaction was not the one that Miyoko Kagawa wanted to recommend to Ning Weimin, but was found by Ono Mitsuru of Higashi Foundation after a lot of effort.

Since receiving Ning Weimin's 600 million yuan purchase request, this guy has been working hard to find real estate that meets Ning Weimin's requirements.

Unfortunately, in an era when mobile phones and computers were not yet popular for working, the speed and efficiency of information exchange were greatly limited.

Houses in these three core areas of Tokyo are in demand, not to mention that Ning Weimin also requires that the real estate must be traded, with full land and house rights, no mortgage, and no tenants.

The real estate registered within Dong Jiye Company is not completely consistent, there is always something lacking.

Either the ownership is inappropriate, there is a tenant, or the area is too small to be worth mentioning.

Ono checked the company's resources and found that it was a challenging task to find a suitable target for Ning Weimin within one month as required.

So there is no other way. Recently, Ono Mitsunan had to mobilize all his contacts to help inquire about relevant information.

Moreover, he himself was searching around the streets of Chiyoda, Chuo, and Minato wards like a wild dog, trying every possible means to find his target.

Not to mention, hard work paid off, and he really found such a place.

Even he himself couldn't believe that he was so lucky.

Unexpectedly, at Ginza 5-chome 6-8, a street behind the famous Seiko Bell intersection in Ginza, I found a whole house with a huge advertising sign hanging on the wall. The owner left his phone number on the advertisement, and he seemed very anxious. A three-story building for sale.

Why do you say you are lucky?

It's because this building is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Tokyo, so it's really well hidden.

Its door does not open onto the main street, but leads to a small alley on the side, only one meter wide.

If the building facing the street in front of this building was not under construction, it would have been razed to the ground by coincidence.

Ono Mitsunan, who was walking along the main street, would never be able to see the three-story building that was originally hidden behind the demolished building.

And the most incredible thing is that this small building is so shabby.

Although it is a one-family building, it covers an area of ​​about hundreds of square meters, and three hundred square meters is not too small.

But the outer wall is wrapped in worn-out iron sheets.

Due to years of disrepair, the iron sheets have become rusty, and some of the iron sheets appear to have been patched later, showing uneven and irregular textures.

At first glance, you can tell that it is a wooden shingle structure built in Japan decades ago. The owner must have built it and rented it out to multiple families.

The Japanese call this kind of house Abato, which comes from the English apartment.

It is now in a dilapidated state and looks out of place compared to the various tall buildings around it.

Even compared to the more stylish coffee shop next to the vacant lot, which was only two stories high, it was still a contrast between hell and heaven.

To put it bluntly, this small building looks like a place where poor people from the bottom live, but it is located in the core of Tokyo.

Under such a strong contrast, it looks like a haunted house that suddenly appeared. It is extremely unreal. Do you think it is strange or not?

Ono Mitsunan, of course, couldn't figure out how such dilapidated old-fashioned houses still existed on this street with the highest land prices in Tokyo.

So the first choice is to ask the security guards patrolling the streets.

"Excuse me, is that building a residential building? Is there anyone else living in that building?"

As a result, the security guard's reply was completely decrypted, but it was also quite unexpected.

"Are you interested in that house? Then I have to tell you the real situation. That house was built after the war. The original tenants were all traders operating in the Jiedi market, and later they gradually Moved away. After so many years, there was only a lonely old man left living here. There were two fires in this house, but they were put out in time, and there were no casualties. It was just the last tenant, who just came in a few days ago. He died here. Otherwise, the owner of the house still has no right to take the house back and sell it."

Next, Ono Mitsunami went to personally investigate the legality of the building. He not only made an appointment with the owner of the house by phone, read the house deed and land deed in person, but also went to the construction guidance department of the Chuo District Government to investigate relevant records.

The final conclusion was that, as the security guard said, this was a house built in 1950 when the Building Standards Act was just promulgated, and the ownership was clear.

Moreover, there is no bank loan mortgage and no tenants, which fully meets Ning Weimin's requirements.

However, to a large extent, the existence of this building is also a bug caused by the unreasonable design of the "over-protection of tenants" system in Japan's "Land and Home Lending Law".

There is no doubt that the last tenant here is definitely the strongest tenant in Japan, and he has tricked the owner of the house to death.

Specifically, this long-lived tenant has been a tenant here since the house was built.

Then according to Japan's relevant regulations to protect the rights and interests of tenants, during the tenant's tenancy, the owner of the house has no right to let potential buyers come to inspect the house.

Landlords are not allowed to unilaterally terminate the contract or raise the rent. Even facilities that increase the rent require the tenant’s approval.

To put it bluntly, if the tenant does not leave or die, the landlord will not be able to generate income even though he holds such a high-value property.

Even for so many years, others refused to live in the house because it was dilapidated.

The owner also has to pay a lot of money for house repairs for such a sole tenant, which is a complete loss-making transaction.

This unfortunate homeowner is even more miserable than the private homeowners in the Republic.

Because of this, even though they own such a high-value house, the owner's family has not been living a wealthy life.

Even if the most troublesome tenant has passed away, the serious sequelae still exist.

Because the house was so old, the owner couldn't afford to rebuild it.

Not to mention that someone died in the house, which is the biggest taboo among Japanese people.

Even though the owner's family has endured the pain of starvation while guarding Jinshan, they can't wait to sell the house for cash.

But he went to several real estate agencies, and they all shook their heads at the condition of his property. They all advised the owner not to have too high expectations and to sell it at the market price.

They all said that this building is not adjacent to the main street and is surrounded by other buildings, which greatly reduces its commercial value and lighting.

Adding up all the unfavorable factors, the property should only be sold at about 70% of the standard land price.

Therefore, the real bidders so far, except for the owner of the building under construction in front of the building, who wants to buy it for half the market price, there are no other interested parties.

To be honest, after fully understanding the various conditions of this property, Ono Mitsunan was actually a little confused inside.

He had no idea how high land prices in Tokyo would rise in the future, so he was not so sure that Ning Weimin would definitely buy this property.

Why is this building a freak that the poor can't afford, the rich don't want it, and the owner has high expectations for the price.

But facts have proven that Ning Weimin is particularly trustworthy.

He knew in his heart that this was a sweet deal with a sure profit and no loss.

After looking at the photos and walking around the site, I actually agreed and asked to sign the contract and transfer the property very readily.

Because I was afraid of long nights and many dreams, I didn’t really compete with the landlord on the price.

Ning Weimin readily agreed to the homeowner's quotation request and bought the building for 2.2 million yen per square meter, a total cost of 210 million yen.

His only requirement is to complete the procedures as soon as possible, and in order to avoid taxes as much as possible, the property must be registered with the Hong Kong City Offshore Company in his name.

He had asked Zeng Xianzi to help him handle this in advance, and the account he used was an account with Credit Agricole Suez de Orient in France.

Xiaoye felt relieved, the landlord was overjoyed, and Ning Weimin was overjoyed.

Even Sakai Yujiro followed suit and sold disaster insurance in advance. Everyone was really happy.

The housing procedures were completed quickly.

The only person who was dumbfounded was the guy who originally offered the low price - the homeowner who demolished the original building facing the street and planned to turn it into a bar.

He originally agreed on the deal and wanted to get a ready-made warehouse and office area for his entertainment venue.

He never expected that Ning Weimin would come out and intercept his Hu.

It was really regretful, and I probably wanted to buy a jar of regret medicine.

But who can blame it?

We can only blame him for being too greedy. Who made him only willing to bid 1.1 million yen per square meter?

If he had been willing to give someone 80% of the market price, he might have won it long ago.

This is called greedy and greedy. You can't find this store after passing this village.

Needless to say, the completion of this deal will be very exciting for both Ono Mitsunami and the Kagawa sisters.

Not only did Ono Mitsunan receive a commendation from store manager Sugata, but with a generous commission in hand, he used all his skills and even mobilized his colleagues to find a house for Ning Weimin.

The Xiangchuan sisters were all worried, fearing that all the funds in Ning Weimin's hands would be consumed by Ono Guangnan. In the end, Ning Weimin was unable to buy the house that Miyoko contacted.

This situation was of course very powerful for Ning Weimin. On the one hand, he urged Miyoko to contact her boss's friend as soon as possible and take him to see the house as soon as possible. While desperately trying to get Rinko Kagawa to do the work for him, he also used the office equipment of Miyo's subsidiary company to his heart's content.

In this way, the patent application for the trolley suitcase was completed at lightning speed in just a few days and submitted through the lawyer.

And then, I just got the acknowledgment letter to start the preliminary review.

Ning Weimin sent the patent information to Zeng Xianzi at the Goldlion headquarters in Hong Kong, the master himself at the Pierre Cardin headquarters in Paris, France, and Song Huagui, hoping that they could help with the cross-border application.

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