Chapter 1188: Stubborn Luffy

"We couldn't have been circling around with those patrolling soldiers, it didn't take long for us to dump them, and Luffy couldn't take it anymore and insisted on pulling us over. When I found out about the situation here, I suddenly found that the three of you were already on the line, so I had to fire a shot to save you all 々||." Usopp patted his long nose proudly.

"Three members of the Straw Hat Pirates have come, and even the famous Straw Hat boy Luffy is here! It seems that you have already set your sights on this place." Ghost Shadow said slowly after thinking for a while.

"I didn't expect you to actually have reinforcements, but you haven't escaped from my hands, why are you happy here?" The ghost figure had already opened at this time, and the colorful giant net had a vigilant look on its face. Look at Luffy, the three of them.

Usopp looked smug, he held a long slingshot in his hand, and just at the critical moment, he fired his own special sniper cannon in time, hit the ghost and dropped Sabo and the three of them.

"The tone of this uncle's speech is really annoying, I just want to punch him right now." Luffy suddenly looked at the ghost in a serious way, clenching his fists.

"But I really want to beat him up now." After hearing Sabo's words, Luffy was obviously a little embarrassed. He always felt that the guy in front of him was not particularly powerful. With his own strength, he would definitely be able to. Beat him up. And Luffy really hasn't fought for a long time, and his hands are a little itchy.

"Ah, this is quite troublesome to explain. He is a member of the World government. He has a very strange Devil Fruit ability, and he is definitely a first-class master in physical skills. He is a very difficult opponent." Sabo slowly explained to the three.

"I didn't expect that at this critical time, I would still be asked to rescue you as a hero." Suddenly two hands broke open the top-floor window from the outside, and tightly pulled the surrounding walls, the next second, Luffy Usopp Brook , the three of them jumped into this room.

"It's fortunate that the three of you showed up in time, otherwise we would be miserable." Zoro breathed a sigh of relief and said very happily.

Sabo glanced helplessly at Zoro beside him, hoping he could say a few words.

"Didn't the three of you try to attract the attention of those patrolling soldiers, why did you suddenly appear in this place?" Sabo asked in confusion while panting.

"Who is this strange looking uncle? Do the three of you know each other?" Luffy asked Sabo carelessly at this moment.

"Are you all here now? If you haven't, I can wait for you, I don't want to beat you one by one, it will take too much time." Appeared to be apprehensive, but became even more arrogant.

"Luffy, you have to calm down now. This guy is not that easy to deal with. The three of us just joined forces, and we couldn't defeat him, but he almost killed him. Now we can only find a way to escape quickly." Sabo Leaning on Luffy's ear (Wang Lihao) exhorted.

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