Every time the special reward harvested is related to the small space of the logistics cabin, Ye Bai needs to stay in the small space for a long time, fortunately, there are two people outside, Lütyans and Ramsey, with these two, the formation navigation of the fleet and the combat command do not need to worry.

Besides, if there was something that neither of them could decide, he would also send someone to inform him, so Ye Bai was very at ease in the small space.

This time the construction of thermal power plants, also white is also ruthless, not just one new one, but a full three, after all, the production line of the military factory is increasing, the science and technology center is about to start, even the shipyard side will begin large-scale construction, at least a few Fletcher-class destroyers and VIIIC submarines must be built.

The two resource points rewarded by the system can be turned into streamers and fall into the ground of a small space, so the approximate location of the resource points can be almost determined, which is much more convenient and faster than the aimless detection of the full space.

Several separate prospecting engineers quickly sent back a message saying that the location of two resource points had been preliminarily determined, and even the type of resource had been almost confirmed, one was saltpeter and the other was copper.

Ye Bai, who received the news, was overjoyed, with these two resource points, the raw materials for the self-production of gunpowder are almost complete, even the copper mine second only to iron ore resources has arrived, and the cost of producing various ammunition and warships in military factories and shipbuilding factories will be further compressed.

Recruit 13 again to recruit a group of construction workers, let them be responsible for the construction of gunpowder factories, ready to produce gunpowder themselves, as for the production of gunpowder related technology, the scientific research center can just come in handy, really not, you can also buy the manufacturing technology of black powder from the system mall, and then let the scientists upgrade.

The copper smelter has been built before, and now with a stable source of copper, it can finally start working at full capacity, producing a steady stream of copper, presumably the cost of shells produced by the shell production plant will be reduced.

Standing on the shore, seeing the sea area that is not very large, Ye Bai moved in his heart, since he wants to start producing his own battleship, and once the battleship is damaged, it also needs to be sent to the shipyard for maintenance, especially after the production of submarines, the area of this sea area is a little small, and it should be upgraded again.

Hurriedly left the small space of the logistics cabin, returned to the bridge, took out one of the space spars stored in the desk drawer, and then returned to the small space of the logistics cabin again.

[It is detected that the player uses the space spar to upgrade the small space of the logistics cabin, and the ecological circulation system has been configured in the space, does the player spend 4 million funds to upgrade the ecological circulation system synchronously? ] 】


Ye Bai’s face changed, with the continuous upgrading of the small space of the logistics cabin, the area of the small space is also expanding, and the funds required for the upgrade of the affiliated ecological circulation system are also increasing, from 1 million at the beginning to 2 million later, and then to 4 million now, and I don’t know if the next upgrade will reach the level of 8 million.

However, the small space of the logistics cabin is quite special, when upgrading it, the attached ecological circulation system is necessary to upgrade together, even if too much money is paid, it needs to be upgraded, otherwise the ecosystem of this small space is likely to collapse completely, and all their previous investment will be lost.

[Congratulations to the player, the small space of the logistics cabin has been successfully upgraded, the auxiliary ecological circulation system has been successfully upgraded, and the changes after the space upgrade please check by yourself]

[After system detection, the small space opened up by the player has been successfully upgraded, the ability of the ecological circulation system has been further strengthened, according to the player’s current small space area and ecological conditions, the small space produces habitable attributes, the corresponding fish resources will also appear in the freshwater lake and the sea, and 4 mineral resources will be randomly born in the space, please find it yourself, congratulations to the player]

[System friendly reminder: In view of the small space area of the logistics cabin is large enough, after the upgrade of the ecological circulation system, the number of various large beasts will further increase, please take precautions in advance]

After a series of system prompts, the area of the small space of the logistics cabin has undergone earth-shaking changes again, first of all, the area continues to expand in all directions, and new large areas of land, grasslands, mountains and even forests and rivers have appeared, and the overall area has even exceeded ordinary small islands.

The area of the sea area that Ye Bai focused on also instantly expanded like a balloon, just looking at this area, there is no problem to accommodate 100 or so warships, which can be regarded as solving a worry in Ye Bai’s heart, at least for the time being, there is enough place to moor submarines and warships.

There is nothing unusual about the increase of various large beasts and carnivores, it is a normal thing, there is a battalion of marines responsible for guarding, safety is safe, but if it is upgraded again in the future, I am afraid that more troops will be needed.

The emergence of fishery resources also made Ye Bai happy, although there were freshwater lakes and sea areas in the small space before, but there were no aquatic animals and plants, so Ye Bai wanted to catch a few fish is impossible, now well, whether it is freshwater fish or a variety of seafood, there are them, no longer need to buy from indigenous forces.

The key is to buy fish and seafood from indigenous forces, there is no way to store it for a long time, this kind of food is still good to eat and kill, at least fresh.

The livable attribute Ye Bai has also felt it, the smell in the air feels much fresher, accompanied by a breeze, it is pleasant, and the environmental pollution that originally appeared because of the construction of a large number of factories seems to have been effectively solved at this moment.

4 random mineral resources have also increased some of the small space of the logistics cabin, although the most critical and important resources Ye Bai has been obtained, but there is still a lack of many resource points, 4 more resource points is undoubtedly good news.

Several prospecting engineers happened to be still on the copper and saltpeter mines and did not return, directly using the radio station to notify them, the next few days they can be busy, in the area has expanded a lot of small space everywhere, to find out these 4 resource points.

Fortunately, this kind of thing is not too urgent, they have time to look slowly, if only oil resources appeared in the 4 resource points rewarded by the system this time.

Whether it is a warship or a carrier-based aircraft, it needs to consume fuel to provide power, and these various fuels are extracted from oil.

The reward for destroying a miniature pirate base and the system reward obtained by upgrading the small space of the logistics cabin have given Ye Bai 6 more resource points in his hands again, and he is one step closer to realizing the ambition of self-sufficiency in raw materials, as long as he persists, one day, it can be achieved.

A small space in the logistics cabin came, Ye Bai gave tasks to various departments, and then there was enough for them to be busy, Ye Bai did not bother, while walking out, he opened the system panel and entered the battleship transformation page, and equipped the obtained air search radar and sea search radar one by one on the previous Changning and the newly acquired Jiutai and Zhen’an.

In this way, except for the Zhiyuan battleship, which is still being modified, all the warships in the entire Huaxia fleet have been installed with radar systems, even if except for the Yanhuang, the other warships are only first-level radar systems, and the effective detection range is only 10 kilometers.

But at least it is already a good result, and when more basic radars are made at the radar factory, the existing radar system of the fleet can be upgraded.

In the busy time, Ye Bai had unknowingly returned to the bridge, and the entire fleet was constantly sailing under the command of Lütyans, just as a group of carrier-based aircraft that had been released for long-distance reconnaissance landed on the flight deck of the Yanhuang.

This is also Ye Bai’s request, in the current case of limited effective detection range of this radar system, long-distance reconnaissance requires carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft to do, anyway, there is enough fuel in hand, if oil resources appear in the 233 source points rewarded by the system this time, there is no need to worry about fuel.

Simply send carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft to take turns into the air, always maintain reconnaissance of the surrounding seas, once something happens, there is enough time to react, these reconnaissance aircraft pilots need to focus on pirate bases and resource points.

In addition to obtaining new resource points by upgrading the small space of the logistics cabin, Ye Bai has found another source of resource points, that is, by destroying the pirate base, there is a possibility that resource point rewards may appear in the rewards of the system, although it is not 100% certain, but it is also an opportunity.

Those resource points refreshed by the system, Ye Bai will not give up, he wants to try, after these resource points are occupied, whether they cannot move, can only exist in the great navigation world, if they can move, Ye Bai can really get rich.

But if it can’t move, it can only appear in the great navigation world, these resource points are not so useful to Ye Bai, not to mention how many troops need to be contained to guard a resource point, Ye Bai can’t always stay in this sea area.

The whole world of navigation is so vast, he still wants to walk around, take a look, but he will not let himself always be in a sea area, so too tired, too easy to be caught and footed, the gain is not worth the loss.

When he was about to close the system panel, Ye Bai suddenly thought of something, now he has obtained the construction drawings of the type VIIIC submarine, which means that the submarine will appear in the world of navigation, so that as the main combat force of air defense and anti-submarine, destroyers and light cruisers should also be equipped with sonar systems and depth charges.

This made Ye Bai hesitate a little, whether the fleet’s warships should be modified at this time, the sonar system is okay, but if you want to equip depth charges, with the size of a Benson-class destroyer, you need to dismantle a main battery turret.

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