Finally, the so-called new rule, opens up the personnel salary system, and all personnel recruited from the system can no longer be used for free, and they have to pay, that is, they have to pay salaries.

For this article, Ye Bai didn’t care too much, anyway, every time the fleet was moored at the island dock port before, Ye Bai would reward all the crew with a sum of money so that they could relax and rest on the island.

Now this new rule of the system only normalizes this originally private reward, but together with the farmers, construction workers, etc. who are busy in the small space of the logistics cabin, they will receive an additional salary.

This is a troublesome matter, not that Ye Bai is reluctant to give money, but that it means that all the materials produced in the small space of the logistics cabin, food, ammunition, weapons and equipment, etc. in the future need to add a labor cost.

Previously, because almost all raw materials needed to be purchased from the system mall, the cost of Ye Bai’s own production of these shells was almost the same as the price sold in the system mall, and now there is an additional labor cost, and the price is even more expensive than the system mall, which is not very cost-effective.

Ye Bai’s heart sank, in this way, it means that he wants to build a perfect logistics base by himself, so that there are obstacles in the plan to cut the leeks of Blue Star players, whether such a large investment is worth it, Ye Bai needs to think about it.

However, the rules of the system are still the same, there is good news and bad news, and the battleship structure modification function that Ye Bai has been waiting for has finally been released by the system, which means that all players, including Ye Bai, can DIY the ship according to their own ideas.

This function may not have much meaning for those players who lack money for the time being, but for Ye Bai, it is different from 153, although the Yanhuang has been successfully upgraded to an escort aircraft carrier, and the hangar modified by the space spar can accommodate a large number of carrier-based aircraft.

In some aspects, the Yanhuang has even surpassed the aircraft carrier of the Zheng’er Bajing, but it still cannot satisfy Ye Bai in terms of speed and the efficiency of carrier-based aircraft take-off and landing, and if it can be solved by transformation, the combat effectiveness of the Yanhuang will be further improved.

With such a hint of expectation, Ye Bai didn’t even care about opening the treasure chest to get the system reward for the time being, and directly entered the battleship transformation page.

Sure enough, today’s battleship transformation page has also undergone great changes, in addition to the previous ordinary transformation interface that can modify the various subsystems of the battleship, there is another brand new interface.

This new transformation interface is the battleship modification section that Ye Bai has always been obsessed with, and the system is not too difficult for players, in this new modification section, there are detailed system tips to guide players how to operate this section.

According to the introduction of the system, the biggest difference between this new battleship modification interface and the previous modification interface is that it can change the overall structure of the battleship, such as increasing the displacement of the battleship, adding armor, and increasing the armor value of the battleship.

Changing the structure of the battleship island and upgrading various subsystems on a larger scale made Ye Bai, a layman, dazzled.

However, after roughly reading the introduction given by the system, Ye Bai almost understood the function of this plate, to put it bluntly, it is actually equivalent to modernizing a certain battleship, so that the original backward warship improves its combat effectiveness.

For a very simple example (abdb), the basic version of the warship is sold in the system mall today, but through the transformation of the battleship structure, the performance of the battleship can be improved, and subsequent versions will appear.

For example, the current two destroyers, Pengze and Yujiang, after this modification, not to mention reaching the combat effectiveness of Changning, but also can exceed the previous level, which can make the player ship appear more diversified development.

After understanding the specific functions of the battleship modification interface, Ye Bai almost subconsciously prepared to modify the Yanhuang, wanting to improve the takeoff and landing efficiency of the Yanhuang’s carrier-based aircraft by adding two side takeoff and landing aircraft to the Yanhuang or adding another flight deck.

But unfortunately, this newly opened battleship modification section is not so easy to be used, according to the rules of the system, in order to modify a battleship or a battleship, you first need to master the construction drawings of the battleship, according to the system, you need to master the production process of this battleship.

Then players also need to master the corresponding technology, such as take-off and landing aircraft, take-off and landing platform construction technology, multi-layer flight deck construction technology, etc., only in this way, players can modify the ship according to the relevant technologies they have mastered.

But now Ye Bai can’t do this at all, at present, he only has a drawing of the construction of a Fletcher-class destroyer, and he has not mastered any other battleship construction technology, how to modify the battleship, there is no such technology.

(PS: In fact, the author Jun himself does not know how to modify the Yanhuang in order to further improve the combat effectiveness, after all, it is only a Borg-class escort aircraft carrier, if you have any good ideas, please leave a message in the comment area, thank you)

Unless Ye Bai drove the Yanhuang to the shipyard of the aboriginal forces, seeking the help of the aboriginal forces and letting them help them modify the battleship.

However, this method was directly passed by Ye Bai, for the simple reason that those players who were eliminated in this resource point battle activity space encountered this situation before.

Although a life was successfully saved, the battleship was extensively damaged, and many subsystems were completely scrapped, either new equipment was purchased from the system mall to replace those completely worn out subsystem equipment, or it could only enter the shipyard of the indigenous forces for repair.

However, the shipyards of indigenous forces are not so easy to use, in addition to spending a lot of money, the most important thing is to have a high enough favorability with the indigenous forces, otherwise everything is free of discussion.

Ye Baida had maintained enough vigilance against these aboriginal forces from the beginning, and he would not believe that there were so many powerful aboriginal forces in the Great Navigation World, and it would definitely have any other meaning to stay on their respective islands and eat melons and watch the play.

Now that the system rules have changed again, in fact, the tip of the iceberg has been exposed, those newly emerged a large number of resource points, I am afraid that the most important is these indigenous forces, needless to say, these guys will inevitably take the initiative to seize one resource point after another.

Perhaps limited by the system, the indigenous forces cannot directly dispatch a large-scale main fleet, but some small-scale fleets can still be dispatched, and no matter how bad they are, they can attract a large number of players to serve as cannon fodder.

Ye Bai has not forgotten that the system opened this resource point battle activity, players who want to participate must receive the corresponding tasks from the aboriginal forces, and then they are eligible to enter the activity space through the teleportation light gate, in fact, this is already the system reminding players in disguise.

This time, it is the aboriginal forces that pay for players to enter the activity space to grab virtual resource points, and later they can also pay more money for players to seize the real resource points in the big navigation world, and the chaos of the entire big navigation world can be imagined. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I didn’t see that for those virtual resource points in the activity space, many players fought to the real resource points in the big navigation world, I am afraid that the performance of players will not be worse.

And now the player has not yet developed, the strength is still too weak, can only honestly do things according to the rules of the indigenous forces, but one day, the player is strong, and his ship has been upgraded to battleships and aircraft carriers.

Just with the nature of the players, they will honestly submit to the aboriginal forces, Ye Bai, who is also a player, will not believe that the phrase Bo Yibo turning a bicycle into a motorcycle is in line with the character of all players, not to mention those powerful figures who were originally calling for wind and rain in the blue star world, and they will not be willing to be an ordinary player in the big navigation world, which they cannot tolerate.

Ye Bai can think of this, I am afraid that those aborigines who have survived in the Great Navigation World for an unknown amount of time can also think of this, what does this mean?

It means that the aborigines are also wary of players, while using and suppressing, and even deliberately arranging mortal tasks to pit powerful players, this kind of thing Ye Bai has seen a lot from the Internet and books.

Therefore, as a last resort, Ye Bai did not want to mix with these aborigines, he thought of working hard to make money, and strive to develop the strength of the fleet, as long as he had strong strength, whether it was aborigines, players, or even pirate forces, he would be fearless.

As for the victory or defeat of Blue Star players and alien players, sorry, Ye Bai didn’t care too much, anyway, he is not a Blue Star person, a stowaway from the earth, although due to the rules of the system, but Ye Bai will not go to the Blue Star World desperately, at most in the case of his ability, hit the alien player hard, want him to do more can need to add money.

Exiting the battleship modification interface and entering the system mall, Ye Bai found that this time the system was really ruthless enough, and he really stopped selling all kinds of raw materials, which made Ye Bai almost scold his mother, fortunately, he had planned ahead and stockpiled a large number of raw materials in advance.

What’s more, the military industrial system in the small space of the logistics cabin has not yet been built, just used to train hands and train workers, the demand for raw materials is not large, and it can be copied, but this is not good news, and it will be a great hindrance to the logistics system he wants to build.

“It seems that it is necessary to find a suitable raw material procurement channel as soon as possible, otherwise even if a complete military-industrial system is established, it will not even be able to produce a bullet.”

Ye Bai muttered secretly while closing the system panel, since the changed system rules have been clarified, the next step is the happy unpacking link.

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