National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 1190 Return to Battle Island

The first thousand one hundred and ninety chapters return to the decisive battle island

The six people drove on the sea for a long time before finally entering North Blue again, and they came to the decisive battle island with ease.

In a small conference room, Qin Yang looked at the six people who were a little embarrassed in front of him, and already guessed in his heart that they were going to be unfavorable this time.

"Let's talk about it, what did you gain from this trip?" Qin Yang~ said lightly.

Several people present put their eyes on Sabo, Sabo shrugged his shoulders, and had no choice but to tell everything about what happened this time.

"I said that there should be a lot of experts in the World Government, but why haven't I seen them during this period of time, they have all been hidden by them. But this is not a surprising thing, the World Government has ruled the world for several times. It has been a hundred years since there are many masters." Qin Yang said indifferently.

"So I'm thinking about the Armageddon, should we delay it, at least wait until we have thoroughly researched this mysterious organization before we start the war, otherwise we will be very passive. After a moment of silence, Sabo said out of his own mind.

"I haven't come up with a countermeasure on this matter. You probably haven't reported it to Long. Why don't you pass on the news first and see what he thinks?" Qin Yang replied.

"Okay, then wait a moment, I will immediately pass on the information I got this time to Mr. Long." Sabo said as he left the room.

"But then again, that uncle really sucks." Luffy said angrily, and while talking, he complained and looked at Zoro beside him.

"Let me guess if Zoro advised you not to do it." Qin Yang couldn't help laughing when he saw the scene in front of him.

"If they hadn't stopped me, I would have rushed over to fight him." Luffy said imposingly.

"Okay, I know you're amazing, next time I will definitely prepare a battle that will satisfy you." Qin Yang suppressed a smile and comforted.

About ten minutes later, Sabo changed into a formal suit and walked in slowly. Qin Yang and the others had just been waiting in the room for his news.

"Mr. Long said that he also felt that the organization should be well investigated first, and then the decisive battle." Sabo said slowly.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"I respect his opinion, just do what he said. Has Mr. Long arranged a candidate for this matter?" Qin Yang asked casually.

"Mr. Long said that he is very busy there, and I hope you can arrange this matter." Sabo said lightly.

"The six of you have already been to that island, so I suggest that the six of you continue to participate in the next mission, but based on the current situation, I think you should be assigned another master." Qin Yang After thinking for a while, he said slowly.

In the evening, Qin Yang came to a very empty house and shouted out Fujitora's name.

"Qin Yang, you came to see me, what's the matter?" Fujitora walked out of the room slowly and asked with a puzzled face.

"I have a mission here that needs your participation." Qin Yang said, looking at Fujitora intently.

"Oh? What is the mission? Let me hear it. Fujitora asked curiously.

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