National Tide 1980

Chapter 889 The same boat

Ning Weimin acted very quickly. Now that he had thought it through, his execution was excellent.

On the second day of the drinking party, he made an international long distance call and sent a fax back to the capital to explain his thoughts to Song Huagui and Zou Guodong.

Of course, there are some things that cannot be said explicitly.

For example, five years later, why would he conclude that the Japanese branch would be in big trouble?

This was about the overall collapse of Japan's economic structure, which he couldn't explain at all.

Even if he told the truth, the company wouldn't believe him.

Even economists from various countries couldn't predict such a big event, so why should he "confuse the public with his monstrous words"?

Therefore, he could only analyze the pros and cons of this matter for Song Huagui and Zou Guodong from the perspective of "stuck position".

Ning Weimin said that the essential reason why Japan's Pilkington Company insists on investing heavily in building factories in China is that local production costs continue to increase due to the appreciation of the yen.

Therefore, the Japanese side is unlikely to give up on this plan. This is almost the only way for them to maintain foreign trade orders and maintain company profits.

Even if the Chinese company refuses to help, Japan will definitely take the risk.

What's more, even if Japan doesn't come to China to build factories, other international brands will definitely want to build factories in China because of the Republic's preferential policies to attract foreign investment and its ability to provide a large amount of cheap labor and land.

So no matter which brand comes to build a factory in China, it will definitely have a serious impact on the clothing manufacturing industry of the Republic and gradually change the pattern of the mainland's clothing market.

In other words, it will definitely threaten and damage Pierre Cardon's existing market share.

So since it can't be stopped, instead of taking advantage of others, it is better to cooperate with Japanese companies of the same origin.

It can also allow Huaxia Company to take more initiative and get a piece of the pie in the future brand war.

Although Japan's conditions are indeed very harsh, their attitude is also condescending and very tyrannical.

On the surface, Huaxia Company needs to bear more responsibilities and receive less rewards, which seems to be at a disadvantage.

But after all, the factory was built in Beijing, which is the home court of Huaxia Company. In the end, comprehensively, this may not be the case in fact.

First of all, Japan’s clothing manufacturing and production level is indeed admirable.

Chinese companies can introduce advanced assembly lines through cooperation and learn advanced clothing production technology and management experience from Japan.

This can not only quickly improve the quality and reputation of "PC" brand clothing, but also help Huaxia Company accumulate experience and talents for building its own independent factory in the future.

Even if Japan does make a lot of money from this factory in the future.

But as long as Huaxia Company can avoid detours and have its own factory, it will be worthwhile to exchange the market for technology.

Secondly, Huaxia Corporation controls policy channels and upper-level relationships, and can choke Japan in all aspects.

If Japan wants to be the boss just relying on its equity advantage, it is nothing more than wishful thinking.

To be honest, this kind of host-guest relationship depends on comprehensive strength and mental competition, and cannot be agreed upon with a piece of paper in advance.

Going back to the early years, what about the Jia family in "A Dream of Red Mansions"? Aren't the several chief stewards richer than their masters?

Before liberation, the boss who was manipulated by the big shopkeeper and played around was gone.

Otherwise, how could there be Liu Baorui's cross talk "Fake Expert"?

Going a step further... ahem, it's fate that we can all work together.

In short, what Ning Weimin means is that as long as the project is successfully approved, both parties will definitely cooperate.

The speed and rhythm of subsequent progress are actually completely in the hands of Huaxia Company.

The Japanese could only watch helplessly, unable to reach them with their hands.

Take the construction of a factory as an example, land grant, construction, logistics, any link, as long as the Chinese side just waffles and plays tricks, the red-headed documents will not be issued and will be delayed for several months.

What's more, as long as the money is in place, how, where, and when to spend it, it's not all Huaxia Company's final decision.

To put it bluntly, when the money is not in place, it is grandpa who gives the money.

But when the money comes, the grandson will be the one to give it.

However, it is worth noting that this matter must not be delayed in starting the project.

The Chinese company is not good at bargaining with the Japanese side. It should finalize the conditions for cooperation between the two parties as soon as possible and let the Japanese side allocate funds.

If nothing else, just because the investment in building factories is huge and the appreciation trend of the yen is long-term, it is obvious that the prospects of the RMB will probably continue to remain weak.

So the sooner Japan is allowed to invest in the mainland, the more cost-effective it will be for Chinese companies.

The more they struggle with the initial cooperation conditions and fight a protracted war, the more Huaxia Company will actually suffer.

Maybe after fighting for a long time, what we gained was not as good as the losses caused by exchange rate changes.

Ning Weimin's eloquent talk and foresight can be said to be thoughtful and thorough analysis for Huaxia Company.

Regardless of the interests that can be done openly or privately, they have all been calculated for China.

That is a lot of painstaking efforts, hoping that one day the Chinese company can replace the Japanese company.

However, Song Huagui only agreed half of it.

Song Huagui didn't care much about the unequal cooperation conditions between the two parties and thought it was acceptable.

But based on Song Huagui's moral standards, she couldn't look down on Ning Weimin for being such a shady person, using the guise of cooperation on the surface but harboring intrigues behind his back.

She sincerely believes that doing business requires abiding by the spirit of the contract, and treating partners with integrity.

Especially for the Japanese branch of the same brand, since there is still a relationship between them, we should treat them with sincerity.

In her opinion, because China and Japan belong to different countries, they are culturally unfamiliar and it is not easy to get along. Ning Weimin's actions will only increase mutual distrust, so the outcome of this matter can be good. ?

You have always had to work hard in one place to achieve anything, but I have never heard of anyone wanting to bite each other and get some benefits.

Therefore, Song Huagui warned Ning Weimin very seriously and asked him to throw away all his irregular thoughts.

Whatever conditions you promise others, you should keep your promises and fulfill them conscientiously. Why do you have to dig holes for others behind their backs and do dirty things that are shady?

You can make less money, but you shouldn't lose your style. Don't let yourself down and become a villain in vain.

He also said that the most important thing in any cooperative relationship is mutual reliance and trust. If you are greedy for small gains and lose big things, it will be worth the loss.

I have to say, probably because I have lived in an ivory tower since I was a child.

Not only is he an art student and married to an artist, the kind-hearted Song Huagui also has a bright understanding of society.

Therefore, her behavior is inevitably a bit pedantic, a bit like Tang Monk in Journey to the West.

But that's all. Although he was criticized, Ning Weimin, the grandson of Ning Weimin, couldn't be angry with Song Huagui.

Because Song Huagui is a person who truly combines words and deeds, she is so generous to the Japanese, let alone how kind she is to Ning Weimin.

Not to mention anything else, after talking about this matter, Song Huagui took the initiative to talk to Ning Weimin about the distribution of benefits for the trolley suitcase and asked him how he planned to operate the project.

Ning Weimin carefully put forward his ideas.

Said that he wanted to use this patent in exchange for a part of the shares of Yi La De Company.

Then, in the name of Yi La De Company, the patent is licensed to China Pierre Cardon Company and Goldlion for a fee, and the three companies can produce trolley cases together.

What he was thinking about was that it would be easy to settle accounts, and it would be equivalent to regaining the patent for easy-to-pull ties.

In the future, if these two patents are sublicensed to other companies, he will continue to receive licensing benefits.

Pierre Cardin and Goldlion will also benefit equally, and can also reduce the licensing fee in disguise.

Unexpectedly, Song Huagui not only understood his intention immediately, but also agreed immediately.

To put it bluntly, this method is good. It basically takes into account the interests of all aspects and is very fair.

There was no need for Ning Weimin to waste any more words.

However, if this matter is to be finalized, consultation and communication with Zeng Xianzi from Goldlion will be required.

Only after joint evaluation by the three parties can the ratio of share replacement and transfer, as well as the standard for charging authorization fees, be determined.

Think about it, there are no intrigues, no greedy tit-for-tat, and no coercion and inducement.

How could something like this happen if it weren't for such a noble boss?

It's no wonder that Ning Weimin was so excited that he became more determined to serve Song Huagui.

This is called "people respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot."

What's more, having said that, although Song Huagui was opposed to Ning Weimin secretly digging holes for the Japanese and using disgraceful means to find a balance between interests.

But Ning Weimin has no shortage of like-minded allies, and his teammates are also very capable.

Zou Guodong also has no favorable impression of the Japanese.

On this matter, he and Ning Weimin had almost the same views.

They believe that they are not poisonous and are not husbands. Since the Japanese side is harsh and tyrannical, they treat them as soft persimmons.

Then let the little devil throw himself into the trap, suffer a little loss, and have a long memory.

So although he didn't say anything on the surface, he called Ning Weimin back in private.

Tell him that Mr. Song doesn't care about this matter.

If the negotiation is successful, once the domestic factory construction enters the substantive stage, I am afraid that I will be responsible for the docking.

Not only did he fully support him, but Xiong Jianmin from the Finance Department was also willing to cooperate, allowing Ning Weimin to do whatever he wanted.

Finally, I asked in passing whether I should continue to hold the Japanese yen or close it when it gets better.

I heard Ning Weimin's reply: Don't be afraid. You can get it for at least one year and it will definitely continue to increase.

Zou Guodong was so happy that he praised Ning Weimin for the first time as a hero of the company.

He also promised on the phone that when the company's building was built, he would arrange a room with a good orientation for Ning Weimin as an office. It would definitely be larger than his own office.

Look, here we have Bajie and Junior Brother Sha.

Moreover, this Bajie is not greedy, and this Monk Sha can also manage accounts and manage the economy.

Where can I find such a perfect team?

In this way, on the third day, Ning Weimin was in intensive contact with the Japanese side.

Needless to say, Ning Weimin could not even meet the president, Hidehiro Hasegawa.

In order to really promote this matter, Vice President Takada and Supervisor Ishikawa must be dealt with first.

Otherwise, even if he represents Huaxia Company, he agrees to accept Japan’s unreasonable and harsh conditions.

I'm afraid that these two things are selfish, and the stumbling blocks who secretly hope that he will retreat will also interfere with them, causing unnecessary twists and turns in this matter, or even being disrupted.

How to do it specifically is actually simple to say, just prescribe the right medicine.

Of course, you have to use your own selfish interests to impress people who have selfish motives.

Moreover, the interests of Takada and Ishikawa are still different, and they can be differentiated.

From the information revealed by Taniguchi and Xiangchuan, Ning Weimin had already keenly discovered that the two of them were actually not the same thing. One was in charge of sales channels and the other was in charge of finance, which could not be completely equated.

Therefore, Ning Weimin did not go to Takada this time, but went to meet Ishikawa alone, intending to overcome him first.

Ning Weimin first told Ishikawa that Huaxia Company had studied and considered it, although it was not very satisfied with the Japanese conditions.

But considering that everyone is the same brand, this move is indeed beneficial to improving the brand's gold content, and everyone will benefit a lot in the end.

So he still planned to accept the conditions and cooperate with Japan in building the factory, and asked Ishikawa to convey the sincerity of Huaxia Company on his behalf.

However, we still hope that Japan will reconsider the issue of selling Huaxia Company’s products in Japan.

You can't have nothing to lose. The Japanese have gone to the capital to build factories, but they won't let the Chinese company get any benefits from Japan.

China can also open its local market to Japanese companies.

But our products are still slightly different in style and category, so why not share what we have?

In addition, Huaxia Company also has objections to the investment amount and shareholding ratio.

In view of the weak economic strength of Huaxia Company, it can only contribute 300 million yen at most.

Therefore, we are willing to invest more in government relations, tax incentives, industrial supervision, and land acquisition costs in exchange for 25% of the shares of the joint venture.

We also hope that the Japanese side can be considerate and assume more responsibility in terms of capital investment and production technology.

As expected, such a statement made Ishikawa confused.

His request for Ning Weimin seemed extremely perfunctory, insincere, and couldn't lift his spirits at all.

But it didn't matter. Ning Weimin quickly expressed his concerns about the financial aspects of the joint venture.

He claimed that the troops and horses had not moved, but the food and grass went first.

For joint ventures, cash flow is the most important thing. After all, China is a third world country that is afraid of poverty.

If Japan's funds cannot be received in time and the financial department cannot operate normally, nothing will be done.

Therefore, Huaxia has the last and most important condition. It is hoped that Supervisor Ishikawa himself can personally take charge of the financial work of the joint venture with Huaxia Company, or have someone appointed by him do it.

Otherwise, the Chinese company really cannot feel reassured about Japan’s financial capabilities and emphasis.

There is no confidence that the construction of the joint venture factory can be carried out step by step.

So for the sake of safety, we can only give up the opportunity for cooperation between the two parties.

There is no possibility for China to give in on this condition. We also hope that the Japanese side will seriously consider it and whether it is successful or not, we hope to give an answer within the month.

So this time it was different. Ning Weimin took the initiative to offer an olive branch to Ishikawa on behalf of Huaxia Company.

He was willing to tie the interests of Huaxia Company to Ishikawa and declared that he would advance and retreat together with him.

Ishikawa is not stupid, so he is naturally tempted by this opportunity that is likely to expand his voice and real power within the company.

As for whether Vice President Takada can profit from it, it is not his priority.

In this way, Ishikawa was once again pulled into the same boat by Ning Weimin.

This guy not only firmly stated that he would do his best to obtain more reasonable conditions for Huaxia Company.

And he is also willing to replace Ning Weimin to do the work of Vice President Takada.

Judging from his excitement and agitation, he seems to have the potential to be a Japanese rapist.

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