National Transfer: Necromancer! I Am A Disaster

Chapter 680: Heaven-Defying Comprehensive Freshman Talent

Lin Moyu was ruthless, without any sign of weakness.

The purple god-killing thunder, which also possesses the power of the powerful law of thunder and lightning, roared loudly.

Once again, it met the attack of the Dragon Emperor.

The Dragon Emperor's eyes were slightly cold, and when the two sides were about to collide, he waved his big hand violently.

Its attack deviates immediately, appearing in front of Lin Moyu like a teleportation.

It avoided the collision with Zhu Shenlei and directly attacked Lin Moyu-body.

With killing intent in Lin Moyu's eyes, Zhushenlei also instantly changed direction and blasted towards the Dragon Emperor, while he did not dodge or evade, and directly took the Dragon Emperor's attack.

Under the power of the law, the soul is locked and cannot be dodged.

Not only for Lin Moyu, but also for Dragon Emperor.

The two sides seemed to be desperate, not giving in to each other.

Shenlong Xuying bit Lin Moyu and swallowed him.

The terrifying law exploded, and amidst the roar, an earth-shattering explosion rose from Lin Moyu's body. .

Zhu Shenlei also landed on the Dragon Emperor at the same time, and the Dragon Emperor was also engulfed by the sea of ​​purple thunder.

The Dragon Emperor flew out from the purple sea of ​​thunder, its whole body was entwined by the power of laws, and an armor made of laws appeared on its body to protect it.

The Law Armor had obviously been blown apart by Zhu Shenlei, the Dragon Emperor's expression was not good, and the clothes on his body were also damaged in several places.

It was injured and failed to completely block the God-killing Thunder.

Zhushenlei is extremely powerful, comparable to the Dragon Emperor's full blow.

Although it was injured and a little embarrassed, its expression was extremely excited, and its eyes were full of blood.

Although Lin Moyu's attack is not weak, it is impossible to kill himself, at most he will hurt himself.

On the other hand, Lin Moyu is only level 76. Although he doesn't know what method he used, his attack power is extremely strong, but his defense power is weak. . .

It seemed to have predicted that Lin Yu would be killed by his own laws.

But in the next second, its eyes suddenly shrank, and the bloodlust in the eyes was replaced by shock.

Lin Moyu flew out of the explosion unscathed, without any defensive skills on his body, and his clothes were not damaged.

"This is impossible!"

The Dragon Emperor kept roaring.

"Nothing is impossible!" Lin Moyu drank in a cold voice, pointing his finger, and there was another song of Zhu Shen Lei Bang Long Tomb.

The Dragon Emperor's face changed drastically, and he rushed to resist.

In the sound of the explosion, the Dragon Emperor was blown up, the law armor was shattered, part of the huge body was blown to bloody flesh, and was injured again.

Lin Moyu did not pursue, he was not uninjured in the Dragon Emperor's attack.

The Dragon Emperor's attack is extremely powerful, how could he not be injured.

The undead army has been destroyed twice in a row, and has been reborn in the summoning space twice in a row.

If it weren't for the passive skill of being undead, he would be in danger.

Soul skill (spell): damage transfer.

Passive Skill: Undead.

Active Skill: Undead Lich.

Unique talent: comprehensive new life.

The combination of the four life-saving skills has pushed Lin Moyu's survivability to the limit.

In particular, the talent of the all-round newborn, which was only awakened at the third turn at level 70, is even more terrifying.

At that time, even Antares was taken aback, unable to believe how he had such a perverted talent.

The damage transfer, which has become a soul skill, cooperates with the comprehensive increase talent to greatly reduce the damage, and it can ensure that Lin Moyu is not harmed before the undead army dies.

Undead can allow Lin Moyu's undead army to die three times in five minutes.

The aura of the undead lich can make Lin Moyu and his undead army die one more time.

The last is the comprehensive new talent.

In one minute, when Lin Moyu and his undead army face death for the fifth time, this talent will activate.

To save Lin Moyu and his undead army from death again, and all return to peak condition, reset all skills.

In this way, the undead skills are reset, and the undead skills are also reset.

Lin Moyu can take four more fatal blows.

The strongest part of this talent is that its cooldown time is only one minute.

As long as he can last a minute, Lin Moyu can come back for another round.

The cycle goes on and on, endlessly.

Even Antares once lamented that it was really not easy to kill Lin Moyu.

Just now, the Dragon Emperor's blow activated the passive skills of the undead, and the undead army had already died for two consecutive rounds.

According to Lin Moyu's words, Dragon King, you are proud enough.

"One more time!" Lin Moyu calculated in his mind.

Zhu Leishen can be used again, if the Dragon Emperor does not retreat, then he should dodge.

The Dragon Emperor, who was blown into the distance, rushed back with a roar, at an astonishingly fast speed, as if teleporting.

At this time, the fangs of the Dragon Emperor's mouth are much bigger than usual, and the dragon's body is about to turn into a giant dragon.

It is completely different from just now, this is its state when it is desperate.

Also known as Hualong.

In this state, the Dragon Emperor's combat power has greatly increased, but it will also become weak afterwards.

This is not the dragon world, but the devil.

The Dragon Emperor still needs to guard against the Demon Emperor, so he shouldn't have used Hualong.

But now it doesn't care much, it wants to kill Lin Moyu.

A phantom of a dragon appeared in the sky again, this time it was not a single dragon, there were a hundred phantoms of a dragon.

0…ask for flowers…………

Each dragon phantom has some differences in appearance, some are big and some are small, some are strong and some are weak.

But without exception, the phantom of the dragon is full of the power of law.

"Shenlong destroys the world!"

The Dragon Emperor roared angrily, and the phantom of the hundred-headed dragon rushed towards Lin Moyu fiercely.

Lin Moyu's face changed drastically, the Dragon Emperor is going to do his best!

Zhu Shenlei fired again, and the purple light exploded and turned into a sea of ​​thunder, destroying dozens of weak dragon phantoms.

But there were more phantoms of Shenlong pounced on Lin Moyu.

The law exploded, the roar continued, and the space collapsed again, revealing a pitch-black void.

"Go to hell!" The Dragon Emperor glared angrily, his eyes full of killing intent.

It burned its ancestral blood at any cost, and this attack was not a small burden for it.

When the Demon Emperor saw the roar of the Bailong, he couldn't help but sneered, "No wonder, all the Dragon Clan who had atavistic blood for thousands of years died in the end, so it was your hands.


It can tell at a glance that these divine dragon phantoms are all inspired by the blood of returning to the ancestors.

Where does the Dragon Emperor get so many atavistic bloodlines alone? The answer is self-evident.

For thousands of years, the Dragon Clan has produced many members with atavistic bloodlines, but all of them died in the end.

In fact, most of them were killed by the Dragon Emperor, who was afraid that they would threaten his dominance.

The Demon Emperor narrowed his eyes, "Lin Moyu is in danger this time, Antares, why don't you do it?"

Wanting another space, Antares also stared at the battle.

It has not made a move yet, because it knows the details of Lin Moyu.

With astonishing law power, the dragon's roar hit Lin Moyu like a tsunami.

Lin Moyu was blown away without any resistance, and the power of law blasted him dirty.

The undead skills were activated again, and the undead army died and reborn for the third time.

Then the undead lich flashed past Lin Moyu, the aura of undead took effect, and he was reborn for the fourth time.

But the power of the law has not disappeared, still attacking Lin Moyu.

the fifth time. . .

Innate skills, fully stimulate new students.

This is the first time this talent has been stimulated in actual combat.

Lin Moyu's whole body was shrouded in dazzling light, and then a group of purple flames rose into the sky.

Like a phoenix, Lin Moyu was reborn in flames.

The phantom of the dragon was completely erased by the purple flame, not only Lin Moyu was reborn, but also the undead army was reborn.

The cooldown of the undead and undead aura also disappeared at the same time, returning to the peak state.

Lin Moyu's face was full of excitement.

The purple light of the outer tower of the ancient thunder in his hand exploded, and the purple god-killing thunder blasted on the Dragon Emperor. .

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