Therefore, Ye Bai quickly gave up this idea temporarily, yes, giving up was only temporary, the reason why he built such a logistics cabin was not only used to produce food and other materials, but also a series of other plans, and finally reached the ability to fully supply all the material consumption of the entire fleet.

Ye Bai even fantasized in his dream that one day in the future, this logistics cabin would also have the ability to produce various warships by itself, which was no different from those large islands, and even had an extra movable attribute.

But after waking up, Ye Bai shook his head and smiled, really it was a dream, there was everything in the dream, if he wanted to really realize the ambition in his dream, nothing else, just the consumption of funds is an astronomical amount, not to mention whether there are any other hidden rules in the system, it is not so easy to succeed.

However, despite the difficult road ahead, Ye Bai still has a lot of confidence, people, always have to have a goal, can not be aimless as a salted fish.

He has just obtained a lot of incentive funds, so Ye Bai is also quite generous, spending 200,000 funds to buy a large number of agricultural machinery and construction machinery, which fully meets the current needs of farmers and construction workers, and even has redundant.

After completing this, Ye Bai returned to the captain’s room to sleep peacefully, according to today’s efficiency, it would take him a maximum of another day to gather 10 destroyer upgrade props to upgrade the Yanhuang to the cruiser level, for this, he was almost so excited that he couldn’t sleep.

In the current situation that there are not even a few destroyers in this player group, upgrading the Yanhuang to the cruiser level, not to mention the great improvement in combat power, at least this first is Ye Bai’s, and the reward of the system will definitely not disappoint him at that time.

It was with such an excited and expectant mood that Ye Bai fell asleep very late, although he slept very sleeping, but the next day Ye Bai got up from the bed early, ignoring the faint dark circles, eating breakfast and coming to the bridge, waiting for today’s harvest.

Since yesterday’s harvest was not small, in the new day, neither Ye Bai nor Lütyans, who actually commanded the fleet to fight, did not change his meaning, still sailing irregularly at sea according to yesterday’s method, once the existence of enemy warships was discovered, they quickly analyzed the opponent’s warship rank, as long as they could fight well, they rushed up directly without saying a word, beat them, sank enemy ships, salvaged dropped treasure chests, and then quickly withdrew.

This set of processes is called a clean and neat, and it is quite skillful, and when it is night again, they have successfully sunk 5 pirate destroyers, but Ye Bai also found that among these pirate fleets encountered today, there are no gunboats anymore.

The Yanhuang and Pengze were moored on the sea not far away, and although they had obtained a lot of system rewards by opening 5 dropping copper boxes, the changes in the pirate fleet made Ye Bai’s heart faintly worried.

During the novice trial, Ye Bai also encountered pirate patrol boats, and at that time, the highest level of warships of pirate forces was only the gunboat level.

But by the end of the newbie trial and the change of the rules of the system, the shadow of the pirate patrol boat is almost invisible, and at worst, it is the level of gunboats, and even destroyers appear from time to time.

And now, even the gunboats have disappeared, and all the pirate destroyers that have appeared are what it says?

It shows that the system has begun to gradually lift the restrictions and blockade of pirate forces, gradually increase the level of pirate warships that appear on the sea, if this continues, I am afraid that after a while, the cruisers belonging to the pirate forces will also appear.

This is obviously to improve the difficulty of the players’ survival, not only for Blue Star players, I am afraid that those alien players are also very uncomfortable, after all, the pirate forces will not care whether you are a Blue Star player or an alien player, they are all the objects of their plunder.

Put away the system reward obtained by opening the box, Ye Bai sighed deeply, he really hoped that his speculation was wrong, otherwise the player’s disaster would come, in the face of the destroyer of the pirate force, only by upgrading the ship to the destroyer level could barely deal with it, whether it was a patrol boat or a gunboat, it was simply vulnerable.

But no matter how bad the player’s living environment will be, Ye Bai can’t do anything, and besides, he is not a savior, he can only take care of himself first, as for other players, he can only say sorry.

It’s just that in this way, the losses of the players will inevitably be great, and the help he can get in the future will be much less, which will also have a great impact on Ye Bai’s living environment.

In fact, Ye Bai did not know that whether it was him or other players, the pirate battleship encountered at this time was not the pirate force mentioned by the system in the previous rule changes, but the pirate warship that was randomly refreshed by the system like a novice trial.

And the pirate warships encountered by the player in the process of sea navigation will also be different according to the player’s own strength, the stronger the player’s strength, the stronger the pirate warship encountered, and vice versa, Ye Bai’s previous speculation Although there is some truth, but it is not the case at all.

These things, Ye Bai will naturally not understand now, but when he really encounters the pirate forces in the future, he will really understand this.

Of course, the current Ye Bai can’t care about the life or death of other players, and by opening the drop copper box, Ye Bai finally got all 10 destroyer upgrade props needed to upgrade the Yanhuang to the cruiser.

As a rabbit family, Ye Bai did not upgrade the Yanhuang at the first time after gathering 10 destroyer upgrade props, but returned to the captain’s room to bathe and change clothes, and then returned to the bridge refreshed.

Standing next to the desk, he opened the drawer and took out the 10 destroyer upgrade items accumulated over the years, and placed them all next to the battleship model that had been placed directly in front of the desk.

[Detected that the player has provided a sufficient number of destroyer upgrade items, the ship upgrade program is being launched, please wait…]

[The system has detected 2 destroyers under the player’s fleet, please confirm the upgrade object of this battleship…]

Different from previous upgrades, although Ye Bai successfully established the Huaxia fleet with the fleet order early, there has always been only one flagship Yanhuang in the Huaxia fleet, and there is no need for Ye Bai to choose the upgraded warships.

But now it’s different, in addition to the flagship Yanhuang in the Huaxia fleet, there is also an additional Peng Ze, which also happens to be a destroyer, which requires Ye Bai to choose to upgrade the battleship.

0 ask for flowers

Although there is one more procedure, in fact, Ye Bai does not need to hesitate at all, in the case of only one destroyer can be upgraded, the fleet flagship Yanhuang is undoubtedly the best choice.

[The player confirms that the upgrade fleet flagship Yanhuang, the ship upgrade procedure has been successfully started, the Yanhuang destroyer is being upgraded to a light cruiser, and the upgrade progress is 1%… 5%… 10%……】

[The ship has been successfully upgraded, the flagship of the Huaxia Fleet Yanhuang has been successfully upgraded to a light cruiser, and the relevant attributes can be viewed by themselves in the system panel, I wish players a happy game. ] 】

Seeing the prompt information on the system panel, Ye Bai took a deep breath, it was really not easy, after two days of hard work, he finally succeeded in upgrading the Yanhuang to a light cruiser, which made his survivability in the great navigation world improve a lot.

Without waiting for the follow-up system reward, Ye Bai couldn’t wait to open the fleet plate and began to check the relevant attributes of the upgraded Yanhuang:

[Yanhuang – light cruiser]

【Displacement: 7000 tons】

[Speed: 22 knots (can be increased to 32 knots after replacing the power equipment)]

[Equipment: 3 twin 127mm flat dual-purpose naval guns, 4 twin 20mm guns, 3 single-barreled 20mm guns, 1 Browning 12.7mm heavy machine gun, 2 five-mounted 533mm thundertubes]

[Armor: 12000/12000] (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

This new list of battleship attributes, the rest of the content Ye Bai did not pay too much attention to, anyway, after the subsystem is perfected, the attributes will change greatly, what he really pays attention to is actually the maximum speed of 32 knots and almost doubled the armor value to 12,000 points.

In addition to two points, Ye Bai also specially looked at some of the data of the Yanhuang today, the length of the ship is 154, the beam of the ship is 15.55 meters, in terms of power system, the recommendation given by the system is 4 Admiralty type three-drum thin tube water tube boiler, and 4 Parsons gear reduction steam turbine unit, which need to be placed in two boiler compartments and two engine rooms.

Satisfied withdrew from the fleet plate, now is not a good time to upgrade the subsystem of the Yanhuang, he has other system rewards that he has not claimed, wait until he has seen the system’s achievement rewards.

Returning to the initial interface of the system panel, Ye Bai did not expect it, and the system had indeed sent the latest prompt message:

[Detected that the player successfully upgraded the Yanhuang to a light cruiser, completed the system achievement, and obtained the achievement silver box, congratulations to the player. ] 】

[Since the player is the first player in the Great Voyage World to upgrade a destroyer to a light cruiser, get a special achievement reward, and the achievement silver box is upgraded to the achievement gold box, congratulations to the player.] 】

In addition to the new system prompts, an achievement chest with a golden glow has appeared quite abruptly on the desk, and the dazzling gold already means that the rewards inside must be extraordinary.

Seeing this golden achievement treasure chest, Ye Bai rubbed his hands according to the custom, fortunately, he had already bathed and changed clothes before upgrading the Yanhuang, and luck has not been completely consumed so far, just while the iron is hot, come to an unboxing big explosion.

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