After putting away the two models, Ye Bai placed the newly obtained model of the 102mm twin gun on the foredeck, and directly opened the cabin below the turret and changed it into an ammunition compartment, which was specially used to store 102mm caliber shells.

Later, the searchlight purchased earlier was placed on the small platform in the middle of the mast, which was originally the observation deck, the job of the lookout.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Bai put the sea search radar directly into the bridge, and under the great power of the system, the accessories of the entire radar were installed in place, and the receiver and transmitter began to work.

After doing this, Ye Bai put the two disassembled 75mm deck guns directly into the trading section, and marked the price of 1500 pieces, and the price of this initial gun in the system mall was 2000 pieces, Ye Bai's price was not worried that no one would buy it.

It's been 2 days, and quite a few players have gained a lot of things from the drifting box, so this trading section can be regarded as a handy, and many players have temporarily unused or extra supplies in their hands to sell.

But this price, it's really hard to say, some guys even marked a sky-high price, selling more expensive than in the system mall, and I don't know which fools will be fooled.

Ye Bai browsed it before going to bed, but most of the goods in it were useless to him, even if there were occasionally one or two good things, the price marked was quite against the sky, Ye Bai didn't want to be the wrongdoer.

Don't look at the 75mm caliber deck gun can be regarded as the initial equipment of the great navigation world, but for most players, it is a good thing, so Ye Bai just hung out not long ago, and was bought by other players.

After deducting the 10% handling fee of the system and selling two 75mm deck guns, Ye Bai finally received only 2,700 yuan, which raised the money in his hand to 21,500 yuan.

With so much money, it was natural to plan well, but Ye Bai still checked the attributes of the newly acquired 102mm twin naval gun before spending the money, and made sure that he had a clear idea.

[Twin 102mm naval guns].

[Caliber: 102mm].

[Firepower: 210X2].

[Range: 10000m].

[Interval: 15S].

Seeing the attributes of this newly acquired twin naval gun, Ye Bai nodded with satisfaction, the firepower is strong, the firing interval is not too long, the key is the protection of the turret, and the safety of the gunner is greatly improved.

And unlike deck guns that are fixed to the deck between them, this twin 102mm naval gun can be electrically adjusted in the direction and angle of fire, which increases the flexibility of the lot.

However, in order to drive this big fellow, the power that needs to be consumed is even more, and the newly obtained sea search radar, which is also a big power consumer, and the diesel generator that Ye Bai purchased before is already a little overwhelmed.

Going down to the first floor, Ye Bai walked into the power compartment planned by the system, and there was only one engine provided by the system working for the time being, but the horsepower was insufficient, so that the speed of the Yanhuang dropped to 6 knots, which was slower than the previous patrol boat.

Don't look at the current Yanhuang whether it is firepower or armor, it is far beyond the patrol boats of other players, and almost no player will be Ye Bai's opponent in the frontal rigidity, but the hard injury on the speed is the biggest shortcoming of the Yanhuang.

If other players are smart enough, when they find that they can't fight, they turn around and run, and Ye Bai can't even catch up, so the first thing to solve is the power system of the Yanhuang, at least increase the speed first.

With 21,500 pieces in hand, even if you buy 2 4SD-19/32 diesel engines, it is no problem to directly increase the speed of the Yanhuang to the highest 12 knots.

But Ye Bai will not be so stupid, just bought a 4SD-19/32 diesel engine, plus the novice engine given by the system, barely increased the speed of the Yanhuang to 9 knots, although it was still a little slower than the 10 knots of the patrol boat, but the gap was not big.

The range and firepower advantages of twin 102mm naval guns are enough to make up for the speed gap in this section.

However, with two engines, it is necessary to have a professional engineer soldier, after all, this kind of big guy needs professionals responsible for starting and maintaining.

As soon as 500 yuan was spent, a professional marine soldier was recruited from the system, and the level directly reached the expert level, according to the system setting, this is the highest level second only to the elite level, and it is also the most professional crew member on the Yanhuang.

Giving the entire power cabin to the newly recruited engineer soldier, Ye Bai came to the power distribution room on the same floor as the power compartment, where a diesel generator that Ye Bai had purchased before was placed, and at the moment the generator was constantly roaring, but it was no longer able to bear the current electricity demand of the entire Yanhuang.

With a wave of his hand, a diesel generator worth 5,000 yuan appeared in the distribution room, juxtaposed with the previous diesel generator, and the engineer who happened to be in the distribution room did not say a word, lifted an oil drum from the side, added diesel fuel to the new diesel generator, and then quickly started the generator.

The two diesel generators started together, and the huge roar almost deafened Ye Bai's ears.

Under such a powerful noise, Ye Bai had no intention of staying longer, turned around and left the power distribution room, and went to the cabin that integrated the kitchen and dining room, where Ye Bai once again spent 500 yuan to recruit a proficient chef.

Now that the Yanhuang has been upgraded and has spare money in hand, it is natural to make life better for himself and the crew, and improving food is the first step.

After doing this, Ye Bai returned to the bridge, and saw that there was an extra huge screen next to the original bridge, as well as some buttons and instruments, Ye Bai knew that this should be the sea search radar, but without the operation of the radar soldiers, it has not yet played a role.

In addition to the radar troops, the gunner also needs to be recruited, after all, the twin 102mm naval gun on the front deck can not be handled by 2 gunners, at least 5 gunners.

3 gunners, 1 radar soldier, this requires 2,000 yuan of recruitment funds, and Ye Bai only has 5,500 pieces left in his hand at the moment, which is enough, and fortunately, the twin 102mm naval gun was obtained from the achievement iron box, and 100 rounds of 102mm shells were also attached, otherwise Ye Bai also needed to spend money to buy a bunch of shells.

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