The Dragon Emperor in the state of transforming into a dragon was blown away, his skin torn to pieces.

But also because of the state of the dragon, its defense has been improved a lot. Under the protection of the law armor, the injury is not serious.

"Impossible, I don't believe it!"

Lin Moyu's unscathed appearance provoked the Dragon Emperor.

The Dragon Emperor rushed towards Lin Moyu like crazy, and a huge ax appeared in his hand.

The giant ax is entangled with laws, and just holding it in the hand can make the space shatter, and its power is extremely powerful.

The moment he took out the giant axe, the Dragon Emperor's aura surged violently, as if he had reached another realm.

Lin Moyu was shocked, the Dragon Emperor was different from before.

A strong danger grew in his heart, and his soul kept sending out warnings.

The Dragon Emperor in this state is invincible.

With a move of Lin Moyu's soul, three consecutive thunderbolts blasted in the air.

Purple light filled the sky, and a sea of ​​thunder emerged, blocking sight.

At the same time as the thunder god was sent out, the soul moved, activating the dragon scales of Antares.

The Dragon Emperor killed "263" from the sea of ​​thunder, covered in blood and scorched earth.

But at this time, the trace of Lin Moyu has been lost, and he can't find it with eyes, and the soul lock has also been lost suddenly just now.

Two seconds later, the Dragon Emperor realized that Lin Moyu had escaped, and it was furious, "Get out, don't run away if you're a bitch!"

"Get out! This emperor chopped you up!"

The Dragon Emperor looked like a madman, and his huge ax slashed in the void, creating terrifying cracks in the air.

The Demon Emperor saw Lin Moyu leave with his own eyes, and saw the Dragon Emperor go crazy and angry again, with disdain, "What an idiot, if Lin Moyu doesn't leave, you will die.

"Will it be great to hold the Dragon Emperor Battle Ax in the future? In front of it, it will be useless to give you thousands of Dragon Emperor Battle Axes."

The Demon Emperor withdrew his gaze and didn't want to look at the Dragon Emperor again. The Demon Emperor disdained such a retarded and brainless guy very much.

It leaned lazily on the Demon Emperor's throne, with complicated eyes, and muttered to itself, "How should I get along with Lin Moyu next?"

"This guy can't be killed, he can't surrender."

"If you don't surrender, I'm afraid he'll go straight into the abyss when he's half-step supernatural. Can I stop him?"

"It's really a headache, how could such a guy come out of the human race."

"I'm bored to death."

At this time, the Demon Emperor lost his former splendor, and looked like an ordinary person who was worrying about certain things.

Antares looked at Lin Moyu who appeared not far away, "Have you played enough?"

With excitement, Lin Moyu said, "Well, enough is enough."

"What's so happy about it?" Antares was a little surprised. Why was he so happy when he couldn't escape?

Lin Moyu had nothing to hide from Antares, "Do you still remember the talent I awakened at the third turn?"

"Remember, full rebirth is a perverted talent. The chance of rebirth once a minute is disgusting!" Antares couldn't help complaining, and at the same time, it felt that this talent was so good for itself.

Lin Moyu said, "I found another use for it, when it is reborn, it regenerates the soul.


Antares' head slammed onto the ground, making a big crater, and the streamers in the sky instantly became chaotic and exploded into fireworks.

Lin Moyu asked strangely, "As for such a big movement?"

Impossibility was written in Antares' eyes, and he swallowed hard, "You said, this talent can even regenerate a soul? Really, can you make a mistake.

Lin Moyu is very sure, "It can't be wrong."

He used the soul division method to separate a ray of soul to drive the law and bear the backlash of the law.

Without affecting its own foundation, up to five strands can be separated.

At that time Lin Moyu already wanted to leave, but the Dragon Emperor's attack was too violent, and he activated the full-scale newborn talent all at once.

Lin Moyu was surprised to find that not only was he saved from death, but the cooldown of his skills was restored, the undead army was reborn, and even his soul was reborn.

That is to say, five strands of souls can be separated again, and continue to use Zhushenlei.

How could Lin Moyu not be excited about this discovery.

He has a whole new appreciation for his talent, and it's just too strong.

Antares stared at Lin Moyu, muttering, "Pervert, so perverted, how could he have such a talent.

Lin Moyu asked strangely, "In the outside world, there are countless strong people, don't they have such talent?"

Antares shook his head, "I've never heard of it. Talents that can involve the soul are rare, and the effect is not too strong."

"Your talent that can restore the soul is really unheard of."

Having never even heard of Antares, Lin Moyu realized that his talent might be really great.

Antares' tone suddenly became serious, "You must never tell others that you have such a talent in the future, it will be dangerous."

In its words, the air suddenly became thicker, and the atmosphere instantly became different.

Lin Moyu was also infected, whispered, "What danger?"

Antares said, "There are some evil methods that can take people's talents away."

Lin Moyu suddenly had a creepy feeling [There is such a method.

Indeed, there are countless powerful people in the world, and anything is possible.

My own world is just a small island in the sea, the outside world is very dangerous, anything is possible.

Lin Moyu calmed down from the excitement and warned himself not to take it lightly.

The world is far from being as simple as I thought..

Lin Moyu said, "I know, I won't tell anyone."

Antares hummed, "Also, Guleta is just a foreign object after all, and you can't rely too much on it. Moreover, with your strength, it is not enough to exert the full power of Guleta, let alone control the God of Death. fortress."

Lin Moyu accepted it humbly, he knew he was still far behind.

"Thank you!" Lin Moyu sincerely thanked.

Antares snorted, "No need, just stop talking to me in the future."

"No problem." Lin Moyu said with a smile, agree first, then talk, as to whether it can be done, that's not the same thing.

Lin Moyu is really grateful to Antares. If it weren't for Antares' dragon scale this time, he might be in danger.

The giant ax that the Dragon Emperor took out at the end was terrifying.

"Antares, the Dragon Emperor finally took out a giant ax...

Antares said, "I know, that is a super god-level weapon. Holding it, the Dragon Emperor can infinitely approach the super god level, and you are not an opponent.

Lin Moyu asked strangely, "A super god-level weapon, isn't that something that a super god can control and use?"

"His ax is a bit special, and the ax does more than one job."

"Anyway, you should be careful in the future, unless you have reached super god-level combat power, otherwise you can dodge as far as you see that ax can do."

Lin Moyu was secretly surprised, even Antares said so, it must not be false.

The grading of equipment also has the same effect.

Above the legendary level is the mythical level, and above the mythical level is the super god level.

Super god-level weapons have only appeared in legends, at least they did not exist in the history of the human race.

Lin Moyu thought 5.8 times in his eyes, "Does the Demon Emperor also have a super god-level weapon in his hand?"

"That's right." Antares didn't deny it, telling the truth.

Lin Moyu continued to ask, "The God of righteousness said that even if I reach the super god level, I can't destroy the abyss dragons. Is it related to this weapon?"

Antares looked at Lin Moyu, laughed and said, "Did you guess it?"

Hearing this, Lin Moyu actually already had an answer.

He told the truth, "Half and half, bold assumptions, careful verification, you know."

Antares laughed, "It is indeed related to this weapon."

Lin Moyu muttered to himself, "It seems that this weapon can not only bring them infinitely close to the super god level, but also exert power beyond the super god level."

"And they are not creatures of this world, so this weapon can't summon other powerful people over.

"You can get out!" Antares glared at Lin Moyu and shouted loudly. .

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