After thinking about it, Ye Bai finally spent 3,500 yuan to recruit 3 gunners, 2 radar soldiers, 1 driver and 1 lookout from the system, a total of 7 new crew members.

Gunners aside, driving such a large gunboat, naturally, is not enough for one person, it requires 2 people to cooperate, and it can also be rotated, so as not to make the crew too tired.

And the work of the lookout and the radar soldier is more heavy, almost 24 hours to stick to their respective posts, after all, they are the eyes on the Yanhuang, there is no room for sloppiness, and arranging 2 people is already the most basic configuration.

If it weren’t for the fact that he left some funds for emergencies, Ye Bai would like to recruit 2 more radar soldiers and lookouts, but for now, he could only do so for the time being.

After doing all this, I looked at my watch and found that it was only 3 o’clock in the morning, and there were still many hours before dawn, Ye Bai yawned, the excitement of Yanhuang’s upgrade disappeared, and a thick sleepiness surged in his heart.

Ye Bai explained two words to the crew, then turned around and returned to the bedroom, fell asleep, and went directly to sleep.

When he woke up again, it was already dark, the newly recruited chef had already prepared breakfast, and Ye Bai went to the restaurant after washing, and he was overjoyed.

Sure enough, a professional chef is different, porridge, buns, steamed buns are all available, which is much more delicious than the previous shriveled bread.

Today is the third day of entering the world of great navigation, Ye Bai is still quite satisfied with his progress, not only the first to upgrade the patrol boat to a gunboat, but also completed the upgrade of most of the accessories, eating hot meals and hot dishes, this little day should be quite good.

After eating a hearty breakfast, Ye Bai returned to the bridge and asked the radar soldier who was monitoring the sea surface situation: “How is it, is there any situation?” ”

“Report to the captain, the radar is working normally at the moment, and the presence of other warships has not been detected for the time being.”

The radar soldier’s answer made Ye Bai a little disappointed, the Yanhuang had just been upgraded to a gunboat, and it was a shotgun for a gun, and he was sharpening his knife, ready to find someone to test his current strength, but there was no suitable target.

In the chat section, there is a system specially counted the number of players, just the number of Blue Star players is more than 8 billion, plus the alien players who don’t know how many yet, this number is quite terrifying.

So many players have entered the Great Navigation World, even if this world is about the same area as the earth in the previous life, the chance of players meeting is quite large, and the result is already the third day, Ye Bai has only encountered a total of 3 players’ patrol boats, and I don’t know what the reason is.

The sea search radar obtained from the achievement copper box is a relatively basic radar, and the detection distance of large targets at sea is about 20 nautical miles, but as far as the current patrol boats of these players are concerned, not even a small target, this detection range is much shorter, not even 10 nautical miles.

However, this detection distance is much stronger than that of lookouts who rely on telescopes and visual observation, and when there are range radars, fire control radars and other auxiliary equipment behind, the combat effectiveness of the Yanhuang will be greatly improved.

There is no hostility, in this vast sea, where even a desert island cannot be seen, life is not ordinary boring, and there are lookouts and gunners without combat missions, and the matter of salvaging the drifting box on the sea is not Ye Bai’s turn at all, which makes Ye Bai even more bored, it seems that this subordinate is too capable and not entirely good.

A little bored, Ye Bai was ready to go to the chat section to take a look and learn about the recent situation of other Blue Star players, which can be regarded as collecting intelligence.

But before he could turn around, the voice of the radar soldier came from behind him: “Captain, there is a situation.” ”

Ye Bai paused in his steps, quickly walked behind the radar soldier, stared at the radar screen in front of him, and saw that in addition to the light point of the Yanhuang on that screen, there was already an extra red dot at the edge of the detection range of about 10 nautical miles.

Even if Ye Bai was not a professional, at this moment, he knew that this was a new patrol boat detected by radar, but he didn’t know for the time being whether it was a patrol boat belonging to a Blue Star player or an alien player’s patrol boat.

Ye Bai had a little headache, if this was the patrol boat of the alien player, then naturally there was nothing to say, and it would be over directly rushing over to sink the other party.

But if it is a patrol boat of a Blue Star player, it can’t be done, although the first patrol boat he sank was the Blue Star player’s, but that was because the other party fired first, and he was purely self-defense.

But under the premise that the other party did not take the initiative to provoke themselves, he went over and sank the other party like this, which is not very appropriate, after all, in the rules of the system, he has been classified into the camp of Blue Star players, and there is a natural alliance with Blue Star players.

Although he is a crosser, but Ye Bai has disgraced those crosser predecessors, and he doesn’t even have a system, which makes Ye Bai have to get up, he doesn’t dare to get himself into an embattled situation, there are enemies everywhere, not a single friend, this is not okay.

Frowning, Ye Bai couldn’t help but ask, “Can you tell which player the other party belongs to?” ”

The radar soldier stared at the radar screen tightly, and replied without looking back: “Captain, this sea search radar has a friend or foe identification system, our Yanhuang is a golden point of light on the screen, while the player patrol boat of the Blue Star World is a blue point of light, and the patrol boat of the alien player is a red point of light.” ”

Hearing the answer of the radar soldier, Ye Bai still did not understand that this patrol boat detected by the sea search radar was the alien player, since the identity of the other party had been determined, then what was there to hesitate.

Ye Bai immediately said loudly: “Pass on my order, move at full speed, and the entire crew is ready for battle.” ”

“Yes, Captain.”

With the order, all the crew members took action, and the crew members entered the turret of the twin 102mm naval guns, and two 102mm shells were loaded into the breech.

The lookout stayed on the observation deck, observing the situation on the sea in the distance with binoculars, the pilot and radar soldiers were all in place, and even the two maintenance soldiers stayed in the cabin below, always on standby.

With the Yanhuang’s current speed of 9 knots, the distance of 10 nautical miles only takes 1 hour to reach, so after only half an hour, the distance between the two sides has been narrowed to less than 4 nautical miles, that is, about 8,000 meters.

This distance was completely within the effective range of the Yanhuang’s twin 102mm naval guns, and the lookouts on the lookout were able to roughly observe the enemy patrol boat and the impact of the shells through the telescope.

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