However, in order to have a good luck and be able to get better system rewards in the treasure chest, Ye Bai resisted the urge in his heart and returned to the captain’s room to wash and sleep.

Now it was just over the battle for resource points, it belonged to the wee hours of the morning, Ye Bai had been worried in the activity space for most of the day, and now he was completely relaxed, and sleepiness instantly surged in his heart.

To open the box in such a tired state, Lady Luck will dislike, or sleep first, recover energy and physical strength, and then gain the favor of Lady Luck with a full mental state.

Speechless all night, sleepy Ye Bai slept that was called a sweet, anyway, as a handshaker, the affairs of the entire fleet are usually the responsibility of Lütyans, and now there is another Ramsey who is good at administrative work, these things do not need to worry about him, just arrange himself.

In the continuous big battle, the officers and men in the fleet were also a little tired, taking advantage of this time to rest in batches, but it was a pity that without Ye Bai’s order, the officers and soldiers could not land on the island of Sange to relax and relax, and could only stay on their respective warships.

After sleeping beautifully, Ye Bai waited until almost noon the next day to get out of bed, take a comfortable bath, then put on a new military uniform, go to the restaurant to eat a combination of breakfast and lunch, and then came to the bridge satisfied.

As soon as they entered the bridge, Lütyans and Ramsey, who had been up for a long time, greeted them and said: “Commander, today is the day to pay the officers and men of the fleet, do you see if you will stay on St. Ge Island for another 2 days, so that everyone can relax and relax.” ”

Ye Bai was stunned when he heard this, the rules of this system have just changed, and Lu Teyansi came directly to the door, it is really fast enough soldiers, but the payment is not so simple, in addition to these officers and soldiers of the fleet today, as well as those personnel in the logistics cabin, all add up to more than 8,000 people, this expense is not small.

In order to equip the Yanhuang with enough carrier-based aircraft, aerial bombs and vulnerable spare parts before, Ye Bai has spent almost the funds in his hand, only about 1 million left, which is not enough to pay salaries~.

According to the rules of the system, soldiers are paid according to rank and grade, and those logisticians are distinguished according to occupation and skill level, yesterday Ye Bai roughly paid attention, a novice level crew member is 100 yuan, skilled level crew – 120 yuan.

As for the officer’s salary, it is even higher, the salary of an ensign is 750 yuan, the major has reached 1300 yuan, and the salary of Lütyans, a rear admiral, directly reaches 3500 yuan.

In the entire Huaxia fleet, the number of military personnel alone is almost 5,000, and even if all of them are calculated according to the salary standards of the lowest novice class crew, it is enough to need 500,000 military salaries.

What’s more, in the process of recruiting crew members, Ye Bai’s luck against the sky allowed him to recruit almost no crew members below the skilled level, and even more were proficient, expert and even master level crews, these people’s military salaries can be higher than novice crew members, plus the number of officers who are not too small, the funds that need to be distributed are quite a lot.

This is only military personnel, in the small space of the logistics cabin, there are more than 3,000 non-combatants, among these people, the farmer’s salary is the lowest, only a few dozen yuan, but the other workers, engineers are different, the salary is high.

All the personnel added together, the monthly salary plus military salary is not a small amount, Ye Bai does not know whether the 1 million in his hand is enough.

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Bai’s heart subconsciously had a trace of regret, this step collapsed too big is really easy to pull the egg, when the initial recruitment, it was called a rich man, there is no salary at all, just need to manage the food and control, you can do it.

Otherwise, when Lü Teyans proposed it, Ye Bai would not have been so generous in letting the crew land on the island to relax, and also gave money to each crew member, now I regret it when I think about it, dare to feel that I paid the crew in advance, but it was not recorded in the system, and now I need to make another copy, who is reasoning with this.

But military salaries are not paid, after all, it is the rules of the system, although all personnel are recruited from the system, with a loyalty guarantee, but who knows, once he does not pay salaries and military salaries, these people will not lose loyalty, and then rebel, Ye Bai does not want to try.

“Ramsay, you are good at administrative work, you are responsible for counting the salaries of all personnel in the entire fleet, as well as the salaries of those non-combatants in the logistics cabin, and sorting out a list.”

Ramsey’s face turned pale, and he said a little speechlessly: “Commander, there are too many of these people, I can’t be busy alone.” ”

Of course, Ye Bai knows that this matter is a little embarrassing, after all, he is good at administrative work, but it does not mean that he is good at logistics and financial work, this is not people’s job, it is purely to catch ducks on the shelf.

However, he had already made plans and said directly: “I know that this matter is very hard, and you don’t need to do anything else, Lü Teyans cooperates with you, let each captain count the ranks of the personnel on the ship by themselves, you will be responsible for summarizing, and someone else will take over the other things later.” ”

Hearing Ye Bai say this, Ramsey was relieved, if it was just like this, it would be much simpler, and he also had enough ability to do this well, so he immediately said: “Yes, but the commander still needs to find someone to take over as soon as possible.” ”

Ye Bai waved his hand, signaling Lütyans and Ramsey to do something, he came to the desk, the reason why he was not panicked at all, it was naturally confident, and the source of this confidence was the two reward chests obtained in this resource point battle.

As long as he opens two treasure chests, he will get a large number of rewards, other rewards aside, with the level of gold chests and diamond treasure chests, at least he will not be disappointed in terms of money, not only can he get enough military salaries, salaries, but also have extra funds to recruit professional personnel to be responsible for this matter.

Looking at the reward chest that was placed on the desk and emitted different colors of light, Ye Bai slowly closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, and silently prayed in his heart for the blessings of various gods.

After the routine was completed, Ye Bai opened his eyes, rubbed his hands, and directly opened the two reward chests without the slightest delay.

[Players successfully open the event reward box and get system rewards: basic radar technology technical data, a space spar, money of 25 million, congratulations to the player]

Although the two reward chests were opened together, the prompt information that first appeared in the system panel was the reward in the gold box, and at a cursory glance, Ye Bai almost turned black and fainted by anger.

0 for flowers 0

What’s the thing? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Dare to feel that he just prayed for nothing, this luck is even worse than when he didn’t pray before, just a set of radar, a space spar, plus a little monetary reward, this is too insulting.

Ye Bai, who was secretly complaining about his black face, glanced at the information prompt on the system panel in front of him again with some unwillingness, and only then found that something was wrong.

The monetary reward of up to 25 million and a space spar is already a big explosion, but the real big part of the reward is actually the basic radar technology and technical data that Ye Bai misunderstood at the beginning.

Not a finished radar, but technical data, the difference in this, even Ye Bai, a layman, can detect that something is wrong, subconsciously lowered his head, picked up a thick stack of documents from the desk, on which are written “Basic Radar Technology” several big words.

[Basic radar technology: players can master the scientific and technological technology of basic radar after use, and with the help of engineers and radar experts, they can build radar production plants to manufacture basic air search radars and sea search radars, and if there are enough and excellent enough experts, they can also develop more advanced radars]

Ye Bai’s eyes lit up, and he found that he was wrong to blame the gods and Buddhas, they were still sheltering themselves, and their luck was still so against the sky.

To put it mildly, even if there is no space spar and 25 million financial rewards, just this basic radar technology and technical information in your hand is already worthy of the identity of the reward gold box.

In naval warfare, the importance of radar is self-evident, especially after the emergence of aircraft carriers, especially after the emergence of aircraft carriers, air search radars, sea search radars, fire control radars and even shipborne radars, are all multipliers of the combat effectiveness of the fleet.

But this thing is good, there is no sale in the system mall, all rely on opening various treasure chests, there is a certain chance to get the radar, and it is only a basic model of radar, which needs to be upgraded step by step to improve the various capabilities of the radar.

So far, in addition to the radar system on the Yanhuang has been upgraded many times, other warships in the fleet are still equipped with basic radars, and the effective detection range is only 10 kilometers, which is too shabby.

Ye Bai has wanted to upgrade the radar systems of these battleships more than once, but the radar in his hand is limited, and he still needs to upgrade the Yanhuang, and he can’t care about other warships for a while, and the Changning destroyer that he just obtained is not equipped with radar now.

But now, with this basic radar technology technical data in hand, and then recruit some engineers and radar experts from the system, you can build a radar production plant in the small space of the logistics cabin and produce basic radar by yourself.

The elated Ye Bai finally suppressed the excitement in his heart, put the technical manual in his hand aside for the time being, and continued to check the reward in the diamond treasure chest:

[Players successfully open diamond chests and get system rewards: Benson-class destroyer construction drawings, Borg-class escort aircraft carrier construction drawings, a space spar, money 30 million, congratulations to the player].

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