National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 1187 Reinforcements are coming

Chapter 1187 reinforcements are coming

After the three of them separated, it was very difficult for the ghost man to hurt the three of them at the same time, but every time the ghost appeared suddenly, they still couldn't catch it, because the other party always Can disappear in an instant.

"I already know what kind of ability his Devil Fruit has. I believe you have already guessed it, right?" Taking a chance to breathe, Sabo said to the two people beside him.

"Similar to the ability of space transfer, although this ability does not sound particularly powerful, and it seems that space transfer still has a certain distance limit, but in the hands of such masters of physical art, 12 can really exert a very powerful the effect. Sanji gasped.

After a long battle, the three of them were already exhausted. If it wasn't for the strong desire to survive in their hearts, they would have already fallen to the ground.

But the ghost of Sabo's three enemies is still looking leisurely at this moment, and it seems that the battle just now did not cause him to consume too much physical strength.

"You guys are really pervertable. My physical skills are already very strong. I didn't expect to lose to you in physical skills today." Sabo said very unconvinced.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame you for being inferior to others. I advise the three of you to give up resistance as soon as possible. Even if you continue to fight hard with me, the final outcome is nothing more than being killed by me one by one. He walked in the direction of the three.

Seeing the enemy approaching him quickly, Sabo wanted to dodge quickly, but suddenly realized that his body was no longer allowed to move fast, he could only gently retreat toward the back, but there was no way to get rid of the ghost at this speed. 's claws.

"I'm afraid we are really dying now?" Zoro said breathlessly at this time, he and Sanji were not much better than Sabo.

During their battle, the three of them tried to escape from the building more than once, but each time they were successfully intercepted by the ghost, even if the three of them left at the same time in different directions, the ghost Shadow was always able to intercept all three of them.

"I thought you could hold on for a while longer, but I didn't expect it to be this level. That's fine, just let me take your life directly. Ghost Ying raised his fist slowly, and he and Sabo was close at hand, and the punch was about to fly out.

But just as the fist was about to hit Sabo's head, there were suddenly a few light spots that flew towards the ghost at an extremely fast speed.

Since the ghost had concentrated all his attention on the three of Sabo, he was too late to dodge.

Five or six glowing spheres hit Ghost Shadow, instantly forming a huge colorful net, rushing towards the surrounding walls, sticking his body to it, making him unable to move.

"What's the situation? Do you still have reinforcements?" Ghost Shadow said with a puzzled look, and at the same time, he kept looking around, wanting to search for other people's figures, but he never saw any suspicious figures.

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