National Transfer: Necromancer! I Am A Disaster

Chapter 692 Master The Rhythm And Kill You

The two pairs of star rings exploded one after the other, and the sword light exploded, and two extremely powerful attack skills devoured Lin Moyu completely.

This time, without Zhu Shenlei, all the attacks seemed to disappear.

In the sword light, even the shadow of Lin Moyu disappeared.

It seems that Lin Moyu has been wiped out.

Jiang Yi laughed wildly, "Die, die now!"

"No one can stop me, I will reopen the blood formation, and use your human race to help me become a super god.

"I will be the master of the world, truly immortal.

The more he laughed, the crazier he became, and his voice shook the fortress.

Outside the fortress, Meng Anwen's face was ugly.

In his line of sight, there was no sign of Lin Moyu.

It seems that Lin Moyu was really killed, and has been turned into ashes, with no bones left.

He was not very confident, because Lin Moyu's performance was too calm, including facing such a powerful attack just now, Lin Moyu was extremely calm.

Based on his understanding of Lin Moyu, Lin Moyu never fights uncertain battles.

Just now, it must be because there is no need to dodge.

And he knew that Lin Moyu's undead army was not so easy to kill.

Later, Lin Moyu stopped calling, so he must have his own plan.

Jiang Yi smiled for more than ten seconds, and then looked at Meng Anwen outside the fortress, with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes, "The next step is you, 02."

"You said just now that you want to become the master of the world, truly immortal?"

"In this way, you are not truly immortal yet, you will still be killed, right?

A voice suddenly sounded.

Jiang Yi's whole body was tense, and he was sluggish on the spot.

Turning his head suddenly, Lin Moyu appeared in front of him at some point in his sight.

And the figure, appearance, and even the clothes on his body are no different from before.

The only difference is that her complexion has returned to ruddy.

Unique talent: comprehensive new life.

This talent, which even Antares would call perverted, brought Lin Moyu back from the dead.

All skill cooldowns are reset, and the soul is restored intact.

Lin Moyu's overdrawn soul was also completely reborn.

Lin Moyu knew that he had made the right bet. In this way, he could fully use his talents to use Zhushenlei almost unlimitedly.

In fact, he had already completed his new life more than ten seconds ago, and the full new life was completed almost instantly.

He just hid and didn't come out immediately.

The cooldown time for all freshmen is one minute. He was calculating the time, so he delayed it for a while.

In less than 20 seconds, one-third of the cooldown of the newborn has passed.

After knowing the characteristics of a comprehensive freshman, Lin Moyu clenched his fists, "I can play a good game."

Jiang Yi looked at Lin Moyu as if he had seen a ghost, and at the same time screamed strangely, "Why are you still alive?"

Jiang Yi's appearance was extremely funny and weird, as if he had been greatly stimulated, Lin Moyu sneered, "You are not the only one who can live forever. "

"Impossible, impossible. Only our soul clan can live forever!" Jiang Yi shouted angrily.

Another pair of star rings exploded, and terrifying sword energy appeared in the air, falling like raindrops.

"Sword slaughters the world!"

The undead army appeared again, and the Skeleton King stood up from the throne.

As if everything started all over again, Lin Moyu gathered his skills again, followed by absolute defense.

The undead army was wiped out in the sword aura, and returned to the summoning space to be reborn.

But it doesn't matter, Lin Moyu just wants to borrow the Skeleton King's absolute defense skills.

This skill is enough to keep yourself safe for 14 seconds.

In this way, two-thirds of the all-round freshman talent has passed.

The remaining third, too, will have no problems.

He let the sword energy blast on his body, and at the same time shot a series of god-killing thunders to land on Jiang Yi.

It is still an injury-for-injury style of play.

You don't need any skills, just be tough like this.

After knowing the innate ability of the comprehensive newborn, Lin Moyu no longer has the last scruples, and can unscrupulously sway the god-killing thunder.

When the soul dies, as long as it has been more than one minute since the last time the talent was activated, he can go to die.

If he didn't summon the undead army before, he was actually begging for death, but he didn't say it, so no one would know.

Lin Moyu unhurriedly shot out God-killing thunders one after another, Jiang Yi's wall of sword energy was getting weaker and weaker, and it was about to disappear.

At the same time, Lin Moyu also caught Jiang Yi's words. He said that he was a soul clan.

Lin Moyu doesn't know what kind of race the soul race is, but this race seems to have the ability of immortality.

Lin Moyu didn't know if he could kill him, but he had to try anyway.

This battle has been fought until now, Lin Moyu has completely controlled the rhythm, Lin Moyu knows that the chance of victory has been firmly grasped by himself.

Lin Moyu gave Meng Anwen a look.

Meng Anwen understood in seconds, and immediately took full control of the Eternal Great Wall.

As long as Jiang Yi is not allowed to escape, Lin Moyu is 100% sure to kill him.

Unless he also has a super god-level weapon like the Dragon Emperor.

Jiang Yi's wall of sword energy was finally shattered, and Jiang Yi was blasted by Zhu Shenlei again, screaming, and his injuries became more and more serious.

In his madness, he exploded with all his strength, and exploded the remaining two pairs of star rings in one breath.

The last two pairs of star rings contain the strongest skills. This skill is usually not used, and it must be desperately used.

"go to hell!"

With the final madness, Jiang Yi burst out with blood all over his body, and his whole body turned into a bloody long sword, stabbing Lin Moyu like lightning.

Lin Moyu's face changed slightly, this sword was very powerful, and Jiang Yi was already desperately fighting.

Even if he didn't do it himself, after using this sword, Jiang Yi would still be half disabled.

"He looks crazy, but there is calmness in his eyes."

"Behind this sword, there is a killer move!"

Lin Moyu caught information from Jiang Yi's eyes.

Now there are still 20 seconds before the cooldown of the full freshman talent expires, Lin Moyu doesn't know how many times he will die with this sword.

If it is too powerful and keeps attacking, I might die several times in a row.

Once it exceeds five times, it is really dead.

With a move in my heart, legions of undead descended one after another, blocking in front of me.

This sword, it is not sure, does not want to block.

A half-step super god at level 98 is really not easy to mess with.

The Demon Slayer Sword carried a terrifying force and charged 960 all the way, the huge sword energy erupted along with it, and the undead army would die if touched, and it was difficult to resist.

Lin Moyu flew into the sky quickly, and thunderbolts hit the Demon Killing Sword one after another.

The undead army can't stop it, and he still has Shenshen Lei.

If it doesn't work, he still has the ancient outer tower.

He didn't believe that the Demon Slayer Sword could possibly pierce through the outer tower of Gulei.

"You can't hide!" Jiang Yi roared, his whole body exploded with a bang, his body collapsed, and all the blood in the sky melted into the sword.

The speed of the Demon Slayer Sword suddenly accelerated and became even fiercer.

Jiang Yi abandoned his physical body and truly turned his body into a sword.

Lin Moyu thought of something more than 600 years ago, when it was recorded that Jiang seemed to break out of the encirclement with this sword.

Although he fell, his soul was attached to the Demon Slayer Sword and escaped back.

At that time, Lin Moyu wondered why the soul can exist without the body, which has never been heard of by other professionals.

At that time, he was still weak, and he didn't understand many things. He thought it was because of Jiang Yi's half-step super-god relationship.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all. Jiang Yi was able to keep his soul immortal, and survived by creating a secret realm with the help of the formation hall, because he himself is a soul clan.

"He wants to escape!" Lin Moyu thought he was going to repeat his old tricks and ran away again.

But suddenly his eyes lit up, and a finger-sized lightsaber suddenly flew out from the Demon Slayer Sword, piercing his eyebrows as quickly as lightning.

The speed is too fast, there is no way to avoid it.

After the lightsaber entered between the eyebrows, Lin Moyu remained motionless for a moment, his eyes closed.

The Demon Slayer Sword also suddenly lost all its power and fell from the sky. .

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