After dealing with these things, it was the turn of the last two big rewards, that is, a random special building and those two random resource points.

This is the first time that Ye Bai has received a reward of resource points from the outside world, which is manifested as two large white balls of light, without systematic information introduction, and it is impossible to see clearly through the white halo of internal things, let alone know which kind of resource point it belongs to.

Took two white balls of light from the guards behind him, threw them into the air casually, and the two white balls of light instantly turned into two streams of color and flew into the sky, and then fell into the ground of the small space.

Quickly ask the guards to find the prospecting engineer, let them follow the flight trajectory of the white streamer, find the landing point, confirm what these two random resource points are as soon as possible, build a mining site, and complete the exploitation of resources.

The first time he encountered such a reward, Ye Bai did not understand the slightest thing, and he was exceptionally skilled in operation, but if he wanted to ask him how he knew that it should be operated like this, I am afraid that he himself could not say it, it could only be said that it was a hint in the system, anyway, everything that did not conform to common sense was a pot of the system.

After dealing with two random resource points, Ye Bai once again received the last reward of “510” from the guards, and the random special building was systematized into a small toy building.

[Scientific research center (special building): one of the special buildings of the base, after use, a scientific research center can be formed in the base, which contains a variety of equipment, allowing scientists to enter it, can develop a variety of civilian and military science and technology, if there are construction drawings, technical data will shorten the research and development time]

Unlike random resource points, which do not have the slightest bit of information, the random special buildings rewarded by the system have been displayed by the system and are the most critical scientific and technological research and development center.

This is the world of navigation, a world of war, the importance of science and technology can be ranked at the top, although I have obtained a lot of construction drawings, scientific and technological information, and even recruited various types of engineers and experts from the system.

It stands to reason that with these professionals, as well as ready-made technical support, it is possible to develop and upgrade related technologies, but the system has strict restrictions in this aspect, and those experts can only rely on the gourd to draw scoops, according to the construction drawings to produce various equipment, without the ability to upgrade research and development, which makes people quite unhappy.

Until now, when he saw the special building of this scientific research center, Ye Bai understood that the system has never cut off the path of technological development of players, and it could not be done before, but because the conditions were not mature and the requirements were not met, this scientific research center just lifted the restrictions of the system in terms of science and technology.

Deliberately finding a suitable position in a small space, Ye Bai threw out the model of the scientific research center in his hand, just like the two battleship models, rising in the wind, and becoming larger and larger in mid-air, and finally became a building complex with an extremely large area, located in the selected place.

Ye Bai fixed his mind, daring that he had just guessed wrong, he thought it was just an ordinary building, but it turned out to be a whole building complex, with at least 30 buildings of different heights, it seems that these buildings have different functions.

With the guards, I pushed open the door of the scientific research center, randomly selected a few buildings to check, and found that the inside was empty, except for an empty room of different sizes, there was nothing, it was simply lonely.

Several buildings in a row were like this, Ye Bai pouted helplessly, and the one behind did not have the heart to look any further, simply turned around and returned to the position near the gate and opened the system panel.

Originally, Ye Bai thought that since the scientific research center awarded by the system was called a special building, it should be fully equipped, and he only needed to supplement the relevant personnel, but he thought too much, and if he wanted to operate this scientific research center, he not only needed to supplement his own personnel, but even the experimental equipment needed to be filled, which was not a small expense.

But fortunately, after this battle to destroy the pirate base, the rewards he received plus the reserves he had retained before, he is now a man with 70 million funds, and he is almost close to a small target.

With so much money in hand, Ye Bai is naturally full of confidence, the system panel opened, checked the recruitment interface of non-combatants, sure enough, the recruitment qualifications of scientists have been unlocked, involving various disciplines, that is, this price is somewhat expensive, it takes 10,000 yuan to be able to recruit one, which is similar to the price of recruiting a lieutenant-level officer.

The corner of his eyes twitched, even if it is expensive, Ye Bai has to recruit, otherwise this scientific research center will not be able to operate, big hand, Ye Bai directly spent 1 million funds, recruited 100 scientists from the system, almost covering all kinds of disciplines, anyway, Ye Bai does not understand these things, can only come and cast a net all over the place.

A group of dark crowds suddenly appeared in the open space inside the gate of the scientific research center, all of them are scientists, naturally they will not be lined up in a neat queue like professional soldiers, and they can still be silent.

These people gathered together, and they actually communicated in groups of three or five, even if it was just whispering, but when there were many people, they seemed to be a little chattering, which made Ye Bai feel a headache.

But fortunately, several older scientists squeezed out from the crowd and came to Ye Bai, just glanced at it, and by the way, he checked the attributes, and he understood that although the recruitment price of these scientists is uniform, there is still a gap in ability, and these are the strongest among these 100 people.

For these scientific and technological talents, Ye Bai naturally can’t treat those other people like that, they are all a group of cultural people, and briefly introduced the situation of this scientific research center with several old people, as well as the construction technology and technical materials that have been mastered so far.

Of course, as a leader, Ye Bai also generously assured that what equipment and information they need, Ye Bai will try to meet them, and did not assign any specific research tasks, because he himself did not know what to let these people study first, rather than to command indiscriminately, it was better to let them play freely.

It’s not over here, Ye Bai just checked the empty buildings of the scientific research center, he has already found that this scientific research center not only has a large number of experimental buildings, but also has dormitories, kitchens, restaurants and other auxiliary facilities, it seems that it should serve the internal employees of the scientific research center…

Taking advantage of the fact that a group of scientists under the leadership of several old men formed scientific research groups according to their respective disciplines and majors, Ye Bai was not idle, and once again woke up in the system to recruit wantonly.

Cooks, logisticians, etc., the most important thing is to recruit another group of engineers and marines, engineers are used to give those scientists a hand, even if Ye Bai is not professional, he knows that when in scientific and technological research and development and experiments, in addition to having a leader in leading experiments, a group of experimental assistants are also needed, at least with considerable professional knowledge and hands-on ability.

Marine soldiers are used to be responsible for the protection of the entire scientific research center, even if this is not the outside world, just a small space in the logistics cabin, but as the first special building in the entire small space, it is also a vital scientific research institution, and the security aspect cannot be sloppy, at least not let those large carnivores hurt these scientists who are almost helpless.

Scientists are worthy of being scientists, even if the specific research direction has not been determined, but with the formation of scientific research groups, a list full of experimental equipment was handed over to Ye Bai.

According to these scientists, as long as these equipment are equipped, they can carry out various research and development and experiments on their own, complete scientific and technological reserves, if they encounter specific projects that need to be tackled, and then purchase additional experimental equipment according to specific needs.

Taking the list of equipment, according to the price of the system mall, Ye Bai suddenly gritted his teeth, these things are too expensive, all add up to 20 million funds, can buy a destroyer. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Gritting his teeth, Ye Bai now found that he had made a big mistake, in fact, he didn’t need so many scientists so far, and he didn’t need to involve so many disciplines, and the indiscriminate operation actually caused the required investment to rise significantly.

But what is the way, people have already been recruited by him, the pit he dug, even if it is with tears, you have to bite the bullet 3.6 to jump down is not, there is no way, you have to buy these equipment from the system mall.

As soon as the equipment arrived, the scientists who were communicating with each other instantly felt like chicken blood, beckoning the engineers and logisticians who helped them to carry the equipment one by one into the empty building.

With so many vacant buildings, they can calmly divide the site, organize scientific research departments and laboratories, and store these experimental equipment in categories.

The originally empty scientific research center became crowded, everyone fell into busyness, and Ye Bai was not able to get leisure, he still had his own things to do, such a large scientific research center, especially Ye Bai came chaotically, purchased so much equipment, and set up a large number of scientific research departments.

This has caused the entire scientific research center to increase the consumption of electricity, and the thermal power plant built in a small space before is almost used to bear the electricity consumption of military factories and towns, and then to bear the power consumption of the scientific research center, it has far exceeded the load.

It is necessary to recruit personnel to build a thermal power plant again, anyway, there are ready-made coal mine resources, and the cost of generating electricity from thermal power plants is not too high.

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