[Players successfully open the achievement gold box and get system rewards: a destroyer, a sea search radar, an air search radar, a space spar, and a money of 5 million, congratulations to the player]

Ye Bai is not the first time to open the gold box, but this time the reward is simply against the sky, aside from the space spar that cannot be measured by money, just a destroyer in the system mall is sold for as much as 20 million, and the other radars and monetary rewards add up, which is equivalent to Ye Bai getting a system reward worth more than 25 million.

What is this concept, Ye Bai felt that his head was a little dizzy, after seeing the unboxing reward this time, Ye Bai really extremely doubted that the gold box he opened before was very likely to be fake, it should be just a gold-plated treasure chest, after all, the reward gap in the box is too big.

Shaking his head, Ye Bai no longer thought about why the same are all gold boxes, and the rewards in them will have such a big gap, anyway, the system has been rewarded to himself, and it makes no sense to study why, it is better to use all these rewards to enhance strength.

The new destroyer has appeared on the sea, but because it is an empty shell, there is no “two four zero” on the entire battleship without the slightest light, not even a personal shadow, at the same time, the search radar on the Yanhuang and Pengze also detected the existence of the battleship at the first time.

If it weren’t for the golden light that appeared on the radar screen, Lü Teyansi and Jiang Chaoying would have subconsciously given the attack order, and it was not until Ye Bai gave an explanation that Lü Teyansi gave the order to lift the alarm with a smile on his face.

Although Lü Teyansi is currently only the captain of the Yanhuang, because Ye Bai is a layman, the entire Huaxia fleet is actually commanded by him, and the stronger the fleet, the happier he will naturally be.

For him today, first of all, the Yanhuang was successfully upgraded to a light cruiser, and the fleet once again had an additional destroyer, it was simply a double happiness, how could he not be happy.

After appeasing Lü Teyans, Ye Bai entered the battleship transformation page again, first of all, the three twin 127mm flat-purpose naval guns and the equipment of the two power compartments on the Yanhuang were all disassembled and installed on the newly acquired empty shell destroyer.

After the Yanhuang was upgraded to a light cruiser, the fire system and power system needed to be updated, and the previous equipment naturally could not be used, and there was just one more shell destroyer, which was wasted.

Without equipping the Yanhuang with new naval guns and power equipment, Ye Bai was still modifying the empty-shell destroyer that he had just named Yujiang.

Without the small space of the logistics cabin, which is a large energy consumer, the power equipment removed from the Yanhuang is enough to meet the needs of the Yujiang, and the three twin main guns have also been installed, and the next step is to purchase six twin 20mm guns as close defense weapons.

Then it was to install two five-mounted 533mm mine tubes, and reserve 50 533mm diameter torpedoes as usual, and then install the sea search radar that had just been obtained from the box, so that the transformation of the Yujiang was completed and had the same combat effectiveness as the Pengze.

The transformation of the Yujiang, although a large part of the equipment was disassembled from the Yanhuang, but also purchased some new equipment from the system mall, especially torpedoes, the cost is not small, but these are drizzle for Ye Bai, who now has more than 6 million funds.

After dealing with the matter of the Yujiang, Ye Bai re-entered the transformation interface of the Yanhuang, did not rush to buy equipment from the system mall, first installed the air search radar and upgraded the air search radar of the Yanhuang.

After the upgrade, the Yanhuang has reached a range of 30 kilometers in terms of air search capabilities and sea search capabilities, and at present, it can meet the demand.

The air search radar has been upgraded, the next is the real big head, the first thing to upgrade is the power system, the equipment that previously supplied the power of the battleship has been replaced to the Yujiang, and now Ye Bai directly purchased 4 Admiralty type three-drum thin-tube water tube boilers and 4 Parsons gear reduction steam turbines directly from the system mall according to the recommendation given by the system.

In order to install these 8 big guys, the previous two power cabins were no longer enough, fortunately, after the Yanhuang was upgraded to a light cruiser, there were a lot of vacant cabins below deck, Ye Bai operated in the battleship transformation interface for a while, transformed 2 boiler cabins and 2 engine rooms, and completed the upgrade of the power system.

As for the power cabin that specializes in supplying the small space of the logistics cabin, Ye Bai did not move, unless the small space of the logistics cabin is upgraded or developed more perfectly, otherwise a power cabin to provide energy is enough, and it will not be too late to upgrade when the energy is insufficient in the future.

After the transformation of the power system is completed, it will be the turn of the most important fire system, how to match the main gun and the secondary gun, Ye Bai naturally does not understand, but there is a recommended scheme given by the system, Ye Bai does not need to understand at all, as long as the cat draws the tiger.

3 twin 152mm 50 caliber main guns, the maximum range of 20,000 meters, 4 twin mounted 45 times diameter 102 mm secondary guns, the maximum range of 12,000 meters, coupled with 440mm guns and the original 4 twin 20mm cannons, 2 five-mounted 533mm thunderbolts, Yanhuang’s fire system can be described as a drastic change.

After completing all the transformations, Ye Bai exited the battleship transformation page, checked his current fund balance, and found that after buying a bunch of things, there are now more than 5 million funds left, so much money, not good consumption, Ye Bai can not bear it.

So without resting, he pulled Lütyans, who was on duty at night, and asked him to immediately sort out a staffing plan, mainly to complete the staffing of the newly added Yujiang.

Of course, it is still the old rule, naturally the Yujiang can not all use ordinary crews, but also need to match some officers, these are the big money-consuming households, so it is necessary to transfer some personnel from the Yanhuang and Pengze to serve on the Yujiang.

And the upgraded Yanhuang also needs more personnel, but it is not what the previous 200 crew members can operate, and more crew members need to be recruited to replenish, these things naturally have to be handled by Lü Teyans, Ye Bai only needs to pay for it.

The previous Yanhuang because it was a destroyer, the internal space of the battleship was limited, and the area of the bridge was not large, in addition to the radar soldiers, communication troops, and pilots having their own workbenches, only Ye Bai had his own desk, and as the captain of the ship, Lu Teyans did not even have a place to work. 0

After the upgrade, the length of the Yanhuang hull has become much longer and the width has increased, which makes the bridge space also larger, and in addition to the chart table that has not changed for ten thousand years, there is an additional square conference table and 6 chairs in the middle of the bridge, which can be regarded as allowing Lütyans to barely have a place to sit and work.

While Lütyans was lying on the conference table and writing hard, Ye Bai entered the crew recruitment interface and directly spent 1 million funds to recruit 10 lieutenant-level officers from it, including but not limited to captains, navigators, combat staff officers, chief engineers, gunners, torpedoes, boatswain, and so on.

After all, the current Huaxia fleet already has 3 warships, and the funds required to recruit crews are not much, and they can be easily re-recruited from the system, and what is really lacking is actually officers.

After all, on a battleship, no matter how powerful the crew is, if there is no command and leadership of the officers, it will become a scattered sand, unable to exert the strongest ability, only with a perfect command system, these ordinary crew members can be twisted into a rope, not to fight separately.

If it weren’t for the last time when he obtained the Peng Ze, the system very generously got out the original crew on the Peng Ze, including some officers, I am afraid that Ye Bai, who was not very rich in funds at that time, would not have been able to get so many officers, nor would he have been able to win a series of naval battles later.

However, now that there is another Yujiang, the problem of the lack of qualified officers in the fleet immediately becomes more serious, and if it is not replenished in time, it is easy to weaken the actual combat effectiveness of the fleet, otherwise Ye Bai will not spend a lot of money to recruit officers.

A large number of points of light appeared in the bridge, and constantly began to converge, faintly forming a human shape, Ye Bai roughly glanced at it, exactly 10 human figures, one not more, one not less.

With these 10 professional officers, although it is still not enough to meet the needs of 1.8 full three warships for officers, it is barely enough, and when the funds are more sufficient in the future, continue to recruit officers and improve the command system of the fleet.

And Ye Bai still feels that the ability of those ordinary crew members recruited from the system cannot be static, and they can definitely be improved in many battles, not only to improve their own level, but the most important thing is that they should be promoted to officers, right?

It should be possible, right?

Ye Bai didn’t dare to be sure, but he just had a trace of expectation in his heart.

Shaking his head, he was about to close the system panel, wait until Lütyans sorted out the staffing, and then come to recruit the crew he needed, but suddenly his eyes froze, he thought of something and fell into deep thought.

Ye Bai’s brows furrowed tightly, and he felt a burst of embarrassment in his heart, not knowing whether to do it or not, after all, such a price is not too small, but how much effect it can have, he himself is not sure.

Because it was at night, except for the crew on duty at night, most of the people had already rested, and there were not many people in the bridge, so it seemed a little quiet, and this quiet also gave Ye Bai an excellent environment to think.

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