National Tide 1980

Chapter 890 Security Vulnerabilities

Ning Weimin felt relieved and left all subsequent matters to Ishikawa.

He also thinks clearly.

Whether Takada can be persuaded by Ishikawa, it is actually not very important.

It was enough for him to be sure that Ishikawa would be willing to facilitate this matter for personal gain, and that he could promptly feedback Huaxia Company's sincerity and condition requirements to President Hasegawa Hidehiro.

Anyway, Huaxia Company has no leeway, and this is the only condition it can offer.

Whether the two parties can work together depends solely on the wishes of Japanese President Hidehiro Hasegawa.

I believe that as long as the president is a little more rational, he will not make a choice that would cause two harms.

If such conditions cannot be met, then Huaxia Company can just give up, and there is nothing to regret.

Of course, if Hidehiro Hasegawa really thinks that his Japanese company can enter the mainland unimpeded and successfully open a factory with its own strength, then it can only be said that he is too naive, and his years are already on him.

Because there will definitely be many "enthusiastic people" who will use practical actions to fully appreciate the differences in the cultures and thinking patterns of the two countries.

Even Huaxia Company will not sit idly by.

No matter how kind-hearted Song Huagui is, no matter how kind-hearted Song Huagui is, he still thinks of the incense friendship that comes from the same family.

She will not allow others to bully the weak and occupy the magpie's nest without saying hello.

It will definitely use political resources to defend its "sovereignty" at the "critical" moment.

There was only one outcome for the Japanese side - ending in blood loss.

If we really have to wait until the pain from being beaten and have to negotiate again, it will be an alliance under the city, which will be more beneficial to Huaxia Company.

So the next step is just a matter of words.

What can be accomplished cannot be brought down.

The only thing Ning Weimin can do is to wait patiently for the final reply from Pierre Cardon Japan Co., Ltd.

And this kind of waiting is actually not difficult at all for him.

It will neither make Ning Weimin feel anxious nor test his mental endurance, because he still has a lot to do.

For example, in order to open a restaurant and obtain the "Food Hygiene Responsible Person" qualification certificate, make an appointment to study at a public health center.

You also need to go to the fire department to obtain the "Fire Prevention Management Responsible Person" qualification certificate.

In addition, he also has to go to securities companies every day and pay close attention to the investment situation of his own stocks.

I also need to take time to go to the bookstore in Nishi-Azabu and measure the dimensions of the bookstore carefully.

Then invite Rinko Kagawa to come and inform her of her wishes and preliminary plans in detail and discuss it with her.

At the same time, he also has to communicate and negotiate with Zeng Xianzi of Hong Kong City Goldlion on the benefits of the trolley suitcase and the follow-up matters of production.

Adding up all these things, he is not relaxed at all, and is even busier than an office worker.

Not to mention that my long-awaited plan to visit Tokyo’s famous attractions could not be realized.

He didn't even have time to go to Kabukicho Street.

I don’t even pay much attention to eating every day.

Either he would eat a bowl of noodles at a ramen restaurant, he would go to Yoshinoya or Matsuya to get beef rice to satisfy his hunger, or he would go to a convenience store to buy some milk and bread sandwiches.

Speaking of which, it really sounds like a 996 social animal.

But having said that, the good thing is that the hard work is not in vain after all, and everything you put in is rewarded.

In addition to successfully obtaining the food safety and fire safety certificates, Ning Weimin quickly obtained all legal qualifications to open a restaurant.

His luck in stock investment is even more amazing.

Because the position adjustment and stock exchange had just been completed, Hanwa Industrial, which he was most optimistic about, began to stop falling, and rebounded sharply due to the oversold, "swissing" upwards.

Naturally, he made a killing.

Now, his total assets in the stock market have not only successfully recovered the lost ground, but also broken the record of the highest profit of 100 million yen, reaching nearly 650 million yen.

His stockbroker couldn't believe how skillfully he grasped investment opportunities. They were extremely envious of his luck, vision and courage.

In addition, since Zeng Xianzi, who is in Hong Kong City, has fully enjoyed the benefits of the appreciation of the Japanese yen, after learning that Ning Weimin wanted to use his trolley suitcase to exchange for the shares of Yi La De Company, he also expressed his gratitude like Song Huagui. , willing to support.

At the same time, what surprised Ning Weimin even more was that Goldlion had taken the initiative to start industrial drawing work on the patent for trolley suitcases.

And the materials and parts details of the trolley suitcase have been refined and improved to a considerable extent.

If nothing unexpected happens, it will wait until the three parties sign the specific plan for exchanging shares.

Everyone can immediately use Goldlion's drawings for industrial mass production to achieve perfect and seamless connection.

What else is there to find fault with such a partner? It’s so worry-free and effort-saving.

Next, in this matter, Ning Weimin only needs to open up catalog sales channels in Japan and introduce trolley suitcases for sale in Japan to make a profit.

In the end, even the problem that worried Ning Weimin the most - the backlog of books in the bookstore - was solved to a considerable extent because of the approaching of a special time point.

That is November 3rd - Japan's Cultural Festival.

After the Meiji Restoration, Japan, which had always developed a national policy of enriching the country and strengthening the military, took the defeat of the war in 1945 as a turning point and turned into a country that regarded abandoning war and building a cultural country based on freedom, equality and democracy as its ideals.

The Cultural Festival was established to reaffirm this spirit.

Therefore, combining the late autumn passed down from ancient times is the habit of "reading under the lamp".

The Cultural Festival, like the Sports Festival, is not only a legal holiday in Japan, but the Japanese also hold many cultural activities around this festival.

In particular, the week centered on the Cultural Festival is also called "Silver Week" by Japanese people.

During this week, Japan's prefectures will not only send athletes to participate in multi-standard national sports games, but also select outstanding artists from the music, drama, and art circles to hold art festivals.

In order to satisfy the people's interest in reading books and appreciating art, merchants selling cultural products have experienced booming business and made a lot of money.

Needless to say, the prerequisite for making money is to prepare goods first. The more goods are prepared, the better.

Therefore, according to this logical relationship, some bookstore owners finally couldn't wait any longer and made a big move to buy Ning Weimin's bargains.

With the active contact of two part-time clerks, three bookstores bought a total of tens of thousands of study books, practical books and comic books from Huiwentang Bookstore at 40% off or 40% off the market price.

Not only did the two clerks get a bonus of more than 600,000 yen as they wished, but Ning Weimin also received nearly 13 million yen into the bookstore's operating account, giving him the funds to further implement the plan to renovate the bookstore.

In fact, at this point, Huiwentang's backlog of books is no longer so anxious to sell them at a low price.

Because from a humanistic point of view, the two clerks who received bonuses reversed their decline and were in a very high working mood.

From a weather perspective, the first week of November is undoubtedly the best season for bookstore business. Ning Weimin can definitely earn a lot of money through normal sales during the cultural festival.

So after Ning Weimin thought about it, he simply shipped all the bargains he brought from the mainland to the bookstore.

I plan to join in the fun, and during the "Silver Week", I have to launch a joint promotion with great fanfare.

Aren’t Japanese books not allowed to be sold at discounts?

It doesn't matter, the law doesn't say not to give things away, isn't this just a loophole that can be exploited?

Ning Weimin thought about a sales strategy of earning gifts by earning points when shopping.

We plan to hold a promotion this week and announce it to the public. If you buy a book of 5,000 yen, you will receive a straw insect priced at 600 yen.

If you buy a book for 10,000 yen, you will receive a lacquerware cosmetic box or a small comb priced at 2,000 yen.

If you buy a book for 20,000 yen, you will get a free chrysanthemum brooch priced at 4,000 yen.

If you buy a book of 50,000 yen, you will receive a silk figure or pen holder priced at 8,000 yen.

Buying one hundred thousand yen... well, there is a high probability that such a person will not appear.

But you still have to write down that you can give away a grape utensil and grape ornament with a price of 18,000 yen.

In short, these things he brought from China can be given away or sold. As long as they can be cashed into money, there will be no loss no matter how you exchange them.

And not only did he get all these benefits, even Ning Weimin himself didn't expect that he just casually went to the cash machine to withdraw some money to spend, and unexpectedly made a fortune by relying on a Japanese ATM machine. Made a big fortune.

What's going on?

Speaking of which, we must first mention the genealogy of Yen.

I believe that most Chinese people are familiar with the appearance of the Japanese 10,000 yen bill. The character on it is Yukichi Fukuzawa, a well-known Japanese thinker and educator.

We all have to admit that from the day Japan issued the 10,000-yen banknote with his face in 1984, the value of the Japanese yen has been strong.

For Japanese citizens, it is more cost-effective to use yen with this guy’s face on it.

As for the banknotes used in Japan before this, the person printed on the 10,000 yen was Japan's Prince Shotoku.

After Ning Weimin arrived in Japan, this currency was no longer printed and was recycled in large quantities.

As a postal merchant, Ning Weimin has an instinct developed by his career, which is to pay attention to currency with preservation significance.

Like in China, when he usually has nothing to do, he likes to count the steel coins on his body, and even counts the steel coins in other people's pockets.

The old men who store bicycles at several gates of the Temple of Heaven Park also benefited from his free cigarettes. When collecting money, they would help him keep an eye out for some special-year coins.

No one knows that he is selecting the "Five Heavenly Kings" among the coins.

He also asked someone to go through the channels and go to the bank to exchange the brand new third set of RMB.

Before coming to Japan, I had basically collected various categories, and even stocked up on particularly rare categories.

Of course, it was the same after coming to Japan. When Ning Weimin saw that Japan had gradually withdrawn from the market, he liked to keep it in his pocket.

Although this thing wasn't worth much when he traveled through time, who can say for sure what will happen in the future?

Anyway, as soon as he passed on someone with good quality, he would keep it, and it wouldn't take much trouble, right?

In this way, he gradually kept some of the Prince Shotoku version of the yen.

And every time he spends money, he will also pay special attention to the year and condition of the banknotes. This is called getting used to (chicken) and getting used to (thief).

On this day, he wanted to withdraw 200,000 yen from his cash account for living expenses, so he went to Sumitomo Bank in Japan.

As a result, as soon as the Japanese ATM machine spit out money, he found his prey. There were obviously several slightly larger banknotes in the color of Prince Shotoku's version of the banknotes, and they were almost brand new.

According to ordinary people's thinking, take out all the money first. It's all yours. You can take your time and look at it in your hands.

But Ning Weimin didn't, his brain was faster than the average person.

In just a tenth of a second, he decided to take the larger bills and let the machine swallow the other bills.

Because it’s rare to find such new items in this cash machine.

The cash in his account was limited, so he wanted to withdraw a few more times and try again. Maybe there was more.

As a result, when he went to operate the ATM machine again, the most amazing thing happened. The amount in his account was not less than a penny. It was the same amount as before withdrawing the money.

You must know that ATM machines these days are still very primitive. They are placed at the entrance of the bank lobby and do not have cameras.

This is equivalent to saying that he lost tens of thousands of yen in vain!

At first, Ning Weimin thought that due to the quality of the ATM machine itself and the failure of the communication line, the phenomenon of "spending money without accounting" occurred accidentally.

But I followed him and operated it again, and sure enough I found a note belonging to Prince Shotoku in the machine. I then took the medicine according to the prescription and found that the account limit was still high.

Now Ning Weimin couldn't hold back his excitement. He didn't know whether there was something wrong with the machine's program, or because Prince Shotoku just didn't recognize the banknotes, or maybe...

In short, he tried it three times in succession. By the fifth time, he not only figured out what was going on, but also discovered a major operational loophole in the Japanese ATM machine, and he also had hundreds of thousands of yen in his pocket. .

Many people would have screamed with excitement at this time, thinking they had found a 24K gold meal ticket.

From now on, I no longer have to work. If I want to use money, I can use this hand to turn stone into gold and withdraw it from the bank.

If you think about it that way, forget it.

This is definitely the standard thinking of the poor, with little profit, high risk, and exhaustion.

Even if I fiddle with it a hundred times, I can get at most 20 million yen.

And as time goes by, it would be strange if the Japanese Police Department catches him, and Ning Weimin will be deported as a foreigner.

So put aside the moral factors and just look at the practicality.

For Ning Weimin, doing this was the worst choice. It was a mindless act and not cost-effective.

So Ning Weimin became a very moral person. He immediately called the people at the bank and told him that he had just withdrawn money and the machine spit out hundreds of thousands more yen.

The bank clerk immediately bowed and thanked him. After accepting the money, he left Ning Weimin's name, address and contact number, saying that the bank would give him a gift through the postal department, and then notified the maintenance personnel to check the machine.

After that, Ning Weimin returned home happily. With the calmness and ease of doing good deeds, he continued to be a cultural ambassador beneficial to Sino-Japanese friendship. Then he checked his mailbox every day to see if there were any gifts...

No no no no! That’s so disgusting to say!

In fact, not only did this kid not stop there, but he even got worse.

After he left the bank, he went to three other Sumitomo branches to find cash machines of the same brand to play this trick.

So on this day, the maintenance staff of the ATM machine supplier encountered the strangest day.

Surprisingly, four Sumitomo Bank machines reported errors in a row, but the machines were operating normally.

After inspection by engineers, no abnormalities were found.

But the money collected was not fake, it amounted to millions of yen.

Not only does it completely match the amount of money that should be in the machine, but it is not shown on the account, the key is that it is an anomaly reported by the same customer...

"What? The same client?"

"Yes, it's the same customer!"

"How can this be?"

"That's right. How can there be such a moral person?"

"Asshole, are you a pig-brained person? That's not the point at all..."

In this way, that night, both the Tokyo headquarters of Sumitomo Bank and the company that provided such ATM machines for Sumitomo Bank exploded.

Especially for this brand that developed and produced Japan's first ATM machine in 1978, no matter how stupid you are, you will understand that this is not an accident, but that your company has encountered an unprecedented major crisis.

Their products have the most serious security vulnerability. Not to mention that it cannot be fixed in time. If this matter is exposed, the consequences will be unimaginable. No matter how strong the foundation is, it will collapse overnight.

Especially when they think about their company's automatic teller machine suddenly turning into a slot machine. With just a command, the door of the vault safe will automatically open and bundles of banknotes will pour out!

They were so frightened that they wanted to see the end of the world, and couldn't help but jump off the building impulsively!

As a result, this incident shocked the senior management of Sumitomo Bank and ATM machines. Whether it was the Asia head of Sumitomo Bank in Singapore or President Ou Xlong in Germany, they were all alarmed.

After the company's conference call and discussions with Sumitomo Bank, the ATM machine supply company even urgently transferred top technical personnel from Europe and the United States, but could not wait to let the matter go overnight.

So in the early morning of that day, in order to find out how Ning Weimin did it, and what conditions he had to offer it.

Five or six company executives in Tokyo, together with people from Sumitomo Bank and lawyers from the company's legal department, went to visit Ning Weimin at his residence based on the information left by him.

At two o'clock in the morning, more than a dozen cars parked downstairs in Ning Weimin's house filled the entire road.

As soon as Ning Weimin, who was yawning and wearing pajamas, opened the door of his home, he saw a dark place kneeling in front of his home.

There were seven or eight Japanese in their 50s and 60s with more than a dozen entourages, kneeling in front of their homes with their buttocks stuck out, as if they were worshiping gods.

With this proud look on his face, as if he were the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, these people were begging him to come and save Japan in the face of crisis.

It not only made him energetic and made him sleepless, but also made him extremely regretful.

What a mistake! I should have known that the little devil was so restless! It's time to run to a hotel and stay overnight. Tease them again.

At least one person should be waiting here with a video camera and a camera to record this scene!

I will post this on the Internet from now on, and I will definitely become a national hero with a devil’s pigtail.

Ouch, look at how frightened these people are. Their little faces are turning white one by one. How can they be so serious?

Actually, let’s face it, what’s the point of this trick? It’s just that there’s something wrong with the sensor on your cash machine.

As long as the bills on both sides don't touch and you take money out from the middle, the machine will eat the rest of the money back without counting.

Isn't it just this little thing? You guys can't figure it out with all your brains?

Besides, what are you afraid of? Do you understand the friendship between China and Japan? I won't blackmail you!

It's too hot for me to take your money. If I let you record a voice, I would have to break the law and go to jail.

Grandpa, I just want a loan, a reasonable and legal loan!

Of course, no mortgage, low interest, and amount are issues worthy of our careful discussion.

Hey, judging by his badge, this person must be from Sumitomo Bank. Whether we can conclude the negotiation today depends on your bald head and your lack of integrity...

"Hey, don't be like this. Please stand up and speak. This is really unbearable. If there is anything I can do to help, please just ask. Please come in, let's talk slowly..."

The duplicitous Ning Weimin scanned everyone who was kneeling and let them go home with a smile. He had already counted the pigs and sheep in front of him.

And in the following time, he is about to bring his good-natured but evil way of life to the extreme.

PS: I've been tricked. I haven't avoided it for three years. I'll update it if I can. Please bear with me. Everyone, please take care of yourself.

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