Chapter 1191 can't get out

This sentence is good, although the current Pirate Legion looks very harmonious on the surface, but this is a scene that will only appear on the basis of Qin Yang's unified leadership. The leaders of those very large pirate groups recognized Qin Yang in their hearts, so they would obey his dispatch, but if Qin Yang left the island, maybe a series of uncontrollable events would happen in 3.9 thing.

"The cause of the matter is a bit complicated. Let me simply tell you that a few days ago, when the revolutionary army liberated the island as usual, a temporary base disappeared without any warning." Looking at Fujitora said.

"After the Revolutionary Army Headquarters knew about this, Sabo led five people to check the situation, and they met a mysterious master on an island. The guy seemed to be from a mysterious organization in the World government." Qin Yang continued to add.

"I see, your strength that day really surprised me, but it seems that you can't use it for a long time in that state." While talking, Fujitora recalled the day he and two other Admiral captured Sabo. screen.

"If I was in my prime, I might be able to fight him, but due to what happened some time ago, I haven't been able to do my best recently." Just when Qin Yang wanted to answer Fujitora's question, Sabo suddenly walked in between.

'On that day, Zoro Sanji and I joined forces, and there was still no way to defeat him. In order to carry out this mission smoothly, I want to ask for your help. I don't know if you have the will. "Sabo asked slowly.

"What's the opponent's strength? Is he more powerful than Sabo?" Fujitora asked slowly after thinking for a while.

"Qin Yang, don't blame yourself, there's no need for that, we can understand your difficulties, just leave this task to us, now your burden is heavier than ours, you But the head of the Pirate Legion." Sabo walked to Qin Yang's side, patted him on the shoulder, and said lightly.

"Of course there's no problem. Anyway, I'm idle here. Why don't I go out with you young people. Besides, I've never heard of the mysterious World government organization you mentioned." Fujitora didn't hesitate at all. said.

"Actually, I can go with you, but I went out some time ago, and I missed a lot of things in the past few days, so I may be busy next time, and the task this time has to be handed over to you guys. ..." Qin Yang said as he smiled at everyone embarrassedly.

"If that's the case, that's great, thank you so much for your help." Sabo said very excitedly.

"Take a phone bug when you leave this time! In this way, if you really encounter anything particularly difficult, you can contact me in time, and I will think of countermeasures for you. If it doesn't work, I will rush over to save you. Yes." Qin Yang said slowly after pondering for a moment.

The tone of Fujitora's speech was a little excited. Since the last time he had a discussion with Ace and the two of them, he had been free for a long time, and now he finally has something to do.

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