National Transfer: Necromancer! I Am A Disaster

Chapter 691 Why, Why Are You Still Alive!

Elemental liches appeared one after another, with halos one after another, and all attacks from various halos fell on Jiang Yi.

In an instant, Jiang Yi had to endure the lightning bombardment while turning into a burning man, and was also poisoned at the same time.

Lightning fell densely, thousands of lightning bolts every second, non-stop.

Although the power of lightning is not great, it still gives Jiang Yi a headache.

The curse and the freezing also came at the same time.

Jiang Yi was not only shocked, but crazy.

Various elemental attacks, poisonous attacks, soul attacks, physical attacks.

Jiang Yi really wants to ask, what else do you not know.

Never seen such an opponent.

Lin Moyu flew out of the sword light, with absolute defense and damage transfer, he didn't suffer any injuries.

Jiang Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, how could this be possible. "

Even if Lin Moyu could block his attack, he wouldn't be completely injured.

"You are too weak." Lin Moyu said "one seven three" in a deep voice.

This statement is half exaggerated and half true.

Jiang Yi is definitely not weak. He has already stepped into the threshold of super god, how could he be weak.

But compared to the Dragon Emperor, it is indeed weaker.

"Weak you mother..." Before Jiang Yi finished speaking, he was interrupted by intensive attacks.

Jiang Yi roared angrily and rushed over against the attacks all over the sky, and swung the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand again.

The sword lights lit up, and the void around Lin Moyu's body was filled with sword lights, tens of thousands.

"Wan Jian, kill demons!" Jiang Yi snorted coldly, he finally used his skills.

The pair of star rings in Jiang Yi's hands exploded at the same time.

As a swordsman, Jiang Yi has nine pairs of eighteen star rings, and each pair of star rings represents an extremely powerful skill.

Normally, he doesn't need to use skills, just a normal attack is enough to destroy the enemy.

But now, he has to use skills, otherwise deal with Lin Moyu.

Thousands of sharp swords shot at Lin Moyu at the same time, as if they wanted to turn Lin Moyu into a hedgehog.

Lin Moyu still didn't dodge, and his absolute defense skills were still there, so he wasn't afraid of this blow.

Under the absolute defense, even the Dragon Emperor can hardly hurt him, let alone Jiang Yi.

Thousands of sharp swords are pointed at Lin Moyu, and there is nowhere to hide.

Jiang Yi grinned grimly, "I'm going to tear you apart!"

With Wan Jian approaching, Lin Moyu was not afraid at all. He pointed his finger at Jiang Yi, and the Gulei Outer Tower shot out God-killing Thunder again.

Zhu Shenlei came first, and exploded on Jiang Yi's body with a bang, blowing Guang away.

Lin Moyu's body is like an invisible shield, swallowing all the swords, leaving nothing behind.

With the addition of absolute defense and damage transfer, Lin Moyu was still unscathed under the effect of double rear damage reduction.

In Lin Moyu's view, Jiang Yi is a half-step super god at level 98, much weaker than the Dragon Emperor.

Moreover, the physical body of the human race is not as powerful as that of the dragon race. The effect of Zhu Shenlei is very good, and the damage caused is also considerable.

This time Jiang Yi was injured even more seriously, his hair was disheveled and he was in a panic.

Seeing that Lin Moyu was fine, he yelled again, "How on earth did you do it, why, why did you do this!"

This scene seemed familiar, and it was the same with the Dragon Emperor not long ago.

If you don't believe in anything, don't believe it at all.

Lin Moyu will not explain.

The power-gathering skill time is up, without soul replenishment, it can only last for 14 seconds.

This is also because he rose to level 77, which is 2 seconds longer than when he was level 76.

After becoming a soul skill, [Cohesion] can only last for 10 seconds at level 75, 12 seconds at level 76, and now 14 seconds at level 77.

As the soul becomes stronger and stronger, it can last longer and longer.

Of course, if there are a large number of enemies, if you keep killing enemies and harvesting souls, you can keep the power-gathering skills going.

Jiang Yi suddenly felt Lin Moyu's aura change, as if he understood something, "I understand, so you used a special skill. Now your skill time is up, now you are dead!"

He raised his sword again, and he believed that he could kill Lin Moyu this time.

Lin Moyu retreated strongly and quickly, with the undead army standing in front of him.

"It's useless, just relying on this rubbish, it can't stop me at all!"

Jiang Yi laughed wildly, and the Demon Killing Sword drew out sword shadows all over the sky, and the sword energy danced across the fortress.

The headless horsemen and skeletons were crushed by the sword energy like straws, and quickly reborn in the summoning space.

Lin Moyu relied on the army of undead to block Jiang Yi, pointed out again, and the fifth God-killing thunder blasted out.

Lin Moyu's face suddenly turned extremely pale as the fifth thunderbolt blasted out.

The five split souls have reached the limit and cannot be split any more.

If it splits again, it will damage the soul.

But Lin Moyu still didn't care about it, and continued to split the soul with the soul splitting method.

A Daozhu shot out from the outer tower of Gulei, Lin Moyu became more proficient as he used it more and more.

The power of Zhu Shenlei is also gradually increasing.

However, Lin Moyu's complexion was getting worse and worse, his face was pale, and it was extremely ugly.

Constantly splitting the soul is not a small damage to the soul, but Lin Moyu knows that it doesn't matter.

Jiang Yi was stopped by the undead army, and was constantly bombarded by Zhu Shenlei...

The Shenshen Lei that can injure the Dragon Emperor can also injure him.

There are too many undead legions, killing a group and there will be a large group.

Jiang Yi was so angry that two pairs of star rings exploded on his wrist at the same time.

"Wall of Sword Qi!"

"Sword Qi Swamp!"

A pair of star rings represents a skill.

The wall of sword energy is a defensive skill, which blocks the god-killing thunder.

Sword Qi Swamp is a large-scale attack skill, which is perfect for dealing with the undead army.

The sword aura filled the sky, and the subdivided swamp enveloped the entire fortress, and the undead army could not move an inch in the sword aura swamp.

In just two seconds, the undead army was wiped out in the Sword Qi Swamp. Even the group defense of the Headless Horseman couldn't hold it up. Only the Skeleton Lord persisted relying on absolute defense.

The Skeleton King came to Jiang Yi, swinging the Bone Giant Sword.

"Go away!" Jiang Yi directly rewarded it with a sharp sword aura, with a touch of bright red in the sword aura, which is Jiang Yi's law.

The Skeleton King was cut into the air in an instant, and his bones were broken.

No way, the difference in strength is too great.

"Your summons are dead, and it's your turn!"

Following Jiang Yi's voice, another pair of star rings exploded.

Nine pairs of star rings, this is already the fourth pair of star rings.

"Slay the sky with one sword!"

A terrifying gigantic sword appeared in the air, and the sword fell, causing the world to turn pale.

The world is like a curtain, and a huge wound has been drawn.

The terrifying sword qi struck Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu did not summon the undead army this time, but placed them all in the summoning space.

Lin Moyu endured the 5.6 sword qi forcefully, stepped back a few meters and blasted out a god-killing thunder again.

However, Jiang Yi's wall of sword energy was still there, and Zhu Shenlei did not cause him any harm.

Under the sword energy, the undead army in the summoning space was wiped out for the second time.

Then came the third time.

Lin Moyu didn't care, the fire in his hand was beating, and in conjunction with the gaze of the undead, he launched a soul attack on Jiang Yi.

The Undead Lich was always behind Lin Moyu and did not bear the attack.

The aura of immortality is shining, waiting for the fourth death to come.

Jiang Yi snorted, soul attack, even he would be affected.

This kind of soul pain made him even crazier.

But it was nothing, when he saw that Lin Moyu was still alive, not even injured, he completely lost his mind.

"Why don't you die, why! Why!"

Jiang Yi had never encountered such a thing, the fifth pair and the sixth pair of star rings exploded in succession. .

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