Since he wanted to check it out in person and understand the details, the route of the fleet would have to be changed, and Ye Bai immediately ordered Lütyans to readjust the route, no longer going to the previously scheduled island, but instead rushing to a small island not too far from the current position of the fleet.

From the messages of other Blue Star players in the chat section, it can be analyzed that there is a shortage of food, and it is only those small islands that are buying food and other materials from players in large quantities, and this is not the case on medium-sized islands and large islands.

Therefore, if Ye Bai wants to understand the situation, then he can only choose these small islands, and go to other large and medium-sized islands may only be a trip for nothing.

The small island selected by Ye Bai was originally near the original route of the Huaxia fleet, and the distance was not far, even if it was to take care of the speed of the Pengze and Yujiang, the Yanhuang could not maintain the maximum speed of 32 knots, but the speed of the entire fleet still reached 28 knots, and it only took less ~ than 1 day to rush to that small island.

At noon the next day, the Chinese fleet arrived on the small island smoothly, and after successfully docking three warships at the berth of the port pier according to the requirements of the patrol, Ye Bai took Lütyans and others to the island.

On the navigation map, the island was not named, Ye Bai was still a little strange at that time, but when he landed on the island and registered at the dock guard, he learned that in the great navigation world, these small islands did not have a special name at all, just a number, and the number of this small island at Ye Bai’s feet – No. 026.

Ye Bai doesn’t know why these small islands don’t have names, only a number, the key is that this number also makes people feel quite strange, the normal number shouldn’t be the 26th, how can you come up with a 026, Ye Bai can’t understand, and lack more information, unable to analyze and judge.

Temporarily putting this problem behind him, Ye Bai took people who did not stay at the dock for long, and came directly to the trading market, and he came to Island 026 this time with his own purpose.

After running several merchants, Ye Bai finally figured out what was going on, it turned out that except for some special environments, most of these small islands could not achieve self-sufficiency, and often needed to buy food from other large and medium-sized islands to meet the daily needs of everyone on the island.

This situation has continued until now, and there has never been any accident, but now this accident has appeared, that is, because of the emergence of a large number of players, a lot of food and other materials have been purchased from these large and medium-sized islands, and the demand in the future is not necessarily small.

As a result, food production on these medium and large islands is somewhat tight, so the amount of food sold to small islands is reduced, which has led to food shortages on these small islands.

Seeing that the situation was not right, these small islands immediately stopped selling food to players, and also issued a purchase order, wanting to buy food and other materials from these players in large quantities, which is why players who are obviously not short of food are so eager to buy food.

These players themselves can indeed buy food in the trading market of large and medium-sized islands, and then transport it to small islands for sale, but don’t forget that the player’s ships are all warships, not transport ships, whether it is gunboats or destroyer levels, in fact, the empty cabins are limited, and the food that can be loaded is also limited.

Running a trip can not transport much grain, not to mention, the profit earned is not too high, except for some organized and powerful players, most players will not choose to do a business, but Ye Bai directly sells food in the trading board is different.

Using the greatness of the system and the particularity of the trading sector, these players do not even have to go to sea, directly stay on the port and dock, you can get a large amount of food, change hands and sell to these small islands, almost without spending too much effort, although the profit is still very low, but it is equivalent to picking it up for nothing, such a good thing most players will not refuse.

“Commander, the situation in the Great Navigation World will change greatly, our living environment will become even worse, and we need to strengthen the strength of the fleet as soon as possible.”

Walking out of the trading market, Lü Teyansi whispered in Ye Bai’s ear.

Ye Bai was shocked in his heart, and quickly asked softly: “General Lu Teyansi, what do you mean by this, now it is just because of our appearance, so that these small islands have no way to buy more food, so there will not be a big crisis, right?” ”

Lü Teyans shook his head and explained softly: “Commander, food seems inconspicuous, but it is an extremely important strategic material, those large and medium-sized islands do not talk about their own food output, even if they have stored food before, the amount is not a few, we have just come to this world for less than a month, how much food can we consume?” ”

“Even if there is a real shortage of food on those large and medium-sized islands, they can last a long time with their own reserves, and there is no need to reduce the share of sales to those small islands, the only explanation is that they did it on purpose.”


Ye Bai was even more puzzled, frowning and thinking about it, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and he said in surprise: “Do you mean that those large and medium-sized forces are forcing these small Yu teams through this kind of hand, or directly joining them?” ”

Although Ye Bai is not a genius, but he is also from the era of information explosion, whether on the Internet or in novels, there are many such examples, have not eaten pork has not seen pigs run.

But in troubled times, some ambitious guys will move up and expand their power through various means, and the same is true in today’s great maritime world, those indigenous forces that occupy large islands and medium-sized islands, if they want to develop and grow, in addition to tapping internal potential, the better way is naturally to incorporate external forces.

Playing with large and medium-sized forces of the same level, it will inevitably trigger a chain reaction, and even in a short period of time, it is impossible to distinguish the winner or the loser, even if it really succeeds, its own losses will not be small, but it is more convenient to start with these small islands.

There is no need to send a fleet to attack the islands, just a food blockade can cost these small islands half their lives.

“But it shouldn’t be, their strength is too strong, we people have not developed at all, if they start at this time, we have no chance at all, we can only become their slaves, if so, what is the point of the system pulling us into this great maritime world?”

0 ask for flowers

Although he roughly understood this, Ye Bai still didn’t want to believe it, after all, this guess was too terrible, if it was really like that, all players, including him, could only become cannon fodder or slaves.

He didn’t believe that no matter what the purpose of the system was to pull so many of them into the Great Navigation World, at least Ye Bai still believed that the system did not let them come in for nothing.

Therefore, the system will make a lot of restrictions on the indigenous forces that occupy large islands, even their effective control of the sea area is only 15 kilometers, and the powerful island fleet cannot go to sea, can only moor in the port as a decoration, is not to provide players with time for development. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Since there are systematic restrictions, why do these guys suddenly choose to start with small islands, it is not logical.

Lütyans shrugged his shoulders and said softly: “Commander, these are just my guesses, maybe they are really insufficient food production or possibility, but I still think that this food incident is just the beginning, and maybe they will use more means in the future, even if they can’t occupy these small islands at this time, it doesn’t prevent them from weakening the strength of these small islands as much as possible first.” ”

Ye Bai felt dizzy in his head, although he did not want to believe Lütyans’s speculation and analysis, but he had to admit that what he said was very reasonable, no matter how these aborigines who occupied various islands were before.

But after their players enter the world of navigation on a large scale, to some extent, they have actually broken the balance between these forces, whether it is for self-preservation or ambition in their hearts, there will be various actions and plans.

There may really be a shortage of grain production, but Ye Bai will not believe this reason, and the system directly cancels the sale of grain and other goods in the system mall, forcing players to only buy food and fresh water from the trading markets of various islands.

Now the player’s strength is not strong, the number of crew under him is not large, and the food and other materials that need to be consumed are relatively small, and when the level of the player’s ship gradually increases, and even a formal fleet recognized by the system is established like Ye Bai, the consumption of food and other materials will increase to an astronomical amount.

If the system does not have corresponding countermeasures, I am afraid that the entire world of navigation will break out into a food crisis, whether it is player forces or those indigenous forces that occupy the island, as well as pirate forces, I am afraid that many people will starve to death, which is obviously not in line with the rules and settings of the system.

Thinking about it this way, I am afraid that the truth is really as Lütyans guessed, that the indigenous forces with sufficient food supplies in their hands are behind the scenes, consciously and purposefully restricting, just like the embargo imposed by the United States on Japanese benzene during World War II.

“No matter, don’t talk about the aborigines who occupy large islands, even if the aborigines on these small islands are not what we can afford to provoke now, even if your guess is a fact, we can’t do anything, we can only be a spectator, or give priority to improving the strength of the fleet.”

While walking towards the port terminal, Ye Bai whispered to Lü Teyan, saying all the thoughts in his heart.

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