National Transfer: Necromancer! I Am A Disaster

Chapter 690 To The Enemy, One More Word Is A Waste

The purple god-killing thunder, carrying the law of thunder and lightning, turned into a sea of ​​thunder, cutting off the blood-colored beam of light like a sharp renminbi.

The blood formation stagnated for a moment.

Meng Anwen seized this momentary opportunity, broke out with all his strength, and the Eternal Great Wall completely unfolded and closed.

The blood formations in the nine fortresses were all cut off by the ~Eternal Great Wall.

The blood formations on the foreign element battlefield in the fortress are still functioning, but their power can no longer be transmitted smoothly.

The blood formation where Jiang Yi was located had become an isolated island.

Jiang Yi was shocked, his eyes fell on Lin Moyu, "How is this possible, this is impossible.

Then he saw the Gu Lei Wai Tower in Lin Moyu's hand, and exclaimed, "Gu Lei Wai Tower, how could you get the Gu Lei Wai Tower."

"Even if you get the Gulei Outer Tower, it is impossible for you to manipulate it. You are only level 77. Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Jiang Yi at this moment is somewhat similar to the Dragon Emperor.

His eyes were full of disbelief, unbelievable.

He can recognize the Gulei Tower, and he must also know the God-killing Fortress.

Lin Moyu can now be 100% sure that Jiang Yi was definitely not bewitched, but really taken away.

The soul in Jiang Yi's body at this time is not Jiang Yi, but a creature from outside the world.

The specific race, Lin Moyu is not clear.

But it doesn't matter, now he is an enemy, Lin Moyu just needs to find a way to kill him.

To the enemy, Lin Moyu doesn't need to say half a word of nonsense, one more word is a waste of tongue.

With a finger point, another purple God-killing thunder blasted out, and it exploded on the blood formation, causing the blood formation to shake.

At this time, the blood formation Jiang Yi was in had been isolated, and the Eternal Great Wall had disconnected the blood formations, making it an isolated island.

Jiang Yi didn't give up on the blood formation. He roared angrily, continuously increasing the power of the blood formation, trying to break through the restrictions of the Eternal Great Wall.

He oozes blood all over his body, and instantly turns into a blood man, and the strength of the blood formation also strengthens accordingly.

Meng Anwen also made every effort to strengthen the formation of the Eternal Great Wall, and the formations of the two sides continued to compete and collide.

The collision of the formations caused violent energy fluctuations, the wind howled in the whole fortress, and energy turbulence was everywhere.

A large number of professionals were hit by the energy turbulence and were immediately injured.

Lin Moyu glanced at him, "God will order everyone to leave the fortress!"

"Teacher, take everyone away, leave this place to me!"

Bai Yiyuan wanted to say something else, but Yan Kuangsheng pulled him, "Stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

Meng Anwen was more resolute than Yan Kuangsheng, one after another law was swayed, and turned into one after another rune into the eternal Great Wall.

The Eternal Great Wall is not just a defensive formation, it also has various functions, large and small, and the teleportation function is one of them.

Cooperating with Shen Xiata, Meng Anwen instantly exerted the teleportation function of the Eternal Great Wall to the limit.

The Shensha tower suddenly became larger, and it seemed to stand upright in an instant. A large number of teleportation arrays appeared all over the fortress, connecting everyone in the fortress to the Shenzha tower.

"Xiaoyu, be careful!"

Meng Anwen let out a low cry, and teleported away from the fort with Bai Yiyuan and the others.

Almost instantly, the No. 9 Fortress was empty, leaving only Lin Moyu and Jiang Yi.

Meng Anwen appeared outside the fortress, still maintaining the Eternal Great Wall with all his strength.

The light curtain of the Eternal Great Wall firmly blocked the soaring blood column of the blood formation.

This is not only true of Fort No. 9, but also in the other eight forts.

Meng Anwen gradually understood that the blood formation has nine main formations, corresponding to the 990 formations on the Yuan battlefield.

Once the nine main formations are isolated, the 990 formations outside are like soldiers who have lost their command and don't know what to do at all.

And the leader of the nine main formations is the formation in Fortress No. 9.

In other words, as long as this formation in Fortress No. 9 is controlled, the other eight formations are nothing to fear.

But just in case, Meng Anwen still issued a large number of orders to destroy the blood formation.

Bai Yiyuan, Yan Kuangsheng, Ye Hao and many god-level powerhouses in the human race received orders from Meng Anwen.

There are many god-level powerhouses who don't know what happened, and they are even full of doubts about the blood formations in the various fortresses.

After receiving Meng Anwen's order, he acted directly without any hesitation.

Bai Yiyuan was the first to rush to the blood formation outside Fortress No. 9. He couldn't deal with Jiang Yi, nor could he deal with the blood formation controlled by Jiang Yi before.

But now that the blood formation outside the fortress is not in control, it is too easy to destroy it.

The power of the law blasted and killed, and under the iron fist, the blood formation quickly collapsed.

Meng Anwen sent Yan Kuangsheng to Fort No. 8. Yan Kuangsheng was first eradicating the blood formation inside the fort, and then dealing with the blood formation outside the fort.

A large number of god-level powerhouses fought, and the blood formations were pulled out one by one.

Jiang Yi's face became extremely ugly, and he could feel that the blood array was being destroyed.

"I'm going to kill you, none of you will live!" Jiang Yi said like crazy.

As soon as the blood formation was eliminated, his hope of being promoted to the super god level was cut off.

Originally, he was supposed to be promoted to the super god level 600 years ago, but he waited 600 years for various reasons, and almost fell because of it.

But now, it was obvious that he was promoted, but he was sabotaged again.

0...asking for flowers...

There was killing intent in Jiang Yi's eyes, "I will refine you into a blood corpse, imprison your soul, and prevent you from being reborn forever.

Lin Moyu didn't say anything, and responded with purple Zhushen Lei.

Amidst the roar, the blood formation on the isolated island was crumbling.

With a strong murderous intent, Jiang Yi rushed out of the sea of ​​thunder with the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand, and killed Lin Moyu in an instant.

The clothes on his body were torn, and there were scorched marks all over his skin. It was obvious that Lei Hai had caused some damage to him, but it wasn't too great.

Lin Moyu was still unafraid, the undead army appeared, followed by the Skeleton King.

Soul Skill: Gather!

Lin Moyu activates the power-gathering skill, the attribute is instantly raised to the extreme, and at the same time inherits all the skills of the summoned object.

Skill: Absolute Defense!

With absolute defense turned on, all damage is reduced by 99%, and the remaining 1% has to go through soul skills (weakening of damage transfer.

Lin Moyu completed a series of operations in an instant, less than half a second before and after.

"Die!" Jiang Yi roared ferociously, and the Demon Slayer Sword pierced through the space with a piercing sound, and the pitch-black sword light almost swallowed Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu has no dodge, and it is impossible to dodge on the soul lock.

The moment the sword light approached, a purple god-killing thunder shot out from the outer tower of the ancient thunder, and hit Jiang Yi impartially.

Likewise, when Lin Moyu's soul is locked, Jiang Yi cannot escape.

Exchange injury for injury, this way of playing, Lin Moyu will also.

The sword light swallowed Lin Moyu, and the thunder light swallowed Jiang Yi.

Except for the initial soft sound of Jian Guang, there was no sound.

But Zhu Shenlei was earth-shattering, resounding through the nine-story fortress.

The power of this lightning attack to kill God was much greater than before. A large number of houses in Fortress No. 9 collapsed and collapsed.

Jiang Yi was blown away by the thunder, and his body was covered with scars.

But he was even crazier, "Exchange injuries with me, what are you, a level 77 trash!"

After the words fell, a sword light lit up on him.

The Skeleton King made his move, and at the same time, the undead army densely attacked and fell on him in an instant.

The sky suddenly turned black, and the red light of the blood array and the brilliant golden light of the Eternal Great Wall were all covered by darkness.

The projection of the undead world descends, the gate of the undead opens, and the eyes of the undead open with raging flames, staring at Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi let out a scream, "Soul attack!"

The red light flashed, and the curse fell.

Then flames burst out all over his body, lightning rained down, and at the same time, greenery appeared on Jiang Yi's face.

"Poison attack!"

Jiang Yi exclaimed again, he couldn't believe Chuan!.

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