Fortunately, after all, the players are too scattered in the big navigation world, and the level of battleships in their hands is not high enough, and many players dare not run too far, and can only operate around the island, which makes those player organizations that have been initially formed have not been able to gather the vast majority of players.

Even if these player organizations have been trying to recruit new players as much as possible, but after all, the scale is very small, and the level of a large number of players is quite limited, after nearly a month of development, many players have successfully upgraded the ship to the gunboat level, but in fact, it is still a war scum.

With the specific strength of the relatively loose organization of these players at present, it is not a threat to Ye Bai in a short time, but just as the so-called people have to worry about the near future, Ye Bai has to consider in advance the threat that the player organization may bring to him.

Another point, Ye Bai has found out in the chat section, the copy order has appeared a lot, although there are many players who do not measure up to enter the copy space and finally the mission fails and loses their lives, but there are also players who have good luck to clear the level smoothly.

For these quest spaces, Ye Bai has enough experience, even if these players do not perform well in the quest space, even the basic clearance rewards are much better than the rewards for players sinking enemy battleships.

In this way, some smart guys will notice the value of the copy order, and even choose to hoard the copy order, which is equivalent to increasing the price of the copy order in disguise, which is not necessarily a good thing for Ye Bai.

Don’t look at Ye Bai now has more than 4 million huge money in his hands, but these money he needs to supply the entire fleet and subsequent development, can’t all be invested in the purchase of copy orders, not to mention that he has just discovered in the trading plate 907, very few players sell copy orders in it, even if there are one or two players who sell, they also hang a sky-high price.

Seeing the price marked by these players, Ye Bai originally communicated with the other party and wanted to buy it at a low price, but the other party bit the price and refused to make any discounts, and Ye Bai could only helplessly choose to give up.

If this price is not too excessive, with the strength of Ye Bai’s fleet and his familiarity with the copy space, he has great confidence in successfully clearing the level, and can also get extremely rich clearance rewards, but this price is too high, so high that Ye Bai is not sure that he can earn it back, Ye Bai has money in his hands, but he doesn’t want to be a big deal.

After a morning rest, the officers and men of the fleet, who had been busy for most of the night yesterday, finally recovered, and under the command of Lütyans, pulled the anchor and set sail, and continued towards the intended place.

The following days were a bit lackluster, and even if Ye Bai chose to take the initiative and search for the existence of the pirate fleet during the voyage, there were at most three encounters in one day.

Today’s Huaxia fleet can be described as a great upgrade in combat strength, not only has a light cruiser, but also has two destroyers, even if the pirate fleet encountered so far is almost composed of destroyers, but in the face of the upgraded Huaxia fleet is not enough.

Coupled with Lu Teyans’s good naval battle command ability, every time a naval battle broke out, the Chinese fleet almost did not spend much effort to sink all the pirate warships encountered, of course, in naval battles, some small injuries were always unavoidable.

However, the rule system of the great navigation world is reflected at this moment, no matter what kind of damage the battleship of the Huaxia fleet has suffered, as long as the battleship maintenance personnel have repaired the materials, it takes some time to repair the damaged battleship.

After the baptism of naval battles, Ye Bai not only obtained a lot of dropped treasure chests, but also got a relatively rich system reward from them, the key is that all the officers and men of the fleet on the three warships have been run-in, full of tacit understanding, and the actual combat power is much stronger than when he was just recruited.

During this period, the cultivated land in the small space of the logistics cabin also gained a harvest again, 15,000 pounds of grain output, even if the fleet currently has an extra destroyer and nearly 300 crew members, it is completely enough for the daily consumption of the fleet.

Looking at the navigation map, when Ye Bai found that it was not far from a small island, he simply waved his hand and took out a large amount of grain to hang on the trading board for sale, as for this price, it is not expensive, in fact, it is only 10% more expensive than buying directly from the island trading market.

No way, who makes the system so black-hearted, the player’s transactions in the trading section are charged a 10% handling fee, although Ye Bai’s batch of food almost does not cost anything, it is equivalent to earning in vain, but it cannot let the system earn fees from his hands for nothing, this cost naturally has to be passed on to other players.

And at this price, it is only Ye Bai’s trial, he wants to see how well these basic survival materials are sold in the trading section, after all, most players have successfully found the island, and in the case of food and other materials that can be purchased from the island, there is usually no shortage of food.

However, what Ye Bai did not expect was that this batch of grain had just been listed on the trading board by him, and in less than 1 minute, it was directly snapped up by many players, and even a large number of players wanted to be friends with Ye Bai, probably in order to buy more food.

This really surprised Ye Bai, to be honest, originally for the positioning of this logistics cabin small space, Ye Bai was ready to build a grain production base, not only to make the Huaxia fleet self-sufficient, but also to sell excess food to other players and earn money.

But later he realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his idea, one was that the price of these food supplies itself was not too expensive, and it was difficult to make too much money unless the number of transactions was staggering.

Second, with the existence of those islands, every time the player sails, as long as he is not stupid, he will replenish enough food, fresh water and other materials to the battleship, unless he encounters special circumstances, there will be no shortage of materials.

In this way, the player’s demand for food and other materials is greatly reduced, and even if Ye Bai has a large amount of food reserves in his hands, he can’t find too many buyers, and it is even more difficult to make money.

Therefore, even if Ye Bai has millions of funds in his hands, he has not recruited more farmers, expanded the cultivated land area in the small space of the logistics cabin, and increased the output of grain, if he can’t sell it, it doesn’t make much sense to stay in his hands.

As a result, this temptation made Ye Bai feel deeply puzzled, what is the situation, could it be that there are really so many fools among the players who risked sailing without preparing enough supplies, or did they miscalculate and did not return to the island in time, resulting in a shortage of food?

Ye Bai doesn’t know what the situation of these players is, it has been almost a month since he entered the world of navigation, although it cannot be ruled out that there are such fools and idiots among the players, but they should not live now, even if there are really such idiot survivors, the number of people should not be too much, and they will not be so quickly snapped up of the food they hung in the trading section, but I don’t see that there are many players who keep leaving messages, wanting to sell more food.

1 minute, just less than 1 minute, Ye Bai’s tens of thousands of catties of grain hanging in the trading board were all robbed, what kind of hand speed is this mother, at least Ye Bai feels that his hand speed that has been single for 20 years does not have this ability.

If these players are not the stupid and idiots who survived, there is only one possibility, and what changes have happened in the world of navigation that they do not know have caused players to have a greater demand for food.

Entering the chat section, Ye Bai patiently checked the player messages one by one, wanting to obtain a little information and find out what kind of situation happened in the Great Navigation World before this happened.

I don’t know how many messages I checked, but just when Ye Bai was about to lose patience, he finally found useful content. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After reading these players’ messages, Ye Bai finally understood why food, a basic survival material, was so sought-after in the player group.

It turns out that some small islands are too small and have a small population, although the military strength is not weak, but the arable land area is limited, food and other survival materials are in short supply, and they have no choice but to buy them from the hands of players, and the price given is quite appropriate.

This is also why the tens of thousands of catties of grain that Ye Bai hung in the trading board will be snapped up by players so quickly, with the price given by these small islands, even if Ye Bai increases the price by 10%, these players still have to make money, although not much, but at least they will not be busy in vain.

And Ye Bai is still speculating, maybe there are other benefits in this, otherwise these unprofitable players would not be so positive.

Closing the system panel, Ye Bai felt that his development plan for the small space of the logistics cabin seemed to be about to change again, and when he found that grain was not suitable as the main commodity, he deliberately controlled the area of cultivated land.

Ready to accumulate more funds, build a military-industrial system in a small space in the logistics cabin, produce bullets, artillery shells and even torpedoes, artillery and other equipment on their own, compared with food, these things are really good things to make money, and the arms trade has been quite profitable since ancient times.

However, in order to build a preliminary military industrial system, it takes a lot of time and money, and Ye Bai does not have this ability in a short period of time, but this time the intelligence obtained by accident made Ye Bai see a business opportunity.

It’s just that this information was obtained from the mouths of other players, and it is unknown how true and false it is, so Ye Bai has to find out in person.

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