When they arrived at this position, Ye Bai gave an order, and several gunners divided their work and soon operated the twin 102mm naval gun on the front deck to turn quickly and adjust the angle of shelling, and then a strong flash of flame appeared in the muzzle.

Even though it had been upgraded to a gunboat and its tonnage had increased a lot, when the double naval gun salvo was fired on the front deck, Ye Bai could still clearly feel that the Yanhuang under his feet had a shaking under the recoil of the gun, although the feeling was not very strong.

Maybe there was no lookout, or maybe there was no telescope, in short, the existence of the Yanhuang was not detected for the patrol boat of the alien player opposite.

It was not until he heard the rumbling of artillery that his face changed greatly, and then he saw two small black dots falling around the patrol boat one after the other, and one of the shells was only a few tens of meters away from the patrol boat.

“Boom”, “Boom”

Two shells fell into the sea, and a violent explosion occurred, setting off a large amount of seawater, covering the entire patrol boat, and the crew standing on the deck was directly poured by the seawater.

At this time, the players and crew on this patrol boat also reacted, this is the enemy attack, hurried back to their posts, and at the same time looked in the direction where the cannon came from, trying to find out who the enemy attacking them was.

This look surprised everyone, less than 8 kilometers away, or on a flat sea, even without the help of telescopes, only the human eye can allow them to discover the existence of the Yanhuang.

But it was precisely because of the discovery of the Yanhuang that they were even more surprised, after all, from the size and the black smoke wafting from the chimney, it could be seen that the opponent’s ship was obviously larger than its own patrol boat, no wonder the two shells just now flew over in no particular order.

There are only two explanations for this situation, one is that the opponent has two deck guns on the foredeck, and the second is that the other side should have followed a twin gun, but in either case, it means that the opponent’s firepower is more powerful than their patrol boat.

Similar in appearance to Earth humans, but with two horns on their foreheads, the alien player was also enraged by this sudden attack, and did not wait for the professional crew members under him to report the situation, and immediately ordered to move forward at full speed and launch a counterattack.

The order of the alien player made the faces of the crew members, especially the gunners, a little pale, not to mention the opponent’s twin guns, which were one more than one deck gun on their own.

The point is that based on the power of the explosion of the shell falling into the sea, this professional gunner, recruited from the system by the alien player, can judge that the caliber of the opponent’s gun is not 75mm at all, but much larger.

The larger the caliber of the gun, the stronger the explosive power of the shell, and the setting of the system is that the firepower is more powerful, and the best way to do this situation is to immediately turn around and escape, hoping to escape the opponent’s artillery range as soon as possible.

But it’s no joke that his own captain ordered to move at full speed, enter the range of the deck gun, and launch a counterattack.

However, the crew recruited from the system has a great advantage, as long as the player as the captain does not make people angry, loyalty is still very guaranteed, at least can seriously carry out the player’s captain’s orders.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling and unwilling the crew on the patrol boat was, under the constraints of the rules of the system, they still honestly followed the order of this alien player, operated the patrol boat and rushed towards the Yanhuang at the fastest speed, and the 75mm deck gun on the front deck was also ready to fire.

However, they had not yet sailed far, and in just 15 seconds, the twin 102mm naval guns on the Yanhuang had withdrawn from the empty shells, loading two new shells into the breech battle.

The lookout on the lookout platform clearly saw through the binoculars in his hand the landing point of the two shells fired from the first salvo, but unfortunately, in the absence of other communication equipment, he could only shout loudly at the top of his voice.

Another lookout stood on the foredeck and passed the lookout’s words to the crew members in the turret, which was quite troublesome, but it was also a solution.

Therefore, the firing of the artillery was quickly adjusted, and the second salvo was launched.

“Boom”, “Boom”

In two almost indistinguishable roars, two 102mm shells flew out of the long muzzle, one after the other, towards the patrol boat that was rushing towards him.

Standing behind the transparent glass of the bridge, Ye Bai saw the scene of the lookout and artillery crew members relying on manpower to transmit news, and couldn’t help but slap on the face, it was also from the era of information explosion, and it was such a low-level mistake.

Even if you can’t use a walkie-talkie or radio for the time being, but a wired phone is still possible, buy a few phones, plus some telephone lines, engineers can complete the construction of the telephone network, and the communication on the entire Yanhuang will no longer have to rely on roaring to solve.

Anyway, ordinary telephones and telephone lines don’t cost much, the funds in Ye Bai’s hands are completely enough, and the establishment of a communication network, command and combat will be more convenient, right?

“Boom”, “Boom”

Two huge roars came again, pulling Ye Bai’s thoughts back, it turned out that the naval guns on the Yanhuang had already sent out the third volley, raised the binoculars to take a look, and found that although the 2 shells fired from the second salvo just now still did not fall on the opponent’s patrol boat, but the distance was even closer, and they all formed a near miss.

At the same time, the deck guns on the opposing patrol boats finally fired the first counterattack shells, but unfortunately, the shells landed 108,000 miles away from the Yanhuang, and the large amount of sea water set off by the shells did not fall on the Yanhuang at all.

Holding the binoculars, the corners of Ye Bai’s mouth tugged, revealing a sneer of disdain, and he saw with his own eyes that the two shells fired by the third salvo of the Yanhuang fell on the opponent’s patrol boat one after the other without the slightest interval.

Under the accurate shelling, the patrol boat on the opposite side was immediately crippled, and the deck gun on the foredeck was blown out and flew high into the sky.

And another shell directly opened a huge hole in the horizontal line of the opponent’s patrol boat, if it were not for the special mechanism of the great navigation world, I am afraid that at this moment, a large amount of sea water has poured into the interior of the patrol boat through the big hole in the hull.

Just the patrol boat’s small body of 75 tons, if a large amount of seawater poured into the hull, and there is no isolation cabin, there is no need for the Yanhuang to attack again, and it can be directly declared sunk.

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