The first thousand one hundred and ninety-two chapters depart

After saying this, Qin Yang took out a phone bug with a similar appearance to himself from his pocket. It was specially commissioned by a craftsman to help him build it some time ago, and the other one was placed in his pocket. inside the office.

"Then I wish you all the best for your mission this time in advance. I am waiting for you Guy to return on the island of decisive battle. 99 Qin Yang looked at the two with a smile on his face and said.

Afterwards, Sabo and Fujitora went to the port of Battle Island at a very fast speed.

Luffy and the others have been waiting here for a long time. When they saw Fujitora Admiral in front of them, they were very surprised. They didn't expect that the helper would be this man.

12 "Everyone, good afternoon, I will do my best to assist you in this task." Fujitora tried to give a very kind smile.

A few people boarded the ship with a confused look. This is a medium-sized warship, built by Franky himself. The hull is very hard and made of rare materials, which is enough to bless them sailing on the sea without a little bit The problem.

"I just heard from the two of you about the cause and effect of this mission. I don't know the specific purpose of this mission. Please tell me." Standing on the deck of the warship, Fujitora asked slowly. .

"The primary goal of our mission this time is to investigate the island again, catch the man as much as possible, and then investigate the information about the mysterious organization of the World government from his mouth." Sabo stared at Fujitora intently. said.

After hearing the other party's explanation, Fujitora nodded lightly, found an open space above the battleship, and sat on it, as if thinking about something in her heart.

After a few days of sailing, they all came to the outer waters of the small island again. Unlike the last time, there are many warships patrolling around the island. It seems that they have learned the lesson of the last time and beware of Another intrusion.

"Everyone gathered around, let me tell you about our plan of action this time." Sabo stood up and circled around and said loudly.

Everyone on the boat approached one after another, expressing great curiosity about what Sabo was going to say next.

"Mr. Fujitora, you are here for the first time. I don't know much about the man's abilities. Let me tell you briefly. The guy's name is Ghost Shadow, and he is the ability of Devil Fruit, but we don't know exactly what it is. What fruit, the approximate ability is to be able to use teleportation within a certain distance." Sabo said very patiently.

"This ability doesn't sound like 653 is particularly powerful. Does this man named Ghost Shadow have very powerful physical skills?" Fujitora asked slowly after thinking for a while.

"Yes, his taijutsu is extremely powerful, stronger than most of the people I have met in my life, coupled with his Devil Fruit ability, he is a difficult opponent to deal with." Sabo pointed towards Fujitora's The direction went over and said slowly.

"In this case, my Devil Fruit ability can't actually cause any damage to him. I can release gravity on a person, but with his ability, I should be able to easily escape." Fujitora said .

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